Sid Davis - Research Specialist

An Introduction to Sid Davis
Research Specialist


I was taught early to read books and play music, which can be good or bad, depending. Not taken too seriously, they can enrich one's life. I took them very seriously, which led to me wanting to live what I read and play what I heard. Those pursuits resulted in a lot of travel and many adventures, from volcano climbing in Guatemala, to aurora spotting in Iceland, to road tripping in Morocco, to island hopping in Greece. Along the way, like Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything, I realized I didn't want to sell anything bought or processed, buy anything sold or processed, process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.

You'd think it would be hard to find jobs meeting such specific conditions, but it really wasn't. I cleaned windows, dug ditches (literally), worked in a law firm, wrote and edited for several publications, played a lot of music, worked in movies, then found a place at GrantStation, where we help organizations seeking funding achieve that goal. I work in GrantStation's U.S. database, researching and updating the records that our Members pore over for funding possibilities. I also write articles for the Insights Blog and Tracks to Success that I hope bring focus to issues important to grantseekers. I don't sell anything bought or processed, and that's important to me. If you ever want to discuss one of my articles, I'm always available via email.