GrantStation Insider: April 21, 2022

Volume XXI | Issue 16

Special Opportunities | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


Special Funding Opportunities
Opportunities related to specific current issues

Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for Community Programs Targeting Health and Well-Being
AstraZeneca: ACT on Health Equity Community Solutions Challenge

The ACT on Health Equity Community Solutions Challenge, an initiative of AstraZeneca, supports community-based, nonprofit organizations that are advancing health equity among underserved U.S. communities through innovative health, well-being, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs at the local and regional level. Although applications are encouraged from throughout the U.S., special consideration will be provided to programs that reach AstraZeneca footprint geographies in California, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Applying organizations should focus on community-based programs to improve conditions that affect health and well-being in one of the following areas: 1) housing, environmental and neighborhood safety, nutrition, and access to care; or 2) access to education and career readiness in the STEM field. Funded programs must directly benefit underserved populations and prioritize their social, cultural, and linguistic needs. The application deadline is May 13, 2022. Visit the AstraZeneca website to submit an online application for the ACT on Health Equity Community Solutions Challenge.

Efforts to Address Grief Issues Funded
Companioning Grievers Foundation

The Companioning Grievers Foundation supports nonprofit organizations doing the sacred work of supporting grievers, individuals impacted by a loss, and individuals wanting to serve as caregivers. Grants of up to $1,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations in the continental U.S. serving individuals, couples, and/or families impacted by loss. Eligible organizations must have net assets less than $2 million. The Foundation also offers scholarships to individuals seeking counseling services for support around grief and loss, as well as grants to laypersons and mental health professionals pursuing educational trainings to further their knowledge and skillset to serve those struggling with grief and loss. Applications for all programs may be submitted throughout the year. Visit the Foundation's website for more information.

Grants Promote Civic Engagement Initiatives
craig newmark philanthropies

Craig newmark philanthropies was created by craigslist founder Craig Newmark to support and connect people and drive broad civic engagement. The philanthropies works to advance grassroots organizations that are "getting stuff done" in areas that include the following: trustworthy journalism and the information ecosystem, voter protection, women in technology, and veterans and military families. Online applications may be submitted at any time. For more information, please visit

Out of School Youth Music Programs Supported
Lewis Prize for Music: Accelerator Awards

The mission of the Lewis Prize for Music is to partner with leaders who create positive change by investing in young people through music. The Lewis Prize for Music's Accelerator Awards are open to nonprofit Creative Youth Development music organizations seeking to influence youth-serving systems so all young people have access to learning, creating, and performing experiences that reflect their culture and identity. The focus is on organizations serving youth in the age range of six to 21 years old through after-school or out-of-school settings. Centering racial equity and inclusion as well as youth leadership that represents and centers the communities served by the organization are of high value. Three multi-year awards of $500,000 each will be provided. By applying for the Accelerator Awards, organizations are also eligible for funding ranging from $15,000 to $50,000. The application deadline is June 3, 2022. Visit the Lewis Prize website to learn more about the application procedure.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Funds for Health and Human Services Delivery in New York State
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation: Statewide Grants Program

The Mother Cabrini Health Foundation supports nonprofit organizations serving low-income individuals, families, and communities in New York State. The Foundation's Statewide Grants Program offers support for initiatives that integrate health and human services to address the social determinants of health with the goal of improving health outcomes. In 2022, the Foundation will prioritize healthcare and human services provided to the following populations: low-income individuals and families; immigrants and migrant workers; veterans; young children (0-3), pregnant women, and new moms; youth and young adults; older adults; persons with special needs; and formerly incarcerated individuals. Grants of $75,000 or greater will be provided. Online letters of inquiry may be submitted through May 13, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website for details about the Statewide Grants Program.

Grants Foster Youth, Sports, and Education Programs in Arizona
Fiesta Bowl Charities

The mission of Fiesta Bowl Charities is to enhance the lives of Arizonans through youth, sports, and education. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations in Arizona through three funding levels: Field Goal Grants of $25,000 each, Touchdown Grants of $50,000 each, and Spirit of the Fiesta Bowl Grants of $100,000 each. All funded programs must provide services within the Fiesta Bowl's core pillars of youth, sports, and education. Additionally, one hundred percent of the applying organization's project must serve residents within the Arizona geographic boundaries. The application deadline is May 19, 2022. Grant guidelines, FAQs, and online application information are available on the Fiesta Bowl Charities website.

Support for Bird Habitat Protection in Selected Regions
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation Program

The ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation Program, a partnership between ConocoPhillips, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, provides grants to improve habitat quality and quantity for both migratory and non-migratory bird populations. This program will award grants to protect, restore, or enhance grassland, wetland, sagebrush, and coastal habitats for birds and accelerate innovations for understanding bird conservation needs across their ranges. Projects must occur within landscapes found from the northern slope of Alaska through to the north-south axis of the central United States, including the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast. Priority states include Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Approximately $1,100,000 will be available in 2022, with grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000. Nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, and Indian tribes are eligible to apply. The pre-proposal deadline is May 25, 2022; full proposals will be due on July 20, 2022. Visit the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation website to review the 2022 Request for Proposals.

Affordable Housing and Job Creation Programs in Ohio Funded
Finance Fund

Finance Fund is a statewide nonprofit community development organization that enables the revitalization of economically distressed communities across Ohio. Grants are provided to nonprofit community-based organizations that are dedicated to meeting the needs of low- and moderate-income communities throughout the state. The following grant opportunities are offered: Predevelopment Grants of up to $30,000 support nonprofit organizations with projects that expand affordable housing options. Funds may be used for feasibility studies, market studies, business plans, architectural drawings, appraisals, engineering, environmental studies, etc. Economic Development Grants of up to $100,000 support nonprofit organizations with self-sustaining projects that create permanent, private sector jobs to strengthen an area's economic base. Funds may be used for hard construction costs and fixed assets. Applications for both types of grants will be accepted from May 1 through May 31, 2022. Information about the eligibility requirements and application guidelines is available on the Finance Fund's website.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Program Helps Girls in the Justice System
Department of Justice

The Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System program seeks to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors for girls who come in contact with the juvenile justice system and place them on a path toward success, stability, and long-term contribution to society. The program helps communities to develop, enhance, or expand early intervention programs or treatment services for girls involved in the juvenile justice system. The program will also provide support for a training and technical assistance provider to assist program providers. Applications are due to by May 23, 2022. The JustGrants deadline is June 6, 2022.

Funds Support Pacific Islands Conservation
Department of Agriculture

The Pacific Islands Area Fiscal Year 2022 Conservation Solutions Through Strategic Partnerships funding opportunity supports key conservation priorities in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Objectives include increasing conservation delivery capacity of soil and water conservation districts and emerging partners by increasing the number of partner staff implementing or supporting conservation delivery; increasing adoption and implementation of soil health plans on cropland; evaluating carbon and nitrogen cycles in local cropping systems; supporting innovative projects and programs that amplify outcomes for economics of soil health, soil carbon amendments, and watershed function; and accelerating results through strategic partnerships. The application deadline is May 27, 2022.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Informal Giving + Community Care Around the World
Are you looking to better understand acts of nonmonetary generosity? If so, you should read GivingTuesday's new report, Informal Giving + Community Care Around the World. This report aims to develop a deeper understanding of the various creative, meaningful ways people support their communities—through neighborhood events, mutual aid networks, and other acts of community care that help form a grassroots safety net, even as other systems are disrupted or overwhelmed.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

FREE: Secure Funding During Organizational Transitions
In this free 60-minute webinar, Stephanie Sample will address how to prepare your grants program for organizational transitions. Together we will explore tools and strategies for maintaining funding during a proposal writer or executive director transition. Topics covered include how to maintain grant funding during a proposal writer transition, how to maintain grant funding during an executive director transition, how to navigate communication with foundations during an executive director transition, how to build relationships with new funders during a leadership transition, and how to secure documents and systems to ensure deadlines are met during transition. Takeaways include resources for preparing your grants program for a planned leadership transition, a road map for prioritizing grant actions in the wake of an unexpected transition, examples of successful communications with funders during transitions, and three anonymous funder perspectives on grantmaking during leadership transition. This webinar is designed for nonprofit professionals, staff managers, executive directors, and board members. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2022.

Capital Campaigns: Building Momentum With Grants
Capital campaigns are strategic, multidimensional efforts to raise funds, typically for multimillion-dollar projects like new buildings. Understanding the vital role grants play in building capital campaign momentum and meeting campaign goals is an important piece of funding strategy. In this webinar, Kevin Wallace, president of, and Carlyn Schulzke, consultant, will show you how to identify and apply for grants best matched to your campaign, use grants to build momentum and credibility, and leverage grants to increase campaign participation. Using numerous examples from 20 years of capital campaign consulting, this webinar is ideal for any sized organization currently conducting a capital campaign or standing on the cusp of one. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

FREE LIVE Workshop: Effective Grants Management (NEW)
Does your nonprofit receive grants from foundations and/or corporations? Do you receive government grants? Do you get confused about whether a grant is restricted or not? Do you struggle with completing grant reports? Are you looking for guidance regarding managing your grants effectively so that you remain in compliance with your funders? We are very excited to be partnering with Gregg Bossen, a CPA specializing in nonprofits and President of QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits, to deliver this free webinar session, which will focus on the five top tips for effectively managing your grants. The session will be fun, fast-paced, and participants will have an opportunity to ask questions throughout. You will learn how to effectively determine whether or not a grant is restricted, five top tips for ensuring reliable grants management, and where to go for more info on tracking restricted grants. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2022.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Funding Alerts

Don't forget to check out the additional Funding Alerts on our homepage—you don't want to miss them!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
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Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Community Programs Targeting Health and Well-Being 

Efforts to Address Grief Issues Funded

Grants Promote Civic Engagement Initiatives

Out of School Youth Music Programs Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Health and Human Services Delivery in New York State

Grants Foster Youth, Sports, and Education Programs in Arizona

Support for Bird Habitat Protection in Selected Regions

Affordable Housing and Job Creation Programs in Ohio Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Helps Girls in the Justice System

Funds Support Pacific Islands Conservation