GrantStation Insider: April 28, 2022

Volume XXI | Issue 17

Special Opportunities | National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


Special Funding Opportunities
Opportunities related to specific current issues

Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for U.S. K-12 Education Projects Building Global Perspectives
Longview Foundation

The Longview Foundation supports K-12 education projects exclusively in the U.S. that build global perspectives in teachers and students. The Foundation provides one-year grants focused on increasing global dimensions within K-12 education in the U.S. in the following strategy areas: Internationalizing Teacher Preparation grants support efforts to expand preservice teachers' global knowledge and skills. Preference will be given to teacher preparation institutions that are connected to state or urban systemic efforts in order to have a greater impact, and to those using online courses for pre-service education or professional development. Innovations in International Education grants support strategic, field-building activities that help address gaps in global knowledge or capacity, with a particular interest in bringing international knowledge and skills to out-of-school time programming and to career and technical education, including international children's literature in literacy building initiatives, and internationalizing U.S. history resources. Funded proposals should contribute to the field of global education and/or impact significant numbers of students. Most grants will be between $15,000 and $25,000. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is June 17, 2022; invited proposals will be due August 26, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to submit the online application.

Initiatives to Advance American Indian Programs Funded
Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation

The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States that support the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture. The Foundation's specific areas of interest include the development of American Indian entrepreneurism; facilitating American Indian education, particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education; and the preservation and enhancement of American Indian culture. Requests are reviewed quarterly. The remaining deadlines for 2022 are May 31, August 31, and November 30. Grant application instructions and forms are available on the Foundation's website.

Program Promotes Community Recycling Efforts
Can'd Aid Crush it Crusade

The Can'd Aid Crush it Crusade offers support to help get community recycling programs off the ground throughout the United States. Crush it Crusade grants provide recycling bins, training on how to launch and manage a recycling program, and seed funding, typically ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. Support is provided to organizations at all stages of development, launch, and improvement. Seed funding can be used for staff and volunteer training as well as various supplies needed to get a recycling program started. Applications may be submitted at any time. Visit the Can'd Aid Crush it Crusade website to review the FAQs (PDF) before applying.

Grants for Organizations Addressing Fire Prevention and Control
FM Global Fire Prevention Grant Program

The FM Global Fire Prevention Grant Program supports a wide array of fire prevention, preparedness, and control efforts throughout the United States. Funded projects include pre-incident planning, fire and arson prevention and investigation, and fire prevention education and training programs. Fire departments and brigades, as well as national, state, regional, local, and community organizations are eligible to apply. Requests are reviewed four times per year; the upcoming deadline is June 30, 2022. Visit the FM Global website to submit an online grant application form.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Community Organizing in the Midwest Supported
Needmor Fund

The mission of the Needmor Fund is to work with others to bring about social justice. The Fund's Core Grants program focuses on supporting community organizing in the Midwest—specifically Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The Fund seeks to support groups that organize primarily low- and moderate-income people; have a multi-issue agenda that reflects an intersectional approach to addressing issues associated with race, economic justice, and equality; demonstrate a commitment to long-term base building; are democratically run and consist of a dues-paying membership base; have developed a power analysis and a plan for challenging the dynamics of power within their communities; engage in direct action and have demonstrated the ability to win victories of increasingly larger scale; have a vision to continually build power; and are well managed and engage in strategic planning. The application process for Core Grants will be open from May 1 through June 30, 2022. Visit the Fund's website to review the application guidelines for the Core Grants program.

Funds for Programs to Improve the Quality of Life for Californians
The California Wellness Foundation: Advancing Wellness Grants

The mission of The California Wellness Foundation is to protect and improve the health and wellness of the people of California by increasing access to healthcare, quality education, good jobs, healthy environments, and safe neighborhoods. The Foundation's Advancing Wellness Grants focus on the following priority areas: The Community Well-Being program area supports the health, safety, and resilience of communities of color, especially those that have been disproportionately affected by unhealthy environments and community violence. The Equity in Access program area seeks to champion healthcare coverage and access for all and to defend the rights of immigrants to enjoy access to health services, coverage, and other benefits. This program area also supports the rights of women to access comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare services. The Economic Security and Dignity program area aims to advance the economic well-being of Californians, especially those from low-income communities and communities of color. The Leading for Power and Change program area seeks to amplify the voices, leadership, and power of people of color, and other people who have historically been excluded from full participation in civic society. Online letters of interest may be submitted throughout the year. Details on each of the Advancing Wellness Grants program areas are available on the Foundation's website.

Grants Enhance the Health and Education of North Carolina's Children
Carolina Hurricanes Foundation: Game Changer Grants

The Carolina Hurricanes Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in North Carolina that share the Foundation's focus on children's health and education, with an emphasis on impacting underserved populations. The Foundation's Game Changer Grants are intended to help organizations make a positive impact in the community through grassroots action. Grants are awarded at one of three levels of funding: $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000. Applying organizations must have been in operation for three or more years. The upcoming application deadline is May 17, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to submit an online application.

Support for Rural Libraries in Texas
Tocker Foundation: Biannual Library Grants

The Tocker Foundation is dedicated to the support of rural, public libraries in Texas serving populations of 12,000 or less. The Foundation's Biannual Library Grants program focuses on improving, expanding, and extending public library services. Past grants have supported collection development, technology and hardware, programming, furniture and shelving, outreach, and other projects initiated by the community's patrons. The application deadlines are January 15 and June 1, annually. (Applications for Newspaper Digitization Grants and Automation Grants are reviewed throughout the year.) Visit the Foundation's website to review the grant guidelines and application instructions.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Program Supports Technical Assistance in Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture

The American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program seeks to ensure improved understanding of and equitable participation in the full range of USDA programs and services among underserved farmers, ranchers, and forest land owners and operators through supporting the organizational delivery of technical assistance projects and establishment of technical assistance networks. The Program works to assist underserved communities of agricultural producers who have not received the amount of specialized technical support that would benefit the launch, growth, resilience, and success of their agricultural enterprises. The application deadline is June 1, 2022.

Funds Available to Support Scholarships in Public Health
Department of Health and Human Services

The Public Health Scholarship Program aims to strengthen the public health workforce by providing support to organizations to develop scholarship programs that incentivize individuals to pursue training and careers in public health. Scholarship recipients will be trained to work as case investigators, contact tracers, social support specialists, public health nurses, disease intervention specialists, epidemiologists, program managers, laboratory personnel, informaticians, communication and policy experts, and any other positions as may be required to prevent, prepare for, and respond to recovery activities related to COVID-19, as well as other public health emergencies. The application deadline is June 1, 2022.



Partner Depot

Free Download: Customizable Board Member Scorecard
Looking for a way to engage with your board members and motivate them long term? This customizable scorecard is a tool to align on expectations early, set priorities, build committees, and empower each board member to contribute in a way that's meaningful for the organization.




PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

The Scope and Impact of Nonprofit Workforce Shortages (2021)
Is your nonprofit having trouble retaining staff and filling vacant positions? Are you interested in learning more about the workforce shortage challenges facing charitable organizations? If so, you may want to read the National Council of Nonprofit's report The Scope and Impact of Nonprofit Workforce Shortages (2021). The report, based on survey responses from more than 1,000 nonprofits from all 50 states, looks at the rates of nonprofit job vacancies, causes of the nonprofit workforce shortage, and the impact of staff shortages on the people and communities served, and proposes solutions to pursue in upcoming legislative sessions.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

FREE LIVE Workshop: Effective Grants Management (NEW)
Does your nonprofit receive grants from foundations and/or corporations? Do you receive government grants? Do you get confused about whether a grant is restricted or not? Do you struggle with completing grant reports? Are you looking for guidance regarding managing your grants effectively so that you remain in compliance with your funders? We are very excited to be partnering with Gregg Bossen, a CPA specializing in nonprofits and President of QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits, to deliver this free webinar session, which will focus on the five top tips for effectively managing your grants. The session will be fun, fast-paced, and participants will have an opportunity to ask questions throughout. You will learn how to effectively determine whether or not a grant is restricted, five top tips for ensuring reliable grants management, and where to go for more info on tracking restricted grants. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

Getting a Foot in the Door With Funders (NEW)
As nonprofits engage in conversations and focus on increasing the levels of giving to their cause, they often leave out an essential part of fundraising . . . building relationships. Relationships, steps from meet to ask, follow-ups, thanking donors, maintaining relationships, and retention, are elements of quality donor relations. Join Amanda Pearce, of Funding for Good, to discuss building donor relations that have a solid foundation, keep donors engaged, create interest, cause action on the part of a donor, and ultimately result in donor retention. Get a look at donor relations through the eyes of your donor and learn steps you can implement right away to create more robust development departments and happier donors. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, May 4, 2022.

Inside the Grantmaker's Black Box
You know that feeling on deadline day, when you finally push the SUBMIT button and say goodbye to your lovingly-crafted, mission-critical grant proposal as it disappears  . . . vanishing entirely for weeks, sometimes months, sometimes even forever . . . as you wait to find out whether it's going to be funded or not. That space between "submit" on one side . . . and "notification" on the other . . . is what we call the Grantmaker's Black Box. That's where all the work goes on for the grantmaking team—the program officer, reviewers, decision-makers. That's where everything happens to guide the decision about which proposals are awarded . . . and which aren't. In this eye-opening session, you'll join veteran grants officer Maryn Boess for a unique journey into the heart of the Grantmaker's Black Box as we venture into one grantmaker's funding process. Together we'll take a high-level flyover of her own organization's recent grantmaking round on the way to awarding a total of $600,000. Maryn gives you a rare insider's view of the real world of the final grant decision-making process—something fewer than 2% of all grant professionals ever get to see. The webinar will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2022.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Funding Alerts
Have you visited our homepage this week? Additional local, national, Canadian, and international funding opportunities are featured there weekly!


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Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for U.S. K-12 Education Projects Building Global Perspectives

Initiatives to Advance American Indian Programs Funded

Program Promotes Community Recycling Efforts

Grants for Organizations Addressing Fire Prevention and Control 

Regional Funding Opportunities

Community Organizing in the Midwest Supported

Funds for Programs to Improve the Quality of Life for Californians

Grants Enhance the Health and Education of North Carolina’s Children

Support for Rural Libraries in Texas

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Supports Technical Assistance in Agriculture and Forestry

Funds Available to Support Scholarships in Public Health