GrantStation Insider: November 4, 2021

Volume XX | Issue 43

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Current COVID-19 funding opportunities are available on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for Historic Preservation Projects in Underserved Communities
National Trust for Historic Preservation: Telling the Full History Preservation Fund

The National Trust for Historic Preservation's Telling the Full History Preservation Fund will help interpret and preserve historic places of importance to underrepresented communities across the country. Grants of $25,000 and $50,000 will be provided to 60 to 80 humanities-based organizations that are working to preserve and interpret historic places that illuminate narratives of underrepresented groups of people, including, but not limited to, women, immigrants, Asian Americans, Black Americans, Latinx Americans, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and LGBTQIA communities. The aim is to support the core activities of humanities-based organizations as they recover from the pandemic and use historic places as catalysts for a more just and equitable society. A broad range of humanities-based nonprofit organizations are eligible for these grants, including state and local preservation organizations, historic sites, museums, historical societies, and genealogical associations, as well as accredited academic programs in historic preservation, public history, and cultural studies of underrepresented groups. Local and state governmental agencies may also apply. The application deadline is December 15, 2021. Visit the Trust's website to review the guidelines for the Telling the Full History Preservation Fund.

Efforts to Transform the Justice System Funded
Public Welfare Foundation

The Public Welfare Foundation supports nonprofit organizations nationwide that are advancing a new, transformative system of justice with the core values of racial equity, economic well-being, and fundamental fairness for all. For Fiscal Year 2022, the Foundation's funding strategies include the following: The Until We Are All Free strategy focuses on organizations that work to dismantle the structures that have caused generations of harm to people of color in the United States, local community members of color that build cross racial solidarity and community power, and communities who bear the brunt of the mass incarceration crisis and advance efforts to reinvest back into those communities. The Narrative Change/Media/Strategic Communications strategy focuses on re-framing the narrative and fostering greater transparency and urgency around the U.S. criminal justice system through storytelling, journalism, and other targeted efforts. The Targeted Criminal and Youth Justice Reforms strategy focuses on reform efforts in Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, and Oklahoma as well as Jackson, MS; Milwaukee, WI; and Washington, DC. Letters of inquiry may be submitted throughout the year. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines and application process.

Grants Aim to Advance Breast Health and Breast Cancer Care
American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation

The mission of the American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation is to improve the standard of care for breast disease patients through its grant funding program. Each year, the Foundation awards grants for research projects and grants related to patient breast care and patient education. Grants are made in the categories of Education, Community Outreach, and Research. Applications for the three grant categories are accepted for projects in the U.S. or other countries. In addition, the Humanism in Medicine Award recognizes an American Society of Breast Surgery member physician in the U.S. or Canada for their compassion and empathy in the delivery of patient care, cultural sensitivity, and competence in scientific endeavors. The deadline for submissions is December 13, 2021. Visit the Foundation's Grants and Awards webpage for more information about eligibility and criteria for each of these categories.

STEM Initiatives for Girls Supported
American Association of University Women: Community Action Grants

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) works to advance educational and professional opportunities for women in the United States. The AAUW Community Action Grants program provides funds to individuals and AAUW organizations, as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions, throughout the country for innovative projects focused on encouraging girls to select, before entering college, the physical sciences or engineering as a career. Grants range from $3,000 to $10,000. The application deadline is December 1, 2021. Visit the AAUW website to submit an online application.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Funds for Human Services Programs in Colorado
A.V. Hunter Trust

The A.V. Hunter Trust supports a wide range of nonprofit organizations that benefit the citizens of Colorado. The current focus of the Trust is on small organizations in rural or underserved communities throughout the state. The Trust provides support to nonprofit organizations offering community and human services to those in need, including the disabled, youth, seniors, and the indigent. Applying organizations must have been operating as a 501(c)(3) for at least three years. Organizations that have not received funding in the previous year are required to call the Trust or email to discuss the request prior to applying. Visit the Trust's website to learn more about the funding guidelines and application procedure.

Grants Strengthen Public Policy in New Jersey
The Fund for New Jersey

The Fund for New Jersey works to improve the quality of public policy decision-making on the most significant issues affecting the people of New Jersey and the region. The Fund's grantmaking advances systemic and sustainable solutions to public problems through the work of policy, advocacy, analysis, and organizing. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations that address policy issues ranging from the interests of disadvantaged people to housing to the environment, with a particular interest in proposals addressing structural racism. Letters of inquiry may be submitted at any time; invited proposals are reviewed quarterly. Visit the Fund's website for more information.

Support for Initiatives to Empower Southern Black Girls and Women
Southern Black Girls and Women's Consortium: Black Girls Dream Fund

The Southern Black Girls and Women's Consortium supports the growing movement to improve the quality of Black girls' and women's lives and to empower women to bring about economic, racial, and social justice in the South. The Consortium's Black Girls Dream Fund provides general operating grants to organizations led and informed by black girls and women in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The focus is on organizations that address one or more of the following issues: education, community development, entrepreneurship, health, travel and cultural exposure, and wellness and safety. Applying organizations must have their 501(c)(3) tax exempt status or a fiscal sponsor that is a 501(c)(3) organization. The application deadline is November 22, 2021. The guidelines for the Black Girls Dream Fund are available on the Consortium's website.

Child Abuse Prevention Programs in Alaska Funded
Alaska Children's Trust: Tier 2 Innovation Grants

The goal of the Alaska Children's Trust is to ensure that all Alaskan children grow up in a family and community that provides them with all the tools and resources necessary to make their dreams come true. The Trust's Tier 2 Innovation Grants focus on stimulating the development and adoption of groundbreaking approaches and technologies to prevent child abuse and neglect. Nonprofit organizations, tribes, local and state governments, and educational institutions throughout Alaska may apply for grants of $10,000 to $50,000 per year for up to three years. Letters of inquiry are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Details about the Tier 2 Innovation Grants are available on the Trust's website.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

HIV Intervention and Care Funded
Department of Health and Human Services

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C Early Intervention Services Program offers support to areas with a demonstrated need for comprehensive primary healthcare and support services in an outpatient setting for low-income, underserved people with HIV not adequately covered by other sources of support. Supported services include counseling for individuals with respect to HIV; targeted HIV testing; periodic medical evaluations of individuals with HIV and other clinical and diagnostic services regarding HIV; therapeutic measures for preventing and treating the deterioration of the immune system, and for preventing and treating conditions arising from HIV; and referrals for people with HIV to appropriate providers of health and support services. The application deadline is December 10, 2021.

Program Supports Reading and Literary Events
National Endowment for the Arts

The Big Read supports the development of community-wide reading programs which encourage reading and participation by diverse audiences. These programs include activities such as author readings, book discussions, art exhibits, lectures, film series, music or dance events, theatrical performances, panel discussions, and other events and activities related to a specific book chosen by the community. Big Read is a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and Arts Midwest. Organizations throughout the country are eligible to apply. The application deadline is January 26, 2022.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

The 2021 Bank of America Study of Philanthropy: Charitable Giving by Affluent Households
Are you a fundraiser looking to understand recent trends in donor giving? If so, you may want to download The 2021 Bank of America Study of Philanthropy: Charitable Giving by Affluent Households. Published by Indiana University's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, this report looks at trends in the giving and volunteering behaviors of affluent individuals and households for the year 2020. It includes a special section on affluent households' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and charitable relief efforts, donors' contributions to affinity groups and social/racial justice issues, and affluent households' use of qualified charitable distributions.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

The Power of Social Enterprise
Are you looking to diversify your revenue stream? Would you like to increase organizational sustainability by creating recurring, predictable revenue streams for general operating expenses? In this 90-minute training Stephanie Sample, Founder and CEO of Sample Consulting Studio, will introduce social enterprise for nonprofits. She will walk you through the process of identifying organizational assets, strategically selecting an asset to monetize, and developing a business plan around your core competencies. Topics covered will include how to identify and monetize your organizational assets, examples of successful nonprofits with social enterprises, components of a social enterprise business plan, how your social enterprise impacts your nonprofit mission, and tax repercussions for nonprofit organizations who generate revenue through social enterprise. You will walk away with a list of your organization's monetizable assets, examples of nonprofits that create their own revenue, examples of nonprofits that launched social enterprises in the pandemic, a format for starting the conversation about social enterprise at your organization, and inspiration and insight into potential revenue streams. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, November 9, 2021.

Inside the Grantmaker's Black Box
You know that feeling on deadline day, when you finally push the SUBMIT button and say goodbye to your lovingly-crafted, mission-critical grant proposal as it disappears—vanishing entirely for weeks, sometimes months, sometimes even forever—while you wait to find out whether it's going to be funded or not. That space between "submit" on one side . . . and "notification" on the other . . . is what we call the Grantmaker's Black Box. That's where all the work goes on for the grantmaking team: the program officer, reviewers, decision-makers. That's where everything happens to decide which proposals are awarded—and which aren't. In this eye-opening session, you'll join veteran grants officer Maryn Boess for a unique journey into the heart of the Grantmaker's Black Box as we venture into one grantmaker's funding process. Together we'll take a high-level flyover of her own organization's recent grantmaking round on the way to awarding a total of $600,000. Maryn gives you a rare insider's view of the real world of the final grant decision-making process—something fewer than 2% of all grant professionals ever get to see. Along the way you'll track the proposals through the eight key "checkpoints" of the grant decision process so you can observe exactly what happened at every step of the way; eavesdrop on conversations with proposers and review team members; see the team's mistakes and near-misses, challenges, and celebrations, what was surprisingly easy, and what really came hard in the final decision-making; and experience plenty of surprises, aha!s and hmms as Maryn shares stories about real life inside this particular Grantmaker's Black Box—with new insights you can carry home and put to work immediately on behalf of your own nonprofit and community. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 10, 2021.

The Power of Visual Storytelling
In an age overflowing with technology and lives that move at 80 miles an hour throughout the day, what is it that will make your message stand out? Sharing stories. Research tells us that stories are remembered 22 times more often than facts alone. In this session, Lori L. Jacobwith will take you through the power of visual storytelling. You'll see examples of why sharing facts and stories is more powerful when combined with an image. You'll also discover what works and what doesn't when using visuals in your storytelling. During this presentation, you will learn how much faster the brain processes visuals vs. words, four key factors for creating powerful visuals, and what type of articles get 94% more views. This webinar will benefit fundraising and communication staff, especially staff making updates to websites and postings on social media. The webinar will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2021.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Finding the Free Stuff

Support doesn't have to come in the form of cash. It is sometimes easier to get businesses to provide donations than to write a check. These donations can take many forms: goods, spaces, services, volunteers, expert guidance, and more. This in-kind support can then be leveraged to secure grant awards. Members of GrantStation can learn more about this process in our guide to In-Kind Contributions.

This is part of the revamped Build area for Members. It walks you through the steps in creating a grants program from top to bottom. If you have questions, please contact us.

Funding Alerts

Interested in GrantStation's funder profiles? View the weekly Funding Alerts to see profiles of grantmakers currently accepting applications.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Historic Preservation Projects in Underserved Communities

Efforts to Transform the Justice System Funded 

Grants Aim to Advance Breast Health and Breast Cancer Care

STEM Initiatives for Girls Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Human Services Programs in Colorado

Grants Strengthen Public Policy in New Jersey

Support for Initiatives to Empower Southern Black Girls and Women 

Child Abuse Prevention Programs in Alaska Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

HIV Intervention and Care Funded

Program Supports Reading and Literary Events