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International Funding Opportunities
Awards Honor Individuals Working to Improve the Lives of Children
World of Children Award
The World of Children Award improves the lives of vulnerable children by funding and elevating the most effective changemakers for children worldwide. Awards are given to individuals making extraordinary contributions to children in the following categories: The Health Award is for those providing services specifically in the fields of health, medicine, or the sciences. The Humanitarian Award recognizes individuals working in social or humanitarian services. The Education Award honors those contributing to children’s education and learning. The Protection Award is awarded to individuals working to help children live free from fear, abuse, and exploitation (including but not limited to trafficking, slavery, and sexual imposition). Finally, the Youth Award is given to a young person under the age of 21 who has made extraordinary contributions to the lives of other children. Grants of at least $50,000 are provided to the winner in each category (except for the Youth Award, which carries a minimum $25,000 award). The nomination deadline is April 1, 2017. (Self-nominations are accepted.) Visit the World of Children Award website to learn more about the Awards and the nomination process.
Grants Promote the Arts in the Arab World
Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) envisions a thriving Arab art and cultural scene, one that is confident in its expression, open to dialogue, accessible to all, and sustained locally by committed patrons. AFAC is currently accepting applications for the following programs: Performing Arts Grants support the development and production of theatre, dance, and other forms of performing arts. Visual Arts Grants fund the production and organization of art exhibitions, installations, and other forms of visual arts. The AFAC Documentary Program supports documentary projects that address the social realities in the Arab region in creative and compelling ways. Through the Arab Documentary Photography Program, grants are provided for compelling, non-stereotypical, and unconventional visual documentation of important social issues and narratives relevant to the Arab region. The application deadline for all four programs is May 1, 2017. Visit the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture website to learn more about each program.
Competition Seeks Solutions to Global Water Crisis
Water Abundance XPRIZE
The Water Abundance XPRIZE is a competition that challenges teams to alleviate the global water crisis with energy-efficient technologies that harvest fresh water from thin air. Teams will revolutionize access to fresh water by creating a device that extracts a minimum of 2,000 liters of water per day from the atmosphere using 100% renewable energy, at a cost of no more than two cents per liter. A total of $1.75 million in prize money will be awarded, which includes a $1.5 million Grand Prize and $250,000 in Milestone Prizes. Scientists, engineers, academics, entrepreneurs, and innovators with new ideas from all over the world are invited to form a team and register to compete. The team registration deadline is April 28, 2017. Visit the XPRIZE website to learn more about the competition.
Human Rights Activists Recognized
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award
The Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award honors courageous and innovative individuals striving for social justice throughout the world. Persons and organizations working non-violently to promote and protect human rights of any race, creed, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation are eligible for the Award. Ideally, the nominee should be associated with, or lead, a non-governmental organization that is a major contributor to a social movement working to achieve social change, and should be working for social change within their country of origin. Nominees must not be part of a government institution or have an official role within a political party. A cash award of $30,000 is provided. The nomination deadline is March 31, 2017. (Self-nominations are not accepted.) Visit the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights website to submit a nomination online.
Support to Raise Climate Change Awareness
Minor Foundation for Major Challenges
The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges is a Norwegian trust that funds communication projects that mitigate anthropogenic climate change. Support is provided to projects that are innovative and experimental, and that will have the greatest impact on influencing public opinion and increasing political support for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Applications are accepted from all over the world. The board gives applications from Europe priority in the coming period. The upcoming deadlines to apply are March 24 and May 26, 2017. The online application form is available on the Foundation’s website.
Grants Target Basic Needs and Workforce Development in Company Communities
Bank of New York Mellon: Powering Potential Program
The Bank of New York (BNY) Mellon Powering Potential Program seeks help others in need, with a focus on basic needs and workforce development. Funding is provided in the areas of food, clothing, energy, and housing assistance to those who require immediate help, as well as workforce development initiatives designed to improve access to employment through job training, education, mentoring, and skills development. Grants support nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S., as well as charities and nonprofit organizations in communities where the company’s international offices are located. Company communities include locations in North and South America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year. Visit the bank’s website to review the guidelines for submitting a letter of inquiry.
Language Preservation Projects Funded
Endangered Language Fund: Language Legacies Grant Program
The Endangered Language Fund aims to support endangered language preservation and documentation projects. The Foundation’s Language Legacies Grant Program provides grants for language documentation and revitalization, and for linguistic fieldwork. The language involved must be in danger of disappearing within a generation or two. Priority is given to projects that serve both the native community and the field of linguistics. Grants are for one year and average around $2,500. Language activists and researchers from any country are eligible to apply. (Projects targeting languages in the northwestern United States may be eligible for funding through the Native Voices Endowment Program.) Applications must be submitted by April 10, 2017. Visit the Endangered Language Fund website to review the Request for Proposals 2017.
Prize Honors Innovative African Entrepreneurs
Anzisha Prize
The Anzisha Prize seeks to reward young entrepreneurs in Africa who have developed and implemented innovative solutions to social challenges or started successful businesses within their communities. Businesses, inventions, or social projects in any field or industry (science and technology, civil society, arts and culture, sports, etc.) are eligible. The Prize is open to African entrepreneurs aged 15 to 22 with a business based in Africa, for African customers. The winners will share prizes worth $100,000, have the opportunity to participate in an entrepreneurial workshop and conference, and receive consulting support. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2017. Online application forms are available on the Anzisha Prize website.
Canadian Funding Opportunities
Grants Foster Artistic Careers in Company Communities
RBC Emerging Artists Project
The RBC Emerging Artists Project, an initiative of the Royal Bank of Canada, supports arts and cultural organizations in Canada, the United States, and internationally where the company does business. The program supports organizations that offer emerging artists the best opportunity to advance their career trajectory. Grants fund programs that provide artists with mentorship, apprenticeships, and exposure to new and diverse audiences throughout their career. Organizations working in a range of genres, including visual art, music, theater, performance, literature, and film, are supported. Eligible applicants include Canadian registered charities, U.S. nonprofit organizations, and organizations that have official charitable status as designated by the local regulatory authority. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Organizations may start the application process by completing the online eligibility quiz on the RBC website.
Funding Available for Canadian Organizations Serving Children and Youth
Canada Post Community Foundation
The mission of the Canada Post Community Foundation is to make a positive impact on the lives of children in the communities Canada Post serves by supporting registered charities, local initiatives, and community or school programs that benefit children and youth. Funding is provided for children’s education and health programming; mental health programs for children and youth; building safe, kid-friendly communities; services for children and youth with special needs and their families; and programs that promote the interest of children and youth. Grants of up to $30,000, and up to three Signature Grants of $50,000 each, are provided. Eligible applicants include registered charities, nonprofit organizations, and amateur athletic associations; schools; local community or Aboriginal groups; and community libraries. The application deadline is April 5, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the Granting Guidelines.
Alberta Environmental Organizations Supported
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
The Alberta Ecotrust Foundation aims to protect the environment Albertans rely on for life and prosperity, with a focus on water, land use, and climate change. The Foundation provides funding through the following programs: EcoCity Edmonton Grants support energy literate citizens with energy conserving lifestyles and a strong shift to active and public transportation. Grant streams under this program include Community Engagement Grants (up to $7,500), Community Mobilization Grants (up to $20,000), and Energy Transition Acceleration Grants (up to $50,000). In addition, Community Grants of up to $7,500 support community-based projects in Alberta that typically focus on local opportunities for change through stewardship and action. Finally, Major Grants (maximum grant size of $30,000) fund more comprehensive projects in Alberta that have the potential to result in substantial environmental benefit. The application deadline for EcoCity Edmonton Grants is March 17, 2017. Letters of intent for Major Grants are due by March 31, 2017. The application portal for Community Grants will be open from April 15 through May 15, 2017. Additional information on each program is available on the Foundation’s website.
Funds for Law-Related Initiatives in the Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories Law Foundation
The Northwest Territories Law Foundation provides funding for law-related initiatives in the Northwest Territories. The Foundation’s grants support research into and recommending reform of law and the administration of justice; establishing, maintaining, and operating law libraries; and legal education and legal aid programs. The deadline to apply is March 31, annually. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the Grant Application Guidelines.
U.S. Government Funding Opportunities
Grants Tackle Human Trafficking in Central America
Department of State
The Reducing Human Trafficking Through Forensics in Central America program aims to assist efforts to decrease human trafficking within and from Central America by establishing a DNA database of known samples from parents or family members with missing or abducted children in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, or enhancing any existing database which can provide this service. Applications must be submitted by March 27, 2017.
Program Aims to Expand Energy Access in Africa
The Scaling Investment in Off-Grid Energy Solutions in Africa program seeks to accelerate growth in the off-grid energy market to provide 20 million households in sub-Saharan Africa with access to modern, clean, and affordable electricity. U.S. and non-U.S. private businesses and social enterprises are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit concept papers is April 30, 2017.
Canadian Government Funding Opportunities
Aboriginal Justice Programs Funded
Canada Department of Justice
The Community-Based Justice Fund supports justice programs in partnership with Aboriginal communities. Grants support programs that use various approaches to make the justice system more responsive and effective and to address the justice needs of the community or communities they serve. Activities can fall at any point along the justice continuum, including prevention, pre-charge, post-charge, and reintegration. Eligible applicants include First Nations, bands, Tribal Councils, Aboriginal organizations, nonprofit organizations, and government entities. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Interested applicants should contact the Regional Coordinator in their jurisdiction.
Grants Enhance Community Security
Public Safety Canada
The Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program is designed to help communities at risk of hate-motivated crime improve their security infrastructure. Funds help with the costs of security infrastructure improvements for places of worship, provincially and territorially recognized educational institutions, and community centers. Grants of up to $100,000 per project are offered; applicants must provide cash and in-kind contributions amounting to at least 50% of the total project costs. Nonprofit organizations linked to a community at risk of being victimized by hate-motivated crime are eligible to apply. The application deadline is March 31, 2017.
Information contained in the GrantStation International Insider may not be posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold.
Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons
International Funding Opportunities
Awards Honor Individuals Working to Improve the Lives of Children
Grants Promote the Arts in the Arab World
Competition Seeks Solutions to Global Water Crisis
Human Rights Activists Recognized
Support to Raise Climate Change Awareness
Grants Target Basic Needs and Workforce Development in Company Communities
Language Preservation Projects Funded
Prize Honors Innovative African Entrepreneurs
Canadian Funding Opportunities
Grants Foster Artistic Careers in Company Communities
Funding Available for Canadian Organizations Serving Children and Youth
Alberta Environmental Organizations Supported
Funds for Law-Related Initiatives in the Northwest Territories
U.S. Government Funding Opportunities
Grants Tackle Human Trafficking in Central America
Challenge Aims to Expand Energy Access in Africa
Canadian Government Funding Opportunities
Aboriginal Justice Programs Funded
Grants Enhance Community Security