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For twenty-five years GrantStation’s trusted Online Education programs have focused on helping you learn more and be inspired. When you attend a GrantStation webinar, you’ll benefit from the guidance of our expert presenters who have a combined 300 years of experience in the grants arena. Every session will provide you with practical tools and techniques to increase your organization’s success. Join the over 17,000 individuals who have participated in GS Online Education and register for a webinar today!

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Gregg S. Bossen
quickbooks image
Description: A How-To Clinic for Nonprofit BookkeepersAre you ready to maximize QuickBooks for your nonprofit’s financial needs?…
Alice Ruhnke
grants 101 image
Description: From start to finish, your proposals must tell a strong, consistent story. However, accomplishing this across the…
Alice Ruhnke
fuel your mission
Series Overview: Grants can help your nonprofit secure the necessary resources you need to fulfill your mission and support your…
Alice Ruhnke
ai image
Description: If your organization is similar to other nonprofits, a lack of time, staff, and resources is one of the greatest…
Alice Ruhnke
ai series image
Series Overview: AI tools can significantly enhance your organization's efficiency, productivity, and capacity to achieve its…
Gregg S. Bossen
quickbooks image
Description: A How-To Clinic for Nonprofit BookkeepersAre you ready to maximize QuickBooks for your nonprofit’s financial needs?…
Alice Ruhnke
editing image
Description: Writing effective proposals requires excellent editing skills. Editing can improve clarity and persuasiveness and…
Kevin Wallace
case for support
Description: A donor-approved case for support is a powerful tool that can drive your messaging and improve fundraising results.…
Alice Ruhnke
federal proposals image
Description: Are you thinking about jumping into federal grants?Every year the federal government releases millions of dollars to…
budget image
Description: The budget is a critical component of any grant application—it should tell a story that complements your proposal…
Alice Ruhnke
ai policies image
Description: As AI becomes increasingly integral to operations, establishing clear policies is essential to ensure responsible,…
Jeremy Smith
tour compass
Description: Finding the funds needed to fulfill your mission is a never-ending challenge for all nonprofits. Whether you’re part…
Mandy Pearce
nonprofit consulting
Description: To become a successful nonprofit consultant, it’s vital that you know what’s involved. There is often the…
Eric Spioch
grant cycle image
Description: Building a successful grant program requires more than writing a strong application—it’s about developing the…
Alice Ruhnke
capacity building image
Description: Let’s be honest, finding the resources you need to sustain your nonprofit is challenging.  Capacity building…
Alice Ruhnke
improve your programs image
Description: Leveraging AI can transform how you design, implement, and evaluate your programs, enabling you to make data-driven…
Alice Ruhnke
development capacity image
Description: Many nonprofit organizations face the same dilemma: how to improve their fundraising when they lack the capacity to…
Mandy Pearce
capacity building
Description: Are you ready to take your organization to the next level? Once you’ve determined your organization is prepared to…