The Plan of Action

by Cynthia M. Adams, CEO,

The plan of action, sometimes referred to as action steps or tasks, is a step-by-step description of what you will do to accomplish each objective you’ve defined in your grant request.

The plan of action can make or break your request. Incorporating details in this section of the grant request is critical. If you cannot demonstrate to the grantmaker that you have a strong, workable plan ready to implement, then it is unlikely you will receive the grant award.

It is important to tie every task to an objective, making sure that you’ve listed all the tasks needed to accomplish each objective. Be specific. Begin each task with a verb. For example:

Hire an architect

Order 20 new computer stations

Establish a policy review committee

Assign a cost, time line, and responsible person for each task. An entry in your plan of action might look like this:

February 2017            Capital Campaign Exec...

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