Jeremy Smith - Director of Communications Technology

An Introduction to Jeremy Smith
Director of Communications Technology


My introduction to GrantStation was a bit different than many of our other employees. At the time, I was working at a radio station in Fairbanks, AK, hosting a technology program, and I found an interesting local business that was offering a way to “find grant funding online.” (Note: This was back in 2000, so everything online was exciting and new.) I got in touch with the then CEO, Cynthia Adams, and we struck up a friendship talking about all things technology and commiserating over computer woes. This friendship led to me rebuilding and repairing computers and systems as a contractor during GrantStation’s early “hovel” experience, which ultimately led to a job as a full-time employee in 2007.

From there, I went from someone who knows a lot about tech to someone who knows a lot about grants, grant research, and grant proposal writing as well. I still fix systems and help troubleshoot software, but I also oversee the mailing of all our newsletters, host and record our Online Education offerings, update our website, and serve as a walking GrantStation encylcopedia. (My email goes all the way back to 2009, so if you ever misspelled a GrantStation email address, I probably have that email!)

The best part of working at GrantStation, and one of the reasons I am still here after more than a 15 years, is being able to share in an organization’s excitement over learning something new. I know how our search systems work and how to find funding opportunities in our databases, and it makes me so happy when, during a tour or a personal session, I can share that knowledge. The excitement is contagious when a Member or prospective Member realizes how effective a grant strategy is (and how it isn’t that scary or hard). This also extends to our Online Education sessions: It’s a true treasure to see the connection when a presenter’s point is heard loud and clear and everyone becomes excited at the possibilities.

Always feel free to hop on our monthly guide and say hello and ask a question that helps you home in on your own educational treasure!