Government Funding: Regional


  • A regional government grant is a financial award given by a local or a state/provincial government agency. It can include the same rigorous requirements as a federal/national grant, especially since many are funded through the federal/national government.


  • Before you apply for regional government grants, it might be wise to apply to your local community foundation or a family foundation. Even if your request is declined, the experience of preparing a foundation proposal will make applying for a regional government award considerably easier.


  • Private funders often like to know what government funding opportunities are available for your organization, so it’s smart to explore potential government programs prior to applying to other sources. Find out what government funding might be available, then document why you have not applied, or if you have applied, when you will learn if your organization has been funded.


  • If you are receiving support from regional government agencies, you may want to consider using the credibility this brings to your organization to leverage funding from federal or national government agencies.


  • Note that not all government grant awards, especially from regional government agencies, are huge amounts of money. There are a number of programs where the award amount is quite low and may fill in that $25,000 you need to undertake a special project.

  • Consider using donations of products and services as a match for government support. This may require adopting a fairly structured in-kind contribution tracking system in your accounting program.

  • Before you apply for state or provincial funds, you should identify stakeholders. Your stakeholders are those people and organizations in your community that will be impacted by the grant. Examples include your local government, organizations with complimentary missions, and schools, churches, population groups, etc.

  • Smaller organizations with budgets under $100,000 are at a competitive disadvantage when compared to larger nonprofit organizations when attempting to secure government support. Consider collaborating with other organizations in order to broaden the project impact and demonstrate a stronger case for support.

  • Regional government proposals take time to prepare (often 10 to 20 hours per week for up to four weeks), and there is typically lag time between when you apply, when the award is approved, and when you receive the funding. Carefully think through and incorporate a projected timeline into your planning.

  • Most regional governments continue to decrease the number and amount of grant awards. Keep in front of the giving trends in your state or province by identifying the voice of the government (such as the Secretary of State or another office) that provides the latest news on government giving. Assign the task of following state or provincial trends to one staff person or volunteer, and ask them to provide a quarterly report on current trends.


  • Make a schedule to stay organized. Break the application down by section and organize mini-deadlines for each part. This way, the submission deadline won’t sneak up on you.

  • Plan to submit well before the deadline to leave room for any unexpected problems. Keep in mind that a government agency can ask you for clarification if you submit before the deadline. However, once the deadline has passed, requests for additional information are no longer possible.

  • Most state and provincial governments have laws regulating the solicitation of funds for charitable purposes. These statutes generally require organizations to register with an agency before submitting an application. Check with the agency to which you will apply to see if they have certain registration requirements.


  • Government agencies typically do not provide the money in advance. They reimburse you after the money has been spent. If you do apply for government funding, it is helpful to develop a relationship with your regional bank or an organization such as the Nonprofit Finance Fund, as they can help you bridge that financial gap.

  • Government grants come with more red tape than foundation or corporate support. Your top executive officer or board chairperson will need to sign and return award documents. Be sure to return paperwork by the required deadline.

  • Once you have received a regional government award, you may want to meet with the agency representatives to explore how you might further fulfill their objectives, as this may lead to another grant award.

  • A grant award from the government increases your organization's capacity to serve the community and shows that funders are willing to invest in your work. Let the public know when you have received an award, highlight your organization's commitment to the cause, and publicly thank your funder for the support. It's a good investment in community relations, and funder relations, and may even help build future support for what you're doing.

  • As a government grantee, you may be introduced to other funding agencies or private funders that can help you build or sustain your work. Try to cultivate these new contacts, as they may become future supporters of your work.

  • Submitting applications to government agencies can be a complicated and time-consuming process. Before you apply, make sure you have the staff and volunteer capacity to effectively manage government support and have your accounts set up so you can easily comply with government regulations and requirements.