Identifying Needed Funding

by Cynthia M. Adams, CEO,

As mentioned earlier in this series, one of your first tasks in developing a grants calendar is to identify all of your organization's projects and programs that need support so that you can focus both your grants research and proposal writing on specific goals.

Once you have determined what you want to fund and approximately how much money you will need, the next step is to fill out a Project Summary for each identified project and program that will require grant support in the next 12 to 18 months. You can do this in your dashboard by going to the Projects section. You can then even email each Project Summary to yourself and your team. You won't be sharing these with anyone outside the organization, so don't spend hours writing them. They are only used to guide your grants research.

The following is an example of a completed Project Summary.

Project Title: Carver County Watchable Wildlife Area

Lead Staff Person: Mary Jane Hoffman, Environmental Education Coordinator

Project Description: We have...

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