It’s Winning Grant Proposal Competition Time!


Excited. Joyful. Competent. Rewarded. These are some of the feelings I have experienced after learning that I won a grant award. All the planning, writing, editing, and revising have paid off—it is time to celebrate!

But it doesn’t end there. I want to share some information about another potential benefit of winning that award through GrantStation’s Winning Grant Proposal Competition (WGPC)!

If you won a grant award (either government or private) between $25,000 and $1,100,000 in 2022-23, you can submit your award-winning proposal to us to win additional prizes and recognition. Anyone, from any country, can participate.

We will be accepting up to 250 proposals for our prescreening panel to review and forward to our esteemed panel of judges. Winners will be announced in early September 2023.

What can you win?

One GRANT Prize

  • Ten hours of one-to-one consultation with Cynthia M. Adams, GrantStation’s Founder ($5,000 value)
  • A $500 cash prize
  • A full-year subscription to GrantStation (up to $699 value)
  • A full-year membership to the Grant Professionals Association (up to $225 value)
  • Publication of your winning proposal on the GrantStation website

Four Private and Government Award Sector Prizes (Two Each)

  • A $200 cash prize
  • A full-year subscription to GrantStation (up to $699 value)
  • 50% off a membership to the Grant Professionals Association
  • Publication of your winning proposal on the GrantStation website

Eight Honorable Mention Prizes 

  • A $100 cash prize
  • A full-year subscription to GrantStation (up to $699 value)
  • 50% off a membership to the Grant Professionals Association
  • Publication of your winning proposal on the GrantStation website

All Participants 

  • $25 off a membership to the Grant Professionals Association

To enter, fill out the submission form on the GrantStation website. You do not need to have a GrantStation membership to participate.

Proposals that win the WGPC are posted on the GrantStation website. They are used by grantseekers to understand how successful proposals are organized and written. Grantseekers can learn a great deal from reading well-written proposals, such as how the need is justified, how to put together a strong set of outcomes, how to develop budgets, etc. The proposals provide another tool in a grantseeker’s toolbox to learn how to create winning grant applications.

So take this opportunity to reward yourself and help others along in their journey. I know every time I have done this, remarkable things have happened. With a mindset of abundance, we can all get to those feelings: Excited. Joyful. Competent. Rewarded.

This competition is sponsored by GrantStation and the Grant Professionals Association.