Articles by Kevin Peters

Recently, GrantStation had the chance to talk with Pamela Villagra, Executive Director of the Foxwynd Foundation. The Foundation—which was created as a legacy for the Bentley family, owners of…

There has been chatter for decades about making the nonprofit sector more like the for-profit sector. But that chatter has increased in recent years as the idea of social entrepreneurship has…

As COVID swept through the country and pharmaceutical companies raced to develop a vaccine, contrarian voices arose. There was a group of organizations that vociferously fought against the advice…

Many of us in the charitable sector know the difficulties of fundraising: the struggles of cold-calling, the anxiety of meeting with a previous big donor. When fundraising is kept in-house, you…

In March of 2022, Florida launched into law House Bill 1557. Officially titled the Parental Rights in Education Bill, it has become known by some folks as the "Don't Say Gay" Bill. While one of…

Social justice movements tend to happen organically. A breaking point is reached, and suddenly the fight for women's suffrage reaches a critical momentum that cannot be slowed. An incident such as…

When collecting data in surveys, there have to be cutoffs. It's the nature of the game. So if there are categories for organizations with budgets of up to $500,000, then $500,000 to $1 million,…

On Friday, June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Biden administration's plans for student loan forgiveness. (The case was Biden v. Nebraska.) This case was hotly debated in the court of…

In my role as a researcher at GrantStation, I visit foundation websites. Lots of websites. And whenever I see a "careers" link, my curiosity gets the better of me. I live in Oregon, but when I see…

Yield Giving—a charitable entity established by MacKenzie Scott, a philanthropist and the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos—recently opened a call for proposals. The call will result in 250…

The AmazonSmile program, which routed a portion of the proceeds from Amazon customers' purchases to nonprofit organizations, shut down on February 20, 2023. The program had been supporting…

Perhaps you've recently seen mention on the internet of something called ChatGPT. This artificial intelligence bot lets you type in questions or requests and get surprisingly coherent answers.