GS Insights



Top Tips for Securing Grant Awards in 2017 - Part One

By Cynthia M. Adams, Founder and CEO

I decided, on my latest foray along the cliffs, to write a blog focusing on real tips for developing and submitting grant requests in 2017. I thought that a clever way to do this, and one that would represent a number of views, would be to pose this question to some of our top webinar instructors. So I did! And I got some interesting, and I hope helpful, tips to share with you.

Top Tips for Securing Grant Awards in 2017 - Part Two

By Cynthia M. Adams, Founder and CEO

Last week, I shared with you some top tips on grantwriting offered by a few of our webinar instructors. This week, I’d like to express my own thoughts and ideas about how to secure grant awards in 2017.

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Beginner’s Approach to Social Media - A DIY Adventure Guide

By Jill Cochran, Marketing Specialist

I knew nothing about social media marketing when I took this job. I knew little about the company I would now be working to promote. I was at a place where I was ready for a career change, but didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. I was excited, but nervous too. Starting over can be overwhelming, and trying to jump in and learn as you go is overwhelming too.

Decision Making Can Be Tough: Should I apply for that grant?

By Cynthia M. Adams, Founder and CEO

So here’s a (probably somewhat familiar) scenario:

A board member brings a grant announcement to the quarterly board meeting. It looks pretty good, and seems to complement your organization’s strategic plan. The money is definitely in the right ballpark, and everyone gets excited about it and agrees that you (as the Executive Director or Development Director) should pursue it.

Posts read by over 500 people:

Trend: Collaborative Grantseeking

By Ellen C. Mowrer, President and COO

Collaborative grantseeking - several organizations joining together to submit grant applications for joint activities or programs - is still one of the most discussed concepts in the field of philanthropy, right up there with transparency and administrative cost control.

In the Service of Others

By Ellen C. Mowrer, President and COO

Cynthia Adams, GrantStation’s CEO and Founder, and I have been having an ongoing discussion revolving around what we are hearing about from many of our member and partner nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, libraries, and government entities.

We look to forward to sharing new GS Insights with you in 2018!