GrantStation International Insider - June 2024

GrantStation International Insider 25th Anniversary Logo
Volume XV | Issue 5

Note: The GrantStation International Insider will be on hiatus for July but will return for the August issue.

Global | Regional | Government | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe



Global Funding Opportunities  
Opportunities available throughout the world

Heads Around a Heart Badge

Projects Promoting Intercultural Understanding Supported

Lisle International: Global Seed Grant Program

Application deadline: August 1, 2024, for request to apply forms
Description: Lisle International's Global Seed Grant Program supports innovative projects anywhere in the world which improve intercultural understanding through shared experiences, with the goal of creating a more just social order. Supported projects may seek to bridge a variety of community divides, including ethnic, cultural, religious, racial, or gender perspectives. Successful projects most often are innovative and collaborative, have intercultural interaction as central to the project, work toward resolving conflicts, and promote community building. Support is provided for new projects that have not been implemented before and have the potential to grow. In order to be eligible for consideration, a project must be reviewed and sponsored by a Lisle Mentor, who may be assigned or pre-arranged. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply, with priority given to projects proposed by small and young organizations. 

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Funds Available to Networks Serving HIV Vulnerable Populations

Robert Carr Fund

Application deadline: July 22, 2024
Description: The Robert Carr Fund is an international fund focused on funding regional and global networks led by and involving and serving inadequately served populations (ISPs). The Fund defines ISPs as populations facing a high HIV risk, mortality, or morbidity compared to the general population, and facing systematic human rights violations and barriers to information and services. The Fund works to mobilize and deliver core and strategic funding for regional and global civil society networks to achieve four outcomes: protecting and promoting human rights, improving access to HIV services, mobilizing and monitoring national and international funding for human rights and health, and building capacity of civil society and community networks. Through the 2024 request for proposals, funding will be provided to global and regional civil society networks and consortia of networks led by or serving ISPs to support their core funding and activity needs for a three-year period (2025-2027). In order to be eligible, applicants must address the health, social inclusion, and well-being of ISPs in the context of HIV and operate regionally or globally. Priority is given to ISP-led applicants.

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STEM Education Initiatives Funded

Global Talent Network: NATIONS Program

Application deadline: August 30, 2024
Geographic scope: Global, except Europe (Applications for Europe are accepted through the STEM Talent Fund.)
Grant amount: Grants range up to $20,000 for small projects or up to $50,000 for larger projects.
Description: The Global Talent Network seeks to discover, nurture, and empower talented youth worldwide. The NATIONS Program provides grants to organizations that identify and nurture school students with the potential to excel in mathematics and STEM. The Program provides support across the globe, except in Europe (where applications are accepted through the Network's partner, the STEM Talent Fund). Examples of supported activities include, but are not limited to, training camps and courses, national and regional Olympiads, new Olympiads and competitions, and teacher training for Olympiads. Funding is provided for initiatives that have the potential to make a clear difference in identifying and nurturing talent. Priority is given to proposals that enable the Network to learn about the effectiveness of different interventions to identify and nurture talent. Registered nonprofit organizations and organizations with a fiscal sponsor are eligible to apply.

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Earth With a Leaf

Challenge Supports Youth Tackling Social and Environmental Issues

Social Shifters Global Innovation Challenge

Application deadline: July 31, 2024
Grant amount: Grants range up to $10,000. 
Description: The Social Shifters Global Innovation Challenge supports young people from anywhere in the world who want to take action on the social and environmental issues that impact them and their community. The Challenge is open to ideas, projects, and business solutions of all kinds, but ideas must address at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Applications are accepted from young people with an idea or project at a very early stage in its development as well as social entrepreneurs and businesses at a more advanced stage of their start up journey, such as those already delivering services, products, or activities with social or environmental impact. Individuals and teams are eligible to participate.

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Regional Funding Opportunities  
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Laptop and a Pen

Opportunity Facilitates AI Training in Europe, the U.K., and Ukraine

Centre for Public Impact: AI Opportunity Fund Europe

Application deadline: June 28, 2024
Geographic scope: EU member countries, the U.K., and Ukraine
Grant amount: Up to 100,000 euros
Description: The AI Opportunity Fund: Europe, developed in collaboration with the Centre for Public Impact, aims to equip European workers from vulnerable and underserved communities with the foundational AI knowledge and tools needed for long-term positive professional outcomes. A wide range of nonprofit and civil society organizations reaching those workers across the EU27, U.K., and Ukraine will be selected through an open call. This includes, but is not exclusive to, trade unions and trade bodies, municipalities, nonprofits, and professional associations. Successful applicants will receive extensive and bespoke training based on foundational AI courses designed by Google and external partners as well as cash support to help the beneficiaries access the learning initiative. This is an exciting opportunity for organizations that want to help European workers benefit from AI’s potential and ensure that no one is left behind. For more information, please visit Organizations that are interested and that meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply here: The deadline to apply is June 28, 2024, at 23:59 (CEST), but early submissions are recommended.

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Funds Enable Dermatology and Healthcare Access in Developing Countries

American Academy of Dermatology: Skin Care for Developing Countries

Application deadline: June 30, 2024
Geographic scope: Developing countries
Grant amount: $2,500 to $5,000
Description: The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is a dermatologic association representing physicians worldwide. AAD offers grants to individuals and organizations to fund international volunteer and humanitarian projects under the Skin Care for Developing Countries program. Support is provided for projects related to dermatology and global healthcare that help underserved regions of the world. Applicants must obtain a letter of support from an AAD member (for non-AAD members) or their institution’s faculty director (for residents).

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Light Bulb

Support Benefits Airline Communities in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean

Spirit Charitable Foundation

Application deadline: None
Geographic scope: Communities served by the company in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean
Description: The Spirit Charitable Foundation is committed to inspiring positive change in communities served by the company in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean. The Foundation's primary pillars include children and families, service members and first responders, and the environment. The Foundation offers monetary and in-kind donations. U.S. nonprofit organizations and their international equivalents are eligible to apply.

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Houses Along a Block

Efforts to Improve the Lives of People in the Middle East Funded

Violet Jabara Charitable Trust

Application deadline: None for letters of inquiry
Geographic scope: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine (Occupied Territories), Syria, Yemen, North Africa, and the United States
Description: The mission of the Violet Jabara Charitable Trust is to help improve the lives of the people in developing countries of the Middle East and to foster greater understanding of Middle Eastern culture in the United States. The Trust awards grants to organizations working in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine (Occupied Territories), Syria, Yemen, and North Africa. Support is provided for innovative ideas in the fields of international economic development, including, but not limited to, health, environmental issues, peace initiatives, microfinance, social entrepreneurship, and education; reproductive health; women’s welfare and livelihoods; and arts and culture. The Trust also makes grants to U.S. organizations that promote a deeper understanding of Middle Eastern issues and culture in the United States. U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or organizations with a U.S. fiscal sponsor are eligible to apply. 

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Government Funding  
Opportunities from government and intergovernmental entities

Hand Holding Stacks of Coins

Funding Promotes Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan


Application deadline: July 12, 2024
Geographic scope: Afghanistan
Grant amount: $62,000,000
Description: The Afghanistan Integrated Youth Activity (AIYA) aims to empower Afghan youth, particularly girls and young women, by equipping them with market-relevant technical and soft skills. The overarching goal of AIYA is to enhance learning outcomes and livelihood opportunities for young women and men. Expected outcomes include: 1) improved post-secondary technical and vocational education or learning opportunities for youth, with a focus on market-relevant, skills-based learning within the agricultural sector and its related value chains; and 2) acquisition of market-relevant skills to improve livelihood opportunities and engage in climate resilient agricultural value chains in participants’ homes, communities, or other settings.

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Prize Ribbon

Prize Honors Conflict Resolution Efforts Worldwide

UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence

Application deadline: July 22, 2024
Geographic scope: Global
Grant amount: The winner receives a $100,000 award.
Description: The UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence, awarded biennially, seeks to reward individuals, institutions, non-governmental organizations, and other entities that have demonstrated leadership in the promotion of tolerance and non-violence. The Prize rewards significant activities in the scientific, artistic, cultural, and communication fields aimed at the promotion of a spirit of tolerance and non-violence.

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PathFinder: Featured Resource  
A library of quality resources for nonprofit leaders and grant professionals


Nonprofit Hub Radio

Are you looking for a podcast aimed at nonprofit professionals? If so, you might want to listen to Nonprofit Hub Radio. This podcast provides listeners with inspiration and insights from experts across the nonprofit sector. Recent episodes have featured guests speaking on topics such as motivating and retaining donors, managing multigenerational teams, and subscription model philanthropy.


Online Education 
Upcoming live webinars

Laptop with an Outline of a Globe

AI 201: Advanced Strategies for Grant Professionals

Webinar date: June 11, 2024, 2:00 to 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Description: As AI tools become more commonplace, they’ll be more widely used in the grants world. However, unlocking their deep benefits is not always easy. In this workshop, Alice Ruhnke and David Gates will delve into intermediate and advanced techniques you can use to optimize your grantseeking process using AI technology. Through hands-on demonstrations and practical insights, you’ll gain the skills and confidence needed to take your grantwriting to the next level with AI technology.


shining lightbulb with a check mark inside and a pencil angled down toward the checkmark

Build Your Capacity With an Effective Volunteer Program

Webinar date: June 12, 2024, 2:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Description: Volunteers can be an incredible resource for your organization. They can help you build capacity, save money, and enhance community engagement. Following the right process will help you develop a solid volunteer program that delivers results and enhances your engagement with the community. In this webinar, Mindy Muller of Community Development Professionals will explore the basics of good volunteer programs and how to effectively integrate volunteers into your organizational structure.


Woman Behind a Laptop

Power Writing for Grants and More

Webinar date: June 13, 2024, 2:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Description: Clear, compelling writing is vital to all your on-the-job writing projects—not just grant proposals. During this hands-on webinar, writing coach and grant professional Maryn Boess will fill your toolkit with a host of simple, powerful techniques that can help you write more clearly, quickly, and confidently, right away. You'll focus on shaping your message in a way that makes it as easy as possible for your reader to understand so you get the results you want!


GrantStation Announcements  
The latest updates from GrantStation

People Standing in a Pyramid

Calling All GrantStation International Insider Readers!

We would like to get to know you! 

GrantStation is looking to learn more about you, our international audience, so we can better serve you. Please take this brief survey. The results will be used to improve our newsletter and International Member tools. We will share the results with you in the August issue.

Information contained in the GrantStation Canadian Insider may not be  
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Diana Holder  
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

Global Funding Opportunities
Projects Promoting Intercultural Understanding Supported
Funds Available to Networks Serving HIV Vulnerable Populations
Documentary Films and Organizations Supported
Challenge Supports Youth Tackling Social and Environmental Issues

Regional Funding Opportunities 
Opportunity Facilitates AI Training in Europe, the U.K., and Ukraine
Funds Enable Dermatology and Healthcare Access in Developing Countries
Support Benefits Airline Communities in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean
Efforts to Improve the Lives of People in the Middle East Funded

Government Funding Opportunities
Funding Promotes Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan
Prize Honors Conflict Resolution Efforts Worldwide