Online Education Spotlight - September 2019

Volume 2, Issue 9

Be Inspired - Learn More

Be Inspired - Learn More

Let's Get Started

September 2019

Volume 2 Issue 9

GS Insights Blog

Three years on from the Paris Agreement on the climate, global carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. Despite the consensus of over 99% of climate scientists that humans have warmed and continue to warm Earth's climate, denial persists in numerous governments. The U.S. has announced its intent to abandon the Paris Agreement, and a proposed 31% reduction to the 2020 budget of the Environmental Protection Agency looms, a move that would cut nearly $650 million in funding for environmental and restorative efforts.

GS Insights Blog

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State of GrantSeeking Logo


State of Grantseeking

The State of Grantseeking Survey spotlights recent developments in funding so that organizations can be more strategic in their grantseeking. This free report serves as a valuable benchmark for organizations to review their grantseeking efforts, report on performance, and plan for the future. This leading-edge information is a key analytics tool for all organizations.

View the Most Recent Reports!

Video Learning

Video Learning

Nine Ways to Learn Online with GrantStation in 2019

This video explains how to maximize the abundance of online learning resources available on GrantStation. You will learn how to enhance your understanding of grantwriting, grant strategies, grants management, and information design through online education.

What Our Audience is Saying

My knowledge of dashboards was zero, except for reading and admiring them in different publications. Never thought they could be created so simply as long as your spreadsheet and data are in order. This was a great webinar, and I look forward to practicing and putting the knowledge and skills gained to good use very soon.

Participant in Ann K. Emery's Online Workshop: DIY Dashboards


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