Jasmine Foster - U.S. Research Specialist

An Introduction to Jasmine Foster
U.S. Research Specialist


I took the long way around to becoming GrantStation’s newest researcher. With a pre-vet degree in animal science, I raised baby racehorses, then added an education degree and became the lone science teacher at a tiny school in northern Quebec. After that, I spent two years as a medical writer for a genomics startup and bought a small farm with three of my friends. With the farm (and the friends) came ambitions of a nonprofit organization of our own, and soon, I was training feral mustangs during my off hours.

Now, I’m part of the team that maintains GrantStation’s U.S. database of funder profiles. In my day to day, you’re just as likely to find me wrapped in a blanket researching funders as saddling up and putting the first ride on a formerly wild horse. Because I run my own NPO, I know all too well how important it is (and how difficult it can be) to find support for your mission. That’s the context I try to bring to my research.

GrantStation is such a cool place to work because everyone cares a whole lot, and everyone gets what it means to put your heart and soul into something that matters to you. That’s why I’m so excited to be here