Webinar Recordings

Sometimes you and your team want to learn at your own pace and cannot wait for a live webinar. GrantStation’s Webinar Recordings are the solution! You can access these recordings at your convenience and rewatch them to reinforce practices.

Susan Schaefer
top tier image
When you dedicate your career to seeking grants, you’re bound to consider approaching the most well-known foundations. You…
Alice Ruhnke
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If you're like most nonprofit organizations, when asked if your organization is grant ready, you answer with a resounding, "…
Susan Schaefer
modest grants image
If you feel stuck in the number and size of your foundation partnerships, a major-grants mindset can change the way you work…
Alice Ruhnke
AI hand
If your organization is similar to other nonprofits, a lack of time, staff, and resources is one of the greatest challenges…
Kevin Wallace
light bulb
Is your fundraising a blend of art and science? You can leverage data and new technologies with the art of successful…
Alice Ruhnke
city hall image
Working collaboratively with local and state governments could be a win-win situation for your organization. Now is arguably…
Alice Ruhnke
corporate image
Corporate support for philanthropic activities has been increasing over the last decade. But corporations all give in…
Susan Schaefer
major grants growth
You know your nonprofit is doing good work and that you can secure more foundation or corporate grants to fund that work.…
Alice Ruhnke
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Are you thinking about jumping into federal grants? Every year the federal government releases millions of dollars to help…
Alice Ruhnke
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It’s always a good idea to have matching funds for your projects or programs—even if a funder doesn’t require it.  When you…
Alice Ruhnke
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As a faith-based organization, don’t assume your organization isn’t eligible for funds from government sources or private…
Lori L. Jacobwith
The most important fundraising question isn't how much money you need. A better question is what more money makes possible.…