GrantStation Canadian Insider

The GrantStation Canadian Insider is our monthly newsletter filled with the latest information on grantmakers and upcoming grant deadlines that will assist the serious Canadian grantseeker. When you read the GrantStation Canadian Insider, every link will take you to updated and relevant information.

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Past Issues

National Funding Opportunities
Program Supports Green Revitalization in Urban Communities
Ice Hockey and Youth Sports Initiatives Funded
Technology Grants Benefit Canadian Elementary and Secondary Schools
Funding Available in a Range of Interest Areas

Regional Funding Opportunities 
Grants Aim to Enhance Mental Well-Being in Prince Edward Island
Funding Connects People With the Land in the Northwest Territories
Community Learning Projects Supported in Ontario
Funds Target Housing and Inclusive Communities in the Edmonton Area

Government Funding Opportunities
Grants Expand the Capacity of Autism Service Providers in Ontario
Support Available for Festivals Celebrating Canadian Arts and Culture

National Funding Opportunities
Funds Available for Youth Development and Sports Facilities
Animal Welfare Initiatives Supported
Grants Enhance Mental Health and Safety for Autistic Individuals
Funding Targets Canadian Youth and Indigenous Communities

Regional Funding Opportunities 
Wildfire Prevention Efforts Funded in the Columbia Basin
Support Available to Manitoba Nonprofits Reducing Poverty
Funding Strengthens Primary Care in Northern, Rural, and Remote Communities
Grants Foster Safety and Injury Prevention in Saskatchewan

Government Funding Opportunities
Climate Change Adaptation Projects Supported
Program Funds Community-Based Efforts to Enhance the Lives of Seniors

National Funding Opportunities
Grants Aim to Empower Women and Girls in Canada and the U.S.
Funding Targets Cancer, Financial Education, and Inclusive Communities
Initiatives Benefiting the Japanese Canadian Community Supported 
Grants Advance Health Across Canada

Regional Funding Opportunities 
Support Available in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan Communities
Domestic Violence Prevention Efforts Funded in Atlantic Canada
Initiatives Enhancing the Lives of Montreal Seniors Supported
Giving Program Strengthens Communities in AB, BC, ON, and the U.S.

Government Funding Opportunities
Environmental Efforts in Selected Provinces Funded
Support Available for Infrastructure Projects Mitigating Climate-Related Risks

National Funding Opportunities
Grants Promote Well-Being and a Healthy Planet
Funds Enhance Adult Literacy and Financial Education in Canada
Initiative Fosters Food System Sustainability in Canada and the U.S. 
Youth Mental Health and Environmental Education Efforts Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities 
Efforts Targeting Communities in Canada and the U.S. Funded
Projects and Events Supported in Selected Cities in AB, MB, and SK
Funding Benefits Saskatchewan Youth
Giving Program Bolsters Health and Wellness in Company Communities

Government Funding Opportunities
Program Strengthens Economic Recovery and U.S.-Canada Relations 
Organizations Training Professional Artists Supported

National Funding Opportunities

Grants Enhance STEM Education in Secondary Schools

Initiatives Targeting Military and Veteran Families Funded

Support Available for Efforts to Improve Community Life in Canada

Funding Benefits the Canadian LGBTQ+ Community

Regional Funding Opportunities 

Program Revitalizes Indigenous Culture and Mitigates Climate Change in BC 

Giving Supports Agriculture and Local Needs in Company Communities

Grants Enhance Food Security and Company Community Development

Programs Aiding At-Risk Youth in Saskatchewan Funded

Government Funding Opportunities

Activities Celebrating Canadian History Supported

Funding Fosters Career Development for Arts Professionals

National Funding Opportunities

Indigenous Arts, Culture, and Educational Activities Supported

Program Supports Local Charities in Canada and the U.S.

North American Reporting Projects Funded

Multi-Year Grant Bolsters a Canadian Arts Program

Regional Funding Opportunities

Grants Enhance Youth Health and Education in Company Communities

Funding Benefits Canadian Charities in Quebec

Giving Program Targets British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and National Initiatives

Donations and Sponsorships Improve the Quality of Life in New Brunswick

Government Funding Opportunities

Efforts Fostering Intercultural Understanding in Manitoba Funded

Investments Promote Economic Development in the Prairies

National Funding Opportunities

Health, Environment, and Indigenous Reconciliation Efforts Supported

Funds Empower 2SLGBTQ+ Youth in Canadian Schools

Grants Enable Charities to Engage Government on Climate Issues

Funding Supports Organizations Working in Canada and Developing Countries

Regional Funding Opportunities

Grants Target Arts, Education, Health, and Sports in BC 

Projects Benefiting Manitoba Women Supported

Funding Aims to Improve the Quality of Life in Saskatchewan

Youth Sports Projects in Several Provinces Funded

Government Funding Opportunities

Literary Publications Supported in Canada

Program Enhances First Nations Student Success

National Funding Opportunities

Wildfire Prevention Events Funded Across Canada

Children's Sports and Recreational Initiatives Supported

Grants Foster Gender Equality in Canada

Program Bolsters Literacy in Canadian Schools

Regional Funding Opportunities 

Funding Targets Single Mothers in the BC Lower Mainland

Capital Support Enhances Community Spaces in Western Canada

Alberta Conservation and Outdoor Awareness Initiatives Funded 

Grants Promote Healthy Eating and Mental Health in Company Communities

Government Funding Opportunities

Wage Subsidies Facilitate Summer Employment for Youth

Funding Available for Heritage Preservation in Manitoba

National Funding Opportunities

Giving Program Promotes Science Education and Health in Canada

News Startups in Canada and the U.S. Supported

Funding Available for Tree Planting and Greening Projects Across Canada 

Grants Target Children, Education, and Health and Human Services

Regional Funding Opportunities

Historical Digitization Projects Funded in British Columbia

Grants Bolster Organizations Aiding Quebec Youth

Ontario Charities and Medical Research Institutions Supported

Funds Enable New Brunswick Children to Participate in Sports

Government Funding Opportunities

Funding Facilitates the Translation of Canadian Works

Grants Enhance the Safety of Indigenous Women and Girls in Saskatchewan

National Funding Opportunities

Program Bolsters Canadian School Music Programs

Funds Aid Organizations Serving Communities in Canada and the U.S. 

Technology, STEM Education, and Children's Initiatives Supported

Funding Expands Access to Canadian Books

Regional Funding Opportunities

Support Provided to Manitoba Charities Working in a Number of Areas

Grants Enhance BC Students' Food Literacy 

Program Promotes the Arts in Saskatchewan Communities

Funding Targets Company Communities in Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan

Government Funding Opportunities

Grants Strengthen Indigenous Capacity to Protect Species and Habitats

Endowment Funding Available to a Black-Led Organization