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National Funding
Opportunities available throughout the U.S.
Support Promotes a Just and Sustainable Society
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
Application deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until April 30, 2024.
Geographic scope: United States, including U.S. territories, with a particular interest in the U.S. South
Grant amount: $50,000 to $250,000 for grants and $200,000 to $500,000 for program-related investments
Description: The Nathan Cummings Foundation (NCF) is a multigenerational family foundation working to help create a more just, vibrant, sustainable, and democratic society by supporting social change movements, organizations, and entrepreneurs. Support is provided in the United States, including U.S. territories, with particular interest in work focused on the U.S. South. NCF is currently accepting applications for grants and program-related investments that align with the following interconnected focus areas: racial justice, including work that fosters civic engagement, addresses the racial wealth gap, and combats racism and oppression; economic justice, including work that fosters systemic economic security, increases access to capital, and combats monopoly power; and environmental justice, including work that addresses environmental harms, creates inclusive participation in the green economy, and develops regenerative economic models.
Educational Gardens for Youth Funded in the U.S. and Canada
Whole Kids Foundation: Garden Grant Program
Application deadline: Applications will be accepted from February 1 to March 1, 2024.
Geographic scope: United States, including U.S. territories, and Canada
Grant amount: $3,000
Description: The Whole Kids Foundation is dedicated to improving children’s health and wellness through their nutrition. The Foundation’s Garden Grant Program provides support to schools and nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and Canada to turn outdoor spaces into hands-on learning gardens that connect kids with food, spark their curiosity, and support classroom curriculum. Grants of $3,000 support new and existing edible educational gardens at K-12 charter and public schools, K-12 private schools with nonprofit status, and nonprofit organizations (registered charities in Canada) that serve children in the K-12 grade range. To be eligible to apply, the school or organization must engage at least ten children on a regular basis and grow edible plants in the garden.
Grants Advance Nursing-Driven Healthcare Innovations
The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation
Application deadline: February 27, 2024, for letters of intent
Description: The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation is committed to improving the health and healthcare of all people in the United States, especially marginalized populations, by advancing nursing-driven innovations that promote equitable, person-centered, and trustworthy care. The Foundation supports nursing-driven interventions through several programs: The Hillman Emergent Innovation program will provide up to five $50,000 grants to support the development of innovative, early-stage interventions to improve the health of marginalized populations. The Hillman Emergent Innovation: Serious Illness and End of Life program will provide up to ten $50,000 grants to support the development of innovative, pre-evidence interventions to improve the serious illness and end of life care of marginalized populations. The Hillman Innovations in Care program will provide two three-year grants of $600,000 to advance innovative, nursing-driven interventions that are ready to grow.
RFP Enables Studies of the Arts Ecosystem for Communities of Color
Wallace Foundation: Field Studies by Arts Service Organizations RFP
Application deadline: February 23, 2024, for letters of intent, and May 20, 2024 for full proposals
Grant amount: Research implementation grants range up to $250,000 while research expansion grants range up to $400,000.
Description: The mission of the Wallace Foundation is to foster equity and improvements in learning and enrichment for young people, and in the arts for everyone, in the United States. The Foundation is currently inviting arts service organizations founded by, for, and with communities of color to propose research projects that answer important questions related to the arts communities they serve. The Foundation expects to fund field studies for six to eight arts service organizations, whose studies collectively will bring definition, depth, breadth, and perspective about the nature of the ecosystem of arts organizations founded by, with, and for communities of color. Research implementation grants up to $250,000 will support the execution of a research project with an already fully developed research design, while research expansion grants up to $400,000 will support proposals to scale up or refine an existing robust research design and implement an expanded research project. Applicant arts service organizations must partner with a researcher selected for their expertise in subject matter and methods relevant to the questions the art service organization seeks to answer.
Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas
Challenge Addresses Homelessness in Specific Geographies
Citi Foundation: Global Innovation Challenge
Registration deadline: February 13, 2024
Application deadline: February 29, 2024
Geographic scope: California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Washington DC in the U.S., as well as selected geographic areas internationally
Grant amount: Fifty grants of $500,000 over 24 months will be awarded.
Description: The Citi Foundation’s Global Innovation Challenge provides philanthropic support to community organizations that are developing innovative solutions to social and economic challenges facing low-income communities around the world. The 2024 Global Innovation Challenge will provide funding to community organizations working in novel ways to address homelessness in selected geographic areas where Citi has a presence, including CA, FL, IL, NY, and DC in the United States. Support will be provided to pilot or scale a solution that directly impacts the lives of individuals, families, and communities at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Ideas include, but are not limited to, solutions that seek to enhance the current emergency shelter system; programs that embed financial coaching, counseling, and assistance to low-income individuals or families seeking to secure stable housing; and programs that prioritize stable housing as the first step, followed by connecting individuals and communities to additional support services.
Grants Enhance Economic Development in North Carolina
Golden LEAF Foundation: Open Grants Program
Application deadline: Upcoming deadlines for Stage 1 Applications are February 22, April 25, and June 20, 2024.
Geographic scope: North Carolina
Grant amount: Most awards are for $200,000 or less.
Description: Golden LEAF Foundation’s mission is to increase economic opportunity in North Carolina’s rural, tobacco-dependent, and economically distressed communities. The Foundation’s Open Grants Program provides support to governmental entities and nonprofit organizations for economic development projects aligned with the priority areas of job creation and economic investment, agriculture, and workforce preparedness. Competitive applications for projects include requests for funds to develop and implement a new workforce training program to meet demand from local employers; implement a career pathway at a high school for a high demand field; extend water, sewer, or road infrastructure to a site to enable industrial development that will create full-time jobs; or support the development of new crops, expand markets for agriculture products, or provide training for farmers.
Unrestricted Funds Available to Arts Organizations in Washington State
ArtsFund: Community Accelerator Grant
Application deadline: Applications will be accepted from February 5 to March 5, 2024.
Geographic scope: Washington
Grant amount: $2,500 to $25,000
Description: ArtsFund’s Community Accelerator Grant, funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, is offering a second round of funding for Washington State’s arts and culture sector. In 2024, the program will distribute unrestricted funding to organizations across Washington whose primary mission is to produce or support arts and culture activities. The funds are intended to boost arts organizations’ ability to invest in their missions and essential roles serving communities across the state. Recipient organizations may utilize the funding in ways that they determine and prioritize for highest impact. Priority is given to organizations that center BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and people with disabilities, and those located in rural communities.
Children's Health Initiatives Supported in New Hampshire
New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation
Application deadline: Letters of inquiry will be accepted between February 1 and February 15, 2024.
Geographic scope: New Hampshire
Grant amount: $10,000 to $20,000
Description: The mission of the New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation is to improve the health and well-being of all New Hampshire children. The focus is on children up to age five and their families. Beginning with the spring 2024 application cycle, all applicants can apply for general operating support to be used to best support their organization. Funding priorities include promoting healthy eating and active living, promoting oral health for children through age five and pregnant women, and increasing access to children’s health and dental insurance coverage. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, state or local government agencies or units of government, and grassroots organizations, collaboratives, or coalitions applying under the auspices of a tax-exempt fiscal sponsor.
Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government
Funding Expands Housing for Persons With Disabilities
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Application deadline: February 20, 2024
Description: The Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program aims to expand the supply of integrated affordable housing by providing capital advance funding for the development of permanent supportive rental housing for very-low-income persons with disabilities who are 18 years of age or older and less than 62 years of age at entry. The program also provides project rental subsidies in the form of a project rental assistance contract to maintain ongoing affordability over at least the next forty years.
Program Improves Nutrition for Low-Income Households
Department of Agriculture
Application deadline: February 28, 2024
Description: The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program - Produce Prescription Program presents the opportunity to bring together stakeholders from distinct parts of the food and healthcare systems and to foster understanding of how prescribing fresh fruits and vegetables might improve the nutrition and health status of participating households. The Program supports projects that aim to demonstrate and evaluate the impact of prescribing fresh fruits and vegetables on the improvement of dietary health through increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, the reduction of individual and household food insecurity, and the reduction in healthcare use and associated costs.
Partner Depot
Offers from our valued partners
The TD Charitable Foundation's 18th annual Housing for Everyone (HFE) program is now taking applications!
$7 million in grants is being awarded to affordable housing providers or other nonprofit organizations across the Bank’s footprint that support initiatives aiming to increase access to independent living for marginalized community members.
Some examples of preferred programs include (but are not limited to) Rapid Re-housing, Housing First, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Transitional Housing.
Grants ranging from $150,000 to $250,000 will be available to eligible organizations with competitive proposals that demonstrate positive impact and sustainable long-term solutions towards addressing affordable housing for the most disadvantaged populations.
For more information, visit our website.
PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources for nonprofit leaders and grant professionals
Replenishing Trust: Civil Society's Guide to Reversing the Trust Deficit
We are living in an era of eroding public trust. However, there are steps leaders can take to maintain a high level of trust towards their organizations. Replenishing Trust: Civil Society's Guide to Reversing the Trust Deficit, published by Spitfire, is a guide to help civil society leaders to deliberately and consistently earn high trust and understand how to repair trust once it is breached.
Online Education
Upcoming live webinars
LIVE Workshop: Mastering QuickBooks (DESKTOP Version)
Webinar date: January 30 and 31, 2024, 2:00 to 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Description: Do you want to help your nonprofit use QuickBooks to its fullest potential? If so, QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits and GrantStation are presenting an event just for you: nonprofits and the accounting firms that serve them. Join Gregg Bossen, CPA PC, for this two-day workshop (120 minutes each day) as he addresses special topics, including advanced budgeting, tracking restricted grants, and reports/board reporting. (This workshop is for users of QuickBooks DESKTOP; there is another workshop for users of QuickBooks ONLINE.)
LIVE Workshop: Mastering QuickBooks (ONLINE Version)
Webinar date: February 6 and 7, 2024, 2:00 to 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Description: Do you want to help your nonprofit use QuickBooks to its fullest potential? If so, QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits and GrantStation are presenting an event just for you: nonprofits and the accounting firms that serve them. Join Gregg Bossen, CPA PC, for this two-day workshop (120 minutes each day) as he addresses special topics, including advanced budgeting, tracking restricted grants, and reports/board reporting. (This workshop is for users of QuickBooks ONLINE; there is another workshop for users of QuickBooks DESKTOP.)
Using AI for Project Evaluation
Webinar date: February 12, 2024, 2:00 to 2:45 PM Eastern Time
Description: Evaluations are essential for your nonprofit’s success. They ensure your organization remains accountable and can continuously improve. Beyond that, they help show the real impact of your programs. Unfortunately, many organizations lack the time and resources needed to effectively evaluate their programs. AI tools have the potential to revolutionize the way you evaluate your programs, making the process more efficient and effective. During this TargetED, Alice Ruhnke and David Gates will show you ways you can use AI throughout the evaluation process so you can measure and enhance your organization’s impact.
GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation
Staff Spotlight: Vice President of Operations
Juliet Vile
I joined GrantStation about eight years ago, having previously worked for several education-focused nonprofits. In my time at GrantStation, I’ve been able to expand the types of nonprofits I work with and support organizations with amazing missions well outside of my experiences.
As Vice President of Operations, I manage several of our partner programs, the Membership Value Program (MVP), the Premium Licensing Program (PLP), and the Product Referral Program (PRP). Our partner organizations participating in MVP are able to offer GrantStation to their members for a discounted rate, and our PLP partner organizations are able to include GrantStation database access as a member benefit. All GrantStation partner programs are designed to help increase the value and relevance of an organization’s membership.
In addition to the partner programs, I work to secure the legal and financial soundness of GrantStation and make sure GrantStation employees have a supportive working environment. Please reach out anytime, especially if you want to talk about our partner programs.
Funding Spotlights
Want to stay on top of upcoming deadlines? Check out the weekly Funding Spotlights on the GrantStation homepage. Current opportunities include the JAMS Foundation/NAFCM Mini-Grant Program (U.S. national), Wayne and JoAnn Moore Charitable Foundation (U.S. local: Texas), Inside Education (Canada: Alberta), and AmplifyChange (Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East).
Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.
Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Copy Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters
National Funding Opportunities
Support Promotes a Just and Sustainable Society
Educational Gardens for Youth Funded in the U.S. and Canada
Grants Advance Nursing-Driven Healthcare Innovations
RFP Enables Studies of the Arts Ecosystem for Communities of Color
Regional Funding Opportunities
Challenge Addresses Homelessness in Specific Geographies
Grants Enhance Economic Development in North Carolina
Unrestricted Funds Available to Arts Organizations in Washington State
Children's Health Initiatives Supported in New Hampshire
Federal Funding Opportunities
Funding Expands Housing for Persons With Disabilities
Program Improves Nutrition for Low-Income Households