GrantStation Insider: January 27, 2022

Volume XXI | Issue 4

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Current COVID-19 funding opportunities are available on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Capital Support for Historic Churches
National Fund for Sacred Places

The National Fund for Sacred Places, a program of Partners for Sacred Places in collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, provides support to community-serving congregations to aid in the stewardship of their historic facilities. The first and only program of its kind, the Fund offers the following types of support: 1) grants for the planning and execution of urgent capital projects at historic churches that are valued for their cultural importance as well as their role in providing human services, strengthening communities, and revitalizing neighborhoods; and 2) training, capacity-building, and technical assistance to ensure that grant-funded projects are successfully planned and implemented. Projects must be able to raise matching funds at a 1:1 rate for grants of $50,000 to $100,000; grants from $100,001 to $250,000 require matching funds of 2:1. Letters of intent must be submitted by March 7, 2022; full applications will be due July 18, 2022. Detailed application guidelines are available on the Fund's website.

Youth Garden Projects Funded in the U.S. and Canada
Whole Kids Foundation: Garden Grant Program

The Whole Kids Foundation is dedicated to supporting schools and inspiring families to improve children's nutrition and wellness. The Foundation's Garden Grant Program provides funds for edible gardens at K-12 schools in the U.S. and Canada. These grants of $3,000 are awarded to schools as well as nonprofit organizations that serve children in the K-12 age range. Consideration is given to new or existing garden projects that help at least ten children engage with fresh fruits and vegetables. Applications will be accepted from February 14 through March 11, 2022, for both U.S. and Canadian projects. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the Garden Grant Program.

Grants Advance Patient Safety Initiatives
The Doctors Company Foundation

The Doctors Company Foundation supports nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions throughout the country that address patient safety issues. The focus is to fund both patient safety education for healthcare professionals and patient safety research with clinically useful applications. Consideration is given to projects that develop knowledge, techniques, and tools whose application reduces or eliminates risk of adverse events that cause harm to patients while under care. Letters of intent are due March 21, 2022; invited full proposals must be submitted by June 20, 2022. Information about the grant application process is available on the Foundation's website.

Nonprofit Theatres for Children Supported
Childrens Theatre Foundation of America: Aurand Harris Special Initiative Theatre Grants

The Childrens Theatre Foundation of America is dedicated to supporting excellence and equity in theatre for children. The Foundation's 2022 Aurand Harris Special Initiative Theatre Grants will fund small and mid-sized nonprofit theatres in the U.S. for anti-racist/equity initiatives that directly move Equity/Diversity/Inclusion practices forward in the organization. The Foundation will give preference to applicants who have been historically marginalized and socially, politically, and economically excluded, as well as those whose work addresses past and current injustices. Grants ranging up to $3,000 are available to nonprofit theatres in the United States who have held that status for at least three consecutive years, possess a public record of artistic work, and have an annual operating budget of under a million dollars. The application deadline is March 6, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to access the Aurand Harris Special Initiative Theatre Grants guidelines.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Basic Needs Programs for Mainers Funded
John T. Gorman Foundation

The John T. Gorman Foundation is dedicated to advancing ideas and opportunities that can improve the lives of disadvantaged people in Maine. The Foundation's Direct Services Grant Program supports nonprofit organizations throughout the state that work to address the immediate basic needs of low-income Mainers (food, shelter, clothing, physical and mental health, transportation, etc.). In 2022, a portion of awarded grants will go to organizations that specifically meet the needs of older Mainers. Grants of up to $25,000 are provided for programmatic work and general operating support. Applications will be accepted from February 1 through March 1, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the Direct Services Grant Program.

Awards for Healthy Mississippi Communities
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation: Healthy Hometown Awards Program

The Healthy Hometown Awards Program, an initiative of the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation, rewards exemplary community health and wellness in Mississippi. This program assists municipal leaders throughout the state in their efforts to make their communities—and ultimately the state—a healthier place to live. The Foundation may award a Healthy Hometown grant to one hometown, or to multiple hometowns, each at $50,000, regardless of municipality populations. The application deadline is March 10, 2022. A link to request the Healthy Hometown Awards Program application is available on the Foundation's website.

Grants Promote Rural Arts and Environmental Efforts in Six States
Laura Jane Musser Fund

The Laura Jane Musser Fund will begin accepting applications for the Rural Arts Initiative and Environmental Initiative grant programs in February of 2022. The Fund's Rural Arts Initiative assists arts organizations in targeted states that offer artistic opportunities for adults and children in the areas of literary, visual, musical, and performing arts. Grants of up to $10,000 are provided to organizations in rural communities with a population of less than 20,000 throughout Colorado, Hawaii, and Wyoming, as well as rural communities in selected counties in Minnesota, New York, and Texas. The Fund's Environmental Initiative program supports projects that enhance the ecological integrity of publicly owned open spaces, while encouraging compatible human activities. Organizations throughout Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota, and Wyoming, as well as organizations in selected counties in New York and Texas, are eligible to apply for planning grants up to $8,000 and implementation grants up to $35,000. Applications for the Rural Arts program must be submitted by March 9, 2022; applications for the Environmental Initiative program must be submitted by March 16, 2022. Visit the Fund's website to access the application guidelines for both programs.

Support for Oral Health Initiatives in Missouri
Delta Dental of Missouri: Oral Health Grant Program

Delta Dental of Missouri is committed to advancing oral health and overall health for individuals, children, and families in Missouri. The objectives of the Oral Health Grant Program are to reduce oral disease through education, prevention, and treatment; ensure access to affordable, timely, and high-quality dental healthcare; enhance the awareness of good oral health with a focus on children, the indigent, and other underserved populations; make a measurable difference in the oral health of Missourians, with an emphasis on underserved populations; and ensure that Missouri is among the states with the highest indicators of oral health. Nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions may apply for grants ranging from $5,000 to $100,000. Preference will be given to proposals focused on increasing access to care in rural, dental health professional shortage areas, as well as proposals showing matching support from other sources. The first 2022 deadline for letters of inquiry is February 25; invited full applications will be due March 11. Visit the Delta Dental of Missouri website to review the funding guidelines for the Oral Health Grant Program.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Program Supports Rural Business Development
Department of Agriculture

The Rural Business Development Grant program promotes economic development and job creation projects that serve rural areas. The program is designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses, meaning businesses with fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue. Additional fund uses include acquisition or development of property, buildings, and related equipment and infrastructure; pollution control and abatement; capitalization of revolving loan funds, including funds that will make loans for startups and working capital; distance adult learning for job training and advancement; rural transportation improvement; community economic development; technology-based economic development; feasibility studies and business plans; leadership and entrepreneur training; rural business incubators; and long-term business strategic planning. Grant categories include business opportunity grants and business enterprise grants. The application deadline is February 28, 2022.

Funds Available for Tribal Heritage Preservation
National Park Service

The Historic Preservation Fund's Tribal Heritage Grants Program focuses on protecting oral histories, plant and animal species important in tradition, and sacred and historic places. Funded activities include locating and identifying cultural resources, preserving historic properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, project planning, repair work to preserve historic structures or sites, comprehensive preservation planning, oral history and documenting cultural traditions, training and education for building a historic preservation program, and cultural and historic preservation interpretation and education. Support is also available to enable the establishment of tribal historic preservation offices. The application deadline is March 1, 2022.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2022
Are you curious about future trends in the realm of philanthropy? If so, you might be interested in a recent report by the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society titled Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society: Blueprint 2022. This report is an annual industry forecast about the ways private resources are used for public benefit in the digital age. It provides an overview of the current landscape, points to big ideas that matter, and directs attention to horizons where some important breakthroughs can be expected in the coming year.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Creating Tools and Processes to Report Impact
Join Marie Palacios from Funding for Good to learn what impact reporting is and why it is important. She will share how strategic goal setting for your programs and projects drives meaningful data tracking processes. Learn the top questions to consider when selecting and using data tracking software. Finally, walk away with messaging tips and tools that will help your organization create reports that keep donors invested. Some of the main takeaways from this webinar include understanding the key components and functions of impact reporting, learning how SMART goals drive impact reporting, exploring strategies and systems to track and evaluate key data, and gaining messaging tips and tools to use for appeals and impact reports. This webinar is designed to help nonprofit leaders and business owners explore ways to share impact in ways that generate both income and awareness. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

Lonely at the Top and Bottom
Have you ever asked yourself these two questions: "Do I feel lonely sometimes in my organizational work?" and "Why?" As loneliness becomes increasingly ubiquitous, nonprofit organizations that reduce it—by detecting the three distinct motives Anthony will share with you in this session—will become in higher demand. You will learn about how lonely people act differently than people who are not lonely, and how these differences can derail healthy organizational functioning. We will also explore the determinants of leadership loneliness and how it differs from follower loneliness. Finally, you will develop some strategies to reduce both your loneliness and the loneliness of your staff, volunteers, board members, and donors. Be warned: you may never look at people management or fundraising the same. You will be able to distinguish loneliness as a subordinate emotion and the "re-affiliation motive" that enables organizational members to reduce it, identify the three root causes of loneliness in nonprofit organizations, identify determinants of leader loneliness and design strategies to assuage their loneliness and that of their team members in nonprofit organizations, describe the intrapersonal and organizational outcomes associated with loneliness in nonprofit organizations, and understand the role of social support in alleviating loneliness for staff, volunteers, board members, and donors. The webinar will be held on Thursday, February 3, 2022.

Storytelling and Virtual Donor Experiences
Donor stewardship has always been a time-consuming activity. Meetings and gatherings continue to be both in-person and virtual for health safety—how are you keeping your donors engaged and ready to give? Holding virtual donor experiences that include sharing mission moment stories is an effective, time-saving, engaging, and inspiring way to tackle donor stewardship during the pandemic. Whether you're a small shop or have a large fund development team, this session, presented by Lori L. Jacobwith, will inspire your creativity for keeping your donors engaged throughout the year. During this session you will learn the outline for crafting a powerful virtual donor experience; learn the specific messages that will make your experience inspiring, engaging, and relevant—no matter your mission; and receive a checklist to help plan your own knock-their-socks off experience. This session will benefit executive directors, fundraising and communication staff, and board members. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 9, 2022.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Level UP
"A week seldom goes by that I don't get a call for help from a proposal writer needing more information than an article or a webinar provides. The idea behind the Level UP series was born from these conversations. Because we limit the number of participants attending, the instructor can work with each person individually, so they walk away with exactly what they need to move their organizations forward." —Cynthia Adams, GrantStation Founder and CEO

Let's be honest—writing grant proposals can be overwhelming and confusing. If you find yourself stressed out by the process, writing applications that don't get funded, spending too much time writing proposal after proposal, or all of the above, this Level UP course is for you! Over five sessions, Alice Ruhnke, Founder and Owner of The Grant Advantage, will walk you through an entire grant proposal step-by-step, infusing resources to help you integrate the material into your grantseeking efforts. In addition to lecture-based learning, participants will engage with one another through meaningful structured activities and receive feedback on assignments designed to help you develop an organizational background, compelling statement of need, process and outcome evaluation, approach, and budget.

Alice Ruhnke will lead a five-session course, Accelerate Your Proposal Writing Skills, beginning February 23, 2022. Each participant will receive:

  • video documentation of the lectures;
  • expert feedback on a grant proposal;
  • an electronic copy of Mapping the Course: A Practical Approach to Grant Writing;
  • a one-year GrantStation Membership (or a one-year extension of a current Membership); and,
  • a certificate from the Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI).

Funding Alerts
Don't forget to check out the additional Funding Alerts on our homepage—you don't want to miss them!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Capital Support for Historic Churches

Youth Garden Projects Funded in the U.S. and Canada

Grants Advance Patient Safety Initiatives 

Nonprofit Theatres for Children Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Basic Needs Programs for Mainers Funded

Awards for Healthy Mississippi Communities

Grants Promote Rural Arts and Environmental Efforts in Six States

Support for Oral Health Initiatives in Missouri

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Supports Rural Business Development

Funds Available for Tribal Heritage Preservation