GrantStation Insider: April 1, 2021

Volume XX | Issue 13

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Current COVID-19 funding opportunities are available on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for Solutions to Improve Political Participation in the U.S.
Lever for Change: Stronger Democracy Award

The Stronger Democracy Award, administered by Lever for Change, is a $12 million award to fund solutions that will drive structural reforms to help improve political representation and increase participation of all citizens in the United States democratic process. The Award will fund bold solutions to address systemic barriers and advance structural reforms in one of the following key areas: voting and elections, policymaking, and civic engagement. The focus is on innovative, long-term, and scale-ready solutions that drive structural reform to help the U.S. government to more fully and effectively represent its people. The winner of the award will receive $10 million, and one of the remaining finalists will receive $2 million. The Award is open to U.S. nonprofit organizations or teams led by a U.S. nonprofit organization. The registration deadline is June 22, 2021; online applications will be due July 22, 2021. Visit the Award's website to review the FAQs and to complete the Organizational Readiness Tool.

Efforts to Address Hunger and Poverty Funded
ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants

ELCA World Hunger is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). ELCA World Hunger's Domestic Hunger Grants accompany congregations and their partners throughout the United States and the Caribbean as they draw on the strengths of communities to address local issues such as food security, clean water, housing, job readiness, human rights, policy change, leadership development, and more. Together, these ministries are part of a comprehensive approach to breaking the cycle of poverty and hunger—for good. Grant applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and be able to demonstrate an established relationship with an ELCA congregation, ministry, or institution. Organizations may register to apply through May 5, 2021; the application cycle will be open through May 21, 2021. Visit the ELCA website to access the funding guidelines.

Grants Strengthen Projects to Help Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change
Wildlife Conservation Society: Climate Adaptation Fund

The Wildlife Conservation Society's Climate Adaptation Fund strives to increase the pace and scale of impact in adaptation for wildlife and ecosystems by increasing innovation, accelerating learning, and mainstreaming proven adaptation approaches. In 2021, the Fund will support nonprofit conservation organizations applying for one of two grant categories: Adaptation Implementation projects that apply innovative approaches to conservation actions designed to help wildlife and ecosystems adapt to climate change will be eligible for grants of up to $300,000 over three years. Adaptation Mainstreaming projects that pursue pathways to unlock the potential of an adaptation approach with known benefits to be adopted at a large scale will be eligible for grants of up to $100,000 over two years. Grants will be provided to U.S.-based nonprofit conservation organizations for projects within the United States and its territories. Pre-proposal application forms must be submitted by April 28, 2021. Visit the Wildlife Conservation Society's website to download the 2021 Request for Proposals.

Youth-Led Gender Justice Initiatives Supported
Third Wave Fund: Own Our Power Fund

Third Wave Fund is an activist fund led by and for women of color, intersex, queer, and trans folks under 35 years old in the United States. Third Wave's Own Our Power Fund aims to build stronger reproductive and gender justice movements by increasing the power, agency, and self-determination that young women, trans, and queer youth of color have over their organizations. Capacity-building grants of up to $25,000 will be provided for projects that address leadership development, financial sustainability, self-representation, and strategic communications capacities. Applicants should specifically work toward gender justice and recognize that gender justice will only be achieved by also addressing racial, economic, and disability justice. Priority is given to organizations located in regions or focused on issues that are philanthropically under-resourced. Organizations with an annual budget of up to $500,000 that are 501(c)(3)s or are fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization may apply. The application deadline is April 30, 2021. Visit the Third Wave website to review the funding guidelines for the Own Our Power Fund.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Funds for Initiatives to Serve Illinois Veterans
Robert R. McCormick Foundation: Veterans Program

The Robert R. McCormick Foundation works with communities in Illinois to develop educated, informed, and engaged citizens. The mission of the Foundation's Veterans Program is to create welcoming and inclusive communities within the state of Illinois for those who served and their families where each is able to reach their maximum potential. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations that address one or more of the following focus areas: employment, as well as overcoming employment barriers; behavioral health and wellness; and systems navigation and care coordination. The remaining 2021 deadlines for initial applications for grants of $50,000 and under are July 16 and October 15. The initial application deadline for grants of over $50,000 is April 23, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the Veterans Program.

Grants Tackle Barriers to Racial Equity in Public Education for New England Youth
Nellie Mae Education Foundation: Cross-Racial Healing and Solidarity in a White Supremacist World

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is committed to advancing racial equity in public education and to ensuring all young people and families feel safe in schools and communities across New England. Through the Cross-Racial Healing and Solidarity in a White Supremacist World RFP, the Foundation is offering rapid response grants of up to $20,000 for projects that will amplify existing efforts and provide new opportunities for New England's youth to build cross-racial solidarity through collective learning of each other's histories. Grant requests must respond to a time-sensitive, unanticipated event or urgent challenge or need in communities; this grant is not intended to support ongoing programs and projects. Youth-serving nonprofits and community-based organizations working in and with communities of color to transform barriers to racial equity in public education are eligible to apply. The deadline for proposals is May 6, 2021, or until the limited pool of resources is exhausted. Visit the Foundation's website to download the Request for Proposals.

Support for the Protection of Minnesota's Watersheds
Mortenson Family Foundation: Sustaining Environmental Systems

The mission of the Mortenson Family Foundation is to build partnerships to strengthen community-driven approaches that advance equity, opportunity, and sustainable systems. The goal of the Foundation's Sustaining Environmental Systems grant program is to protect, conserve, and restore biodiversity and habitat in Minnesota's watersheds in order to improve water quality in a changing climate. The Foundation is interested in partnering with nonprofit organizations that provide either direct service (land conservation, water quality improvements, agricultural interventions, etc.) or build capacity to affect positive change for a watershed through environmental education, research, or policy. The deadline for letters of inquiry is April 22, 2021. Details about the Sustaining Environmental Systems grant program are available on the Foundation's website.

Programs to Improve the Health of New York Residents Funded
New York State Health Foundation: Special Projects Fund

The New York State Health Foundation is dedicated to improving the health of all New Yorkers, especially the most vulnerable. The Special Projects Fund supports programs that fit the Foundation's mission, but are outside the three priority areas of Healthy Food, Healthy Lives; Empowering Health Care Consumers; and Addressing Veterans' Health. The current emphasis is on initiatives that have a large-scale regional or statewide impact on New York State's health system. Special Projects Fund grants range from $50,000 to $300,000, with an average of $250,000. The online inquiry form must be submitted by April 21, 2021; full proposals are due June 17, 2021. The 2021 Request for Proposals may be downloaded from the Foundation's website.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Funds Available to Combat Substance Abuse
Department of Health and Human Services

The Drug-Free Communities Support Program seeks to reduce substance abuse among youth through collaborative action. Specific goals include establishing and strengthening collaboration among communities, public and private nonprofit agencies, and federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance abuse among youth, and reducing substance abuse among youth and, over time, among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse. The application deadline is May 10, 2021.

Program Supports Rehabilitation of Historic Rural Properties
National Park Service

The Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program supports the rehabilitation of historic properties to foster economic development of rural communities. The Program funds subgrant programs, managed by states, tribes, certified local governments, and nonprofit organizations, that then fund preservation projects for historic sites, including architectural and engineering services and physical preservation. The application deadline is May 12, 2021.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Fundraising Online
Are you looking to hone your digital fundraising skills? If so, you might want to attend Fundraising Online, which is an online conference from the Resource Alliance taking place from April 28 to 30, 2021. This conference helps participants with all their fundraising, changemaking, and innovating needs, with a strong focus on digital fundraising and engagement, how to harness emerging and disruptive tech trends, and what's coming next over the horizon.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Growing Your Grants Readiness (NEW)
What does it take to be a successful grantseeking organization? Success in grantsmanship involves much more than being able to write a good proposal. As an organization, you must also have the right culture, the right values, the right tools, and the right resources in place to support your grantseeking process and manage your grant-funded programs and services well on behalf of your funder and the community you serve. In this lively, interactive session, Maryn Boess will explain how to lay the groundwork for effective grantsmanship in both your organization's culture and its practices. You'll understand the importance of mission-driven grantsmanship—and why its opposite will undermine your organization's health and success. You'll be able to identify your organization's needs and resources to support a systematic and strategic grantseeking process. You'll gain a clear, powerful, flexible framework for developing and strengthening financial and program accountability. BONUS: You'll be introduced to GrantsMagic U's exclusive Grants Readiness Assessment Checklist—a detailed tool to help you identify what vital grants-readiness resources and practices are already working well in your organization, and where changes and improvements need to be made in order to make sure your organization is truly "grants ready"! The webinar will be held on Wednesday, April 14, 2021.

Trauma-Informed Nonprofit Leadership (NEW)
While there is a thriving literature on "secondary trauma" in clinical psychology, social work, and stress management, little is still known about how secondary trauma emerges in nonprofit organizations. Also known as "vicarious trauma" or "compassion fatigue," secondary trauma refers to an emotional state in which an individual (e.g., a staff person or volunteer) experiences the pain, sadness, distress, or other negative emotion of a second individual (e.g., an organizational client). For instance, a counselor listens to the reactions of a client to traumatic situations, which indirectly produce distress and traumatization in the counselor. Think second-hand smoke: the client transmits, through emotional contagion, their trauma to the nonprofit staff member. The staff member, in turn, experiences some of the same effects of trauma as the client: stress, burnout, difficulty trusting others, and disillusionment with society. In the case of the staff person, this erosion of trust and disillusionment can extend to the organization if secondary trauma is not carefully managed. Based on Dr. Anthony Silard's research with over 150 secondary-trauma-affected nonprofit executive directors, staff, and volunteers, in this session you will learn how secondary trauma emerges in nonprofit organizations. You will then learn how you, as a nonprofit leader, can guide a high-performance organization into the future by interacting with secondary-trauma-affected team members so they can both make sense of and find meaning in their trauma and retain their productivity. Following this session, participants will be able to identify the role of secondary trauma in nonprofit organizations, understand how to manage secondary-trauma-affected staff and volunteers, distinguish the intrapersonal and organizational outcomes of secondary trauma in nonprofit organizations, develop strategies for detecting and responding to secondary trauma, and discuss the potential benefits of secondary trauma to individual and organizational development. The webinar will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021.

FREE Tour of the GrantStation Website
Join Jeremy Smith, Communications and Technology Director, and Kerry Glauser, Research Specialist, for a quick tour of the GrantStation website. This tour will cover all of the features in, including navigation, search interfaces, and charitable database search criteria. This tour will provide tips on the most effective way to use all of the valuable resources the website offers, including the extensive funder databases that can help you identify the grantmakers most likely to fund your programs or projects. By using GrantStation's databases and resource tools, you can begin to develop a successful grantseeking strategy for the next 12 to 18 months. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

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Thank You!

The State of Grantseeking survey is now over, and we are tabulating and reporting on the data shared by 3,400 respondents. Look for your free report in May!

Funding Alerts

Interested in GrantStation's funder profiles? View the weekly Funding Alerts to see profiles of grantmakers currently accepting applications.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Solutions to Improve Political Participation in the U.S. 

Efforts to Address Hunger and Poverty Funded

Grants Strengthen Projects to Help Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change

Youth-Led Gender Justice Initiatives Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Initiatives to Serve Illinois Veterans 

Grants Tackle Barriers to Racial Equity in Public Education for New England Youth

Support for the Protection of Minnesota’s Watersheds

Programs to Improve the Health of New York Residents Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Funds Available to Combat Substance Abuse

Program Supports Rehabilitation of Historic Rural Properties

GS Issue Files