GrantStation Insider: June 3, 2021

Volume XX | Issue 22

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Current COVID-19 funding opportunities are available on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Equipment Support for Free Health Clinics
American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation: Family Medicine Cares USA

Family Medicine Cares USA, an initiative of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Foundation, helps new and existing free health clinics to care for the uninsured in areas of need across the United States. These grants of up to $25,000 should be used for the purchase of durable, sustainable equipment and instruments necessary for diagnosis and treatment related to primary care. Applicant clinics must have opened or be open within six months of the application deadline date, have completed or be in the process of completing the Volunteers in Medicine America new clinic development process, and have an AAFP member who maintains active, ongoing involvement with patient care at the clinic. The application deadline is July 15, 2021. Guidelines for Family Medicine Cares USA are available on the AAFP Foundation's website.

Education Projects Addressing U.S.-Japan Issues Funded
United States-Japan Foundation: Pre-College Education

The United States-Japan Foundation supports innovative education projects that help young Americans and Japanese learn about each other's society, culture, and country as well as learn to work together on issues of common concern. The Foundation's Pre-College Education grants fund K-12 teacher professional development projects that train U.S. educators to teach about Japan and Japanese educators to teach about the United States. In addition, the Foundation supports projects that work directly with students, develop top quality curriculum materials on America or Japan for educational audiences in the other country, connect schools and classrooms in the U.S. and Japan, and develop and improve instruction in the Japanese language. Letters of inquiry must be submitted by July 15, 2021; invited proposals will be due August 31, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website for application details.

Initiative Seeks Solutions to Issues Faced by Workers
The Workers Lab: The Innovation Fund

The Workers Lab envisions a society where workers are powerful drivers of economic, political, and social transformation. The Innovation Fund, an initiative of The Workers Lab, provides innovators with money and support to try out their ideas. The selection criteria for the Innovation Fund 2021 include the following: the project addresses a critical problem facing workers today and proposes an innovative solution that addresses the outlined problem; the project has a clear approach to supporting and uplifting workers; the project outlines clear S.M.A.R.T. goals; and the team has the skills and experience needed to successfully execute their project. Award winners receive $150,000 and a full year of mentorship, training, and other forms of organizational support. Nearly every type of organizations is eligible to apply, including nonprofit and for-profit organizations, co-ops, and public sector entities. Applications will be accepted through July 12, 2021. Visit The Workers Lab website to review the guidelines for The Innovation Fund.

Grants Promote Social Justice Litigation Efforts
The Barbara McDowell and Gerald S. Hartman Foundation

The Barbara McDowell and Gerald S. Hartman Foundation aims to improve the economic well-being and social conditions of disadvantaged persons and groups in the United States by supporting nonprofit organizations that undertake systemic litigation. The Foundation provides grants for social justice litigation designed to have systemic impact in a wide range of areas, including access to benefits, children's rights, disability rights, discrimination, domestic violence, healthcare, homelessness, housing, Native American rights, prisoners' rights, refugee and immigrant rights, voting rights, and veterans' rights. The Foundation seeks to award grants for systemic type cases that will have an impact on a specific area of the law or a legal issue through the establishment of a legal precedent. The grant application must be for a specific case. Grants will be awarded for a currently active case or a case that will be filed with reasonable certainty within 60 days of the date the grant application is submitted. The Foundation does not support cases where the relief sought is for an individual except if it would involve an important legal precedent addressing a systemic issue. The Foundation does not support criminal cases where an individual is charged with a crime or the filing of an amicus brief. Grants are not provided for general operating support. Applications will be accepted through August 1, 2021. Visit the "Grant Applications" section of the Foundation's website to review the funding guidelines.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Work to Improve North Carolina Policies and Power Structure Supported
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation: State-Level Systemic Change Strategy

The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation (ZSR) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all North Carolinians. As part of the State-Level Systemic Change Strategy, ZSR seeks to support efforts aimed at making fundamental change in policies, processes, relationships, and power structures, as well as values and norms that impair the quality of life for the residents of the state. The focus is on the following four priority areas: Advancing Public Education, Fostering a Healthy and Sustainable Environment, Promoting Social and Economic Justice, and Strengthening Democracy. Particular emphasis is given to work targeted at improving opportunities and outcomes for populations who have been historically marginalized, subjected to systemic discrimination, or excluded from full participation in society, including immigrants, LGBTQ persons, low-income individuals, people of color, women, and young people. Nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, religious entities, and government agencies are eligible to apply. The application deadline for State-Level Systemic Change Strategy applications is July 22, 2021. Detailed application information is available on the ZSR website.

Organizations Enhancing the Quality of Life in Alaska Funded
Richard L. and Diane M. Block Foundation

The Richard L. and Diane M. Block Foundation is dedicated to supporting nonprofit organizations that enhance the quality of life of Alaska's people. The Foundation's focus is on the young who will lead and power the state's future, the cultural organizations that inspire the community intellectually and artistically, and the social service organizations that lift up the poor so they may permanently and independently share in Alaska's bounty. (Applying social service agencies should demonstrate that they will address the causes of the needs they are serving and are making efforts to fix the underlying problem.) For the second funding cycle of 2021, online grant requests will be accepted from July 1 through August 1. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines and application process.

Grants Strengthen Wilderness Protection in California
California Wildlands Grassroots Fund

The California Wildlands Grassroots Fund, administered by the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment, supports activists and organizations working to protect wildlands and habitat throughout the state. Priority is given to geographic or issue areas that have not received significant financial support in the past, including rural communities and other regions without easy access to financial and political support. Grants of up to $7,500 are provided to small nonprofit organizations as well as activists with a sponsoring organization. Applying organizations must have annual expenses and income of $150,000 or less. Requests are reviewed quarterly; the remaining application deadlines for 2021 are August 15 and October 28. Online application guidelines are available on the Rose Foundation's website.

Major Support for Public Places to Bring Tennessee Communities Together
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Foundation: BlueCross Healthy Place Program

The BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Tennesseans. The Foundation's BlueCross Healthy Place Program supports nonprofit organizations and government entities throughout the state that seek to create and revitalize their public spaces. For 2021, in celebration of the company's 75th anniversary, the Foundation will build ten BlueCross Healthy Places across Tennessee. The Foundation will invest $750,000 in each project, and applicants can choose from the six project templates, based on their area's needs and desired focus. The emphasis is on spaces that bring communities together, so proposed projects must be free and open to the public. In addition, applying organizations must demonstrate a community benefit and include community input. Online applications may be submitted from August 1 through August 31, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website for more information on the BlueCross Healthy Place Program.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Program Fights AIDS Through Housing Interventions
Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Competitive Grant: Housing as an Intervention to Fight AIDS program provides communities an opportunity to create and implement new projects that align with initiatives aimed at ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and elevate housing as an effective structural intervention in ending the epidemic. Emphasis is given to projects with exemplary and innovative qualities, including community-level coordination, data collection with emphasis on stable housing and positive health outcomes, culturally competent approaches to providing housing and services, and a systemic approach to advance equity in underserved communities that can serve as a national place-based model. The application deadline is July 6, 2021.

Placemaking Arts Programs Supported
National Endowment for the Arts

Our Town is a creative placemaking grants program that supports projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts to strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, or social outcomes. Successful projects will ultimately lay the groundwork for systems changes that sustain the integration of arts, culture, and design into local strategies for strengthening communities. These projects require a partnership between a nonprofit organization and a local government entity, with one of the partners being a cultural organization. Applications are due to by August 5, 2021, and to the NEA applicant portal by August 17, 2021.



Partner Depot

2021 Grantmaker of the Year Award
Do you know a government agency, private foundation, or community grantor doing outstanding things for your community and/or the grants profession? Nominate them for the GPA's Grantmaker of the Year Award!

Are You an Experienced Grant Professional?
Become a GPC! As the only nationally recognized accredited grant professional credential, the GPC (Grant Professional Certified) credential shows you are an experienced grant professional who adheres to ethical standards and demonstrates a commitment to making a difference for good.

Visit the Grant Professionals Certification Institute website to learn:

  • GPC competencies and skills;
  • eligibility requirements; and,
  • the benefits of getting your GPC!

While there, sign up for our newsletter and be entered into our drawing for a FREE one-year Grant Professionals Association (GPA) membership—a $220 value!



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

How to Raise $200 Million in Two Months to Battle a Global Crisis
Are you looking to gain a better understanding of the global philanthropic response to COVID-19? If so, the article "How to Raise $200 Million in Two Months to Battle a Global Crisis" is sure to offer both insights and inspiration. This article examines four principles that were key to the success of the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, a joint effort of the UN Foundation and the World Health Organization to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to help nations around the world survive the pandemic.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

The Change Map and the Bottom-Up Logic Model
This workshop, presented by Maryn Boess, Founder of GrantsMagic U, offers a powerful way of thinking about and assessing the work your organization does—and a simple, step-by-step process for communicating the impact of your work to funders, partners, and the community at large. The Change Map and Bottom-Up Logic Model are two powerful, practical tools that help community agencies organize resources toward change and diagnose misalignments between action and impact. Using these tools together, we can create a visual framework for meaningful, measurable collective impact in a challenging and changing environment—and organize our resources to achieve it. In this engaging, interactive session Maryn will introduce a very big-picture context called The Change Map—bigger than the Logic Model, even bigger than your mission!—for articulating exactly what your organization does and why it matters; explain why the Logic Model is the indispensable do-it-all power tool for planning, managing, and evaluating all our community work—grant proposal or no grant proposal; and demonstrate how to use our X-ray vision to expose the essential "bones" of the Logic Model structure and exactly how all the pieces fit together. (PLUS you'll get hands-on practice constructing a Logic Model right on the spot!) You'll see how flipping the Logic Model on its side to create "The Bottom-Up Logic Model" turns it into a powerful lens for spotting, diagnosing, and fixing problems in our program plans and change initiatives. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 9, 2021.

The Low-Down on Executive Summaries and Letters of Inquiry (NEW)
How do you keep appeals "short and sweet," while still making sure they are complete? This micro-course focuses on the skills needed to break down a large proposal and effectively communicate key information in the form of an executive summary or letter of inquiry. Join Marie Palacios to learn what donors are looking for in these "compact proposal" narratives and what should be reserved for the full proposal or in-person dialogue. In this session you'll learn the difference between an executive summary and a letter of inquiry, key components of an executive summary and a letter of inquiry, quick tips to make sure every sentence packs a punch and gets the donor's attention, and helpful hints on what NOT to include in an executive summary or letter of inquiry. The webinar will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2021.

LIVE Workshop: Tracking Restricted Grants in QuickBooks (DESKTOP Version and ONLINE Version of QuickBooks)
Do you receive grants that are restricted in some way? Do you struggle to complete grant spending reports at the end of a grant? Do you spend hours going through transactions and payroll reports trying to figure out which expenses were paid for from a grant? And what about grants with a budget by account that must be adhered to? By simply setting up a few things, you can easily get a P&L for each of your restricted grants (compared to budget if you'd like). See reports for your grants all on one screen and in real time. All of this and more can be easily tracked right in your QuickBooks software. We are very excited to have Gregg Bossen, a CPA specializing in nonprofits and president of QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits, deliver one of his most popular webinars exclusively for us! During this webinar, you will learn how and where to set up your grantors, how to enter grant revenue, how to point expenses to a grant, how to enter grant budgets, how to generate and memorize reports on your grants, and how to deal with future year grants received this year that make it look like you made much more money than you did. Don't miss this opportunity. You will be VERY glad you came!. The webinar for the DESKTOP version of QuickBooks will be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The webinar for the ONLINE version of QuickBooks will be held on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Funding Alerts
Don't forget to check out the additional Funding Alerts on our homepage—you don't want to miss them!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Equipment Support for Free Health Clinics

Education Projects Addressing U.S.-Japan Issues Funded

Initiative Seeks Solutions to Issues Faced by Workers

Grants Promote Social Justice Litigation Efforts 

Regional Funding Opportunities

Work to Improve North Carolina Policies and Power Structure Supported

Organizations Impacting Company Communities Funded

Grants Strengthen Wilderness Protection in California

Major Support for Public Places to Bring Tennessee Communities Together 

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Fights AIDS Through Housing Interventions

Placemaking Arts Programs Supported