GrantStation Insider - June 21, 2018

Volume XVII | Issue 24

National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education


National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for K-12 Field Trips
Target Field Trip Grants

The Target Field Trip Grants program provides funds for K-12 field trips in order to give students throughout the country the opportunity to explore more of the world outside the classroom. Grants of up to $700 each will be awarded to educators, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and classified staff who are employed by accredited K-12 public, private, or charter schools. (Parents, volunteers, after-school programs, Pre-K groups, and childcare centers are not eligible to apply.) Types of funded trips include art, science, and cultural museum visits; community service and civic projects; career enrichment opportunities; and other events or activities away from the school facility. Funds may be used to cover trip-related costs such as transportation, ticket fees, food, resource materials, and supplies. Online applications will be accepted between August 1 and September 30, 2018. Visit the Target website to learn more about the program.

Programs Addressing HIV/AIDS Care and Research Funded
Kent Richard Hofmann Foundation

The Kent Richard Hofmann Foundation is dedicated to the fight against HIV and AIDS. Grant requests from throughout the United States are considered, with particular interest in smaller communities and rural areas. The Foundation supports community-based nonprofit organizations that focus on HIV/AIDS care and direct services, education, or research. Grants are provided to developing or established programs, with emphasis on those that provide direct benefit to clients or target audiences. Requests are reviewed two times per year. The upcoming deadline for letters of inquiry is August 31, 2018; invited grant applications will be due September 28, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to submit an online letter of inquiry.

Grants Strengthen Efforts to Help the Needy in the U.S. and Abroad
Jewish Helping Hands: Tikkun Olam Grant Program

Jewish Helping Hands' Tikkun Olam Grant Program is intended to advance the goal of inspiring and supporting tzedakah, justice, and righteousness throughout the world. The grant program supports projects that focus on reaching needy and vulnerable populations in the United States and abroad, particularly those that have been overlooked or marginalized. Grants of up to $5,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations that show clear promise to promote self-help and empowerment within communities, or respond to unmet needs of those who are poor or marginalized. The program values projects that aim to bring about positive change for groups of all backgrounds and religious affiliations. For the 2019 grant cycle, the focus is on projects that provide the basic necessities for a decent life, including food, clothing, shelter, water, and health. Projects in the United States, East Africa, Latin America, as well as regions worldwide with impoverished Jewish populations are given priority. Initial inquiry forms must be submitted by September 14, 2018; invited full applications will be due December 17, 2018. Visit the Jewish Helping Hands website to learn more about the Tikkun Olam Grant Program.

ATV Access and Safety Initiatives Supported
Polaris Industries: T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program

The T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program, an initiative of Polaris Industries, provides support to national, state, and local organizations in the United States to ensure the future of ATV riding. The grant program encompasses two main objectives—promoting safe and responsible riding, and preserving access. Funds can be used by organizations for trail development and maintenance projects, safety and education initiatives, lobbying, and other projects to increase and maintain land access. Grants of up to $10,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations and government agencies throughout the country. (Fire, rescue, and law enforcement organizations are not eligible for this program.) The upcoming application deadline is September 1, 2018. Visit the program’s website to review the grant guidelines and submit an online application.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Alternative Energy Usage Education in California
Energy Upgrade California: Time of Use Community Education Project

Energy Upgrade California is a statewide initiative committed to helping Californians take action to save energy, conserve and preserve natural resources, reduce demand on the energy grid, and make informed choices about their energy use at home and at work. Energy Upgrade California's Time of Use Community Education Project aims to dissuade customers from using energy at peak usage times while encouraging them to take advantage of California’s renewable resources when they are most available. Time of use (TOU) efforts will focus on the following hard-to-reach populations: low-income, disability, multicultural, and low-income seniors. Grants will be provided to community-based organizations for programs to help fill the gap in understanding and misconceptions among hard-to-reach populations surrounding TOU and to provide alternative energy usage methods. The application deadline is August 8, 2018. Visit the Energy Upgrade California website to download the request for proposals for the TOU Community Education Project.

Grants Focus on Poverty Issues in South Carolina
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina: Caritas Grants

The Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina works to address the root causes and effects of poverty in South Carolina. The Foundation’s Caritas Grants provide support to nonprofit organizations and faith-based agencies based in the state that focus on providing food, clothing, shelter, free health services, necessary home repairs, basic educational programming, transportation, and other direct services. These grants are designed for organizations with annual budgets of less than $900,000 that are dealing with situational poverty or crisis poverty. The upcoming application deadline for Caritas Grants is September 4, 2018. Visit the Sisters of Charity Foundation’s website to review the application guidelines.

Support for Wildlife Habitat Conservation in Nevada
Dream Tags Charitable Fund

The Dream Tags Charitable Fund, administered by the Community Foundation of Western Nevada, encourages nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies throughout Nevada to engage state residents in wildlife conservation. The Fund provides grants to support the preservation, protection, management, or restoration of wildlife and its habitat. The focus is on restoring resilience in at-risk Nevada habitats with strategic collaborative projects for sustained impact. Applicants must provide a minimum 25% match for funds requested. The application deadline is August 1, 2018. Visit the Fund’s website to download the application form.

Organizations Benefiting Oregon Residents Funded
The Reser Family Foundation

The Reser Family Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in Oregon that benefit the residents of the state. Grants, ranging from $500 to $50,000, are provided to organizations that address one of the following four impact areas: education, health, the arts, and the environment. The Foundation offers two grant programs: the Fast Track Grant Program for requests under $12,500 and the Reser Family Foundation Grant Program for requests from $12,500 to $50,000. The final application deadline for 2018 is August 1. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the targeted impact areas and the application process.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Program Helps Disadvantaged Rural Groups
Department of Agriculture

The Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grant offers support to provide technical assistance to socially disadvantaged groups in rural areas, including groups whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic, or gender prejudice. The application deadline is July 24, 2018.

Funds Available for Cultural and Community Development
National Endowment for the Arts

The Our Town program supports projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, or social outcomes. The application deadline is August 21, 2018.



Partner Depot

GrantHub Online Grant Management Solution

Win a Free Subscription!

Are you trying to get by using a spreadsheet to track your grants? Ready for a tool that is built for the job and can help you increase your funding success instead of losing ground due to personnel changes, forgotten deadlines, and lost documents? Register to WIN a Free Subscription!

Use GrantHub to:

  • Manage your funders
  • Track tasks, deadlines, and awards
  • Streamline proposal creation and submission
  • Provide convenient, centralized access to your grant documents and funder information
  • Track and report your progress

Enter today to win a free year of Foundant Technologies’ GrantHub, the intuitive grants management solution specifically designed to increase your efficiency and funding success. The lucky winner will be chosen on July 10th!



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Giving USA 2018: Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2017
Looking to keep up on the latest trends in charitable giving? The recently released report Giving USA 2018: Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2017 details the sources and uses of charitable giving in the United States. This report reveals that charitable giving by Americans surged to an all-time high in 2017, and examines some of the factors that have shaped current giving trends.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

The Invisible Yellow Line: Nonprofit Governance
Who 'owns' your nonprofit? The line defining the governance responsibility of board and staff is often hard to see. This fast-paced webinar will help to clarify that line using a football metaphor that everyone can understand. You've seen that yellow line that appears on the screen when you watch a football game. When you apply that line to the key roles of board and staff, it provides an easy way to discuss governance roles and helps to open lines of communication so both teams work compatibly toward the same goal - serving you organization's mission. Jean Block, the webinar presenter, is the author of "The Invisible Yellow Line ™ - Clarifying Board and Staff Roles." She will share easy, practical examples of best practices in board and staff roles in governance, including the board's responsibilities to the Three Duties and how the CEO can support the board in its governance role. The webinar is a great basic review for the novice and a refresher for the experienced nonprofit volunteer or chief executive. The webinar will be held Wednesday, July 18, 2018.

Funding the Fight Against Poverty in North America
Poverty in all of its many forms is a huge issue facing nonprofits throughout North America. Cynthia M. Adams, GrantStation CEO, is offering a webinar for those of you working to reduce, even eliminate, poverty in your region. The webinar will focus on the current funding trends around this issue and the grantmakers who are determined to help you in the work you do. In addition, this webinar will cover the types of collaborations happening around the poverty issue and how you might develop your own partnerships. Whether you're working with children, single or low-income parents, indigenous cultures, recent immigrants, the disabled, the elderly, or any population mired in poverty, this webinar will help you think about creative, new ways to engage funders in your important work. The webinar will be held Thursday, July 19, 2018, and will be helpful to those working in the area of poverty in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.

The Golden Key to Successful Grant Requests
The need statement is arguably the most important part of a grant proposal. Uncover the most effective methods for documenting the need, as well as ways to use that information to engage the reader, by joining GrantStation's CEO, Cynthia Adams for this webinar! Ms. Adams will share how to call attention to the problem or need facing your organization or community, and how to take that information and create a sense of urgency so the grantmaker feels compelled to act now. This webinar is fast-paced and full of new ideas and usable resources, as well as numerous examples of need statements taken from winning grant proposals. The webinar will be held Wednesday, July 25, 2018. All levels of grantwriters are encouraged to attend.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for K-12 Field Trips

Programs Addressing HIV/AIDS Care and Research Funded

Grants Strengthen Efforts to Help the Needy in the U.S. and Abroad 

ATV Access and Safety Initiatives Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Alternative Energy Usage Education in California

Grants Focus on Poverty Issues in South Carolina

Support for Wildlife Habitat Conservation in Nevada

Organizations Benefitting Oregon Residents Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Helps Disadvantaged Rural Groups

Funds Available for Cultural and Community Development