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Special Funding Opportunities
Opportunities related to specific current issues
Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.
National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.
Curator-Led Contemporary Visual Art Initiatives Supported
Teiger Foundation
The Teiger Foundation supports contemporary visual art with a primary focus on curators. Through its call for proposals, the Foundation funds exhibitions, commissions, performances, public program series, related publications, and other curator-led initiatives in the U.S. and U.S. territories that involve contemporary art and artists. Grants of up to $150,000 provide support for a single project at a nonprofit exhibition space with an annual budget above $3 million, or for three years of programming at a smaller organization with an annual budget below $3 million. In addition, organizations of any size can receive up to $50,000 to bring an exhibition originating elsewhere to the distinct context of their own institution and community, or for curatorial research, including costs related to travel, convenings, and collaborative investigations around critical issues leading up to an exhibition or other project. All funding supports curator-led projects at nonprofit art organizations in the U.S. and U.S. territories such as museums, public art initiatives, art centers, biennials, or similar platforms that are professionally curated and non-commercial. The Foundation is currently developing a pilot Climate Action program with the goal of offering tailored support for visual art curators and organizations to embed climate-consciousness into their daily operations and programmatic missions. Applicants are invited to indicate their interest in participating in the Climate Action pilot. The application deadline is September 15, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to download the complete guidelines and access the online application.
Funds Available to Restore Native Tree Species in the Continental U.S.
The Oak Hill Fund: Diminished Tree Species Grants
The Oak Hill Fund believes that restoring native tree species will directly improve natural ecosystems, as well as society. Diminished Tree Species Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations working in the continental United States. The Fund supports the following efforts: active restoration of diminished continental U.S. forest species (examples include Eastern Hemlock, Balsam Fir, American Chestnut, and Longleaf Pine); protection of native tree habitat through forest land preservation (including property easements, as well as the creation of newly preserved lands through either state or federal acquisition); and science-based research, seed orchard development, and other associated expenses involved in species restoration. Online letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year. Visit the Fund's website for more information.
Grants Enhance Resilience in Indigenous Communities in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Honor the Earth: Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative
The mission of Honor the Earth is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities. Through the Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative, Honor the Earth provides grants of $1,000 to $5,000 to nonprofit Native organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico that are controlled by Indigenous peoples. This initiative supports organizations working in two areas: 1) implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency and weatherization improvements to advance community dignity and energy sovereignty, and 2) creating food security utilizing Indigenous varieties and organic production. All funded projects must include ongoing efforts aimed at restoring Indigenous wisdom and sustainability in Indigenous territories. Applications may be submitted through December 31, 2022. Grant application procedures and guidelines are available on the Honor the Earth website.
Support Addresses ATV Access and Safety
Polaris T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program
The T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program, an initiative of Polaris, provides support to national, state, and local organizations in the United States to ensure the future of ATV riding. The grant program encompasses two main objectives: promoting safe and responsible riding, and preserving access. Funds can be used by organizations for trail development and maintenance projects, safety and education initiatives, lobbying, and other projects to increase and maintain land access. Monetary grants or product donations of up to $10,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations throughout the country. (Fire, rescue, and law enforcement organizations are not eligible for this program.) Requests are reviewed twice a year; the upcoming deadline is September 1, 2022. Visit the Polaris website to access the online application.
Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas
After-School STEM Labs Serving High School Students Funded in Select States
Exelon Foundation Green Lab Grant
The Exelon Foundation Green Lab Grant, a program of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago and the Exelon Foundation, champions science learning for high school students and encourages new thinking about the environment. Schools, charter schools, and other nonprofit organizations with after-school programs primarily serving high school students in the Exelon service area of Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC, are eligible to apply for support to develop a "STEM lab of the future" aimed at tackling solutions to the environmental crisis. Grantees will be provided with funding to create or modernize new or existing spaces with interactive activities grounded in science, technology, math, and engineering. Supported Green Labs should develop STEM skills with a focus on environmental sustainability and technology, along with strategies and careers in these fields, and programs should also reflect themes of environmental equity and justice. The application deadline is September 26, 2022. Visit the website of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago for application instructions.
Grants Benefit Social Change Organizations in NC, SC, and GA
Fund for Southern Communities
The Fund for Southern Communities provides grants and technical assistance to progressive grassroots social change organizations working in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The Fund supports organizations that are fighting discrimination, struggling for the rights of workers, promoting self-determination in low-income and disenfranchised communities, protecting the environment, promoting or creating non-traditional arts and media, promoting peace, working for equitable distribution of economic or political power, involving new people in social or political change, and challenging undemocratic systems with public education and organizing efforts. Grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 are provided as seed grants for new projects, or as general or project support to small organizations with a total organizational budget of $150,000 or less. The application deadline is September 1, 2022. Visit the Fund's website to download the application form and guidelines.
Capital Project Support Provided in Indiana
SIA Foundation
The SIA (Subaru of Indiana Automotive) Foundation supports nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government entities in Indiana that work to improve the quality of life and help meet the needs of the residents of the state. Grants, ranging from $1,000 to $15,000, are provided for capital projects in the areas of arts and culture, education, and health and welfare. Funding must be used for investments in facilities, equipment, or real estate (non-operating expenses). Applications for the fall cycle will be accepted through September 30, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to access the online grant application system.
Funds Advance California Wildland and Habitat Protection
California Wildlands Grassroots Fund
The California Wildlands Grassroots Fund, administered by the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment, supports activists and organizations working to protect wildlands and habitat throughout the state. Priority is given to geographic or issue areas that have not received significant financial support in the past, including rural communities and other regions without easy access to financial and political support. Grants of up to $7,500 are provided to small nonprofit organizations as well as activists with a sponsoring organization. Applying organizations must have annual expenses and income of $150,000 or less. Requests are reviewed quarterly; the remaining application deadlines for 2022 are August 15 and October 28. Online application guidelines are available on the Rose Foundation's website.
Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government
Program Promotes Healthcare Access
Department of Health and Human Services
The Service Area Competition seeks to ensure continued access to comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary healthcare services for medically underserved communities and populations. The program considers support for community health centers and services for migrants, homeless individuals, and people in public housing, as well as other targeted populations. The application deadline is September 12, 2022. Supplemental information is due October 12, 2022.
Funds Available for Watershed Education in Great Lakes Regions
Department of Commerce
The Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) program promotes locally relevant, authentic experiential learning focused on K-12 audiences. The focus is on meaningful watershed educational experiences for students, related professional development for teachers, and help to support regional education and environmental priorities in the Great Lakes. The application deadline is September 20, 2022.
Partner Depot
Apply to TD Charitable Foundation's Ready Challenge Grant Competition
TD Bank is inviting nonprofit and charitable organizations across its North American footprint that are working on solutions to help disproportionately affected communities address the impacts of climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy to apply for a TD Ready Challenge grant. For the 2022 TD Ready Challenge, TD Bank will award a maximum total of ten grants of either CDN $1 million or USD $1 million each, depending on the country of residence of the applicant. Eligible organizations are invited to apply by August 11th.
PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional
Embracing the Future: Nonprofit Leaders Keep Adapting to a Changing World
Are you a nonprofit leader trying to keep up with today's challenging circumstances? If so, you may want to read Embracing the Future: Nonprofit Leaders Keep Adapting to a Changing World. This new report by The Chronicle of Philanthropy explores how nonprofit leaders can rethink their resources and use them efficiently in an unsettled economic environment. It features in-depth insights from charity leaders on the most common challenges on the road ahead and their proposed solutions.
Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars
Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.
LIVE Workshops: Mastering QuickBooks (DESKTOP and ONLINE versions)
QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits and GrantStation are presenting a webinar event just for you—nonprofits and the accounting firms that serve them. This webinar is designed to take you to the next level in your understanding of how nonprofits can use QuickBooks to its fullest potential. Join Gregg Bossen, CPA PC, and GrantStation for this two-day webinar (120 minutes each day) as they address special topics of interest to you, including restricted grants, easy-to-read reports for the board, in-kind contributions, tracking volunteers, and auto-allocating expenses based on memorized percentages. CPAs earn three hours of CPE credit for the live workshops (both days). The webinar for the DESKTOP version of QuickBooks will be held on Wednesday, August 3 and Thursday, August 4, 2022. The webinar for the ONLINE version of QuickBooks will be held on Tuesday, August 9 and Thursday, August 11, 2022.
Essential Capital Campaign Preparations
Do your plans pencil out? Do you have the horsepower to get through? Before you start to raise funds, it is important to assess what your organization should build and what it can sustain. For most, this includes a needs assessment followed by a feasibility study. A needs assessment examines operations and programs to determine your current and future capacity and demand, and the external factors that will impact both. A feasibility study will help you determine the financial capacity of your organization and its donor prospects. In this webinar you will learn to identify why you might need these formal assessments, understand what data is gathered to establish needs and feasibility, and know what you should come away with from these assessments. Find out what to expect during these pre-campaign preparations from real-world examples as well as how to get the most out of the preparations. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, August 10, 2022.
FREE: Tour of the GrantStation Website
Join Jeremy Smith, Director of Communications Technology, and Kerry Glauser, Senior Research Specialist, for a quick tour of the GrantStation website. Jeremy will demonstrate all of the GrantStation features including how to best use the searchable databases of private funders, how to navigate government funding sources, and how to set up and use your personal dashboard. This quick overview is a great way for current Members to ensure that they are getting the most out of their Membership, and for potential Members to see GrantStation in action! The webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 16, 2022.
GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation
An Introduction to Our Senior VP of Member Services & Technology, David Preis
Our founders Cynthia Adams and Julie Kaufman may have stepped down from their leadership roles, but their work carries on. I had the honor of seeing them in action at the genesis of GrantStation. My husband is Cindy's nephew, and during a visit to Fairbanks, AK, in the '90s, I actually slept in the cabin where Cindy and Julie started GrantStation. In the morning over coffee, I got to witness their work in matchmaking grantseekers with grantmakers in Alaska. I was inspired by their vision and their scrappiness, and was even more impressed over the years as their work grew nationally and even internationally into what GrantStation has become today.
Ten years ago, I joined GrantStation to migrate the operations to the cloud and to rebuild the website in Drupal, ultimately serving as Vice President of Member Services and Technology. This summer as Cindy and Julie retired, I joined the senior leadership team as Senior Vice President with Ellen Mower, CEO, and Alice Ruhnke, President. I have kept ". . . of Member Services and Technology" in my title to convey the connection of these two functions.
- At GrantStation, we put a large focus on customer service, e.g. when you call, we actually pick up the phone and answer, rather than having a long prompt message.
- We then take the time to talk with you. As we listen, we gain insights on what we need to offer through our site and beyond.
- These insights then feed into our technological projects and drive our priorities so that we can provide resources that are more robust and user-friendly.
If you have insights on GrantStation, please let me know. We want our resources to be as effective as they can be. We want grantseekers and grantmakers to be successful by connecting with each other on the changes that they want to manifest in the world. We want those changes too; that is what drives all of our staff each and every day.
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Funding Alerts
Have you visited our homepage this week? Additional local, national, Canadian, and international funding opportunities are featured there weekly!
Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.
Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Copy Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters
National Funding Opportunities
Curator-Led Contemporary Visual Art Initiatives Supported
Funds Available to Restore Native Tree Species in the Continental U.S.
Grants Enhance Resilience in Indigenous Communities in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Support Addresses ATV Access and Safety
Regional Funding Opportunities
After-School STEM Labs Serving High School Students Funded in Select States
Grants Benefit Social Change Organizations in NC, SC, and GA
Capital Project Support Provided in Indiana
Funds Advance California Wildland and Habitat Protection
Federal Funding Opportunities
Program Promotes Healthcare Access
Funds Available for Watershed Education in Great Lakes Regions