GrantStation Insider: October 1, 2020

Volume XIX | Issue 38

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Fund for Investigative Journalism: Coronavirus Rolling Grant for U.S. Freelancers
The Fund for Investigative Journalism's Coronavirus Rolling Grant for U.S. Freelancers provides grants to U.S.-based freelance investigative journalists working on stories on the coronavirus that break new ground and expose wrongdoing in the public or private sector. Grants of up to $10,000 will be made on a rolling basis for freelance investigative projects that have a strong U.S. angle involving American citizens, government, or business. Proposals written for ethnic media as well as those submitted by journalists of color and involving the impact of the coronavirus in U.S. ethnic communities are encouraged. Proposals are reviewed as they are submitted.

William G. and Marie Selby Foundation
The William G. and Marie Selby Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in Sarasota County, FL, and its bordering counties of Charlotte, DeSoto, and Manatee. The Foundation is currently focusing its grantmaking on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Foundation is accepting grant requests for information technology and capital improvement projects that are specifically related to operational issues attributable to COVID-19. Requests are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix: COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund
Through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix seeks to address COVID-19 issues in the greater Phoenix, AZ, region. Grants focus on the following: 1) assisting Jewish organizations that help the most vulnerable in the community satisfy their most basic needs, including access to food and medical services and payment for utilities and housing; and 2) supporting the stability of local Jewish organizations that are challenged by the pandemic's economic effects. The application deadline is October 12, 2020.

For more grant opportunities, visit our COVID-19 Related Funding page.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Awards Encourage Healthy Aging Worldwide
Fit for Life Foundation: Fit for Life Awards

The Fit for Life Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of older people in aging societies worldwide. The Foundation's Fit for Life Awards support nonprofit organizations and social enterprises that pioneer impactful solutions for life-long health, fitness, and independent mobility. The mission and activities of applying organizations must directly address healthy aging for older (65+ years) or middle-aged people (45+ years). The Foundation is looking for innovative programs that display a clear vision, are focused on beneficiaries' needs, and are both sustainable and scalable. Three grants of US$100,000 will be awarded and will be disbursed over three years. Applicants must be legally registered as a nonprofit organization or social enterprise in their country/countries of operation. The application deadline is November 23, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the Fit for Life Awards program.

Support for Efforts to Address Workers' Issues
The Workers Lab: Innovation Fund

The Workers Lab envisions a society where workers are powerful drivers of economic, political, and social transformation. The Workers Lab's Innovation Fund provides innovators with money and support to try out their ideas. The Fall 2020 cycle of The Innovation Fund is looking for a range of ideas focused on the various kinds of support workers, their families, and communities need to come back stronger. Of special interest are new ideas that promote quality jobs and shared prosperity. The Fund is also interested in uncovering new ideas for and from workers in communities of color. While the Fund is open to applications from every community in the United States, there is an emphasis on seeding innovation from under-resourced and rural areas, as well as the Inland Empire and Central Valley regions of California. Award winners receive $150,000 and 12 months of support. Nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, co-ops, social innovators, and private and public sector leaders are invited to apply. The application deadline is October 14, 2020. Visit The Workers Lab website to review the guidelines for The Innovation Fund.

Student Behavioral Health Programs Funded
School-Based Healthcare Solutions Network

School-Based Healthcare Solutions Network (SBHSN) supports under-resourced public and charter schools to implement and expand access to quality behavioral health and general pediatric services on school campuses to children living in rural and urban communities throughout the U.S. SBHSN offers the following funding opportunities: Community Grants are designed to bring highly skilled clinicians into schools, after-school programs, and youth summer programs to assist personnel and other adults who interact with youth in both school settings and local communities. Nonprofit organizations with a proven track record of providing intervention or prevention services on school campuses are eligible to apply. Grants of up to $100,000 may be awarded; each awarded grant requires a 40% cost-sharing match. Principal Grants provide up to $5,000 per academic year to principals of K-12 schools in selected states, as well as a mental health professional to support student behavioral health services on campus. Applications for both programs may be submitted at any time. Visit the SBHSN website for funding guidelines and application instructions.

Solar Energy Assistance for BIPOC Organizations
Honnold Foundation: Community Fund

The Honnold Foundation envisions a world where all people have equal access to energy and live in balance with the environment. The Foundation's Community Fund supports solar PV installations for community-based nonprofit organizations with Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) leadership in the most polluted places in the United States, with a focus on Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Shreveport /Bossier City, LA; Baltimore, MD; Detroit, MI; New York City, NY; Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Memphis, TN; Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston, TX; and Washington, DC. Organizations outside these focus areas are also welcome to apply, including those in U.S. territories. Applying organizations should have an annual budget under $1.5 million and provide community services that enrich peoples' lives, ensure basic needs are met, or reduce environmental impact. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the Community Fund.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Grants Enhance Environmental Education for Oregon Youth
Gray Family Foundation: Environmental Education

The Gray Family Foundation believes that fostering an understanding and appreciation of our natural world is a crucial part of a child's education. The Foundation's Environmental Education grant program supports nonprofit organizations and educational institutions in Oregon that promote the teaching of environmental education in K-12 environments and increase outdoor experiences for 3rd through 8th grade youth. In 2021, three types of grants will be offered: Equity-Focused Capacity-Building, Youth Field Experiences, and Educator Training and Professional Development. The Foundation is especially interested in supporting opportunities to integrate outdoor spaces into student learning as a method for both engaging students and reducing risk for students and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants will range up to $25,000, depending on the grant type. The application deadline is November 13, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to review the 2021 Environmental Education request for proposals.

Legal Services for Women and Girls in Georgia Supported
Georgia Association for Women Lawyers (GAWL) Foundation

The mission of the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers (GAWL) Foundation is to encourage philanthropy by women lawyers in Georgia for the benefit of the greater community. The Foundation provides grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 to nonprofit organizations in Georgia serving women and children, especially in the legal system. Preference is given to organizations with missions that align with the following guidelines (in order of priority): organizations that provide free legal services to disadvantaged women and girls; organizations that provide free services to disadvantaged women and girls in the legal system; and organizations that provide free services to disadvantaged women and girls. The upcoming application deadline is November 6, 2020. Visit the GAWL Foundation's website to access the application form.

Funds for Community Organizations in Washington State
Washington Women's Foundation: Pooled Fund Grants

The vision of the Washington Women's Foundation is to change the course of women's philanthropy through the power of collective giving. Every year the Foundation awards five large impact Pooled Fund Grants to nonprofit organizations in Washington State. Grants of up to $100,000 are provided—one in each of these funding areas: arts and culture, education, environment, health, and human services. The Foundation seeks to support and collectively invest in organizations that are reflective of and embedded in the communities they serve, draw on the strengths and assets of these communities, and are accountable to these communities in order to achieve the long-term goals of increasing equity and reducing disparities. The Foundation invites letters of inquiry from organizations that meet all the following criteria: 1) are focused on providing services to people affected by inequity due to race and/or gender identity, 2) are accountable to the people served, 3) have an understanding of the root causes of the issues facing the people being served, and 4) can demonstrate progress towards reducing disparities and/or achieving more equitable outcomes. While the Foundation does fund programs and projects, including capital projects, organizations are encouraged to apply for general operating and capacity-building support. Letters of inquiry will be accepted through October 29, 2020. Information about the Pooled Fund Grants application guidelines and procedures is available on the Foundation's website.

Grants Promote Oral Health for Arizonans
Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation

The Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of Arizona residents by promoting optimal oral health. The Foundation supports nonprofit organizations throughout the state that provide oral health education and services to underserved children, pregnant women, and seniors. Grants ranging from $1,000 to $30,000 are provided in the following program areas: dental disease prevention, oral health education, and dental treatment. The application deadline is October 22, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to review the grant guidelines and application materials.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Funds Available to Improve Museum Services
Institute of Museum and Library Services

The National Leadership Grants for Museums program supports projects that address critical needs of the museum field and that have the potential to advance practice in the profession so that museums can improve services for the American public. This program has five project categories: collections stewardship and access, data and evaluation, digital platforms and applications, diversity and inclusion, and professional development. The application deadline is November 16, 2020.

Program Assists Public Housing Residents
Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Grant Program seeks to assist residents of public and Indian housing in making progress towards economic and housing self-sufficiency by removing the educational, professional, and health barriers they face. This program provides support to hire a Service Coordinator who assesses the needs of housing residents and links them to training and supportive services that will enable participants to move along the self-sufficiency continuum. In the case of elderly residents or residents with disabilities, the Service Coordinator links them to supportive services which enable them to age or remain in place. The application deadline is November 19, 2020.



Partner Depot

Are you using a spreadsheet to track your grants? GrantHub, an online grant search and tracking solution, manages all of your funders, tasks, applications, reports, and important grant documents. Plus, GrantHub sends you email reminders for upcoming deadlines. Register to WIN a free subscription!

Use GrantHub to:

  • find and manage funders and grant opportunities;
  • track tasks, deadlines, and awards;
  • streamline proposal creation;
  • organize your grant documents and funder information; and,
  • quickly track and report your progress.

Enter today to win a free year of Foundant Technologies' GrantHub, the intuitive grants management solution specifically designed to increase your efficiency and funding success. The lucky winner will be chosen on October 30th!

Get Your Board—On Board!
Wherever you are in the United States, tune in and GET YOUR BOARD—ON BOARD!


ALL ABOARD! is this year's VIRTUAL conference exclusively for nonprofit board members and executive leaders. It's ONLY $199 for your entire board, and CDP Members attend FREE! Not a member yet? CDP Associate Memberships begin at $250 per year. Join now and have a year's membership, plus the conference for FREE! WIN/WIN!

Find out more and register for this VIRTUAL conference for nonprofit board members and executive leaders: "ALL ABOARD"! Brought to you by Community Development Professionals.

Visit the conference page for details.

Are You a Certified Grant Professional?
(Learn More and Win a Grant Professionals Association Membership Too!)

Are you a grantwriter looking to further your career? Or do you want to earn recognition for the skills, expertise, and knowledge you've acquired? The Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI) administers the nationally accredited Grant Professional Certification (GPC) credential.

Visit the GPCI website to learn:

  • the competencies and skills required for certification;
  • if you are eligible to pursue the GPC credential; and,
  • why you should consider getting your GPC.

Sign up for the GPCI newsletter to automatically enter the drawing for a FREE one-year Grant Professionals Association (GPA) membership—a $220 value! (Can also be applied to membership renewals.) Enter today! The lucky winner will be notified on November 30th.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

International Fundraising Congress (IFC) Online 2020
Are you a changemaker looking for new ideas? If so, you might consider attending the International Fundraising Congress (IFC) Online 2020, which is hosted by The Resource Alliance. Held online from October 13 to 16, 2020, this conference aims to be a laboratory of knowledge sharing, learning, and great ideas. Under the theme of "Accelerating Change," topics covered include reflections on crisis, tools and tactics for becoming an agent of change, digital innovation and social activism, and building a new normal together.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Making the Case to Advocacy Funders
Fundraising for advocacy can be particularly challenging! Systemic reforms and policy change can take years to accomplish, if ever, and often depend on factors outside of your nonprofit's control—while most funders want to see meaningful progress each grant period. The pool of advocacy funders is distinctive, but the good news is that those interested in investing in advocacy typically do understand that change requires a longer timeline and are willing to award larger grants to support it. The question is: how do you find and pursue them? In this webinar, Alayna Buckner, CEO of Elevate, will do a deep dive into the nuances of how to effectively find, pursue, and win more grants for your advocacy organization. By the end of this webinar, you'll have a solid understanding of how to clarify and articulate your theory of change for advocacy in order to demonstrate your progress more clearly, how the cultivation and solicitation processes look different for advocacy-based fundraising, the difference between advocacy funders and direct service funders, and the difference between raising money for a 501(c)(3) vs. a 501(c)(4) organization. This webinar is ideal for grantwriting professionals in the advocacy space, including anyone new to fundraising and grantwriting as well as experienced grantwriting professionals looking for a refresher. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

Essential Capital Campaign Preparations: Needs Assessments and Feasibility Studies
Do your plans pencil out? Do you have the horsepower to get through? Before you start to raise funds, it is important to assess what your organization should build and what it can sustain. For most, this includes a needs assessment followed by a feasibility study. A needs assessment examines operations and programs to determine your current and future capacity and demand, and the external factors that will impact both. A feasibility study will help you determine the financial capacity of your organization and its donor prospects. In this webinar you will learn to identify why you might need these formal assessments, understand what data is gathered to establish needs and feasibility, and know what you should come away with from these assessments. Find out what to expect during these pre-campaign preparations from real-world examples as well as how to get the most out of the preparations. There also will be time for your questions. The webinar will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2020.

LIVE Workshop: Dashboard Design—Build Easy-to-Follow Dashboards for Your Nonprofit's Leaders
In this 90-minute live training with Ann K. Emery, you'll see sample dashboards from a dozen organizations like yours. You'll hear the story behind each dashboard so that you can learn about the dashboard's audience and goals. For example, some of the dashboards were designed to track progress towards goals. Other dashboards were designed to help organizations compare their different program areas. Then, we'll create a static dashboard together in Excel. The completed dashboards get shared with your audiences as PDFs. Your dashboards will make outstanding printouts for your staff meetings, board meetings, and conference sessions. You can also share your polished masterpieces as email attachments. Here's everything that’s included with this live workshop: 90 minutes of live instruction in a small group setting, a link to stream the recording so you can re-watch your favorite techniques again, examples specific to our grantmaker/grantee setting, a PDF’d copy of the slides to use a reference guide, and an Excel file to follow along with the live demos. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 21, 2020.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

New Benefit for Members
R3: Revenue Review and Report

Your guide for diversifying your portfolio of grants and other income sources

Are you looking to grow your grant revenue and broaden your mix of funding? Do you need a report for your leadership that is easy to read, accurate, and visually appealing? You can use this Members-only tool to help realize the grants potential of your organization by:

  • reviewing where your funding is coming from today;
  • projecting where your funding will come from in the future; and,
  • receiving recommendations on next steps for exploring funding sources.

Want to try it out? Log in to GS and go to the Build Strategy area. Questions? Contact us at

Funding Alerts
Want to stay on top of upcoming deadlines? Check out the weekly Funding Alerts on the GrantStation homepage.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

COVID-19 Related Funding

Fund for Investigative Journalism: Coronavirus Rolling Grant for U.S. Freelancers

William G. and Marie Selby Foundation

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix: COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

National Funding Opportunities

Awards Encourage Healthy Aging Worldwide

Support for Efforts to Address Workers’ Issues 

Student Behavioral Health Programs Funded

Solar Energy Assistance for BIPOC Organizations

Regional Funding Opportunities

Grants Enhance Environmental Education for Oregon Youth

Legal Services for Women and Girls in Georgia Supported

Funds for Community Organizations in Washington State

Grants Promote Oral Health for Arizonans

Federal Funding Opportunities

Funds Available to Improve Museum Services

Program Assists Public Housing Residents