GrantStation Insider: October 22, 2020

Volume XIX | Issue 41

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

National Geographic Society: COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists
The National Geographic Society's COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists is intended to support journalists worldwide who wish to cover COVID-19 within their own communities. The Fund will place particular emphasis on delivering news to underserved populations, particularly where there is a dearth of evidence-based information getting to those who need it. Grants ranging from $1,000 to $8,000 USD will be provided. The final application deadline is November 15, 2020.

First Nations Development Institute: California Tribal Fund COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency
The California Tribal Fund COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency grant opportunity will provide support to California Native-led organizations for their response and recovery efforts associated with COVID-19. First Nations expects to award eight to ten general operating support grants averaging $10,000 to California-based tribes or tribally controlled nonprofit organizations whose programs protect California indigenous food systems, water, languages, traditional ecological knowledge, and land. The application deadline is November 20, 2020.

Foundation for Appalachian Ohio: African American Community Fund
In partnership with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, the African American Community Fund is currently offering grant support to Black-led nonprofit and public organizations throughout the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio that have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Since the impact of COVID-19 looks different for every organization, grants will support a wide-range of projects. The application deadline is November 9, 2020.

For more grant opportunities, visit our COVID-19 Related Funding page.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for Criminal Justice Reform Nationwide
Public Welfare Foundation

The Public Welfare Foundation supports efforts to advance justice and opportunity for people in need by investing in nonprofit organizations that are advancing a new, transformative system of justice with the core values of racial equity, economic well-being, and fundamental fairness for all. The Foundation supports nonprofit organizations nationwide whose missions are directly related to transforming the criminal and youth justice system in the U.S. The grantmaking categories include the following: 1) organizations developing innovative, transformative approaches to youth and adult criminal justice reform; 2) Black-led movement building focused on dismantling the structures that have caused generations of harm to Black people, building power amongst local Black community members, and advancing efforts to reinvest in communities; 3) organizations focused on investing in community-based solutions that reduce the over-reliance on mass incarceration; and 4) reframing the narrative and fostering greater transparency and urgency around the U.S. criminal justice system through storytelling, journalism, etc. (The Foundation also offers targeted grantmaking for organizations in the jurisdictions of Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, and Oklahoma as well as Jackson, MS; Milwaukee, WI; and Washington, DC, that address adult and/or youth criminal justice.) Letters of inquiry may be submitted throughout the year. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines and application process.

Mental Health Initiatives Focused on First Responders Funded
Movember: First Responders Mental Health Grants Program

Movember's First Responders Mental Health Grants Program is offering support to nonprofit organizations that address mental health and suicide prevention issues impacting first responders and their families. A total of $343,000 over two years will be provided to first responder programs in the U.S. (Grants will also be provided to organizations in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.) The purpose of the funding is to identify those current programs showing promise in improving the mental health of men in these groups and to build the evidence for effective intervention. Letters of intent are due November 23, 2020; the deadline for invited proposals is February 6, 2021. Visit the Movember website to download the request for proposals and review the FAQs (PDF).

Grants Available for Racial Equity Practitioners
Borealis Racial Equity to Accelerate Change Fund

The Borealis Racial Equity to Accelerate Change (REACH) Fund will embark on a new round of grantmaking for racial equity practitioners doing nonprofit organizational development in early 2021. The goal of the Fund is to resource racial equity practitioners—the individuals and institutions working closely with nonprofit groups on the ground to advance their racial equity work internally and externally—who are independent consultants, teams of individual consultants, capacity building organizations, or firms. The Fund is seeking racial equity practitioners who are engaged in nonprofit organizational development work within the following communities: Indigenous, rural, American territories, and communities in the middle of the nation. Priority will be given to organizational development practitioners who are steeped in racial equity and racial justice. The Round III grantmaking process launched on October 15, 2020, and interested applicants are invited to take a brief survey to be considered for an invitation to submit a proposal in January of 2021.

Instrument Purchases for Youth Music Programs Supported
Classics for Kids Foundation

The mission of the Classics for Kids Foundation is to empower young people to shape positive futures through music, build sustainable stringed instrument music programs, and provide grants for high quality instruments. The Foundation is offering matching grants to K-12 schools and nonprofit organizations throughout the United States to help purchase stringed instruments. Grants will not exceed 50% of total instrument cost. Requests are reviewed quarterly; the upcoming application deadline is December 31, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the grant program.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Funds for Economic Opportunity Programs in Bank Communities
MUFG Union Bank Foundation

The MUFG Union Bank Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in the communities where the Bank has operations in Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. The Foundation awards grants to organizations that expand access to economic opportunity in low- and moderate-income communities, specifically in the following areas: Affordable Housing, Economic Development, and Stewardship and Sustainability. Online applications may be submitted throughout the year. Visit the Union Bank's website to access more information about the Foundation's grant guidelines.

Grants Promote Social Justice Efforts in New England
Haymarket People's Fund

The Haymarket People's Fund is committed to strengthening the movement for social justice throughout the six states of New England. The vision of the Fund is a world free of racism and other oppressions where peace and cooperation flourish, where people are valued for their gifts and able to bring their whole selves to humanity, where vibrant communities thrive and different cultures are celebrated, and where opportunities are equally shared while honoring the earth and all within it. The Fund provides Sustaining Grants, ranging up to $10,000, for grassroots social change organizations that are committed to strengthening anti-racist movement building in the New England region. The Fund focuses on both urban and rural organizing, and supports startup and emerging organizations as well as groups that have a long history of grassroots organizing. Organizations that have not been funded by Haymarket during the past three years must speak with a staff person prior to submitting a request. The Sustaining Grant application deadline for 2020 is December 2. Visit the Fund's website to review the Grant Information Packet.

Support for Michigan Organizations Enhancing Communities and Education
Herrick Foundation

The Herrick Foundation primarily supports nonprofit organizations in the state of Michigan that share a long-term commitment to social welfare. The Foundation's current focus is in the following areas: The Community focus area supports innovative programs and experiences that create vibrant, resilient, and inclusive communities. The Education focus area promotes student access to education, access to meaningful enrichment for children and their families, and access to lifelong educational opportunities, regardless of age. The Foundation also provides COVID-19 grants for emergency relief efforts throughout the state of Michigan. Requests may be submitted throughout the year and are reviewed quarterly. Visit the Foundation's website to review the application guidelines.

Recruiting Funds for Healthcare Facilities in Tennessee
Tennessee Center for Health Workforce Development: Community Incentive Program

The Tennessee Center for Health Workforce Development is dedicated to improving the health of Tennesseans by guiding healthcare workforce development and connecting the caregivers to the people. The Center's Community Incentive Program provides grants of up to $30,000 to health facilities in rural and underserved areas of Tennessee that serve at least 30% TennCare or uninsured patients. Grants are intended to assist these facilities with recruiting needs and may be used for sign-on bonuses, relocation expenses, equipment, insurance, and tuition or loan repayments. Requests are reviewed quarterly; the upcoming deadline is December 15, 2020. Visit the Center's website to review the program guidelines and submit an online application.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Support Available to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities
National Institutes of Health

The Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations program provides support to implement and evaluate community interventions testing the impacts of mitigation strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in NIH-designated health disparity populations and other vulnerable groups. The program also supports the implementation or evaluation of existing, new, or adapted interventions to address the adverse psychosocial, behavioral, and socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic on the health of these groups. The application deadline is December 1, 2020.

Program Addresses Pandemic Using Technology and Innovation
Department of Commerce

The SPRINT Challenge (Scaling Pandemic Resilience Through Innovation and Technology) seeks to rapidly address the economic, health, and safety risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through entrepreneurship and innovation. Interests include scaling biotechnology, health security, and supply chain technologies to market; increasing regional, national, and government connectivity to support commercialization and entrepreneurship; developing new and unique investment capital models to address the financial needs of entrepreneurs; and developing and scaling entrepreneurship support models to address the virtual and remote work environment of the pandemic. The application deadline is December 3, 2020.



Partner Depot

Are you using a spreadsheet to track your grants? GrantHub, an online grant search and tracking solution, manages all of your funders, tasks, applications, reports, and important grant documents. Plus, GrantHub sends you email reminders for upcoming deadlines. Register to WIN a free subscription!

Use GrantHub to:

  • find and manage funders and grant opportunities;
  • track tasks, deadlines, and awards;
  • streamline proposal creation;
  • organize your grant documents and funder information; and,
  • quickly track and report your progress.

Enter today to win a free year of Foundant Technologies' GrantHub, the intuitive grants management solution specifically designed to increase your efficiency and funding success. The lucky winner will be chosen on October 30th!



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

COVID-19, Generosity, and Gender: How Giving Changed During the Early Months of a Global Pandemic
How did the onset of the global pandemic affect individual giving? A report by Indiana University's Lilly School of Philanthropy offers a snapshot of how U.S. households responded to the COVID-19 pandemic through philanthropy. COVID-19, Generosity, and Gender: How Giving Changed During the Early Months of a Global Pandemic looks at whether and how much households contributed, the types of philanthropy in which they participated, and how their charitable giving changed.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

LIVE Workshop: When Are Nonprofit Fundraising Activities Taxed? (NEW)
With donation dollars becoming more difficult to generate, many nonprofits are turning to other unique ways of raising money, including sponsorships, ad space online and in event programs, virtual fundraising events, gala dinners and luncheons (once COVID ends), space rental, sales of membership lists, and sales of t-shirts/coffee mugs, etc. These are a few of the many ways nonprofits are getting money in the door. But many of these activities may trigger both federal and state income tax that nonprofits are not used to paying. Called "Unrelated Business Income Tax" or "UBIT," these taxes can take away as much as 40% of the organization's profit! Before any fundraising activity is planned for, it's vital that nonprofits understand the tax implications. Join national nonprofit expert Gregg S. Bossen, CPA, in this new webinar to learn everything you need to know to plan for, and hopefully avoid, paying income tax on your fundraising activities. Topics covered will include the following: What are the three rules for when a nonprofit activity is subject to income tax? What 20 activities are automatically excluded from income tax? When do sponsorship fees received become advertising income and subject to income tax? How much is the tax and how is it calculated? And how do you ensure your activity will not be subject to income tax? The webinar will be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.

LIVE Workshop: Fiscal Sponsorships (NEW)
In an attempt to further their mission as well as generate extra revenue, many nonprofit charities are offering to serve as fiscal sponsors for other informal organizations who are attempting to get grants. These informal organizations typically have not received tax-exempt status and rely on an already established 501(c)(3) charity to allow grants funds to flow through their organization. The 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor receives the grant money that is earmarked for the sponsee organization. The sponsor usually retains an "administration fee" and either sends the balance to the sponsee or pays the bills of the sponsee directly. In this important new webinar, join national nonprofit expert Gregg S. Bossen, CPA, as he explains how fiscal sponsorships work and how to account for them in QuickBooks. Topics covered will include the following: What constitutes a fiscal sponsorship? When can the expenses paid for the sponsee be considered program costs of the sponsor? What responsibility does a fiscal sponsor have in terms of monitoring how the sponsee spends the funds? How can sponsees and sponsors find each other? And how can you account for these activities in QuickBooks? The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.

The Stages and Challenges to Expect During a Capital Campaign
In our experience, capital campaigns are hard work. That's why it's so important to surround your capital campaign with people you trust, and why it is imperative to never lose sight of your mission. This combination of people and purpose will sustain you through the ride. Campaigns are based on process. Find out what happens in the five phases typical to most capital campaigns—the family, quiet, leadership, close-out, and public phases. Discover each phase's goals and potential challenges. In this webinar you will learn what to expect from each phase of a typical capital campaign, common challenges most campaigns face and how to overcome them, and how to care for donors. Get real-world examples of these capital campaign stages, learn how to prepare for the most common challenges before your campaign begins, and discover the process nonprofits use to raise the funds they need to grow and improve infrastructure to meet the needs of their clients and community. Executive directors, development directors, and board leaders from a broad range of nonprofit organizations will benefit from this 90-minute presentation. The webinar will be held on Thursday, October 29, 2020.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Funding Alerts
Have you visited our homepage this week? Additional local, national, Canadian, and international funding opportunities are featured there weekly!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

COVID-19 Related Funding

National Geographic Society: COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists

First Nations Development Institute: California Tribal Fund COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency

Foundation for Appalachian Ohio: African American Community Fund

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Criminal Justice Reform Nationwide

Mental Health Initiatives Focused on First Responders Funded

Grants Available for Racial Equity Practitioners

Instrument Purchases for Youth Music Programs Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Economic Opportunity Programs in Bank Communities

Grants Promote Social Justice Efforts in New England

Support for Michigan Organizations Enhancing Communities and Education

Recruiting Funds for Healthcare Facilities in Tennessee

Federal Funding Opportunities

Support Available to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities

Program Addresses Pandemic Using Technology and Innovation