GrantStation Insider: November 12, 2020

Volume XIX | Issue 44

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Support for New England Organizations Aiding Students
Nellie Mae Education Foundation: Prioritizing Mental Wellness Amidst Virtual Learning

The Prioritizing Mental Wellness Amidst Virtual Learning request for proposals, issued by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, aims to support young people across the New England region with remote learning and mental health supports. Examples of eligible initiatives include peer support groups, individual or group counseling or remote tutoring, space for youth to learn self-agency or where they can get help/assistance, opportunities that offer safe physical interactions, supports for youth who are being targeted because of their race, self-care kits or events, technology needs not being met by the district, and quiet safe places where students can go to get online for remote learning. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until December 4, 2020, or until funds are exhausted.

Arts Organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area Funded
Zellerbach Family Foundation: Community Arts COVID Response Grants

The Zellerbach Family Foundation's Community Arts COVID Response Grants program provides support to nonprofit organizations in Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco counties in California suffering revenue loss due to the closure of venues and cancellation of events. Response grants will be for organizational stability/general operating support and will be awarded for $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000. The upcoming application deadline is December 21, 2020.

Grants for Pueblo Indian Communities in New Mexico
Chamiza Foundation: COVID-19 Emergency Relief Funding

Through the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Funding program, the Chamiza Foundation is accepting applications from Pueblo Indian organizations and organizations serving Pueblo communities in New Mexico that are responding to direct threats from COVID-19. The grant awards will range from $3,000 to $12,000. Specific areas of interest include food, medical supplies, and personal items; water; community relief and recovery needs; and Internet access and connectivity. The application deadlines are February 12 and May 7, 2021.

For more grant opportunities, visit our COVID-19 Related Funding page.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for Veteran Housing Construction and Rehabilitation
Home Depot Foundation: Veteran Housing Grants Program

The Home Depot Foundation's Veteran Housing Grants Program awards funding to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico for the new construction or rehabilitation of permanent supportive housing for veterans. Grants ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 are available for the physical construction or repair of housing for veterans (hard costs); the grant amount must comprise less than 50% of the total development cost of the project. Rural areas will be considered; however, high priority will be given to large metropolitan areas that have a dense veteran population. Nonprofit organizations that have been in existence at least five years and have a current operating budget of at least $300,000 are eligible to apply. Requests are reviewed three times per year; the upcoming application deadlines are December 18, 2020, and March 26 and July 9, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website to review the funding guidelines.

Partnerships to Advance Ecological Improvements Funded
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program

The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program, an initiative of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds, and the species and habitats they support. The focus is on ecological improvements, including wetland, riparian, forest, and coastal habitat restoration; wildlife conservation; community tree canopy enhancement; water quality monitoring; and green infrastructure best management practices for managing run-off. Projects should increase access to the benefits of nature, reduce the impact of environmental hazards, and engage local communities, particularly underserved communities, in project planning, outreach, and implementation. This program requires the establishment of partnerships of at least five organizations (nonprofit organizations, local and state government agencies, Indian tribes, and educational institutions). Grants are available nationwide, but additional funding is available for specific geographic priorities. Matching grants will range from $20,000 to $50,000, with an average of $35,000. The application deadline is January 28, 2021. Visit the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation website to review the 2021 Request for Proposals.

Grants Bolster Healthcare for Adults With Developmental Disabilities
WITH Foundation

The mission of the WITH Foundation is to promote the establishment of comprehensive healthcare for adults with developmental disabilities designed to address their unique and fundamental needs. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations based within the United States. The focus is on programs that improve delivery of healthcare to adults with developmental disabilities and address at least one of the following issues: improve health practitioner competency through education or training programs; address the current inadequate reimbursement system; advance formal care coordination; enhance public awareness regarding the inadequacies of developmentally-disabled care in order to advance systemic change; perform social policy research; promote national efforts in digital health that support developers to include the perspectives of individuals with developmental disabilities in the design process; increase understanding of supported decision making in healthcare settings; and identify and overcome barriers to high-quality healthcare access. Grants typically range from $30,000 to $50,000. Online letters of interest must be submitted by December 11, 2020; invited proposals will be due February 3, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website to review the grant guidelines and FAQs.

Organizations Addressing Native Food Systems Supported
First Nations Development Institute: Gather Food Sovereignty Grant

The mission of First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) is to strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities. The Gather Food Sovereignty Grant program, an initiative of First Nations, will support organizations working to build a national movement that will fulfill a vision of Native communities and food systems that are self-directed, well-resourced, and supported by community policies and systems. This funding round will provide up to 13 grants of approximately $32,000 for emerging projects that focus on developing Tribal food sovereignty. Tribal governments and Native-controlled nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. The application deadline is January 14, 2021. Visit the First Nations website to review the request for proposals.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Funds Increase Equitable Access to Public Open Spaces in Virginia
Virginia Outdoors Foundation: Get Outdoors

The Virginia Outdoors Foundation is a public organization that is dedicated to preserving open space throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Foundation's Get Outdoors program provides grants for projects that increase equitable access to safe open space in Virginia's communities that have been inadequately served, overlooked, or harmed by unfair zoning, housing, and land-use practices or other systemic discrimination. Types of support include studies, planning, concept development, capacity building, and infrastructure to enable safe use of or access to public open space, as well as for land acquisition. Grants range from $5,000 to $25,000. Applications must be submitted by December 18, 2020. (The Foundation is also offering the Preservation Trust Fund that supports the expansion of access to public open space in Virginia and the Forest CORE Fund that supports community conservation in specific counties.) Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines for all of the grant programs.

Grants Focus on Early Childhood Development and Teen Pregnancy Prevention in Colorado
Buell Foundation

The Buell Foundation supports nonprofit organizations, school districts, and government entities that focus on the positive development of young children in Colorado. The Foundation's specific areas of interest include Early Childhood Education and Development for organizations that directly support the healthy development of children from birth to five years of age. Another funding priority is Teen Pregnancy Prevention, which includes support for proven, comprehensive, medically accurate teen pregnancy prevention programs. (The Foundation does not fund abstinence-only programs.) The application deadlines for 2021 are January 15, May 3, and September 1. (Applications for school-year-only programs are not accepted for the May deadline.) Visit the Foundation's website for details about each of the areas of interest categories as well as application information.

Support for Youth Service Programs in Massachusetts
Amelia Peabody Foundation

The primary mission of the Amelia Peabody Foundation is to increase the number, range, and depth of positive learning experiences available to materially disadvantaged young people living in the cities and towns of Massachusetts. Priority is given to organizations that serve disadvantaged, inner-city youth populations. The Foundation prefers to make grants that bring about real changes in neighborhoods. Such grants may help an existing organization to increase its capacity for service where it is currently situated, but sometimes such grants will help the organization to establish a new facility where no such facility exists, bringing services to a neighborhood for the first time. Examples of funded organizations and programs include youth centers, charter schools, and out-of-school time and sports programs with educational and mentoring components. Requests are reviewed quarterly; the application deadlines for 2021 are January 5, March 23, June 15, and August 31. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines.

Organizations Addressing Equal Opportunity and Access for Minnesotans Funded
McKnight Foundation: Vibrant and Equitable Communities

The McKnight Foundation works to advance a more just, creative, and abundant future where people and planet thrive. The Foundation's Vibrant and Equitable Communities program aims to promote equitable opportunity and access for residents across Minnesota, especially those who have historically not fully shared in the state's economic, educational, and civic success—such as Black Minnesotans, Indigenous communities, Minnesotans of color, and low-income Minnesotans. The program supports nonprofit organizations in Minnesota that address one of the following four strategies: Accelerate Economic Mobility, Build Community Wealth, Cultivate a Fair and Just Housing System, and Strengthen Democratic Participation. Initial inquiries are reviewed quarterly; the upcoming deadline is January 15, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the Vibrant and Equitable Communities program guidelines.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Program Supports Technical Assistance for Water and Waste Issues
Department of Agriculture

The Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program seeks to address water and waste issues. The Program provides support to identify and evaluate solutions to water problems relating to source, storage, treatment, or distribution; identify and evaluate solutions to waste problems relating to collection, treatment, or disposal; assist grant applicants to the Rural Utilities Service in the preparation of water or waste loan or grant applications; and provide technical assistance or training to water/wastewater system personnel that will improve the management, operation, and maintenance of water and waste disposal facilities. The application deadline is December 31, 2020.

Funds Available to Help Emotionally Disturbed Youth
Department of Health and Human Services

The Statewide Family Network program provides support to more effectively respond to the needs of children, youth, and young adults with serious emotional disturbances and their families by providing information, referrals, and support. The program also supports the creation of mechanisms for families to participate in state and local mental health services planning and policy development. The application deadline is January 4, 2021.



Partner Depot

Prospecting for Funding Partners: How to Find Good-Fit Grantmakers
Grantmakers and the organizations they fund are partners. Grants provide the fuel, nonprofits provide the muscle, and together, funders and grantees pursue common goals.

Join us to get some tips of the trade and some straightforward advice on a proactive approach to developing long-term partnerships with funders.

In this FREE 90-minute webinar you'll learn:

  • what motivates funders to make grants;
  • a thorough, methodical approach to finding funders that are a good fit for your work; and,
  • how to turn your funder research into a powerful, flexible plan of action.

Register here.

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
Time: 9am Pacific / 10am Mountain / 11am Central / 12pm Eastern—90 minutes

Are You a Certified Grant Professional?
(Learn More and Win a Grant Professionals Association Membership Too!)

Are you a grantwriter looking to further your career? Or do you want to earn recognition for the skills, expertise, and knowledge you've acquired? The Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI) administers the nationally accredited Grant Professional Certification (GPC) credential.

Visit the GPCI website to learn:

  • the competencies and skills required for certification;
  • if you are eligible to pursue the GPC credential; and,
  • why you should consider getting your GPC.

Sign up for the GPCI newsletter to automatically enter the drawing for a FREE one-year Grant Professionals Association (GPA) membership—a $220 value! (Can also be applied to membership renewals.) Enter today! The lucky winner will be notified on November 30th.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Solidarity in the Time of COVID-19: Civil Society Responses to the Pandemic
What has been the role of civil society during the current pandemic? A new report by CIVICUS titled "Solidarity in the Time of COVID-19: Civil Society Responses to the Pandemic" aims to answer that question. This report outlines some of the civil society responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, setting out how civil society organizations (CSOs) provided help to people and communities, how CSOs defined rights, and how civic action was sustained through new and alternate means.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Branding Your Application
Does your brand belong in your grant application? How does having a clear brand save you time and increase your chances of being awarded a grant? How hard is it to create a clear brand? Branding is your shortcut—it's the words, phrases, and images that give people instant recognition of who you are. While 'brand' might seem like a word that only applies to corporations, your nonprofit has one, whether you think it does or not. In this webinar, Ara G. Beal of Storybook Foundry will share what you need to know about nonprofit branding and grantwriting. Additionally, she'll guide you through two of the Storybook Foundry's tools to clarify and unify your brand. You'll identify words to avoid and words to use in all of your communications and learn how to compile your most compelling testimonials. Grantwriters, executive directors, and board presidents will all benefit from this 90-minute presentation. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.

How to Know if Your Grant Program is Working
Building a grants program is both high-stakes and time-intensive. But how can you tell if your grants program is working and raising as much money as it can? In this webinar, Alayna Buckner, a grantwriting expert at Elevate, will teach you how to measure the success of your grant strategy and help you avoid inadvertently leaving money on the table. In this webinar we'll show you how to establish the right timeline and goals for measuring progress, weigh opportunity costs and know which opportunities are worth pursuing, and measure and interpret returns from grants. This training is ideal for grantwriters, development professionals, and other nonprofit leaders who want a better understanding of how to develop a grant strategy, measure grant program outcomes, and set attainable fundraising goals. The webinar will be held on Thursday, November 19, 2020.

FREE Tour of the GrantStation Website
Join Jeremy Smith, Communications and Technology Director, and Kerry Glauser, Research Specialist, for a quick tour of the GrantStation website. This tour will cover all of the features in, including navigation, search interfaces, and charitable database search criteria. This tour will provide tips on the most effective way to use all of the valuable resources the website offers, including the extensive funder databases that can help you identify the grantmakers most likely to fund your programs or projects. By using GrantStation's databases and resource tools, you can begin to develop a successful grantseeking strategy for the next 12 to 18 months. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

New Online Education Certificate Course
Transformational Leadership: A Coached Seminar Experience

As the current or future executive director or senior leadership team member of a nonprofit organization, the pressures you deal with are enormous. Where do you go to renew your commitment and refine your skills?

In this ten-part seminar series, you will learn 'transactional' skills such as how to manage your staff, how to cultivate donors, how to build your board of directors, and how to create a strategic plan—all through the lens of the transformational leader. Here is a short sample of Dr. Silard discussing the seminar.

Both individuals and groups can participate, either as a complete series to methodically build their leadership knowledge and skills, or as stand-alone (single session) learning opportunities. All participants who take the entire course will receive a certificate from The Center for Social Leadership. The deadline to register for the entire series is January 21, 2021; registration for individual seminars in the series will be open monthly through October 2021.

Funding Alerts
Want to stay on top of upcoming deadlines? Check out the weekly Funding Alerts on the GrantStation homepage.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

COVID-19 Related Funding

Support for New England Organizations Aiding Students

Arts Organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area Funded

Grants for Pueblo Indian Communities in New Mexico

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Veteran Housing Construction and Rehabilitation

Partnerships to Advance Ecological Improvements Funded

Grants Bolster Healthcare for Adults With Developmental Disabilities

Organizations Addressing Native Food Systems Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds Increase Equitable Access to Public Open Spaces in Virginia

Grants Focus on Early Childhood Development and Teen Pregnancy Prevention in Colorado

Support for Youth Service Programs in Massachusetts

Organizations Addressing Equal Opportunity and Access for Minnesotans Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Supports Technical Assistance for Water and Waste Issues

Funds Available to Help Emotionally Disturbed Youth