GrantStation Insider - November 15, 2018

Volume XVII | Issue 43

National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education


National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Social Justice Efforts in the U.S., Haiti, and Mexico
Peace Development Fund: Community Organizing Grants

The Peace Development Fund believes that the change in values needed to establish a more just and peaceful world can come about only if it is strongly rooted in local communities that recognize the importance of building movements to create systemic social change. The Fund’s Community Organizing Grants provide support to community-based organizations in the United States, Haiti, and Mexico that are working for social justice. The funding priorities include organizing to shift power, working to build a movement, dismantling oppression, and creating new structures. Priority is given to new or emerging organizations; efforts that have difficulty securing funds from other sources; community organizations working on climate change issues at the local policy level; groups that have a genesis in Occupy, MeToo, or Movement for Black Lives; collaborative peace initiatives led by women; or issues that are not yet recognized by progressive funders. Grants range from $2,500 to $10,000, with an average of $5,000. Applying organizations must have an annual budget of $250,000 or less. The application form will be available on November 30, 2018, and the application deadline is December 28, 2018. Visit the Fund’s website to download the grant guidelines for the Community Organizing Grants program.

Student Technology Projects Addressing Environmental Challenges Funded
Captain Planet Foundation: ecoTech Grants

The Captain Planet Foundation is dedicated to giving the next generation of environmental stewards an active understanding and love for the natural world in which they live. The Foundation is offering ecoTech Grants to schools and nonprofit organizations for the purpose of encouraging educators and students to explore the role technology can play in designing and implementing solutions to some of our most pressing environmental challenges. ecoTech Grants are specifically offered to engage children in inquiry-based, STEM-related projects that leverage technology and use nature-based design to address environmental problems in local communities. Grants of up to $2,500 may be used for the purchase of materials and other expenses required to implement the project. The application deadline is January 15, 2019. Visit the Captain Planet Foundation’s website to learn more about the program.

Grants Strengthen Healthcare for People with Disabilities
WITH Foundation

The mission of the WITH Foundation is to promote the establishment of comprehensive healthcare for adults with developmental disabilities designed to address their unique and fundamental needs. Grants are provided to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations based within the United States. The focus is on programs that improve delivery of healthcare to adults with developmental disabilities and address at least one of the following issues: improve health practitioner competency through education or training programs; address the current inadequate reimbursement system; advance formal care coordination, including the utilization of trained support personnel and caregivers; increase public awareness regarding the inadequacies of developmentally-disabled care in order to advance systemic change; perform social policy research; increase understanding of supported-decision making in healthcare settings; and identify and overcome barriers to high-quality healthcare access. Online letters of interest must be submitted by December 13, 2018; invited proposals will be due January 31, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the grant guidelines and FAQs.

Conflict Resolution Training for Youth Supported
JAMS Foundation/ACR Initiative for Students and Youth

The JAMS Foundation/ACR Initiative for Students and Youth provides grants for conflict prevention and dispute resolution programs for K-12 students and for adults working with youth populations in ways that directly transfer Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) skills from adults to youth. The emphasis for 2019 is on programs that promote reduction in youth bullying and violence and an increase in the development of conflict resolution education skills with youth for their application in and out of school with friends and other classmates as well as at home with siblings and other family members. The possible contexts for projects include community organizations, alternative education, online education, charter schools, after-school programs, juvenile justice facilities, etc. Initial project idea descriptions must be submitted by January 14, 2019; invited full proposals will be due May 15, 2019. Visit the ACR website to download the application information.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Healthcare Programs in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Medical Society and Alliance Charitable Foundation

The Massachusetts Medical Society and Alliance Charitable Foundation is dedicated to addressing issues that affect the health, benefit, and welfare of communities throughout Massachusetts. The Foundation’s Organizational Grants focus on programs that directly promote health in the community. Eligible programs must be either 1) nonprofit organizations that provide direct care services or target public health issues which impact the healthcare system and the health of the community; or 2) physician-led volunteer initiatives that provide free care to uninsured/underinsured patients and increase access to care for the medically underserved. Requests for new projects are preferred over repeat requests. (A repeat application for funding should specifically document how the new project differs, if it does, from past requests.) Multi-year grants are possible for start-up programs. Letters of intent must be submitted by January 15, 2019. Selected organizations will be invited to submit full proposals, which will be due March 1, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the application guidelines.

Grants Promote Initiatives for Minnesota’s Children and Youth
The Sheltering Arms Foundation

The Sheltering Arms Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations in Minnesota that benefit children and families who have the least access to resources. The Foundation supports high quality direct service programs for children, ages 0-12, in the areas of early childhood and youth development. In addition, the Foundation supports advocacy efforts that increase access to high quality, culturally appropriate early childhood care as well as out-of-school time opportunities for education and youth development. Grants generally range from $5,000 to $20,000 with an average grant of $10,000. Applying organizations must be based in Minnesota and provide services to residents of the state. The application deadline is January 23, 2019. (Prior to submission of a funding request, organizations are required to contact Foundation staff to talk about how a project fits with the Foundation’s guidelines.) Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the funding guidelines and online application process.

Support for Transformative Health Efforts in Idaho
Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health: Employee Community Giving Fund

The mission of the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health is to build a healthier Idaho through catalytic engagement, partnerships, and transformational solutions. The Foundation’s Employee Community Giving Fund supports nonprofit projects that address system level change and that have the potential for large-scale impact. Grants are provided in the following areas: Behavioral Health, Senior Health, Veteran Health, and Women and Children’s Health. Grants of up to $40,000 are provided. The application deadline is January 11, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about applying to the Employee Community Giving Fund.

Programs to Enhance Communities in Appalachian OH, PA, and WV Funded
EQT Foundation

The EQT Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in the communities where the company operates in eastern Ohio, southwestern Pennsylvania, and northern West Virginia. The Foundation gives priority to programs that address the following areas: The Education category focuses on providing access to programs that enhance proficiency in core academic skills, with emphasis on STEM programs. The Community and Economic Development category promotes the development of livable communities that can attract residential and commercial growth and sustain a healthy local economy. The Environment category supports the preservation of local natural resources as well as activities to minimize adverse impacts on the environment. The Arts and Culture category encourages initiatives that are designed to give communities more exposure to artistic programming, or that promote expanded awareness of the diverse culture and heritage of Appalachia. The Diversity category promotes programs that foster racial diversity. The application deadlines are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1, annually. Visit the company’s website to review the funding priorities and submit an online application.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Program Addresses Mental Illness
Department of Health and Human Services

The Statewide Consumer Network Program seeks to improve efforts to address the needs of adults with serious mental illness by developing or expanding peer support services, peer leadership, and peer engagement strategies statewide. The application deadline is December 24, 2018.

Funds Available for Pre-Disaster Mitigation
Federal Emergency Management Agency

The Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program provides support to state, local, and tribal governments to implement and sustain cost-effective measures designed to reduce the risk to individuals and property from natural hazards, while also reducing reliance on federal funding from future disasters. The application deadline is January 31, 2019.



Partner Depot

Learn How to Become a Certified Grant Professional (and Win a Free Grant Professionals Association Membership, too!)
Are you looking to further your career as a grant professional and get recognition for the skills, expertise, and knowledge you’ve acquired? The Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI) administers the nationally recognized Grant Professional Certification (GPC) credential to grant professionals who meet eligibility requirements and successfully demonstrate proficiency in the required competencies.

Visit the Grant Professionals Certification Institute’s website to learn:

  • What are the nine competencies and skills grant professionals must have to be certified?
  • Are you eligible to pursue your GPC?
  • Why should you consider getting your GPC?

Click here to sign up for the GPCI quarterly newsletter and you will automatically be entered into a drawing for a FREE one-year Grant Professionals Association (GPA) membership—a $209 value! (If you are already a GPA member, you can apply this to your upcoming renewal.)

The lucky winner will be chosen on January 7th!



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Stanford Social Innovation Review
Keeping up on the latest developments in the social sector is easy with the Stanford Social Innovation Review. This magazine and website aims to advance, educate, and inspire the field of social innovation. It covers cross-sector solutions to global problems, bridging research, theory, and practice on a wide range of topics, including human rights, impact investing, and nonprofit business models.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Free Tour of the GrantStation Website
Join Jeremy Smith, Communications and Technology Director, and Sara Kennedy, Director of Online Education, for a quick tour of the GrantStation website. This tour will cover all of the features in, including navigation, search interfaces, and charitable database search criteria. This tour will provide tips on the most effective way to use all of the valuable resources the website offers, including the extensive funder databases that can help you identify the grantmakers most likely to fund your programs or projects. By using GrantStation's databases and resource tools, you can begin to develop a successful grantseeking strategy for the next 12 to 18 months. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

Writing Capacity Building Grants
Capacity building grants are unique. While many best practices in writing operational or program grant requests apply to developing capacity building grant requests, there are some critical differences that need to be addressed to create the strongest application possible. During the 90-minute webinar, Alice Ruhnke will define and discuss the fundamentals of capacity building grant requests, highlight the key components that differ from “regular” grants, and outline ways to identify funders who provide capacity building grants. Throughout the session, common mistakes in writing capacity building grant requests will be discussed and remedied. This webinar is appropriate for individuals who have a basic understanding of grant fundamentals and would like to apply those concepts specifically to capacity building grants. The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2018.

Online Workshop: How to Track Restricted Grants in QuickBooks
Wouldn't it be great if at any point during a grant’s life cycle you could simply push a button and see exactly how much and to which categories the grant dollars have been spent? Considered the country’s foremost expert in using QuickBooks for nonprofits, Gregg S. Bossen, CPA, will demonstrate how to easily and accurately track restricted grants in QuickBooks. Participants will learn how to set up a restricted grant, enter the grant budget, mark checks and bills as being paid out of the grant, point payroll to the grant, and finally create a memorized report to see how the dollars have been spent and compare the results to the grant budget. Gregg will be working in QuickBooks throughout the webinar. No power point slides here! There will also be plenty of time for questions. And one more thing: Gregg is really entertaining! The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 13, 2018.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Social Justice Efforts in the U.S., Haiti, and Mexico

Student Technology Projects Addressing Environmental Challenges Funded

Grants Strengthen Healthcare for People with Disabilities

Conflict Resolution Training for Youth Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Healthcare Programs in Massachusetts

Grants Promote Initiatives for Minnesota’s Children and Youth 

Support for Transformative Health Efforts in Idaho

Programs to Enhance Communities in Appalachian OH, PA, and WV Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Addresses Mental Illness

Funds Available for Pre-Disaster Mitigation