GrantStation Insider - November 29, 2018

Volume XVII | Issue 44

National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education


National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Efforts to Aid Post-9/11 Service Members and Veterans
Bob Woodruff Foundation

The Bob Woodruff Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that offer programs for post-9/11 impacted veterans, service members, their families, and caregivers. Grants are provided in the following three core areas: Education and Employment focuses on education and employment initiatives that enrich the next chapter of service members’ and veterans’ lives. Rehabilitation and Recovery supports programs that heal both the physical and hidden wounds of war, with emphasis on the long-term effects of living with injury. Quality of Life gives priority to programs that offer service members a sense of purpose, a place to live, healthy family relationships, and outlets for socialization. Applications for the Spring 2019 grant cycle will be accepted through December 21, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the application process.

National Initiatives to Foster a Vibrant Jewish Community Funded
Righteous Persons Foundation

The Righteous Persons Foundation is dedicated to supporting efforts that build a diverse, just, and vibrant Jewish community in the United States. Steven Spielberg initially established the Foundation with his profits from the film, Schindler’s List. The Foundation has developed a particular focus on supporting national programs that foster Jewish arts, culture, and identity; invest in the next generation on issues of Jewish identity, community, and meaning; inspire a commitment to social justice; and promote understanding between Jews and those of other faiths and backgrounds. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is January 16, 2019. Guidelines for developing letters of inquiry are available on the Foundation’s website.

Grants Promote Programs for People with Spinal Cord Injuries in the U.S. and Canada
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation: Creating Opportunity & Independence

The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation’s funding is dedicated to supporting both programs and scientific research to improve the quality of life for those affected by and living with spinal cord injury. The Foundation’s Creating Opportunity & Independence portfolio supports nonprofit organizations that develop innovative projects to improve participation and independence for people living with spinal cord injury throughout the United States and Canada. Areas of interest include Assistive Technology, Education, Employment, Independent Living, Rehabilitation, and Arts, Sports, and Recreation. Letters of intent for one-year Project Grants, ranging from $25,000 to $100,000, are due January 18, 2019; invited full grant applications must be submitted by April 30, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the application process.

Community Activities Focused on Urban Birds Supported
Celebrate Urban Birds Mini-Grant Program

The Celebrate Urban Birds Mini-Grant Program, an initiative of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, supports community organizations, educators, and youth throughout the United States that host neighborhood events that introduce the public and youth to birds found in urban areas. Examples of eligible events include bird-activity days at local museums, libraries, or community centers, as well as art and gardening activities at clubs, schools, or senior centers. Mini-grants ranging from $100 to $750 are provided. Organizations working with underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply. The application deadline is December 31, 2018. Visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s website to submit an online application.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Innovative High School Models in New England
Barr Foundation Education Program

The Barr Foundation’s Education Program is dedicated to increasing the number of youth in the New England region who connect to secondary and post-secondary success. The current Request for Proposals is part of the Foundation’s "Engage New England: Doing High School Differently" initiative. The Foundation anticipates supporting a cohort of up to eight grantees who seek to seed or grow pioneering whole-school models that can effectively boost graduation rates and college readiness for students who have not found the support they need through traditional education models. This RFP is intended to support only wholly integrated, full-time models, not discrete programs or stand-alone interventions. Applicants are invited to submit proposals for up to $150,000 for one year of planning. Subsequently, the Foundation will invite a select group of planning awardees to apply for a three-year implementation grant of up to $750,000. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and nonprofit organizations in New England are eligible to apply. Planning phase proposals are due February 1, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the Request for Proposals.

Grants for Direct Services That Benefit Hawaiians
Friends of Hawaii Charities

Friends of Hawaii Charities provides support to nonprofit organizations and public agencies that benefit women, children, youth, the elderly, and the needy in Hawaii. Grants focus on the following areas: arts and education, healthcare and basic needs, and social services, such as family abuse programs, drug and job rehabilitation, elderly services, and programs for the terminally ill. Priority is given to direct services that make a significant difference in Hawaiian communities. Grant applications must be submitted by January 31, 2019. Visit the Friends of Hawaii Charities website to download the 2019 application materials.

Support for School Sports Programs in 44 States
California Casualty Thomas R. Brown Athletics Grant Program

The California Casualty Thomas R. Brown Athletics Grant Program provides support to public middle and high school sports programs negatively impacted by reduced budgets in 44 states. (Schools in Alaska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, and Wisconsin are not eligible to apply.) Grants ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 may be used to help subsidize school sports programs in ways such as purchasing new equipment or paying for competition travel costs. Applications must be submitted by an employee of the public school who is a current member, or referred by a current member, of the state NEA affiliate or one of the program's other participating educator associations. The application deadline is January 15, 2019. Visit the California Casualty website to review the grant guidelines and submit an online application.

Primary Care Initiatives for Underserved Virginians Funded
Virginia Health Care Foundation

The Virginia Health Care Foundation is a public-private partnership committed to increasing access to primary health care services for medically underserved and uninsured Virginians. The Foundation’s Health Safety Net Grants support organizations that work to increase access to primary care for uninsured Virginians and those who live in areas with limited access to care. Funding focuses on projects that address one or more of these priorities: developing or expanding patient capacity, establishing a broader scope of services, creating local systems of care, and strengthening the infrastructure of health care providers. Nonprofit organizations and public agencies, including free clinics, community health centers, and other similar organizations, are eligible to apply. The first concept paper deadline for 2019 is January 18. While not required, applicants are encouraged to contact a Foundation Program Officer to discuss their proposal before submitting a request. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the Health Safety Net Grants program.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Grants Available for Water and Waste Management Technical Assistance
Department of Agriculture

The Water and Waste Disposal Technical Assistance and Training Grants program supports communities with water or wastewater systems through technical assistance or training. Supported organizations will identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste disposal problems in rural areas, assist other organizations in preparing applications for water and waste grants made at the state level offices, and improve operation and maintenance of existing water and waste disposal facilities in rural areas. The application deadline is December 31, 2018.

Program Helps Families Involved in Violence-Related Court Cases
Department of Justice

The Justice for Families Program seeks to improve the response of the civil and criminal justice system to families with a history of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, or in cases involving allegations of child sexual abuse. The program supports activities for improving the capacity of courts and communities to respond to families affected by the targeted crimes, including court-based and court-related programs, supervised visitation and safe exchange by and between parents, training for people who work with families in the court system, civil legal services, and the provision of resources in juvenile court matters. The application deadline is January 8, 2019.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits
Are you looking to increase online engagement with your nonprofit organization? If so, you may want to check out Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits, a book that teaches readers how to craft and share stories on social media. It covers topics such as how to collect stories about your nonprofit’s work and impact, ways to tell an effective story, creating a plan for a digital storytelling campaign, and more.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Writing Capacity Building Grants
Capacity building grants are unique. While many best practices in writing operational or program grant requests apply to developing capacity building grant requests, there are some critical differences that need to be addressed to create the strongest application possible. During the 90-minute webinar, Alice Ruhnke will define and discuss the fundamentals of capacity building grant requests, highlight the key components that differ from “regular” grants, and outline ways to identify funders who provide capacity building grants. Throughout the session, common mistakes in writing capacity building grant requests will be discussed and remedied. This webinar is appropriate for individuals who have a basic understanding of grant fundamentals and would like to apply those concepts specifically to capacity building grants. The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2018.

Online Workshop: How to Track Restricted Grants in QuickBooks
Wouldn't it be great if at any point during a grant’s life cycle you could simply push a button and see exactly how much and to which categories the grant dollars have been spent? Considered the country’s foremost expert in using QuickBooks for nonprofits, Gregg S. Bossen, CPA, will demonstrate how to easily and accurately track restricted grants in QuickBooks. Participants will learn how to set up a restricted grant, enter the grant budget, mark checks and bills as being paid out of the grant, point payroll to the grant, and finally create a memorized report to see how the dollars have been spent and compare the results to the grant budget. Gregg will be working in QuickBooks throughout the webinar. No power point slides here! There will also be plenty of time for questions. And one more thing: Gregg is really entertaining! The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 13, 2018.

The Power of 3 - by Alice Ruhnke
Does it feel like everyone else is winning grant awards? These three webinars were designed to systematically help your nonprofit organization develop its capacity to write successful grants. The first webinar, Is Your Organization Grant Ready? will help you identify your readiness to be competitive in the grant application process and provide suggestions to increase areas that need additional development. The second webinar, Grant Writing 101, will teach you how to use a comprehensive Program Planning Framework to develop and write strong, impactful, and coherent applications. The third webinar, Logic Models: More Than Just Extra Work! will help you develop logic models to measure the change your programs have on participants. These webinars can be taken together to methodically build your organization’s capacity to write successful grants or as stand-alone learning opportunities. Executive directors, program managers, and grant writers from a broad range of human service organizations will benefit from these 90-minute presentations. The first webinar will be held on Thursday, January 24, 2019.


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Editor: Julie Kaufman
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Efforts to Aid Post-9/11 Service Members and Veterans

National Initiatives to Foster a Vibrant Jewish Community Funded

Grants Promote Programs for People with Spinal Cord Injuries in the U.S. and Canada

Community Activities Focused on Urban Birds Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Innovative High School Models in New England

Grants for Direct Services That Benefit Hawaiians 

Support for School Sports Programs in 44 States

Primary Care Initiatives for Underserved Virginians Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Grants Available for Water and Waste Management Technical Assistance

Program Helps Families Involved in Violence-Related Court Cases