GrantStation Insider - April 27, 2017

Volume XVI | Issue 17

National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | Online Education | Announcements


National Funding

Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Veteran Housing Initiatives

Home Depot Foundation: Veteran Housing Grants Program

The Home Depot Foundation’s Veteran Housing Grants Program awards grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States for the development and repair of multi-unit veteran housing facilities. Awards ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 support new construction and rehabilitation/repair of single-family or multifamily housing, permanent supportive housing, or transitional housing. Although projects in rural areas will be considered, high priority is placed on large metropolitan areas that have a dense veteran population. Nonprofit organizations with a current operating budget of at least $300,000 are eligible to apply. The upcoming application deadline is June 23, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the funding guidelines and take the online eligibility quiz.

Social Activism Programs Funded

David Bohnett Foundation

The mission of the David Bohnett Foundation is to improve society through social activism. The Foundation supports innovative nonprofit organizations that address the following areas: The LGBT Community category focuses on national and Southern California organizations that provide equal rights and protections for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered community. The CyberCenters category promotes the development of computer labs at LGBT community centers. The Gun Violence Prevention category strives to reduce gun violence through research, advocacy, and community empowerment. The Leadership Initiatives category supports the development of the next generation of municipal leaders. The Animal Language category focuses on scientific and academic animal language research. The upcoming deadline for letters of inquiry is June 30, 2017; invited applications will be due July 31, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the application process.

Grants to Adopt Gynecologic Cancer Support Model

Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance: Woman to Woman

Woman to Woman, a program of the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance (OCRFA), seeks to improve the quality of care for gynecologic cancer patients by strengthening coping capacities through a patient-to-patient support model. Woman to Woman trains mentors, themselves survivors of gynecologic cancers, to provide one-on-one emotional support and mentoring through all phases of treatment, recurrence, and recovery. Another key component of Woman to Woman is a patient fund, which provides modest financial assistance to women undergoing treatment and their families. OCRFA has already funded 29 hospital- and community-based Woman to Woman sites across the United States and plans to fund six new programs in the current funding cycle. Each grant recipient will receive a one-year grant of either $50,000 for a hospital-based program or $25,000 for a community-based organization. The grant is intended to cover the cost of a part-time Program Coordinator’s salary and to start the patient fund. Hospitals and community-based, nonprofit organizations that serve women with gynecologic cancers are eligible to apply. The application deadline is May 29, 2017. Visit the OCRFA website to download the application guidelines.

K-12 Programs Improving U.S./Japan Understanding Supported

United States-Japan Foundation: Pre-College Education Grants

The United States-Japan Foundation supports innovative education projects that help young Americans and Japanese learn about each other’s society, culture, and country as well as learn to work together on issues of common concern. The Foundation’s Pre-College Education Grants support K-12 teacher professional development projects that train U.S. educators to teach about Japan and Japanese educators to teach about the United States. In addition, the Foundation funds projects that work directly with students, develop top quality curriculum materials on America or Japan for educational audiences in the other country, connect schools and classrooms in the U.S. and Japan, and develop and improve instruction in the Japanese language. For the fall 2017 funding cycle, letters of inquiry should be submitted by July 15; invited proposals are due August 31. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the funding guidelines and application process.



Regional Funding

Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Employment Initiatives Targeting Floridians with Disabilities

The Able Trust

The Able Trust is a key leader in providing Floridians with disabilities opportunities for successful employment. Grants are awarded for a wide range of projects, including on-the-job coaching, supported employment, job skills training, job development, employer outreach, ADA facility compliance, skills evaluation, and programs leading to employment. The Trust offers the following grant opportunities: The General Support for Employment Placement Programs category assists new and existing programs that facilitate employment placement for participating individuals with disabilities. Awards in this category range up to $65,000 for a one-year grant period. The upcoming application deadline is July 5, 2017. The Strategic Employment Placement Initiatives category helps nonprofit organizations create employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Awards in this category range up to $250,000 and cover a three-year grant period. The application deadline is November 10, 2017. Visit The Able Trust’s website to learn more about the application procedure for both programs.

Grants Promote Oral Health for Wisconsin Residents

Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation

The Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation is committed to improving the oral health of Wisconsin residents by providing grants to community-based, nonprofit oral health promotion programs throughout the state. The Foundation's Annual Grant Program offers support to initiatives that provide dental care to the underserved and philanthropic endeavors related to dentistry in Wisconsin. Grants of up to $5,000 are considered for dental supplies and equipment for low-income dental clinics, dental health education programs, and other nonprofit dentistry programs. Proposals must be submitted via email by July 31, 2017. (A letter of endorsement from an officer of the local component dental society is required.) Visit the Foundation’s website to review the grant guidelines.

Support for Youth Music and Dance Programs in Oregon and Washington

Jubilation Foundation: Grants for Organizations

The Jubilation Foundation, a fund of the Tides Foundation, supports nonprofit organizations in Oregon and Washington with an exceptional talent for helping young people feel fully alive through rhythm, as expressed in music and dance. Grants generally range from $2,000 to $10,000. Letters of intent must be submitted by July 15, 2017; invited full proposals are due September 15, 2017. (The Foundation also provides grants to organizations for Special Projects, as well as Fellowships for individuals, nationwide. These programs have a separate application process.) Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the Grants for Organizations funding priorities.

New York Hospitals Implementing OpenNotes Program Funded

New York State Health Foundation: Spreading OpenNotes in New York State

The New York State Health Foundation is dedicated to improving the health of all New Yorkers, especially the most vulnerable. Through its Empowering Health Care Consumers priority area, the Foundation is specifically focused on work that increases and enhances consumers’ and patients’ choice and control. One such model, OpenNotes, is a national movement to give patients access to their own visit notes written by their doctors, nurses, or other clinicians. The Foundation is currently offering the Spreading OpenNotes in New York State Request for Proposals to foster the reach of OpenNotes to more New York State hospitals and patients. The Foundation will award grants of up to $100,000 to up to ten hospitals in New York State interested in implementing OpenNotes at their facilities. The application deadline is June 8, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the RFP.



Federal Funding

Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Great Lakes Education Supported

Department of Commerce

The Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training Program (B-WET) supports existing, high quality environmental education programs; fosters the growth of new, innovative programs; and encourages capacity building and partnership development for environmental education programs throughout the entire Great Lakes watershed. The application deadline is June 2, 2017. 

Program Funds Digital Humanities Projects

National Endowment for the Humanities

The Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program supports digital methods or techniques that contribute to the humanities, scholarship about digital culture, and efforts to revitalize or recover existing digital projects. The application deadline is June 6, 2017.



Partner Depot

GrantStation Proudly Endorses These Special Offers

BlackBaudSimplify Grant Management and Tracking with Financial Edge NXT™, the Leading Cloud Accounting Solution for Nonprofits

Financial Edge NXT simplifies fund accounting so you can work more efficiently and your organization can grow. Delivering unparalleled grant management, reporting, budgeting, and expense management, Financial Edge NXT is powered by Blackbaud Sky™, the only cloud built to power social good. That means you take advantage of pre-integrated services, secure data, and rapid updates... built in and automatic. Take a tour to see how Financial Edge NXT can simplify your every day by improving data accuracy, reducing manual processes, eliminating duplicative entry, and more!



Upcoming Online Education Trainings

Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,

are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Getting Started: Making Your Grant Requests Sparkle

Are you new to grant writing? This webinar will help you prepare the basic documents needed to write compelling letters of inquiry and grant proposals. Participants come away with a clear picture of exactly what documents they should have at hand and how to polish and present these documents in order to submit successful grant requests. Why not make your first grant proposals not only a joy to write, but also make them stand out from other submissions? Cynthia M. Adams, CEO of GrantStation, has been teaching grant writing workshops for over 20 years, and presents a webinar full of "how to's" and "examples" for the novice grant writer. Participants will receive several handouts/worksheets before the webinar to help guide their success. This presentation will be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2017.

Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits (NEW)

Facebook is now the equivalent of the world's largest country, with active users spanning every generation and every corner of the globe. More importantly, social media has fundamentally changed the way that people communicate, interact, and engage with causes. But what are the keys to successful fundraising, marketing, and community building online? Join us for an interactive, intensely practical workshop as Darian Rodriguez Heyman, the former E.D. of Craiglist Foundation, co-founder of the world's only conference series focused on social media for social good, and best-selling author of Nonprofit Fundraising 101 and Nonprofit Management 101 shares actionable insights on why social media presents huge opportunities, how to capitalize on those, and where to go for more information and free resources. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2017.

Grants: How to Get Them and What to Do Next

When money is tight or when experiencing a budget gap, or when launching a new program area or expanding an organization's audience base, we often think "Why not get a grant?" This webinar, presented by Judi Margolin, explores the ins and outs of grantseeking, providing some very specific advice about how to be successful at securing outside funding from both foundations and corporations. Topics covered include the various types of grants, which kinds of grants in which dollar amounts work best for different types of funders, types of grant support, alternatives to cash grants, and how to determine where grants fit in your overall funding scheme. What to do when you actually receive a grant to ensure you are well positioned for the next grant is also addressed. The presentation will be held Thursday, May 4, 2017.




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Editor: Julie Kaufman

Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Veteran Housing Initiatives

Social Activism Programs Funded

Grants to Adopt Gynecologic Cancer Support Model

K-12 Programs Improving U.S./Japan Understanding Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Employment Initiatives Targeting Floridians with Disabilities

Grants Promote Oral Health for Wisconsin Residents

Support for Youth Music and Dance Programs in Oregon and Washington

New York Hospitals Implementing OpenNotes Program Funded

Federal Funding

Great Lakes Education Supported

Program Funds Digital Humanities Projects