GrantStation Insider - April 6, 2017

Volume XVI | Issue 14

National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | Online Education | Announcements

National Funding

Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Nonprofit/Foundation Collaborations

Fund for Shared Insight: Listen for Good

The Fund for Shared Insight, administered by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, is a multi-year collaborative effort among funders that pools financial and other resources to make grants to improve philanthropy. Shared Insight emerged from the belief that foundations will be more effective and make an even bigger difference in the world if they are more open. Listen for Good, an initiative of the Fund for Shared Insight, invites nonprofit organizations and funders to join in exploring a systematic and rigorous way of getting feedback from the people who are benefiting from foundation funding. In order to participate in Listen for Good, a nonprofit organization must be nominated by an existing or new funder. Applicants must have a minimum annual budget of $500,000 in the current and previous fiscal years. In 2017, grants totaling $45,000 over two years will be provided to U.S. nonprofit organizations working in any issue area. This amount includes $15,000 from the nonprofit organization’s funding partner and $30,000 from the Fund for Shared Insight. The application deadline is May 26, 2017. Visit the Fund for Shared Insight website to learn more about the grant guidelines and application details.

Skatepark Construction in Low-Income Communities Funded

Tony Hawk Foundation

The Tony Hawk Foundation is dedicated to promoting the construction of new, quality skateparks located in low-income communities throughout the United States. The Foundation primarily supports projects that can demonstrate a strong grassroots commitment, particularly in the form of planning and fundraising by local skateboarders and other community groups. Priority is given to projects that are designed and built from concrete by experienced skatepark contractors and include local skaters in the planning, fundraising, and design process. Grants of $1,000 to $25,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations and state or local agencies, including public school systems and public projects. Requests are reviewed two times per year. Applications for the upcoming grant cycle will be accepted from May 3 to June 14, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the grant criteria and submit an online application.

Grants Enhance HIV/AIDS Organizations Nationwide

AIDS United: Sector Transformation

AIDS United is dedicated to ending the AIDS epidemic in the United States. Sector Transformation, an initiative of AIDS United, supports HIV/AIDS service organizations nationwide that are navigating the challenges to service sustainability posed by shifts in funding, implementation of healthcare reform, and scientific advances in HIV treatment and prevention. Grants of up to $50,000 are available for transformational projects. Examples include, but are not limited to, development of integrated care models, expansion of services, strategic alliances and partnerships, post-merger integration, mission expansion or rebranding, mergers or consolidations, responsible closures, and client population expansion. Sector Transformation also offers technical assistance for specific restructuring-related activities, as well as funding for “Reverse Site Visits” to help organizations learn from others that have successfully restructured. Applicants must be nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations or have a fiscal agent. Organizations led by and focused on serving women, people of color, and transgender communities are strongly encouraged to apply. The upcoming deadline for letter of inquiry forms is May 29, 2017; invited proposals are reviewed quarterly. Visit the AIDS United website for more information.

Funds for U.S. Environment Efforts

Cornell Douglas Foundation

The Cornell Douglas Foundation is dedicated to advocating for environmental health and justice, encouraging stewardship of the environment, and furthering respect for sustainability of resources. The Foundation provides grants averaging $10,000 to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States that address one or more of the following areas of interest: environmental health and justice, land conservation, sustainability of resources, mountaintop removal mining, watershed protection, and financial literacy. Introductory letters are reviewed throughout the year. Visit the Foundation’s website for information on developing and submitting an introductory letter.


Regional Funding

Opportunities for Specific Areas

Alaskan Organizations Addressing Social Justice Issues Supported

Alaska Community Foundation: Social Justice Fund

The Alaska Community Foundation is dedicated to encouraging and nurturing philanthropy through the establishment of a permanent endowment that will address current and emerging needs in Alaskan communities. The Foundation’s Social Justice Fund is a non-competitive opportunity that supports nonprofit organizations working toward equity in access to services, equal rights for all, and high levels of civic engagement. The focus is on organizations that seek to develop and retain capable leaders, facilitate meaningful collaborative work and partners, and build broad awareness for social justice issues. Nominations will be accepted through April 27, 2017. (Organizations are encouraged to self-nominate.) Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the Social Justice Fund.

Funds for Economic, Environmental, and Education Efforts in Illinois

Grand Victoria Foundation: Core Grants Program

The Grand Victoria Foundation invests in building strong communities in Illinois by strengthening education, protecting the natural environment, and promoting economic vitality. Through the Core Grants Program, the Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations that address the following categories: Employment, Land and Water Conservation, and Early Childhood Education. Statewide organizations, regional organizations that focus on the Chicago metropolitan area, as well as organizations that focus on suburban Chicago counties are eligible to apply. The 2017 deadlines for letters of inquiry are May 5 and October 6. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the Core Grants Program.

Grants Promote Maine Children’s Health

Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation: Small Grants Program

The Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of Maine children's health. The Foundation’s Small Grants Program supports nonprofit organizations that promote the health of children in Maine, with priority given to programs that address the state’s poorest and most underserved populations (e.g., low-income, rural, etc.). Grants generally range from $3,000 to $15,000. Letters of interest must be submitted by May 8, 2017; invited applications are due June 15, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the 2017 Small Grants Program.

Support for Innovative Organizations in Louisiana and New Mexico

The Frost Foundation

The Frost Foundation provides support to nonprofit organizations in the states of Louisiana and New Mexico. The Foundation's areas of grantmaking interest include education, human service needs, and the environment. The Foundation’s efforts are directed primarily to supporting exemplary organizations that can generate positive change beyond traditional boundaries, to encouraging creativity that recognizes emerging needs, and to assisting innovation that addresses current urgent problems. Priority is given to programs that have the potential for wider service or educational exposure than an individual community. The proposal summary deadlines are June 1 and December 1, annually. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the application instructions.


Federal Funding

Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Grants Available to Strengthen Tribal Communities

Corporation for National and Community Service

The AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants program provides support to strengthen tribal communities. Priorities include disaster services, economic opportunity, education, healthy futures, and veterans and military families. Notifications of intent are encouraged, and are due April 19, 2017. The application deadline is May 10, 2017. 

Program Supports Service Dogs for Injured Heroes

Department of Defense

The Wounded Warrior Service Dog Program provides support to connect assistance dogs with service members and veterans. The application deadline is May 22, 2017. 


Partner Depot

GrantStation Proudly Endorses These Special Offers

Reach Your Target Audience – Increase Attendance, Sales, and Membership!

Partner Depot provides the opportunity for organizations and businesses to connect with the grantseeking universe by introducing products or services, announcing events, etc. Advertising in GrantStation's weekly newsletters, sent to a list of over 100,000 subscribers, and on GrantStation's website, with over 2,100,000 page views annually, will ensure that your message reaches interested readers.

We at GrantStation know that Partner Depot advertisements and announcements carry our implied endorsement. Therefore, the Partner Depot Program is limited to current GrantStation Members, partners, and participants in other GrantStation programs to ensure the veracity of the marketing content. To learn more about how Partner Depot can work for you, please contact Jill Cochran.


Upcoming Online Education Trainings

Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars, are 90 minutes in duration,

and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

The Power of Three: $149 Webinar Special

Kick off your spring grantseeking with three powerful, back-to-back webinars in April presented by CEO and Founder of GrantStation, Cynthia Adams. We begin with Building a Powerful Grants Strategy for 2017 on April 12. This is followed by a step-by-step webinar on Building a Stellar Grantseeking Team on April 13. Cynthia will top it off with a webinar focusing on the importance of a strong statement of need with her popular The Golden Key to Successful Grant Requests on April 27.

Purchasing this special $149 offer grants you individual access to all three of these webinars for one low price:

The last day to purchase this series of webinars is April 11th.

FREE Tour of the NEW GrantStation Website

Join Jeremy Smith, Communications and Technology Director, and Sara Kennedy, Director of Online Education, for a quick tour of the NEW GrantStation website. This tour will cover all of the features in and it will also highlight the recent changes to the website, including a new look, new navigation, new search interfaces, and additional charitable database search criteria. This tour will provide tips on the most effective way to use all of the valuable resources the website offers, including the extensive funder databases that can help you identify the grantmakers most likely to fund your programs or projects. By using GrantStation's databases and resource tools, you can begin to develop a successful grantseeking strategy for the next 12 to 18 months. This webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2017.

Building a Powerful Grants Strategy for 2017

This webinar will take participants through the process of establishing a grants calendar for the next 12 to 18 months. Fast-paced, and filled with action steps, Cynthia Adams, CEO of GrantStation, will discuss how to design and adopt a Grant Decision Matrix before beginning the process of building a specific grants strategy for each project. All participants will also receive a set of worksheets that they can use to create their own approach to building an overall grantseeking strategy for their organization. This presentation, which will be held on Wednesday, April 12, 2017, is geared towards beginning and intermediate grantwriters. Advanced grantwriters may also find it useful as a refresher course.



What's New at GrantStation?


Do you want the inside track on the latest in grantseeking and grantmaking? TrendTrack is your information pipeline to get up-to-speed and stay current on the trends happening in the world of philanthropy. Our goal is for you to make the most of your grantseeking time and to get the most from your grant requests. As we perform research for our grant listings and talk with nonprofit organizations, we get exposure to new practices and ideas. TrendTrack is the latest example of our ongoing commitment is to help you secure your share of the funding available this year and beyond.

Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission..

Editor: Julie Kaufman

Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Nonprofit/Foundation Collaborations

Skatepark Construction in Low-Income Communities Funded

Grants Enhance HIV/AIDS Organizations Nationwide

Funds for U.S. Environment Efforts

Regional Funding Opportunities

Alaskan Organizations Addressing Social Justice Issues Supported

Funds for Economic, Environmental, and Education Efforts in Illinois

Grants Promote Maine Children’s Health

Support for Innovative Organizations in Louisiana and New Mexico

Federal Funding

Grants Available to Strengthen Tribal Communities

Program Supports Service Dogs for Injured Heroes