GrantStation International Insider - April 2022

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Volume XIII | Issue 3

COVID-19 | Global | Regional | Government | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe



COVID-19 Related Funding


Current COVID-19 funding opportunities are available on our website.


Global Funding Opportunities

Support for Conservation Projects Around the World
Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund

The Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund, established by the Roger Williams Park Zoo and the Rhode Island Zoological Society, supports conservation programs that protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide. Priority is given to field studies and other projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, and projects that involve in-country collaborators. Support is also provided for environmental education programs, development of techniques that can be used in a natural environment, and captive propagation programs that stress an integrative approach to conservation. Projects must directly affect biological conservation. There are no eligibility restrictions on the nationality of the applicant, but applicants should be associated with an organization (e.g., a non-governmental organization or university) through which they can receive funding. The application deadline is June 1, 2022. Visit the Roger Williams Park Zoo website to review the information for grant applicants.

Funds for Journalists Covering Climate-Related Labor Issues
Pulitzer Center: Your Work/Environment

The Pulitzer Center, a nonprofit organization that supports independent global journalism, is now accepting applications for the Your Work/Environment reporting initiative, focused on climate change and its effects on workers and work. The initiative seeks to explore the global climate risks playing out in fields and on factory floors and being discussed in company boardrooms. Freelance and staff journalists with ambitious enterprise and strong in-depth reporting ideas may apply for grants ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 to cover the intersection of labor and climate in their communities. Priority is given to reporting from regions in Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. All types of formats are welcome, including print, digital, broadcast TV, radio, and film projects, as well as data and computer-assisted journalism. This grant opportunity is now open, and applications will be reviewed on a first-come, rolling basis. Visit the Pulitzer Center’s website to review the Tips for Writing a Successful Pulitzer Center Grant Proposal and apply online.

Award Aims to Improve Maternal and Infant Health Worldwide
Lever for Change: Maternal & Infant Health Award

The Maternal & Infant Health Award, an initiative of Lever for Change, the Patchwork Collective, and ICONIQ Impact, is a $10 million grant competition to help improve maternal and infant health outcomes around the world. The Award will source and scale community-led solutions for improving maternal and infant health outcomes for marginalized communities around the world. The most competitive proposals should offer solutions that are community-led, impactful, durable, and feasible. Organizations from around the world are eligible to apply. Interested organizations must register to apply before 5 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time on June 2, 2022; completed applications are due before 5 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time on June 30, 2022. Visit the Maternal & Infant Health Award website to review the FAQs, complete the Organizational Readiness Tool, and register to apply.

Biodiversity and Habitat Protection Projects Supported
World Land Trust

The mission of the World Land Trust is to protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world; to conserve their biodiversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species; and to develop partnerships with local individuals, communities, and organizations to engage support and commitment among the people who live in project areas. The Trust supports projects that conserve threatened areas of high biodiversity value through the creation or expansion of protected reserves, restoration of degraded habitats, and conservation focused management of these areas. Nonprofit and non-governmental organizations based in the country where the program takes place are eligible to apply. Concept notes may be submitted online at any time. Visit the Trust’s website to learn more about the types of supported projects.


Regional Funding Opportunities

Rapid Response Grants Target Eastern Neighbourhood Countries
New Democracy Fund

The New Democracy Fund supports new and existing civil society partnerships in regard to strengthening democratic development in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. The Fund is currently accepting applications through two programs: The Rapid Response Fund supports sudden needs and emerging opportunities in the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. Funding is provided to civil society organizations (CSOs) in Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, and Azerbaijan that preferably have a Danish CSO partner, and that previously have received support from that partner. The Rapid Response Fund – Ukraine offers emergency assistance funds to CSOs or groups under threat or intimidation that are engaged in Ukraine. Types of supported activities/equipment include support to temporarily relocate individuals, legal support to individuals and groups facing prosecution concerning their human rights and development work, replacement of ICT and assets confiscated or damaged by the authorities, and other relevant activities. Applications may be submitted at any time. Visit the Fund’s website to download the guidelines for these two programs in English or Russian.

Support for Women and LGBTQ+ Groups in the MENA Region
Doria Feminist Fund

The Doria Feminist Fund seeks to create a feminist ecosystem where the new generation of feminist movements in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has access to more and better funding and resources. The Fund’s grantmaking is focused on women and LGBTQ+ groups working on the following issues: 1) advancing human rights; 2) peacebuilding, security, and well-being under armed conflict; 3) combatting violence against women and LGBTQ+ groups; and 4) economic empowerment. Grants are provided through three programs. Core Funds are awarded to emerging and new feminist groups to jumpstart their work and support them in their establishment phase and early years. Project Funds support established feminist groups or collectives that seek to develop a new program or start a new activity within their group. The Knowledge Production Funds support projects on feminism and gender issues by on-ground feminist activists and engaged scholars in the MENA region by covering knowledge creation and dissemination costs. Applications may be submitted at any time. Visit the Fund’s website to review the guidelines for each program and start the online application process by registering for an account.

Emergency Funding for Cultural Heritage Under Threat
Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development: Cultural Emergency Response

The mission of the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, based in the Netherlands, is to support, honor, and connect artists and cultural practitioners in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe, especially where cultural expression is under pressure. Its Cultural Emergency Response programme provides assistance to cultural heritage threatened, damaged, or destroyed by conflict or disaster. Support is primarily given to people and organizations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe. Applications may be submitted at any time. Visit the Fund’s website to review the open call for this programme and download the statement of need guidelines and application form.

Grants Protect Legacy Landscapes in Developing Countries
Legacy Landscapes Fund

The Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) is a new financing instrument aimed at protecting the world’s most important protected areas and their buffer zones, known as Legacy Landscapes. LLF seeks to support at least 30 Legacy Landscapes with long-term funding of $1 million per year by 2030. In the current call for proposals, support will be provided for Legacy Landscapes located in countries eligible for official development assistance. Funds specifically targeting the following countries may be available: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Haiti, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. Grant funding in the amount of $1 million per year will be in the form of either a “permanent” grant, referred to as a Perpetual Grant, or an initial long-term grant of 15 years, referred to as a Sustaining Grant. Matching funding is required. Non-governmental organizations and locally-based actors are eligible to apply. Concept notes must be submitted by April 30, 2022. Visit the LLF website to review the call for proposals announcement and download the accompanying documents, which include additional information on eligible organizations and Legacy Landscapes. 


Government Funding Opportunities

Efforts to Preserve Documentary Heritage Recognized
UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize

The UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize, awarded biennially, aims to reward efforts contributing to the preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage as a common heritage of humanity. The Prize is awarded to individuals or institutions that have made significant contributions to the preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage. An award of $30,000 is made. Nominations may be submitted by UNESCO Member States and international non-governmental organizations maintaining formal relations with UNESCO. The deadline to nominate a candidate is April 30, 2022. Visit the UNESCO website to review the call for nominations for 2022 and download the nomination form.

Prize Honors Achievements in Girls’ and Women’s Education
UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education

The UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education honors outstanding and innovative contributions made by individuals, institutions, and organizations to advance girls’ and women’s education. Priority areas consist of the following: 1) participation, with a focus on supporting girls to transition from primary education to lower-secondary education and to complete full basic education; 2) literacy, with an emphasis on supporting adolescent girls and young women to acquire literacy skills; 3) environment, focused on supporting the creation of gender-responsive and safe teaching-learning environments; 4) teachers, with a concentration on engaging teachers to be change agents with gender-responsive teaching attitudes and practices; and 5) skills, aimed at supporting girls and women to acquire knowledge and skills for life and work. Two laureates will receive a cash award of $50,000 each to further their work. Governments of all UNESCO Member States as well as non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO can nominate up to three individuals, institutions, or organizations. The nomination deadline is May 20, 2022. Visit the Prize’s website for more information on the nominations process and selection criteria.


PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Are you looking to tap into the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance your organization's fundraising efforts? If so, you might want to check out KIT. This tool is a fundraising analytics platform, powered by AI, that identifies opportunities within an organization's data and delivers predictions on its donors, and their giving behavior. It helps fundraisers turn their raw data into insights that increase average gift size, donor retention rates, lifetime giving, and more.


Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

FREE: Understanding the Charity Ladder
Understanding the motivation behind giving impacts how we engage and court donors. This webinar offers a deeper insight into why people give and how to motivate them to move up the charity ladder. Understanding the Charity Ladder explores the eight rungs of the ladder outlined by Jewish scholar Maimonides. Givers move from giving begrudgingly and out of obligation, to giving cheerfully, and on to giving anonymously as they climb the ladder. Participants will learn how to integrate the eight principles of the charity ladder to further explore how to reach donors more effectively and intentionally. This webinar is ideal for executive directors, board members, fundraising professionals, or anyone interested in learning about the motivation around giving. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

Advanced Storytelling
We all know money talks. The important question is: HOW does YOUR organization talk about money? In this session, Lori L. Jacobwith will dive into the topic of talking about money as a fundraising strategy. You'll learn how to share "mission moment" stories that include your need for support, but don't sound like "begging" for money. The secret tool that makes this an advanced storytelling session is discovering how to share action-causing stories. During this webinar, you will learn what your money story is, how to talk about money so it inspires more giving, and the best questions to ask so you can gather story nuggets to craft action-causing stories. This webinar will benefit executive directors, and fundraising and communication staff, as well as board members. The webinar will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2022.

FREE: Secure Funding During Organizational Transitions
In this free 60-minute webinar, Stephanie Sample will address how to prepare your grants program for organizational transitions. Together we will explore tools and strategies for maintaining funding during a proposal writer or executive director transition. Topics covered include: how to maintain grant funding during a proposal writer or executive director transition; how to navigate communication with foundations during an executive director transition; how to build relationships with new funders during a leadership transition; and how to secure documents and systems to ensure deadlines are met during a transition. Takeaways include: resources for preparing your grants program for a planned leadership transition; a road map for prioritizing grant actions in the wake of an unexpected transition; examples of successful communications with funders during transitions; and three anonymous funder perspectives on grantmaking during a leadership transition. This webinar is designed for nonprofit professionals, staff managers, executive directors, and board members. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2022.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Funding Alerts
GrantStation shares database profiles of local, national, Canadian, and international grantmakers with upcoming deadlines each week. Check out the current Funding Alerts for more grant opportunities!


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Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

Global Funding Opportunities

Support for Conservation Projects Around the World

Funds for Journalists Covering Climate-Related Labor Issues 

Award Aims to Improve Maternal and Infant Health Worldwide

Biodiversity and Habitat Protection Projects Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities 

Rapid Response Grants Target Eastern Neighbourhood Countries

Support for Women and LGBTQ+ Groups in the MENA Region

Emergency Funding for Cultural Heritage Under Threat

Grants Protect Legacy Landscapes in Developing Countries

Government Funding Opportunities

Efforts to Preserve Documentary Heritage Recognized

Prize Honors Achievements in Girls’ and Women’s Education

GS Intl Insider Files