GrantStation International Insider - April 2023

GrantStation international Insider
Volume XIV | Issue 3

Special Funding Opportunities | Global | Regional | Government | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


Special Funding Opportunities

Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.


Global Funding Opportunities

Exceptional Leaders From Around the World Honored
Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize

The Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize, an initiative of the Tällberg Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, honors outstanding leaders who demonstrate the willingness and capacity to address the complexity of 21st-century challenges in innovative, risk-taking, and ethical ways, and whose work is global in aspiration or implication. Anyone, anywhere can nominate a leader from any country and from any discipline, including politicians, statesmen, scientists, educators, social entrepreneurs, CEOs, environmentalists, artists, religious and military figures, and others. Each of the three awards will carry a $50,000 honorarium. In addition, two dozen emerging leaders from the pool of nominations each receive an invitation to participate in the Foundation's Emerging Leaders Mentoring Program. Nominations must be submitted by May 15, 2023. The online nomination form is available on the Prize website.

Climate Change Adaptation Efforts Funded
Global EbA Fund

The Global EbA Fund, an initiative of the IUCN and the UN Environment Programme, supports innovative approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to climate change. The Fund supports catalytic projects that help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change targeting one or more developing countries, or projects that are global or thematic in focus. Projects must address the Fund's strategic objectives: 1) awareness building, expanding knowledge, and enhancing institutional capacities for mainstreaming EbA; 2) addressing planning and other governance gaps in policy and regulatory environments; and 3) expanding access to sustainable, long-term finance mechanisms for applying and scaling up ecosystem-based approaches. Projects should also be relevant to a maximum of two out of the three action areas: levers for catalytic change, functional data and science, and innovation for adaptation. The deadline to apply is April 28, 2023. Visit the Fund's website to review the application documents.

Grants Facilitate Investigative Reporting on Gender Equality in the U.S. and Abroad
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting: Gender Equality Grants

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a nonprofit organization that supports independent global journalism, is seeking applications for investigative data-driven projects on issues related to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. This opportunity is open to all newsrooms and independent journalists in the United States and abroad, including freelance journalists, staff journalists, or groups of newsrooms working in collaboration with a project idea. Grants averaging $5,000 are available. Priority is given to proposals from journalists and newsrooms who represent a broad array of social, racial, ethnic, and underrepresented groups and economic backgrounds. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. The grant overview, FAQs, and online application form are available on the Pulitzer Center website.

Early-Stage Ideas Addressing Global Challenges Supported
Roddenberry Foundation: Catalyst Fund

The Roddenberry Foundation, inspired by the life and legacy of Gene Roddenberry, supports innovative thinking, original ideas, and extraordinary people who can change the world. Through the Catalyst Fund, the Foundation awards grants ranging from $2,500 to $15,000 to anyone, anywhere in the world who has an early-stage idea or project that addresses pressing global challenges. Supported initiatives should be innovative, community-based, and sustainable and have a high potential for impact. The selection process also takes into account the potential for impact, innovation, originality, and the leveraging of existing ecosystems. Eligible applicants include nonprofit and for-profit organizations, B corporations, and individuals. Online applications for the Catalyst Fund are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about this and other programs.


Regional Funding Opportunities

Prize Honors ASEAN Community-Building Achievements

The ASEAN Prize aims to recognize the inspiring achievements of ASEAN citizens or ASEAN-based organizations making significant contributions toward ASEAN community-building efforts. The Prize recognizes achievements and contributions to the building of a rules-based, people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN community, and intra-ASEAN collaborative efforts. Designated focus areas consist of collaboration between ASEAN member states, collaboration between member states and the world, people-to-people engagement among member states, economic integration and promotion of standards between member states, and outstanding contributions towards ASEAN community building. Nominees must be a citizen of or an organization registered in any ASEAN member state, including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The nomination deadline is April 28, 2023. Learn more about the Prize by visiting the ASEAN website.

Grants Foster Green Jobs and Entrepreneurship in the Southern Mediterranean
Union for the Mediterranean

The Union for the Mediterranean's Grant Scheme to Promote Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy supports the green transformation of the Southern Mediterranean economies with a view to supporting employment promotion in the green economy. Priority areas include green skills development, entrepreneurship and MSMEs (micro-small, and medium-sized enterprises) in the green economy, and empowering women as drivers of the green economy. Nonprofit and non-governmental organizations based in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia are eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted by May 29, 2023. Visit the Union for the Mediterranean's website to read the guidelines and download the promotional brochure.

Challenge Seeks Individuals Tackling Climate Change in Specific Countries
Green Changemakers Challenge

The Ashoka and HSBC Green Changemakers Challenge is for social entrepreneurs working to equip those around them with the mindset and capabilities to build a sustainable world. The Challenge aims to support innovators helping people and communities find the role they can play in tackling the climate crisis and making sure no one is left out of this process. Organizations that feel they are the right fit may click here to learn more and apply before April 26, 2023, for a chance to win up to $25,000 in funding and a learning journey to scale their organization's impact.

Funding Available to Greek Organizations
TIMA Charitable Foundation

The TIMA Charitable Foundation supports the development of Greek nonprofit organizations and programs dedicated to social improvements in the field of aging. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations based in Greece that support vulnerable elderly individuals, mainly in the areas of social welfare and health, with a focus on aging and disability, aging and health, care homes, and care-at-home programs. Support may also be provided in the fields of education, arts, and culture, specifically in relation to issues regarding the elderly. Applications for the main grant program are accepted throughout the year. In addition, the Foundation has issued a collaborative call for proposals aimed at supporting small civil society organizations in Greece. Through this call, grants of up to 5,000 euros will be awarded in the following areas: social integration of people with disabilities, support for the elderly, prevention and health promotion for adults, children and health, alleviation of poverty and the food crisis, and environmental protection. The deadline to apply for this call is April 30, 2023. Additional information is available on the Foundation's website.


Government Funding Opportunities

Grants Grow the Creative Economy in Developing Countries
UNESCO: International Fund for Cultural Diversity

UNESCO's International Fund for Cultural Diversity supports projects that aim to make strong contributions to the creative economy in developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention. Projects should contribute to the implementation or elaboration of policies and strategies that have a direct, structural impact on the creation, production, or distribution of and access to a diversity of cultural goods and services. Projects should also strengthen capacity in public institutions and civil society organizations to support viable local and regional cultural industries and markets. Supported sectors consist of audio-visual arts and cinema, design, media arts, music, performing arts, publishing, and visual arts. Public institutions and non-governmental organizations from countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention are eligible to apply. The application deadline is May 16, 2023.

Efforts to Promote Peace, Recovery, and Social Cohesion in Ukraine Supported
Embassy of Canada - Ukraine: Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

Through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine aims to support the efforts of organizations and movements in helping Ukrainians protect their communities and institutions; strengthen the resilience of the Ukrainian people, communities, and institutions in withstanding the Russian aggression; and help lay a foundation for recovery and peace, including through strengthening social cohesion. Priority areas include peace and security, inclusive governance, growth that works for everyone, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, human dignity, and environment and climate action. Priority is given to youth-led organizations and initiatives. The application window will close on April 30, 2023.


PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

The Ethics and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in the Nonprofit Sector
Have you been following recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI)? Are you curious about how AI might impact the nonprofit world? If so, you may want to read "The Ethics and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in the Nonprofit Sector." Written by Vu Le and published on the Nonprofit AF website, this article explores the ways in which AI might change the way people work in the nonprofit sector as well as issues for ethical consideration.


Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

The Power of 3: Preparing for a Successful Capital Campaign
A successful capital campaign will require extra effort on the part of your entire organization, from your staff to your board. During this Power of 3 series, Kevin Wallace and Carlyn Schulzke of will show you that while all communities, nonprofits, and their projects are unique, capital campaigns are built on a proven process. Following that process can help your organization succeed. In the first session, Are You Ready for a Capital Campaign?, you'll explore six vital questions to ask before you launch. This careful pre-planning will help you secure the support of your board, establish a reliable budget, and create your timeline. The second webinar, Essential Capital Campaign Preparations, will help you better understand needs assessments and feasibility studies. You'll see why it's important to assess what your organization should build and what it can sustain before trying to raise funds. During the final session, The Stages and Challenges to Expect During a Capital Campaign, you'll discover what happens during the five phases typical to most capital campaigns: the family, quiet, leadership, close-out, and public phases. You'll leave with an understanding of each phase's goals and the potential challenges you'll face along the way. The deadline to register for the series is Tuesday, April 11, 2023. The webinars may also be purchased individually.

Master Your Messaging: Harness Community Passion to Cause Action
What if there were simple tasks you could do every day to inspire your community to give more—without having to beg for money? This session is not about spreadsheets, moves management, or a new-fangled technique to get people to give. Instead, master storyteller and fundraising culture change expert Lori L. Jacobwith will show you the power of authentic, clear word choices. It MAY forever change the way you communicate the needs of your organization. Taking an insider's look at examples from other nonprofit organizations, you'll see how using clear, bold communication increased community involvement while raising substantially more money. You'll leave ready to do exactly what you want to do: harness passion from your community to cause them to take more action. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

(FREE) Marketing Steps for Mission and Money
Many nonprofit organizations assume marketing is expensive or that it is counter to nonprofit values. Worse yet, some assume their programs market themselves. But the reality is different: Every day, you're marketing. You just might not be in control of your marketing, which will cost you in mission support and client engagement. Fortunately, most marketing is either no cost or low cost, and the best marketing starts with attitude and interactions, and moves from there. During this webinar, Matt Hugg, founder of Nonprofit.Courses, will show you how to spot opportunities to enhance internal and external visibility and satisfaction with how you carry out your mission. The webinar will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023.


GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Funding Spotlight
More funding opportunities are featured on the GrantStation homepage. Click here to see the grantmakers spotlighted this week!


Information contained in the GrantStation International Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

Global Funding Opportunities

Exceptional Leaders From Around the World Honored

Climate Change Adaptation Efforts Funded

Grants Facilitate Investigative Reporting on Gender Equality in the U.S. and Abroad

Early-Stage Ideas Addressing Global Challenges Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Prize Honors ASEAN Community-Building Achievements 

Grants Foster Green Jobs and Entrepreneurship in the Southern Mediterranean

Challenge Seeks Individuals Tackling Climate Change in Specific Countries

Funding Available to Greek Organizations 

Government Funding Opportunities

Grants Grow the Creative Economy in Developing Countries

Efforts to Promote Peace, Recovery, and Social Cohesion in Ukraine Supported