GrantStation International Insider - November 2018

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Volume X | Issue 9

International | Canadian | U.S. Govt. | Canadian Govt. | PathFinder | Online Education



International Funding Opportunities

Rainforest Reporting Projects Supported
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting: Rainforest Journalism Fund

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is dedicated to supporting in-depth engagement with underreported global affairs. The Rainforest Journalism Fund is a five-year, $5.5 million initiative focused on raising public awareness of the urgent environmental issues facing the world’s tropical forests. Two types of grants are available: International project grants support English-speaking journalists of any nationality reporting for major news media outlets in the U.S. and Europe on tropical rainforests in any part of the world. Local and regional distribution grants support journalists based in countries of the Amazon region reporting for local and regional outlets in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. For both types of grants, journalism projects should be focused on the following themes: deforestation drivers, solutions to halt deforestation, or the tropical forests' role in the overall climate equation and weather patterns, and the consequences for human life and living conditions caused by deforestation. Grants are open to all journalists, writers, photographers, radio producers, or filmmakers; staff journalists as well as freelancers of any nationality are eligible to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the Center’s website to review the two calls for proposals.

Funding Aims to Improve Nutrition in East Africa
Eleanor Crook Foundation

The Eleanor Crook Foundation is committed to research, capacity building, and advocacy to end global malnutrition. Through the RISE (Research, Innovate, Scale and Establish) for Nutrition Request for Applications (RFA), the Foundation funds implementation research on cost-effective, scalable innovations designed to improve nutrition interventions in East Africa. Up to three grants of $1.35 million each will be provided. Concept notes should be submitted by November 25, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the RFA and Grantee Guidance document.

Grants Address Disadvantages in the U.K. and Developing Countries
Hilden Charitable Fund

The Hilden Charitable Fund supports projects both in the U.K. and in developing countries with the aim of addressing disadvantages. In the U.K., priority areas consist of homelessness, penal affairs, asylum seekers and refugees, and community-based initiatives for disadvantaged youth aged 16 to 25. In developing countries, the focus is on community development, education, and health, with priority given to projects that address the needs and potential of girls and women. Applications must be submitted by December 19, 2018. Visit the Fund’s website to take the eligibility quiz and complete the online application form.

Support for African Visual Arts
African Culture Fund

The African Culture Fund is a pan-African fund that aims to support the sectors of arts education and cultural and creative industries on the African continent. The Fund has issued a call for proposals to support activities and projects for the creation, production, and dissemination of works of visual arts. This call concerns traditional visual arts, contemporary visual arts, photography, video art, digital art, and decorative arts (textile art, design, and marquetry). Grants of up to $10,000 are provided. Eligible applicants include African artists or cultural actors from the African Diaspora as well as artistic or cultural organizations or associations with at least three years of experience that are established in Africa or cooperating with an African organization. The deadline to submit an application in English or French is December 5, 2018. Application guidelines and forms may be downloaded from the Fund’s website.

Funds to Bolster Democracy, Fight Injustice, and Protect the Environment
Wallace Global Fund

The mission of the Wallace Global Fund is to promote an informed and engaged citizenry, to fight injustice, and to protect the diversity of nature and the natural systems upon which all life depends. The Fund supports activities at the global and national level, and considers significant local or regional initiatives offering the potential to leverage broader national or global impact. Grants are awarded to organizations that are catalyzing significant change in line with the following priority areas: Challenge Corporate Power, Defend and Renew Democracy, Protect the Environment, Promote Truth and Creative Freedom in Media, and Advance Women’s Human Rights and Empowerment. U.S. nonprofit organizations and organizations based outside the U.S. with equivalent status are eligible to apply. Letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year. Visit the Fund’s website to learn more about each of their priority areas.

Grants Promote Patient Breast Care and Education Worldwide
American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation

The mission of the American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation is to improve the standard of care for breast disease patients. The Foundation awards grants related to patient breast care and patient education in the U.S. or other countries. Grants of up to $5,000 are available in the following categories: Education, Conference, Community Outreach, and Research. In addition, the Humanism in Medicine Award is a monetary award of $1,000 to attend The American Society of Breast Surgeons Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. The application deadline is December 14, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the 2019 call for proposals.

Funding Available for U.S.-Russia Projects
U.S.-Russia Social Expertise Exchange

The U.S.-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE), implemented by the Eurasia Foundation, is a diverse network of Russian and U.S. professionals and entrepreneurs engaged in a meaningful exchange of ideas and best practices that lead to joint action and positive change in the social dimensions of both countries. The SEE has issued a request for applications to support organizations in the United States and Russia for collaborative projects in one or more of the following areas: Social Inclusion, Community Engagement, Social Entrepreneurship, and Youth Engagement and Mentorship. Grants of up to $40,000 are provided for initiatives that are jointly developed by at least one U.S. and one Russian partner organization. The deadline to apply is December 3, 2018. Visit the SEE’s website to download the request for applications.

Support for Conservation Initiatives Across the Globe
SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund

The mission of the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund is to work with purpose and passion on behalf of wildlife and habitats worldwide, and to encourage sustainable solutions. The Fund supports projects focused on protecting wildlife, people, and places in ways that are sustainable and long-term. Grants ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 support species research, habitat protection, conservation education, and animal rescue and rehabilitation. Nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and schools and universities are eligible to apply. The upcoming application deadline is November 30, 2018. Visit the Fund’s website to review the FAQs and apply for a grant.



Canadian Funding Opportunities

Grants Build Job Skills for Canadian Youth
RBC Future Launch

RBC Future Launch, an initiative of the Royal Bank of Canada, is a ten-year $500 million commitment to help Canadian youth prepare for the jobs of tomorrow. Funding supports programs targeting young people in their transitional years (ages 15 to 29) that focus on one or more of the following solution areas: providing equitable access to work-integrated learning experiences, building long-term sustainable partnerships to address the skills gap, or harnessing the knowledge and goodwill of Canadians using social media, mentorships, and other resources to guide young people to opportunities. Registered charities and qualified donees are eligible to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly. Visit the Bank’s website to start the online application process by completing the eligibility quiz.

Programs for Canadian Families and Children Supported
Costco Wholesale Canada Corporate Giving

Costco Wholesale Canada is committed to supporting charitable activities in the communities where it operates throughout Canada. Costco makes donations to registered Canadian charities for programs targeting families in need as well as children's initiatives in the areas of health, welfare, and education. Support is provided at both the local and regional/national level. Applications may be submitted at any time. Visit the Costco Wholesale Canada website for instructions on how to submit a request for local or national/regional donations.

Funding Benefits Company Communities in Northern Canada
First Air: Community First

First Air's Community First program provides event sponsorship and support in the northern Canadian communities that are served by the airlines. Support is focused on initiatives such as Aboriginal and youth development programs, literacy and educational programs, economic development opportunities, sporting events, and culture or community events. Applications are accepted throughout the year. The online application form is available on the First Air website.

Support for the Jewish and General Communities in Manitoba
Jewish Foundation of Manitoba: Community Grants

The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba works for growth, innovation, and vibrancy in the Jewish and general community in Manitoba. The Foundation’s areas of interest include education, arts and culture, health and social services, Jewish life, recreation, and religion. Community Grants averaging $8,000 are provided to registered charities implementing projects that benefit the Jewish or general community in Manitoba. Preference is given to initiatives that address community priorities and issues, demonstrate innovative approaches and techniques, promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement, encourage more efficient use of community resources, and strengthen the internal management capabilities of the applicant. The annual application deadlines are June 15 and December 15. Community Grant Guidelines may be downloaded from the Foundation’s website.



U.S. Government Funding Opportunities

Human Rights Documentation Projects Funded
Department of State

The Secure and Sustainable Human Rights Documentation Solutions program funds projects that support the research, development, and implementation of secure human rights documentation solutions. Applications must be submitted by December 7, 2018.

Program Supports Marine Turtle Conservation Initiatives
Fish and Wildlife Service

The Marine Turtle Conservation Fund supports the conservation of marine turtles (Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Lepidochelys olivacea, and Lepidochelys kempii) throughout their range outside of the United States and its territories. The application deadline for this program is November 26, 2018.



Canadian Government Funding Opportunities

Funds for Canadian Documentary Heritage Organizations
Library and Archives Canada

The Documentary Heritage Communities Program ensures that Canada’s continuing memory is documented and accessible to current and future generations by adopting a more collaborative approach with local documentary heritage communities. Funding is provided for activities that increase access to, and awareness of, Canada’s local documentary heritage organizations and their holdings, and increase the capacity of local documentary heritage organizations to better sustain and preserve Canada’s documentary heritage. The deadline to submit a completed application package is January 8, 2019.

Grants Revitalize First Nations Languages in British Columbia
First Peoples’ Cultural Council

Through the Language Program, the First Peoples’ Cultural Council supports British Columbia’s First Nations communities to maintain, preserve, and restore their languages. Funding is currently available through the following initiatives: The B.C. Language Initiative supports projects to revitalize B.C. First Nations languages through documentation, immersion programs, materials and curriculum development, traditional and cultural programming, and community collaboration. The application deadline for this program is November 16, 2018. The Aboriginal Languages Initiative funds community-based projects that contribute to the revitalization and preservation of Aboriginal languages in B.C. Applications must be submitted by December 7, 2018. The Language Nest Program aims to create new language speakers by establishing language and cultural immersion environments for preschool children and their parents to become fluent in their First Nations languages. The deadline to apply is January 25, 2019. The Mentor-Apprentice Program supports one-on-one teams of a language mentor and apprentice to complete 300 hours of language immersion work together over a one-year period. Applications for this program are due by February 15, 2019. Visit the Council’s website to download the call for applications and application forms for each program.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Funding Alert
Are you looking to keep abreast of the latest funding opportunities in your sector? If so, you may want to subscribe to Funding Alert, a monthly e-newsletter put out by the Society for Nonprofits. This newsletter provides current grant and funding opportunities across a number of categories, including, but not limited to arts and culture; children, youth, and families; democracy and government; education; environment; and health.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Developing New Products to Meet Your Mission
Your organization is driven to deliver the best products and services to its constituents. How do you identify new opportunities for impact that are aligned with your mission? In this webinar, Dahna Goldstein will discuss how to identify and evaluate opportunities to further your organization’s mission with new products and services. Using “minimum viable product” framework, you will learn how to assess new tools, services, and interventions. When developing any new product or service, your “customers” are key. During the webinar you'll discover new ways to listen to and learn from your customers—both constituents and donors—to consistently improve your organization. The webinar will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2018.

Writing Capacity Building Grants
Capacity building grants are unique. While many best practices in writing operational or program grant requests apply to developing capacity building grant requests, there are some critical differences that need to be addressed to create the strongest application possible. During the 90-minute webinar, Alice Ruhnke will define and discuss the fundamentals of capacity building grant requests, highlight the key components that differ from “regular” grants, and outline ways to identify funders who provide capacity building grants. Throughout the session, common mistakes in writing capacity building grant requests will be discussed and remedied. This webinar is appropriate for individuals who have a basic understanding of grant fundamentals and would like to apply those concepts specifically to capacity building grants. The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2018.

Online Workshop: How to Track Restricted Grants in QuickBooks
Wouldn't it be great if at any point during a grant’s life cycle you could simply push a button and see exactly how much and to which categories the grant dollars have been spent? Considered the country’s foremost expert in using QuickBooks for nonprofits, Gregg S. Bossen, CPA, will demonstrate how to easily and accurately track restricted grants in QuickBooks. Participants will learn how to set up a restricted grant, enter the grant budget, mark checks and bills as being paid out of the grant, point payroll to the grant, and finally create a memorized report to see how the dollars have been spent and compare the results to the grant budget. Gregg will be working in QuickBooks throughout the webinar. No PowerPoint slides here! There will also be plenty of time for questions. And one more thing: Gregg is really entertaining! The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 13, 2018.


Information contained in the GrantStation International Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

International Funding Opportunities

Rainforest Reporting Projects Supported

Funding Aims to Improve Nutrition in East Africa

Grants Address Disadvantages in the U.K. and Developing Countries

Support for African Visual Arts

Funds to Bolster Democracy, Fight Injustice, and Protect the Environment

Grants Promote Patient Breast Care and Education Worldwide

Funding Available for U.S.-Russia Projects

Support for Conservation Initiatives Across the Globe

Canadian Funding Opportunities

Grants Build Job Skills for Canadian Youth

Programs for Canadian Families and Children Supported

Funding Benefits Company Communities in Northern Canada

Support for the Jewish and General Communities in Manitoba

Federal Funding

Human Rights Documentation Projects Funded

Program Supports Marine Turtle Conservation Initiatives

Canadian Government Funding

Funds for Canadian Documentary Heritage Organizations

Grants Revitalize First Nations Languages in British Columbia