GrantStation International Insider - November 2022

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Volume XIII | Issue 9

Special Funding Opportunities | Global | Regional | Government | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


Special Funding Opportunities

Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.


Global Funding Opportunities

Multi-Year Grants Awarded to Projects Promoting Healthy Aging
Fit for Life Foundation: Fit for Life Awards

The Fit for Life Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of older people in aging societies worldwide. The Foundation's Fit for Life Awards support nonprofit organizations and social enterprises that are pioneering projects to promote life-long fitness and health around the world. The mission and activities of applying organizations or initiatives must directly address healthy aging for older (65+ years) or middle-aged people (40+ years). The focus is on solutions relevant to physical fitness, mental health, mental well-being, exercise and sport, mobility, nutrition, at-home care, community support for older people, prevention of non-communicable diseases, and other forms of preventative health support. Three to four grants of 100,000 euros each over three years will be awarded to innovative programs that display a clear vision, are focused on beneficiaries' needs, and are both sustainable and scalable. Applicants must be legally registered as a nonprofit organization or social enterprise in their country/countries of operations. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until February 15, 2023. Visit the Foundation's website to access instructions on how to apply or nominate a candidate.

Efforts to Bolster Democracy Funded
National Endowment for Democracy

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is an independent, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. NED makes grants to non-governmental organizations worldwide working to advance democratic goals and strengthen democratic institutions. Support is provided to nonpartisan programs that seek to promote and defend human rights and the rule of law, support freedom of information and independent media, strengthen democratic ideas and values, promote accountability and transparency, strengthen civil society organizations, strengthen democratic political processes and institutions, promote civic education, support democratic conflict resolution, promote freedom of association, and strengthen a broad-based market economy. Applications are encouraged from organizations working in diverse environments including newly established democracies, semi-authoritarian countries, highly repressive societies, and countries undergoing democratic transitions. The remaining proposal submission deadline for 2022 is December 19. Visit the NED website to access additional information in one of several languages.

Funding Promotes Collaborations on Nature, Sustainable Development, and Well-Being
Science for Nature and People Partnership

The mission of the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP), a joint venture between The Nature Conservancy and the Wildlife Conservation Society, is to deliver evidence-based, scalable solutions to global challenges at the intersection of nature conservation, sustainable development, and human well-being. Every year, SNAPP provides up to $1 million total across four to six approved working groups. Funding is provided to teams of 12 to 15 people from diverse organizations to gather for three to four collaborative sessions over the course of 12 to 24 months. Interests consist of sustainable economic development, human well-being, and nature conservation. Researchers and practitioners of any nationality affiliated with an academic, multilateral, or nonprofit institution or governmental agency may submit a proposal. Individuals operating independently are also eligible to apply. Matching sources are not required but are strongly encouraged. Proposals are due December 15, 2022. Visit the SNAPP website to download the FAQs and postdoctoral researcher requirements and to access the online portal.

Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Conservation Efforts Supported
Turtle Conservation Fund

The Turtle Conservation Fund is a coalition of conservation organizations and individuals focused on ensuring the long-term survival of tortoises and freshwater turtles. The Fund supports organizations or individuals undertaking conservation or research projects that are focused on highly endangered tortoises or freshwater turtles (but not marine turtles). Priority is given to projects that focus on species that are already highly threatened according to the IUCN Red List or the or the TFTSG Provisional Red List, as either Critically Endangered or Endangered, or which may be highly threatened but not yet officially classified as such. Grants generally range from $1,000 to $5,000. Smaller grants of up to $1,000 support pilot conservation initiatives for species that are Critically Endangered or Endangered and those currently classified on the Red List as Data Deficient or not yet assessed. The upcoming application deadline is December 1, 2022. Visit the Fund's website to review the list of priority species.


Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds Available for Rainforest Conservation in Selected Regions
Rainforest Trust

Rainforest Trust's mission is to save endangered wildlife and protect our planet by creating rainforest reserves through partnerships, community engagement, and donor support. The organization works in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Rainforest Trust's Protected Area Full Awards support projects with a clear focus on creating new protected and conserved areas or the expansion of existing protected and conserved areas through land purchase, designation as a national park or other officially recognized protected area, conversion of logging concessions to reserves, long-term land lease, or land-titling or other mechanism of providing for Indigenous ownership and management with the formal stipulation that the lands will be managed for conservation. Concept notes may be submitted at any time; the final application deadlines are February 1, June 1, and November 1 of each year. (It is recommended to submit a concept note at least two months in advance of these deadlines.) In addition, Rapid Feasibility Awards of up to $20,000 aim to encourage conservationists and researchers to evaluate important potential sites for creating new Protected Areas. There is no application deadline for Rapid Feasibility Awards. Visit the Trust's website to review the guidelines for both types of awards.

Grants Benefit Organizations in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia
Tawingo Fund

***Due to current demand, this opportunity is now closed.***
Tawingo Fund makes grants to small- and medium-size charitable organizations serving the needy in developing countries. The Fund currently considers applications from organizations in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia working in the following sectors: healthcare, disability, microfinance, job and vocational training, and economic security and development. Support is provided to charitable organizations with annual budgets under $2,000,000 that have strong leadership and efficient operations and that provide hands-on services that make a long-term difference in the lives of those they serve. Both annual grants and project-based funding are provided, depending on the needs of the organization. Applications may be submitted at any time. The online application form is available on the Fund's website.

African Documentary Projects Supported
Hot Docs: Hot Docs-Blue Ice Docs Fund

The Hot Docs-Blue Ice Docs Fund aims to enable more African documentary filmmakers to tell their stories and contribute to the next generation of African documentary talent. Each year, the Fund awards development grants of up to $10,000 CAD and production grants of up to $40,000 CAD to four to ten feature or broadcast-length documentary projects. In addition, up to five funded projects will be invited to participate in a year-long mentorship program. (All eligible projects submitted to the Fund will also be considered for The New York Times—Op-Docs short documentary.) Filmmakers who live and work on the African continent are eligible to apply. The applicant must be the producer and primary rights holder of the project, and have a registered production company based in an eligible African country. Online applications close on November 30, 2022. Visit the Hot Docs website to review the FAQs, which includes a list of eligible countries.

Giving Program Funds Professional Development and Disaster Relief Efforts
Accor Heartist Solidarity

The Accor Heartist Solidarity endowment fund seeks to help fight economic and social exclusion of people at risk of poverty by improving their employability. Support is provided in the countries where AccorHotels is present. Support focuses on the following areas: professional integration, including vocational training and economic development fostering income-generating activities; and emergency relief, helping local populations to deal with the short-term and long-term consequences of humanitarian disasters. Supported projects must benefit a nonprofit organization and must involve one or more AccorHotels employees. Employees of franchise hotels can also submit a project to Accor Heartist Solidarity. There is no deadline to submit an online application. Additional information is available in French and English on the Accor Heartist Solidarity website.


Government Funding Opportunities

Initiatives Engaging Syrians in the Political Process Supported
Department of State

The Supporting the Syrian Political Process program supports initiatives promoting the Syrian-led political process facilitated by the United Nations. Proposals should include activities aimed at strengthening the ability of stakeholders unaffiliated with the Syrian regime to participate in the political process established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, addressing U.S. priorities towards an eventual political solution. The closing date for applications is November 30, 2022.

Grants Advance the Human Security Approach
United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security

The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security finances programs that translate the human security approach into practical actions and provide concrete and sustainable benefits to vulnerable people and communities threatened in their survival, livelihood, and dignity. Support is provided for two types of programs: 1) those that mainstream and advance the operational impact of the human security approach; and 2) those that extend the global awareness of the human security approach and its usage. Concept notes must be submitted by December 12, 2022.


PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Artificial Intelligence and Fundraising: An Overview
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming ever more popular among nonprofits as a tool to facilitate fundraising. If you are considering utilizing AI in this way, but want to understand what features it offers and what to look for when implementing it, you might want to read The Chronicle of Philanthropy's report, Artificial Intelligence and Fundraising: An Overview. Presented as a collection of articles, this report outlines the key challenges and questions surrounding the use of AI in fundraising and indicates where guidelines are needed.


Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

What Funders Are Looking For in Your Financials
Funders often look at financials first because they want to support sustainable organizations with realistic project budgets that demonstrate thoughtful planning. Without a compelling budget and appropriate financial package, even the best written grant proposals will be declined. This piece of the proposal writing process is not just for your financial or executive teams to manage. When done right, it is a highly collaborative process between leadership, development, programs, and accounting staff. Understanding how to package your financials will help you win points during grant reviews and can help you build trust and credibility, which can lead to long-term, sustainable relationships with funders. During this webinar, Kristin Queen Shaffer will help you understand what funders are looking for in your organizational budgets, how you can build effective and accurate program and project grant proposal budgets, and how you can communicate about costs in compliance with funder guidelines. This webinar will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2022.

Building the Total Value Budget
An A+ proposal budget provides an honest, complete, and clear picture of the total value of everything it takes to do your work successfully. It also stands as an invaluable management and evaluation tool when it comes to running your grant-funded program. So, how can you craft this type of budget? That's the question you’ll explore with Maryn Boess in this down-to-earth, myth-busting session. You'll walk away understanding how to break the "starvation cycle" that plagues many nonprofit organizations so you no longer understate the cost and value of your mission-critical work. This webinar is perfect for any project or leadership team member who wants to transform a budget into a rock-solid resource plan that will support your project's successful implementation. This webinar will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

(FREE) Panel Discussion: High-Performance Measurement for Social Change
Successful nonprofit leaders are relentless in how they pursue social change on behalf of their communities. They're also able to concretely demonstrate the impact of their programs to funders. During this free panel discussion, you will hear firsthand accounts from two nonprofit trailblazers who have set bold goals to change the world and have found success by nurturing high-performance measurement cultures. Join Sheri Chaney Jones of Measurement Resources Company as she moderates a conversation with Lorry Leigh Belhumeur, Ph.D., CEO of Western Youth Services in Anaheim, California, and Tracee Perryman, Ph.D., CEO/Co-founder at Center of Hope Family Services in Toledo, Ohio, as they share how a data-driven approach has helped them find success. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.


GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

GrantStation Membership Programs
Do you represent a membership organization composed of many NPOs?

GrantStation has three programs designed to add value to the benefits you offer constituent organizations, field offices, or members, no matter your size!

By becoming a Membership Value Program (MVP) partner, your organization can offer deeply discounted access to the GrantStation website and benefit from a new revenue stream. Contact Juliet Vile, Vice President of Operations, to learn more.

The Premium Licensing Program (PLP) adds immediate, measurable value to your organization's membership benefits. Through PLP, partners can offer their members full access to GrantStation and its numerous benefits via the secure area of their own website. Contact Juliet Vile, Vice President of Operations, to learn more.

The Volume Purchase Program (VPP) allows organizations and grantmakers to add value to the benefits they already offer to their grantees or constituent organizations through a one-time purchase of a volume of GrantStation Memberships at a significant discount. Contact Alice Ruhnke, President, to learn more.

Add value for your organizations in 2023!

An Introduction to Our Senior International Research Specialist and Content Curator, Diana Holder

I joined the GrantStation team a decade ago, following stints working at a major foundation in Los Angeles, serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in El Salvador, and teaching English to speakers of other languages in Guatemala, San Francisco, and Spain. What I like most about my role as an international research specialist and content curator at GrantStation is that it allows me to meld my varied interests and professional experience.

My research role is focused on helping organizations working outside the U.S. to find funding opportunities. I update records in GrantStation's International and Canadian databases, while also researching and adding new funders on a continuous basis. I also put together the International Insider and Canadian Insider newsletters to inform folks of upcoming funding opportunities. The process of writing these newsletters is quite enjoyable, as it enables me to keep up on the latest trends in the international funding arena, while also providing valuable content for our Members.

In addition, I curate content for GrantStation's PathFinder library, with an eye towards helping even the novice grant proposal writer or nonprofit professional to access resources to aid in their professional development or make their job easier in some way.

My research for the newsletters and PathFinder library serves as fodder for the blog articles that I write for the GS Insights blog each month.

Every spring, I also edit the State of Grantseeking report, working alongside Ellen Mowrer and Juliet Vile to provide original and timely research on the grantseeking experience of organizations of various sizes and mission focuses.

Please reach out to with questions about any of the resources mentioned above.

Funding Alerts
Interested in GrantStation's funder profiles? View the weekly Funding Alerts to see profiles of grantmakers currently accepting applications.


Information contained in the GrantStation International Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

Global Funding Opportunities

Multi-Year Grants Awarded to Projects Promoting Healthy Aging

Efforts to Bolster Democracy Supported

Funding Promotes Collaborations on Nature, Sustainable Development, and Well-Being

Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Conservation Efforts Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds Available for Rainforest Conservation in Selected Regions

Grants Benefit Organizations in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia

African Documentary Projects Supported 

Giving Program Funds Professional Development and Disaster Relief Efforts 

Government Funding Opportunities

Initiatives Engaging Syrians in the Political Process Supported

Grants Advance the Human Security Approach