GrantStation International Insider - June 2017

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Volume IX | Issue 5

International | Canadian | U.S. Govt. | Canadian Govt. | Webinars | Partner Depot | Announcements



International Funding Opportunities

Contest Aims to Combat Fake News

TruthBuzz: The Viral Fact-Checking Contest

TruthBuzz: The Viral Fact-Checking Contest, an initiative of the International Center for Journalists, aims to invent new ways to help verified facts reach the widest possible audience. TruthBuzz is seeking ideas from everyone (not just journalists) that turn fact-checking into engaging, visual, and interactive stories that are instantly understandable and shareable. Applications should explain how the project corrects a falsehood, state which sources are used to determine the facts, describe how the project uses innovative techniques to spread the truth quickly, and include a sample social media post that uses the fact-checking invention. The top three winners will receive cash prizes of $10,000, $5,000 and $2,500, respectively. Entries can take the form of a digital-media creation, video, cartoon, graphic, animated GIF, photo, quiz, audio file, game, or other format. The application deadline is June 30, 2017. Visit the TruthBuzz website to submit the online entry form.

Grants Benefit Women and Children in Poverty

UNFCU Foundation

The mission of the UNFCU Foundation is to sustain the path out of poverty through healthcare and education for women. The Foundation provides grants of up to $50,000 for results-driven projects that support its mission. Supported projects should have a strong track record over at least a three year period or an extended pilot period, be sustainable and have access to additional support, have the ability to track the impact of the project or organization through reporting of results, and have a direct impact on women and children in need, with long-term benefits. Eligible applicants consist of U.S.-based nonprofit organizations and United Nations entities. The deadline to submit a funding request is June 30, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the funding guidelines and download the grant application form.

Competition Tackles Challenges Ahead of G20 Summit


On the occasion of the G20 Summit, is organizing a worldwide competition called #youforG20 —your project for an interconnected world. Projects eligible for this competition include those that support social commitment at the local level, contribute to improving gender equality, help to save the environment and foster climate protection, promote the inclusion of young people, or support social and economic entrepreneurship. Individuals and teams are eligible to apply. After applications are submitted, the community will vote online for their favorite project, which will be followed by a jury decision on the best-ranked projects. The winner will receive 15,000 euros. The sum may only be used to help advance the project. Applications must be submitted by July 2, 2017. Visit the #youforG20 website to start the application process by creating a user account.

LGBTQI Social Justice Organizations Supported

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice: International Fund

The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is the only philanthropic organization working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe. The Foundation’s International Fund supports groups led by LGBTQI communities working for progressive social change, addressing oppression based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, and advancing work for racial, economic, and gender justice. Grants ranging from $7,000 to $20,000 are provided. Organizations led by LGBTQI people with budgets of $500,000 or less are eligible to apply. The upcoming deadline to submit a letter of inquiry is July 1, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the “criteria and priorities” and the letter of inquiry form.

Awards Honor Research and Development Projects

Global Development Network: Global Development Awards Competition

The Global Development Awards Competition, an initiative of the Global Development Network (GDN), recognizes excellence in policy-oriented research, supports research capacity development of researchers in developing countries, and funds innovative social development projects benefiting marginalized groups in the developing world. The Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development provides funding of $5,000, $10,000, and $20,000 to researchers from developing and transition economies carrying out research under the theme of Skill Development and Employment Generation. The Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project provides grants of $5,000, $10,000, and $30,000 to non-governmental organizations located in developing countries to recognize the innovative approach of their grassroots projects. Sub-themes eligible for support through these awards consist of skilling for agriculture, skilling for manufacturing, and skilling for digital technologies. The application deadline for both awards is July 16, 2017. Visit the GDN website to download the call for proposals for each program.

Urban Housing Projects Funded


SELAVIP is a private foundation that supports housing projects for very poor urban families in the cities of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and The Caribbean. SELAVIP’s focus is on extreme social emergencies faced by urban groups dwelling in precarious and unsafe conditions and places, or exposed to evictions. Grants of up to $72,000 are provided for initiatives that meet the housing needs of urban families in developing countries, from housing production or slum improvement, to the promotion of community-based processes to secure shelter. Supported projects include, but are not limited to, new housing, land title regularization, and water systems. Nonprofit organizations and legally-created private and public institutions (including non- governmental organizations, foundations, and religious organizations) are eligible to apply. All applicants must be registered in SELAVIP’s Registry of Organizations. The application deadline is July 12, 2017. Visit the SELAVIP website to review the Call for Projects.

Prize Recognizes Achievements in Solving Water Challenges

Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize

The Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize honors outstanding contributions by individuals or organizations towards solving the world's water challenges by developing or applying innovative water technologies, policies, or programs that benefit humanity. The honor roll for the Prize includes laureates with ground-breaking solutions in membrane technology, used water treatment, as well as holistic water policies and management that have benefitted the lives of millions. The winner will receive S$300,000, a certificate, and a gold medallion at the award ceremony to be held during Singapore International Water Week 2018. Nominations must be submitted online by June 30, 2017. (Self-nominations, including nominations made by family members or individuals from the same organization as the nominee, are not accepted.) Visit the Singapore International Water Week website to review the nomination guidelines.

Awards Celebrate Youth with Innovative Projects

Rolex Awards for Enterprise

The Rolex Awards for Enterprise support inspiring individuals who carry out innovative projects that advance human knowledge or well-being. Five Awards will be granted to Young Leaders, between the ages of 18 and 30 years old, who have a ground-breaking proposal or initiative that will help to expand knowledge of our world and improve the quality of life on the planet. Applications must fall broadly in the areas of the environment, applied science and technology, or exploration. The five winners will each receive 100,000 Swiss francs and a Rolex chronometer. Applications must be submitted by June 30, 2017. Visit the Rolex Awards for Enterprise website to learn more about the Awards and to submit an online application.



Canadian Funding Opportunities

Environmental Initiatives Across Canada Supported

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

The TD Friends of the Environment Foundation is a national charity committed to protecting the environment and greening communities across Canada. The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. Projects eligible for funding include schoolyard greening and outdoor classrooms, park revitalization and restoration, butterfly gardens and pollinator programs, community gardens, natural playgrounds, citizen science projects in public green spaces, bioblitzes, trail building and restoration, neighborhood park programming, recycling and composting programs, and indoor and outdoor environmental education programming. Registered charities, educational institutions, municipalities, and Aboriginal groups are eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted by July 15, 2017. Funding guidelines and the online application form are available on the Foundation’s website.

Funding Aims to Explore Public Policy Alternatives in Canada

Max Bell Foundation

The Max Bell Foundation seeks to improve Canadian society by encouraging the development of innovative ideas that impact public policies and practices. The Foundation’s program areas consist of health and wellness, education, and the environment. Grants support work that helps Canadians adapt to social, economic, and technological change while positively impacting the quality of life in communities. The current strategic priority is to support projects that educate Canadians about public policy and practice alternatives. Types of grants include Project Grants, Development Grants for charities to hire interns, and Senior Fellows Grants, which enable mid-career professionals to undertake projects that will add value to debates over critical public policy issues in the Foundation’s program areas. Initial requests are accepted throughout the year. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the Grant Types and Guidelines.

Grants for Law-Related Initiatives in British Columbia

Notary Foundation of British Columbia

The Notary Foundation of British Columbia's mandate is to provide the means for legal education, legal research, legal aid, education, and continuing education for notaries and applicants for enrollment as notaries, and to establish, operate, and maintain law libraries in British Columbia. The Foundation provides grants to organizations in British Columbia in the areas of legal education, legal research, and law libraries. Registered charities and BC Societies are eligible to apply. The remaining application deadlines for 2017 are June 29, September 29, and November 29. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the Grant Application Guideline document.

Saskatchewan Organizations and Events Funded

Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Sponsorship Program

The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) supports organizations and events in communities throughout Saskatchewan, with particular preference given to those communities in which SIGA operates casinos. SIGA’s sponsorship program supports organizations based in Saskatchewan that focus on youth and those who are socially, physically, and economically disadvantaged as well as those with special needs. Eligible sectors include arts and culture, education and training, business and tourism, sports and recreation, and health and well-being. Aboriginal, nonprofit, and charitable organizations based in Saskatchewan are eligible to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the SIGA website to review the sponsorship guidelines.



U.S. Government Funding Opportunities

Grants Combat Wildlife Trafficking in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

Department of State

The program entitled Building the Capacity of Wildlife Rangers and Wildlife Experts to Protect Wildlife aims to reduce the poaching and trafficking of wildlife through effective programming at the national, regional, and international levels in key source, transit, and destination locations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Funding supports host-nation investigatory and prosecutorial capacity building in relation to wildlife crime to disrupt the higher level syndicates involved in wildlife trafficking. Applications must be submitted by July 4, 2017.

Support for Health and Food Security Projects in India


The India Partnerships Program supports the testing, adoption, and scaling of creative or innovative solutions in India to meet development challenges in the areas of health, food security, maternal and child health, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, and triangular cooperation. The application deadline is June 30, 2017.



Canadian Government Funding Opportunities

Funding Targets Indigenous Peoples in Urban Areas

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

The Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples program supports organizations delivering a broad range of programs and services to urban Indigenous peoples. Key areas of interest include women, vulnerable populations, youth, transition services, outreach programs, and community wellness. The deadline to apply is July 4, 2017.

Grants Enable the Purchase of Canadian Cultural Artifacts

Canadian Heritage

The Movable Cultural Property Grants program helps designated organizations acquire cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance to Canada. Grants can be used to purchase cultural property for which an export permit has been denied, or that is important to Canada’s national heritage and available for purchase outside the country. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Applicants that are not on the list of designated organizations must contact the Movable Cultural Property Grants program to request the self-assessment tool for designation applicants, an application for designation, and a grant application form.



Partner Depot

Reach Your Target Audience – Increase Attendance, Sales, and Membership!

Partner Depot provides the opportunity for organizations and businesses to connect with the grantseeking universe by introducing products or services, announcing events, etc. Advertising in GrantStation's weekly newsletters, sent to a list of over 100,000 subscribers, and on GrantStation's website, with over 2,100,000 page views annually, will ensure that your message reaches interested readers.

We at GrantStation know that Partner Depot advertisements and announcements carry our implied endorsement. Therefore, the Partner Depot Program is limited to current GrantStation Members, partners, and participants in other GrantStation programs to ensure the veracity of the marketing content. To learn more about how Partner Depot can work for you, please contact Jill Cochran.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings

Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars, are 90 minutes in duration,

and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Grantwriting 101

If you are new to grantwriting, this webinar is for you! During this 90-minute webinar, Alice Ruhnke, founder and owner of the Grant Advantage, will teach you how to use a Program Planning Framework to plan through grant applications so they tell a strong, consistent story. As we go through the Framework, each section of a typical grant application will be highlighted with information on what funders are looking for and tips on how to write that section. By the time the webinar is over, you will (1) understand what funders are looking for in grant applications; (2) be able to decipher confusing grant-related terminology; (3) have a usable system to connect all the pieces of an application together; and (4) have strategies to infuse your organization's strengths in your proposal to make it strong and competitive. This webinar will be held on Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 2 pm EDT.

The Anatomy of a Business Plan for Social Enterprise: It's not brain surgery!

If your nonprofit's traditional funding sources are not as reliable as in the past, it might be time to invest in social enterprise to protect your vital programs and services. Many savvy nonprofits have successfully launched an earned income venture and are generating sustainable funds as a result. Is your organization ready to learn more? In this fast-paced webinar, Jean Block, a nonprofit trainer who has guided nearly 100 nonprofits from idea to business plan, will explain what social enterprise is - and isn't - and explore the critical steps required to develop a business plan for social enterprise. Writing a business plan for a social enterprise isn't difficult when it is based on thorough market research and feasibility studies. It's not brain surgery and it's not rocket science! Follow the necessary steps and your organization, too, can find sustainable funding. This webinar will be held Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 2 pm EDT.

How to Craft a Proposal to a Foundation

Proposal writing is the skill most sought after by savvy nonprofit staff members. On the one hand, writing a grant proposal is quite simple and follows a basic formula. However, submitting a proposal may be your only chance to put the case for funding your organization in front of a foundation, so you want to be sure to do it right. In this webinar, Judith Margolin provides invaluable tips on developing a compelling proposal narrative, what your proposal package should include, how to let your funder take the lead, and advice on writing and submission techniques that get your proposal noticed by foundation decision makers. This webinar is intended for the novice proposal writer. The webinar will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017, at 2 pm EDT.



GrantStation Announcements

The Spring 2017 State of Grantseeking Report

State of Grantseeking Logo

Whether you manage a nonprofit organization, an educational institution, or a government agency, there is one truth that is self-evident: there is never enough money to do the good work you feel you need to do. So, we all ask ourselves these questions:

  • Who will fund my organization?
  • What is a reasonable level of funding to expect for my organization?
  • Does my budget, location, or mission affect my organization's ability to be awarded grants?

The free State of Grantseeking™ Report can serve as a valuable benchmark for organizations to review their grantseeking efforts, and will provide leading-edge information months earlier than other annual surveys.

Download your free copy of the State of Grantseeking Report today!

Information contained in the GrantStation International Insider may not be

posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Diana Holder

Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

International Funding Opportunities

Contest Aims to Combat Fake News

Grants Benefit Women and Children in Poverty

Competition Tackles Challenges Ahead of G20 Summit

LGBTQI Social Justice Organizations Supported

Awards Honor Research and Development Projects

Urban Housing Projects Funded

Prize Recognizes Achievements in Solving Water Challenges

Awards Celebrate Youth with Innovative Projects

Canadian Funding Opportunities

Environmental Initiatives Across Canada Supported

Funding Aims to Explore Public Policy Alternatives in Canada

Grants for Law-Related Initiatives in British Columbia

Saskatchewan Organizations and Events Funded

Federal Funding

Grants Combat Wildlife Trafficking in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

Support for Health and Food Security Projects in India

Canadian Government Funding

Funding Targets Indigenous Peoples in Urban Areas

Grants Enable the Purchase of Canadian Cultural Artifacts