GrantStation Insider: February 18, 2021

Volume XX | Issue 7

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Current COVID-19 funding opportunities are available on our website.



National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Support for Healthcare Models Addressing Racism
Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation: Hillman Innovations in Care Program

The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of patients and their families through nursing-driven innovation. The goal of the Hillman Innovations in Care Program is to advance leading-edge, nursing-driven models of care that target the health and healthcare needs of groups and communities who have historically struggled against oppression, discrimination, and indifference. For 2021, the program is issuing a special call for submissions that address racism and its impact on health. The program will award two grants of up to $600,000 each, distributed over a 36-month period. The deadline for letters of intent is March 30, 2021; invited full proposals will be due June 1, 2021. The 2021 RFP is available on the Foundation's website.

Programs Benefiting Senior Dogs Funded
Grey Muzzle Organization

The Grey Muzzle Organization provides grants throughout the United States to nonprofit organizations for programs designed to improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs. The focus is on animal shelters, rescue groups, sanctuaries, and other nonprofit organizations whose activities include helping senior dogs. Funded programs must benefit senior dogs exclusively, have well-defined goals, and include measurable outcomes. Examples of funded programs include the following: creating or expanding foster programs focused on finding homes for senior dogs, medical care and other programs that increase the potential for senior dogs to be adopted, and helping senior dogs give back to society. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000. The application deadline is March 16, 2021. Visit the Grey Muzzle website to submit an online application.

Awards for Projects Focusing on Social Justice, Environment, or Heritage
J.M.K. Innovation Prize

The J.M.K. Innovation Prize, an initiative of the J.M. Kaplan Fund, seeks to identify, support, and elevate innovators who are spearheading transformative early-stage projects in the United States. Specifically, the Prize seeks to support innovation in the following three program areas: Heritage Conservation, with a focus on conserving the places that communities care about most; Social Justice, with a focus on buttressing democracy, voter education, and reforms to the criminal justice and immigration systems; and The Environment, with a focus on slowing the pace of climate change and mitigating climate impacts. Up to ten Prizes will be awarded to nonprofit organizations or mission-driven for-profit organizations. Each Prize will provide a cash award of $150,000 over three years, plus $25,000 in technical assistance funds. The first-round application deadline is April 30, 2021. Potential applicants are welcome to submit questions to and are encouraged to register for an information webinar on March 30th. Visit the J.M. Kaplan Fund's website for more information on the J.M.K. Innovation Prize.

Capital Grants for Historic Houses of Worship
National Fund for Sacred Places

The National Fund for Sacred Places, a program of Partners for Sacred Places in collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, provides support to community-serving congregations to aid in the stewardship of their historic facilities. The first and only program of its kind, the Fund offers the following types of support: 1) grants for the planning and execution of urgent capital projects at historic churches that are valued for their cultural importance as well as their role in providing human services, strengthening communities, and revitalizing neighborhoods; and 2) training, capacity-building, and technical assistance to ensure that grant-funded projects are successfully planned and implemented. Projects must be able to raise matching funds at a 1:1 rate for grants of $50,000 to $100,000; grants from $100,001 to $250,000 require matching funds of 2:1. Letters of intent must be submitted by March 15, 2021; full applications will be due July 14, 2021. Detailed application guidelines are available on the Fund's website.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Grassroots Organizations in Southeastern U.S. and Western Canada Supported
David and Lucile Packard Foundation: Grassroots Organizing for a Clean Energy, Forest Positive, Socially Just Future

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation supports leaders and institutions working to achieve a biologically rich, sustainable world where all families can plan for their children and all children reach their potential. The Foundation has issued a request for proposals, Grassroots Organizing for a Clean Energy, Forest Positive, Socially Just Future, targeting grassroots organizations based in the southeastern United States and British Columbia, Canada, who are working towards a clean energy and forest-positive future with social justice at its heart. Grants will be provided for programs focused on one of the following topic areas: forest protection and community land rights; frontline community organizing and power-building around social, environment, or climate justice; and combating extractive energy industries (i.e. oil, gas, bioenergy). Expressions of Interest must be submitted by March 8, 2021; invited proposals will be due April 15, 2021. Detailed guidelines are available on the Foundation's website.

Funds for Digital Equity Initiatives in California
Michelson 20MM Foundation: Spark Grants

The Michelson 20MM Foundation is committed to building awareness of and working to close the "digital divide" through paradigm-shifting policies and convenings of cross-sectoral leaders to increase investments into innovative solutions. The Foundation's current Spark Grants Digital Equity funding cycle supports systems-level strategies with the potential to create positive impact at scale and inform public policy. Applying organizations must be doing work in California. The focus areas include Education and Awareness, Scaling Best Practices, and Research. Grants will range up to $25,000. Applications will be accepted from March 8 through March 29, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about each focus area and to register for an information webinar on February 23.

Grants Enhance Company Communities in the Western U.S.
Rocky Mountain Power Foundation

The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation supports the growth and vitality of the communities served by Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power, including locations in northern California, southeastern Idaho, Oregon, Utah, central and southeastern Washington, and Wyoming. The Foundation awards grants in the following categories: Education/STEM, Community Enhancement, Environmental Respect, Arts and Culture, and Safety and Wellness. Most grants range between $2,000 and $5,000. Applications are reviewed quarterly, with a focus on specific grant categories each quarter. The upcoming deadline for Education/STEM grant requests is March 15, 2021. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines and application process.

Support for Environmental Education Efforts in Alabama
Legacy Grants Program

Legacy was created by a group of individuals dedicated to providing quality, fact-based environmental education materials to the citizens of Alabama. The Legacy Grants Program provides environmental education grants throughout the state to help to create environmentally responsible citizens through education. Nonprofit organizations and schools in Alabama planning a community-based environmental program are eligible to apply for grants ranging up to $2,500. The application deadline is March 12, 2021. Visit the Legacy website to download the 2021 application form.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Funds Available for Rural EMS Training
Department of Health and Human Services

The Rural Emergency Medical Services Training Grant program provides support to recruit and train emergency medical services (EMS) personnel in rural areas. Supported activities include training EMS personnel to maintain licenses and certifications, conducting courses that qualify graduates to serve in an EMS agency, funding specific training to meet federal or state licensing or certification requirements, ensuring EMS personnel are trained on mental and substance use disorders and care for people with such disorders in emergency situations, acquiring emergency medical services equipment, and purchasing of the opioid overdose antidote (naloxone) and training EMS personnel on its use in opioid overdose emergency situations. The application deadline is March 18, 2021.

Program Helps Veterans Gain Agricultural Skills
Department of Agriculture

The Enhancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans Competitive Grants Program seeks to increase the number of military veterans gaining knowledge and skills through comprehensive, hands-on, and immersive model farm and ranch programs that lead to successful careers in the food and agricultural sector. Supported projects will offer onsite, hands-on training and classroom education leading to a comprehensive understanding of successful farm and ranch operations and management practices. Projects may also offer workforce readiness and employment prospects for service-disabled veterans. The application deadline is March 23, 2021.



Partner Depot

THE Place for Grant Professionals!

GPA is THE Place for Grant Professionals. The Grant Professionals Association is an international membership association for everyone in the grants industry. GPA helps grant professionals seek to continually improve their professional knowledge and skills in grant research, proposal development, and post-award grant management. We set the standard with our commitment to ethical practices, our high-quality educational offerings, our excellence in resources, and our community of professionals committed to serving the public good. Join Today!

#LearnGrants Online Summit

As part of celebrating and showing appreciation for grant professionals on International Grant Professionals Day (March 12), Foundant is excited to partner with DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services, the Grant Professionals Association, and a powerful lineup of experienced trainers to share grantseeker tips and strategies.

Learning sessions in this series include:

  • cultural sensitivity in grant teams;
  • strategies for incorporating professional development;
  • decision matrices;
  • grant tools;
  • partnerships;
  • mindfulness for grant pros;
  • MSU: writer's guide to making stuff up; and,
  • grantmaker relationships.

This free four-hour event is designed for you to come and go as your schedule allows.

Click here to learn more or register!

DATE: Friday, March 12
TIME: 9am - 1 pm PST / 12pm - 4pm EST



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Are you looking to keep up on the latest research in the nonprofit field? If so, you might want to subscribe to the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, published by the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). This journal features nonprofit sector research dedicated to enhancing knowledge of nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, and volunteerism. In addition to cutting-edge research, it provides discussion and analysis of the field.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Inside the Grantmaker's Black Box (NEW)
You know that feeling on deadline day, when you finally push the SUBMIT button and say goodbye to your lovingly-crafted, mission-critical grant proposal as it disappears . . . vanishing entirely for weeks, sometimes months, sometimes even forever . . . as you wait to find out whether it's going to be funded or not. That space between "submit" on one side . . . and "notification" on the other . . . is what we call the Grantmaker's Black Box. That's where all the work goes on for the grantmaking team—the program officer, reviewers, decision-makers. That's where everything happens to decide which proposals are awarded . . . and which aren't. In this eye-opening session, you'll join veteran grants officer Maryn Boess for a unique journey into the heart of the Grantmaker's Black Box as we venture into one grantmaker's funding process. Together we'll take a high-level flyover of her own organization's recent grantmaking round on the way to awarding a total of $600,000. Maryn gives you a rare insider's view of the real world of the final grant decision-making process—something fewer than 2% of all grant professionals ever get to see. Along the way you'll track the proposals through the eight key "checkpoints" of the grant decision process so you can observe exactly what happened at every step of the way; eavesdrop on conversations with proposers and review team members; see the team's mistakes and near-misses, challenges, and celebrations, what was surprisingly easy, and what really came hard in the final decision-making; and experience plenty of surprises, aha!s and hmms as Maryn shares stories about real life inside this particular Grantmaker's Black Box—with new insights you can carry home and put to work immediately on behalf of your own nonprofit and community. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

Sustainability Planning: Where Matching Grants and Capacity Building Meet (NEW)
Giving by foundations increased 2.5%, to an estimated $75.69 billion in 2019, reaching its highest ever dollar amount ( How can you benefit from this trend? Grants should only be one part of your funding plans, but they can be well worth the time commitment required if cultivated correctly. Often grants, especially matching grants, can help leverage your hard work to increase sustainability, making them an ideal funding stream for long-term growth. While much of the process is the same, matching grants do require a bit more preparation than a traditional grant proposal. In this webinar, Amanda Pearce of Funding for Good, Inc. will identify the benefits of matching grants and discuss how to incorporate them into your fundraising plans. While talking to foundation staff can be daunting, it is a vital piece of successful proposal writing. How do you empower foundation donors to donate more AND become advocates for your cause? This webinar will cover how to communicate with donors that their immediate support could lay the foundation for long-term sustainability and success for your organization. This webinar will break down the key components of "sustainability planning," explain how matching grants are a useful tool in creating long-term sustainability, offer quick tips for including a capacity building component into every proposal or appeal, provide effective communication strategies to engage and retain foundation donors, and identify the top three things that can be leveraged for matching grants. All nonprofits professionals and volunteers will benefit from attending this webinar. The webinar will be held on Thursday, March 4, 2021.

LIVE Workshop: Budgeting in QuickBooks (DESKTOP and ONLINE Version)
Do you spend hours every month getting budget reports ready for your board meeting? Do you spend hours reentering and then manipulating data in Excel to get that one "challenging" board member the report they want? Do you struggle with getting a Budget to Actual report out of QuickBooks that has prior year/prior period amounts or annual budgets (if budgeting monthly) in the format that you need? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then this webinar is for you! We are very excited to have Gregg Bossen, a CPA specializing in nonprofits and president of QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits, deliver one of his most popular webinars exclusively for us! In this webinar, we will first explore how to enter budgets and generate budget reports for your organization right in QuickBooks! No more fooling with Excel. Get your board report in minutes—not hours! We will show you how to enter budgets by month, quarter, and year; enter separate budgets for specific programs or projects; enter additional budgets for your restricted grants; and generate multiple budget reports for each of your budgets. Don't miss this opportunity! You will be VERY glad you came! The webinar for the DESKTOP version of QuickBooks will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021. The webinar for the ONLINE version will be held on Wednesday, March 10, 2021.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Free Webinar With Gregg Bossen!
Getting PPP Forgiveness—What's the Latest for 2021?

Join GrantStation for the latest on PPP for nonprofit organizations, including details about the new second round and forgiveness of the first round. This fast-paced and fun webinar will cover the following latest up-to-date information for nonprofits:

  • information on the second round of PPP;
  • new one-step form for forgiveness;
  • new expense categories that will qualify for forgiveness;
  • new PPP for membership associations (501-C-6's);
  • and more!

The webinar is 75 minutes long with about 15 minutes for questions at the end. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. Register Today!

Please note that this webinar is for users of BOTH QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online.

Funding Alerts

Interested in GrantStation's funder profiles? View the weekly Funding Alerts to see profiles of grantmakers currently accepting applications.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Healthcare Models Addressing Racism

Programs Benefiting Senior Dogs Funded

Awards for Projects Focusing on Social Justice, Environment, or Heritage

Capital Grants for Historic Houses of Worship

Regional Funding Opportunities

Grassroots Organizations in Southeastern U.S. and Western Canada Supported

Funds for Digital Equity Initiatives in California

Grants Enhance Company Communities in the Western U.S.

Support for Environmental Education Efforts in Alabama

Federal Funding Opportunities

Funds Available for Rural EMS Training

Program Helps Veterans Gain Agricultural Skills