GrantStation Insider - February 20, 2020

Volume XIX | Issue 7

National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Bereavement Programs Serving Children and Youth
National Alliance for Grieving Children: Grief Reach

The goal of Grief Reach, administered by the National Alliance for Grieving Children with funding from the New York Life Foundation, is to provide support for bereavement programs in order to expand their reach to underserved youth under the age of 25. In 2020, Grief Reach is offering the following two programs: Community Expansion Grants of $50,000 or $100,000 will fund program expansion to include bereaved youth not currently served by existing services. At least 50% of the children served must be from low-income families or from minority communities. The application deadline is March 9, 2020. Capacity Building Grants of $10,000 or $20,000 help nonprofit organizations to secure the professional assistance necessary to enhance organizational capacity and address issues of organizational development and effectiveness. Applications will be accepted from June 15 through July 17, 2020. Visit the National Alliance for Grieving Children's website to learn more about each grant program.

Efforts to Help Senior Dogs Funded
Grey Muzzle Organization

The Grey Muzzle Organization provides grants throughout the United States to nonprofit organizations for programs designed to improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs. The focus is on shelters, rescue groups, sanctuaries, and other nonprofit organizations whose activities include helping senior dogs. Funded programs must benefit senior dogs exclusively, have well-defined goals, and include measurable outcomes. Examples of funded programs include the following: creating or expanding foster programs focused on finding homes for senior dogs, medical care and other programs that increase the potential for senior dogs to be adopted, and helping senior dogs give back to society. Grants generally range from $2,500 to $10,000. The application deadline is March 16, 2020. Visit the Grey Muzzle website to submit an online application.

Grants Strengthen Landscape Conservation Partnerships
Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund

The Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund, an initiative of the Network for Landscape Conservation, is intended to help accelerate the pace of landscape conservation across the United States. The Fund specifically seeks to build critical capacity and forward momentum in landscape conservation partnerships by supporting key collaborative processes and activities. The Catalyst Fund is open to any landscape conservation partnership in the United States. A portion of the Fund is reserved specifically for Indigenous-led partnerships that work to advance Indigenous landscape conservation priorities. One- or two-year grants of $10,000 to $25,000 will be provided. The pre-proposal deadline is March 13, 2020; full proposals will be due May 29, 2020. Visit the Network for Landscape Conservation website to download the 2020 Request for Proposals.

Projects to Implement SEL Initiatives in Schools Supported
Education First: SEL in Action Awards

The SEL in Action Awards, a partnership of the NoVo Foundation with Education First and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, aims to seed projects that foster social and emotional competencies in students in grades pre-K-12. For the 2020-21 school year, applications will be accepted from school-based educators seeking to implement social and emotional learning (SEL) initiatives in classrooms or schools, and district-level applicants seeking to implement SEL initiatives district-wide or across multiple schools within one district. Projects are sought that will create places, environments, and practices that value belonging, well-being, tolerance, compassion, listening, non-violence, inclusiveness, working productively together, and restoring relationships and repairing harm. Proposals supporting one or more of the following student populations are of particular interest: students from Indigenous communities, new arrivals (such as refugees) or immigrants, English learners, LGBTQIA+ students, girls and young women of color, students disproportionately affected by suspensions or the juvenile justice system, students with learning disabilities, and students impacted by housing inequities or homelessness. Grants of up to $7,000 will be awarded for educator-led projects, and up to $25,000 for district-level projects. The application deadline is April 10, 2020. Visit the Education First website to review the 2020 RFP and FAQs.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Watershed and Source Water Protection in Company Communities
American Water Environmental Grant Program

The American Water Environmental Grant Program supports nonprofit organizations that address a watershed or source water protection need in local communities within American Water service areas in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Source water protection projects should result in the protection or improvement of the community's public drinking water supplies. Watershed protection projects should focus on activities that improve, restore, or protect one or more watersheds. Grants of up to $10,000 will be provided for environmental sustainability activities such as watershed cleanups, reforestation efforts, biodiversity projects, streamside buffer restoration projects, hazardous waste collection efforts, etc. Applications must be postmarked by March 31, 2020. Visit the company's website to download the 2020 Program Brochure and the Grant Application Form, and to access contact information for each state.

Grants Enhance Broadband Access and Use in Rural Minnesota
Blandin Foundation: Broadband Innovation Grant Program

The Blandin Foundation partners with community-focused organizations throughout rural Minnesota to foster resilient, vibrant rural communities. The Foundation's Broadband Innovation Grant Program provides matching funds to nonprofit organizations and public agencies in rural Minnesota communities for projects that promote access, adoption, and use of broadband technologies. Access strategies are designed to improve a community's access to broadband services, either community-wide or in targeted locations. Adoption strategies are designed to overcome barriers to the use of broadband technologies within the community, with a focus on end-user devices, broadband services, and training. Use strategies are designed to stimulate more active use of available technologies for healthcare, education, business, and government. Requests are reviewed quarterly; the remaining deadlines for 2020 are March 13, June 19, and September 18. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the program.

Support for Breast Cancer Education Programs in Florida
Florida Breast Cancer Foundation: Education Grants

The Florida Breast Cancer Foundation is working to better the lives of those facing breast cancer in the state of Florida. The Foundation's Education Grants provide support for nonprofit organizations that help to educate women to be proactive advocates for their own breast health. The current focus is on grants of up to $5,000 for projects in a single county and up to $10,000 for projects in multiple counties that offer breast cancer education in one-on-one or small group settings, or through virtual technology, to reach as many people as possible. The application postmark deadline is March 16, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to review the 2020 priorities for Education Grants and download the request for applications.

Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry Promotion Projects in the Northeast Funded
Northeast Farm Credit AgEnhancement Program

The Northeast Farm Credit AgEnhancement Program supports nonprofit organizations that promote and strengthen agriculture, commercial fishing, and forest products in the six New England states, as well as New Jersey and New York. Areas of interest include projects that assist in the development of young and beginning farmers, encourage leadership, develop a greater understanding of agriculture, recognize the accomplishments of ag leaders, study the economic viability of agriculture, and promote interest in the industry. Grants range from $500 to $10,000. The application deadlines are April 1, August 1, and December 1, annually. Visit the Farm Credit East website to submit an online application.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Arts Research Funded
National Endowment for the Arts

The Research Grants in the Arts program supports research that investigates the value or impact of the arts, either as individual components of the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other or with other domains of American life. The focus is on research that identifies and examines factors that enhance or inhibit arts participation or arts and cultural assets; detailed characteristics of arts participation or arts and cultural assets, and their interrelationships; individual-level outcomes of arts participation, specifically outcomes corresponding with social and emotional well-being, physiological processes of health and healing, and creativity, cognition, and learning; and societal or community-level outcomes of arts and cultural assets, specifically outcomes corresponding with civic and corporate innovation, attraction for neighborhoods and businesses, and national or state-level economic growth. Applications must be submitted to by March 30, 2020. Applications must be submitted to the NEA applicant portal by April 9, 2020.

Program Supports Training For Rural EMS Personnel
Department of Health and Human Services

The Rural Emergency Medical Services Training Grant provides support to recruit and train emergency medical services (EMS) personnel in rural areas. Supported efforts include training EMS personnel to maintain licenses and certifications relevant to serve in an EMS agency, conducting courses that qualify graduates to serve in an EMS agency, funding specific training to meet federal or state licensing or certification requirements, ensuring EMS personnel are trained on mental and substance use disorders and care for people with such disorders in emergency situations, acquiring emergency medical services equipment, and purchasing and training EMS personnel on the use of the opioid overdose antidote, naloxone, to utilize in case of opioid overdose emergency situations. The application deadline is March 30, 2020.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Organization Reviews and Strategic Planning—Piscataway, NJ
Are you looking to jumpstart your strategic planning process for the coming year? The workshop "Organization Reviews and Strategic Planning," hosted by the Support Center, addresses critical issues in the nonprofit sector, including succession planning, attracting and retaining investors, capturing and communicating mission impact, and integrating organization assessments into strategic planning. The workshop will take place in Piscataway, NJ, on May 21, 2020. (Additional workshops will be offered in Newark and Moorestown, NJ.)



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

LIVE Workshop: Budgeting in QuickBooks (NEW)
Desktop Version and Online Version

Do you spend hours every month getting budget reports ready for your board meeting? Do you spend hours reentering and then manipulating data in Excel to get that one "challenging" board member the report they want? Do you struggle with getting a Budget to Actual report out of QuickBooks that has prior year/prior period amounts or annual budgets (if budgeting monthly) in the format that you need? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then this webinar is for you! We are very excited to have Gregg Bossen, a CPA specializing in nonprofits and president of QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits, deliver one of his most popular webinars exclusively for us! In this webinar, we will first explore how to enter budgets and generate budget reports for your organization right in QuickBooks! No more fooling with Excel. Get your board report in minutes—not hours! We will show you how to enter budgets by month, quarter, and year; enter separate budgets for specific programs or projects; enter additional budgets for your restricted grants; and generate multiple budget reports for each of your budgets. Don't miss this opportunity! You will be VERY glad you came! The DESKTOP webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. The ONLINE webinar will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

Organization Evaluation (NEW)
Nonprofits need to focus on more than mission-specific activities to build a strong organization that can continue to serve over time. This webinar, presented by Mindy Muller, provides the opportunity for leaders to consider how to measure the health of their organizations and plan for long-term sustainability. Participants will complete Community Development Professional's Organization Evaluation Tool to get an assessment of the health of their nonprofit in the six areas of Legalities, Board Governance, Image Management, Resource Development, Strategic Planning, and Program Impact. This webinar then covers those six components and offers participants the opportunity to identify next steps to strengthen the health of their organization. Participants will leave this webinar with an understanding of their organization’s key strengths and areas of weakness and be ready to take strategic actions to strengthen the organization. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.

LIVE Workshop: Powerful Presentations—Design and Deliver Presentations for Maximum Impact
"I am looking for tools and tricks for making complicated data and information look exciting and compelling for a range of audiences." "My biggest goal is to disseminate our findings more widely with staff, which means learning how to communicate data to folks who often don't consider themselves 'data people.'" "I am struggling with how to make my slides less text-driven." Does this sound familiar? If so, our Powerful Presentations online workshop may be for you. Do you need to communicate data in a variety of formats, from full-length reports, to one-pagers, to infographics, to live presentations with slides? In this 90-minute training, Ann K. Emery will go over a dozen techniques for delivering effective data presentations. You will learn how to avoid Death by PowerPoint, craft your presentation's takeaway points so that your key findings stick, include a variety of visuals to make your content more memorable, color-code your content so that your audience knows when a new segment is beginning, and storyboard your slides to hold your audience's attention. You'll also learn how to improve your presentation's accessibility. The webinar will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2020.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation.

Funding Alerts
GrantStation shares database profiles of Local, National, Canadian, and International grantmakers with upcoming deadlines each week. Check out the current Funding Alerts for more grant opportunities!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Bereavement Programs Serving Children and Youth

Efforts to Help Senior Dogs Funded

Grants Strengthen Landscape Conservation Partnerships

Projects to Implement SEL Initiatives in Schools Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Watershed and Source Water Protection in Company Communities

Grants Enhance Broadband Access and Use in Rural Minnesota

Support for Breast Cancer Education Programs in Florida

Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry Promotion Projects in the Northeast Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Arts Research Funded

Program Supports Training For Rural EMS Personnel