GrantStation Insider: June 25, 2020

Volume XIX | Issue 25

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lyft: LyftUp COVID-19 Community Grants
The LyftUp COVID-19 Community Grants program provides support to organizations in the U.S. as well as British Columbia and Ontario, Canada. Through the Essential Deliveries program, organizations that need delivery services for essential goods—such as groceries, medical supplies, auto parts, and home necessities—are matched with Lyft drivers, who can carry the deliveries out. Additionally, in collaboration with 500+ community partners, Lyft is helping provide essential services, including trips to the grocery store, pharmacy, healthcare appointments, etc., to those in need. Requests may be submitted at any time.

AIDS United: Relief, Recovery, and Resilience Fund
AIDS United's Relief, Recovery, and Resilience Fund is currently supporting nonprofit organizations that are experiencing challenges meeting the needs of people living with and at risk for HIV and AIDS because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the Fund is on access to HIV care, housing, food, etc. Grants of up to $15,000 will be provided to nonprofit organizations in the southern U.S. states, as well as organizations nationwide that serve people who use drugs or communities of color, especially Black communities. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as long as funds are available.

Michigan College Access Network: COVID-19 Response Grants
Michigan College Access Network's COVID-19 Response Grants provide a flexible funding pathway for Michigan high schools, Local College Access Networks, community-based nonprofit organizations, and higher education institutions to offer emergent post-secondary projects and programs in their communities. Funding is offered through two pathways: up to $2,500 in mini-grants targeted toward high schools and up to $10,000 targeted toward a community response. The application deadline is July 31, 2020.

For more grant opportunities, visit our COVID-19 Related Funding page.



National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Community Efforts Addressing Childbirth Challenges
Merck for Mothers: Safer Childbirth Cities

The Safer Childbirth Cities initiative, launched by Merck for Mothers, aims to support community-based organizations in U.S. cities with a high burden of maternal mortality and morbidity. The focus is on implementing evidence-based interventions and innovative approaches to help these cities become safer—and more equitable—places to give birth. Funded efforts should strive to close the divide between medical and community-based solutions so that pregnant women and new mothers receive the support they need for a healthy pregnancy, safe childbirth, and lifelong well-being. Grants of up to $1 million over two to three years will be provided. Proposals are welcome from community-based nonprofit organizations in U.S. cities with a minimum population of 100,000. (City or state health departments, other government entities, and hospitals or health systems are not eligible to apply.) Geographies of particular interest include Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, and Washington, DC; however, organizations outside of these locations are also welcome to apply. The application deadline is August 24, 2020. Visit the Merck for Mothers website to download the call for proposals.

Native Organizations in the U.S, Canada, and Mexico Funded
Honor the Earth: Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative

The mission of Honor the Earth is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities. Through the Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative, Honor the Earth provides grants of $1,000 to $5,000 to nonprofit Native organizations in the U.S., as well as Canada and Mexico, that are controlled by Indigenous peoples. This initiative supports organizations working in two areas: 1) implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency and weatherization improvements to advance community dignity and energy sovereignty, and 2) creating food security utilizing Indigenous varieties and organic production. All funded projects must include ongoing efforts aimed at restoring Indigenous wisdom and sustainability in Indigenous territories. The application deadline is July 20, 2020. Grant application instructions and guidelines are available on the Honor the Earth website.

Grants Assist U.S. and Canadian Organizations Focusing on the Impact of COVID-19
TD Bank Group: TD Ready Challenge

The TD Ready Challenge, an initiative of the TD Bank Group, is an annual North American initiative that provides support to catalyze innovative solutions for a changing world. Grants are awarded to organizations in the United States and Canada that have impactful and measurable solutions that will help open doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow. The theme of the 2020 Challenge focuses on addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically for communities that are experiencing these impacts disproportionately. Funded solutions must also address at least one of the four interconnected drivers of change of the TD Ready Commitment: Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities, and Better Health. Grants will range from $350,000 to $1 million (CAD). The application deadline is August 13, 2020. Detailed information about this year’s Challenge is available on the TD Ready Challenge website.

Initiatives to Enhance Understanding of the American Muslim Community Supported
Pillars Fund

Pillars Fund is dedicated to amplifying the leadership, narrative, and talents of American Muslims. Pillars aspires to put an end to bigotry, xenophobia, and other divisive tactics that keep our nation apart. Support is provided to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States that address the following issues: Rights, with a focus on social and policy change efforts that protect and expand the human and civil rights of us all; Wellness, with a focus on the growth and nurturing of whole, healthy American Muslim communities; and Understanding, with a focus on amplifying American Muslim voices and creating a deeper understanding of American Muslims. The deadline for idea submissions is August 1, 2020. Visit Pillars Fund's website to learn more about the grantmaking guidelines.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for the Revitalization of Tennessee Public Spaces
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Health Foundation

The BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Health Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Tennesseans. The Foundation's BlueCross Healthy Place Program supports nonprofit organizations and government entities throughout the state that seek to create and revitalize their public spaces. The focus is on spaces that bring communities together, so proposed projects must be free and open to the public. In addition, applying organizations must commit to seeking community engagement throughout the planning and development process. Eligible projects must be based in Tennessee. Online applications may be submitted from August 1 through August 31, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website for more information on the BlueCross Healthy Place Program.

Grants Benefit Children and Service Members in Arizona
Arizona Coyotes Foundation

The Arizona Coyotes Foundation seeks to enhance the quality of life throughout Arizona communities by supporting nonprofit organizations that offer healthcare, education, and cultural arts programs for children and service men and women. The Foundation is also dedicated to health and wellness programs that stimulate the growth of youth sports as well as programs that encourage teamwork skills while building future leaders. The 2020 Grant Cycle will be open between July 1 and July 31. Visit the Foundation's website in July to review the grant guidelines and submit an application.

Support for Oral Health, Obesity Prevention, and Food Security Efforts in New Hampshire
New Hampshire Children's Health Foundation

The New Hampshire Children's Health Foundation is dedicated to improving the health of New Hampshire's population, especially the vulnerable and underserved. The Foundation's focus areas for Responsive Grantmaking include the following: the promotion of oral health for children through age five and pregnant women; the prevention of childhood obesity by enhancing places to be active and increasing consumption of healthy food for children up to age five; and the reduction of food insecurity by increasing opportunities for children and families to access affordable, healthy food. Single year grants of up to $20,000 and multi-year grants of up to $60,000 are provided. Letters of inquiry may be submitted from August 1 through August 15, 2020; invited applications will be due September 30, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the application process.

Suicide Prevention Programs in Alaska Funded
Alaska Community Foundation: GCI Suicide Prevention Grant Program

The Alaska Community Foundation is currently offering the GCI Suicide Prevention Grant Program, which funds projects and organizations whose goal is to reduce the rates of suicide in Alaska and promote mental wellness through strengthened community and personal connections. Grant requests of up to $30,000 are considered, with typical awards ranging from $2,500 to $10,000. Preference will be given to programs that are located in rural Alaska or programs that reach rural communities in Alaska (defined as outside of Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau). Nonprofit organizations, as well as tribes, schools, churches, and local government agencies, are eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2020. Online application information is available on the Alaska Community Foundation website.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Grants Available to Provide Education About Trafficking
Department of Health and Human Services

The Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grants program provides support to local educational agencies (LEAs) to develop and implement programs to prevent human trafficking victimization through the provision of skills-based training and education for school staff and students. Supported LEAs are expected to establish and implement a Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol (HTSSP) for handling suspected and confirmed cases of human trafficking in a person-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. LEAs will engage law enforcement in the development of the HTSSP specifically to address the safety, security, and well-being of staff and students and to define the proper and effective role of school staff in responding to potential and confirmed cases of human trafficking, including notifying and engaging parents, guardians, or caregivers, as appropriate. The application deadline is July 31, 2020.

Program Helps Low-Income Homebuyers
Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) seeks to facilitate and encourage innovative homeownership opportunities on a national, geographically diverse basis through the provision of self-help homeownership housing programs. Homebuyers must be low-income and must contribute a significant amount of sweat equity towards the development of the SHOP units. Funds must be used for land acquisition, infrastructure improvements, and reasonable and necessary planning and administration costs. The application deadline is August 18, 2020.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Giving USA 2020: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2019
Are you curious about America's current fundraising landscape? Giving USA 2020: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2019 details charitable giving trends in the United States. It provides organizations with the information necessary to understand the state of charitable giving, and also offers practical advice on how to create effective fundraising strategies.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

LIVE Workshop: Tracking Volunteers in QuickBooks (DESKTOP Version and ONLINE Version)
Are you tracking your volunteers' contact information somewhere? What about the hours they worked? What they did? Many grantors will allow volunteer hours to count towards meeting the matching requirements for a grant, so it is important to keep track of volunteer activity. All of this information can be easily tracked right in your QuickBooks software. To help you with this process, we are very excited to have Gregg Bossen, a CPA specializing in nonprofits and president of QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits, deliver one of his most popular webinars exclusively for us. In this webinar, you will learn how to set up your volunteers in QuickBooks either manually or by import, query to find a volunteer that possesses a skill that you may need, set up and enter time for volunteers by activity, generate volunteer reports, and get QuickBooks to calculate the exact amount of match created. Don't miss this opportunity! You will be VERY glad you came! The webinar for the DESKTOP version of QuickBooks will be held on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The webinar for the ONLINE version of QuickBooks will be held on Thursday, July 23, 2020.

How to Know if Your Programs Are Effective (NEW)
Strong programmatic outcomes are vital to the success of any grant program. As a nonprofit professional, you know that measuring these outcomes and understanding your organization's impact is important—not only to achieve your mission, but also to communicate your work effectively. But programmatic monitoring and evaluation can be complicated! This 90-minute webinar, presented by Alana Buckner, CEO of Elevate, is for non-experts who want to understand the fundamentals better. It will make monitoring and evaluation easy to understand and focus on practical tips and case studies. We will cover the answers to questions like these: Why is monitoring and evaluation important for every nonprofit? What does monitoring and evaluation mean exactly? What about concepts like theory of change, logic model, data collection, assessment, and instrument, as well as qualitative and quantitative data? How does a nonprofit get started, or improve, their existing monitoring and evaluation? By the end of the webinar, you will be able to understand the purposes of program evaluation, link it to your organization's goals, and have concrete tips and techniques to begin or improve your evaluation efforts. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, July 29, 2020.

FREE Webinar: Mapping Your Capital Campaign During the COVID-19 Crisis (NEW)
Before COVID-19, you had a brilliant roadmap to guide you to your fundraising destinations. This pandemic presented a major roadblock, but it's time to get behind the wheel again! In this FREE 45-minute webinar with additional time for questions, learn from the capital campaign planning and management experts at how you can plan and manage your capital campaign during COVID-19. We will discuss the importance of evaluating where you are now in your feasibility study or capital campaign and the ways in which COVID-19 impacts how you'll move forward and at what pace. Fear of the unknown, your board's outlook, re-evaluation of your case for support, and fundraising through virtual meetings will be addressed. The perceived internal relevance of your fundraising effort by staff and board, the external relevance of your campaign to the community, and creative, strategic interaction with donors will be explored. The webinar will be held on Thursday, July 30, 2020.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation.

Funding Alerts
Want to stay on top of upcoming deadlines? Check out the weekly Funding Alerts on the GrantStation homepage.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

COVID-19 Related Funding

Lyft: LyftUp COVID-19 Community Grants

AIDS United: Relief, Recovery and Resilience Fund

Michigan College Access Network: COVID-19 Response Grants

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Community Efforts Addressing Childbirth Challenges

Native Organizations in the U.S, Canada, and Mexico Funded

Grants Assist U.S. and Canadian Organizations Focusing on the Impact of COVID-19 

Initiatives to Enhance Understanding of the American Muslim Community Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for the Revitalization of Tennessee Public Spaces

Grants Benefit Children and Service Members in Arizona

Support for Oral Health, Obesity Prevention, and Food Security Efforts in New Hampshire

Suicide Prevention Programs in Alaska Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Grants Available to Provide Education About Trafficking

Program Helps Low-Income Homebuyers