GrantStation Insider - August 22, 2019

Volume XVIII | Issue 31

National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Anniversary | Subscribe


National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Pet Sheltering and Adoption Services
Petco Foundation: Animal Welfare Organizations Grant Program

The Petco Foundation provides grants to animal welfare organizations performing sheltering and adoptions nationwide. The Foundation seeks to support organizations that continually endeavor to achieve a high standard of doing more and are determined to save as many lives as possible. U.S.-based nonprofit animal shelters and foster-based rescue organizations, as well as municipal animal shelters, are eligible to apply. For the 2019 funding cycle, applications will be accepted through September 26. Visit the Petco Foundation’s website for additional information and to download the Animal Welfare Organizations Performing Sheltering and Adoptions grant application instructions.

Organizations Protecting Basic Freedoms Funded
The Herb Block Foundation: Defending Basic Freedoms

The Herb Block Foundation is committed to defending the basic freedoms guaranteed all Americans, combating all forms of discrimination and prejudice, and improving the conditions of the poor and underprivileged. The Foundation’s Defending Basic Freedoms grant program provides support to nonprofit organizations nationwide that seek to safeguard the basic freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, to help eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to assist government agencies to be more accountable to the public. The Foundation also considers support for contemporary societal issues that may arise. Grants range from $5,000 to $25,000. Letters of inquiry must be submitted by October 3, 2019; invited full proposals will be due December 12, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the application guidelines.

Grants Strive to Break the Poverty Cycle
Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), established by the Catholic bishops of the United States, is committed to supporting organizations led by low-income individuals as they work to break the cycle of poverty and improve their communities. CCHD’s grant programs include the following: Community Development Grants support nonprofit organizations that are led by people living in poverty and work to address the root causes of poverty. Economic Development Grants support economic development initiatives that include the voice of the poor and marginalized in developing new businesses that offer good jobs or develop assets that will be owned by local communities. Grants range between $25,000 and $75,000. Pre-applications for both programs may be submitted between September 1 and November 1, annually; the online application deadline is December 15, annually. Visit the CCHD website for more information.

K-12 Field Trips Supported Nationwide
Target Field Trip Grants

The Target Field Trip Grants program provides funds for K-12 field trips in order to give students throughout the country the opportunity to explore more of the world outside the classroom. Grants of up to $700 each will be awarded to educators, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and classified staff who are employed by accredited K-12 public, private, or charter schools. (Parents, volunteers, after-school programs, pre-K groups, and childcare centers are not eligible to apply.) Types of funded trips include art, science, and cultural museum visits; community service and civic projects; career enrichment opportunities; and other events or activities away from the school facility. Funds may be used to cover trip-related costs such as transportation, ticket fees, resource materials, and supplies. Online applications will be accepted through October 1, 2019. Visit the Target website to learn more about the program.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Arts Programs Within a Five-Hour Drive of New York City
GKV Foundation

The GKV Foundation supports nonprofit organizations located within a five-hour drive of the New York City metropolitan area that are interested in developing new programs that will impact the community through the use of a range of artistic media such as the visual arts, music, and dance. The focus is on new programs that are on the wish lists of established nonprofit organizations; big ideas with great potential but as of yet, unfunded and, by consequence, untested. The goal is that with first-year funding from the Foundation enough measurable results will be achieved to attract sustaining funding from other sources. Applying organizations must have been in existence for at least five years. The deadline for letters of interest is October 1, 2019; invited proposals will be due December 1, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the Foundation’s mission and application process.

Grants Promote Rural Development in Targeted States
Laura Jane Musser Fund: Rural Initiative Program

The Laura Jane Musser Fund encourages collaborative and participatory efforts among citizens in communities in Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota, and Wyoming, as well as the Rio Grande Valley, Deep East Texas, and the Brazos Valley regions of Texas. Through the Rural Initiative Program, the Fund supports efforts that will help to strengthen individual rural towns in the targeted states in a number of civic areas, including, but not limited to, economic development, business preservation, arts and humanities, public space improvements, and education. The applicant community must have a population of 10,000 or fewer and must be able to demonstrate the rural characteristics of their location and support from a diverse cross-section of community members and institutions. Planning grants of up to $5,000 and implementation grants of up to $25,000 are provided. Online applications may be submitted from September 3 through October 3, 2019. Specific grant guidelines and application procedures are available on the Fund’s website.

Support for Organizations in Bank Communities
BBVA Foundation

The BBVA Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that are making a positive impact in the communities the bank serves in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, and Texas. The Foundation provides grants of up to $5,000 through the Small Grants Program to organizations that address one of the following focus areas: community development, education, health and human services, arts and culture, environment and natural resources, and diversity and inclusion. Online applications are due September 30, 2019. Visit the BBVA website to learn more about the Foundation’s Small Grants Program application process.

Charitable Efforts in Rocky Mountain States Funded
Cross Charitable Foundation

The Cross Charitable Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. The Foundation provides grants to organizations that 1) promote education to enable youth to become productive members of society; 2) provide services for the homeless and oppressed; 3) address the conservation and protection of wildlife and the environment; and 4) promote the health and welfare of dogs, including the training of dogs to assist in improving the quality of life for humans and other animals. The grant application deadline is September 15, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to submit an online application.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Program Supports Local Food Efforts
Environmental Protection Agency

Local Foods, Local Places helps cities and towns across the country protect the environment and human health by engaging with local partners to reinvest in existing neighborhoods as they develop local food systems. Previously supported efforts include downtown markets, cooperative groceries, community kitchens, and community and school gardens. The application deadline is September 30, 2019.

Funds Available to Help the Homeless
Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Continuum of Care Program seeks to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. The Program supports efforts to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, youth, and persons fleeing domestic violence while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; promote access to mainstream programs by the homeless; and optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. The application deadline is September 30, 2019.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Nonprofit Management 101: A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals (2nd Edition), by Darian Rodriguez Heyman and Laila Brenner
If you have been searching for a book to expand your knowledge of nonprofit management, look no further. Nonprofit Management 101: A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals (2nd Edition), by Darian Rodriguez Heyman and Laila Brenner, is a comprehensive guide for both new nonprofit leaders and established veterans. It shares knowledge on all aspects of nonprofit management, including fundraising, marketing, board and volunteer engagement, human resources and career planning, lobbying and advocacy, legal and financial management, and leadership and strategic planning.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

FREE Tour of the GrantStation Website
Join Jeremy Smith, Communications and Technology Director, and Sara Kennedy, Director of Online Education, for a quick tour of the GrantStation website. This tour will cover all of the features in, including navigation, search interfaces, and charitable database search criteria. This tour will provide tips on the most effective way to use all of the valuable resources the website offers, including the extensive funder databases that can help you identify the grantmakers most likely to fund your programs or projects. By using GrantStation’s databases and resource tools, you can begin to develop a successful grantseeking strategy for the next 12 to 18 months. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2019.

FREE: Nine Ways to Learn Online with GrantStation in 2019
Are you interested in learning more this year but aren’t sure where to start? Join Sage Adams, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Instructional Designer for GrantStation, and Sara Kennedy, Director of Online Education, for a short webinar on how to maximize the abundance of online learning resources available on GrantStation. You will learn how to enhance your understanding of grantwriting, grant strategies, grants management, and information design through online education. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 11, 2019.

The Power of Visual Storytelling (NEW)
In an age overflowing with technology and lives that move at 80 miles an hour throughout the day, what is it that will make your message stand out? Sharing stories. Research tell us that stories are remembered 22 times more often than facts alone. In this session, Lori L. Jacobwith will take you through the power of visual storytelling. You’ll see examples of why sharing facts and stories is more powerful when combined with an image. You’ll also learn what works and what doesn’t when using visuals in your storytelling. During this presentation, you will learn (1) how much faster the brain processes visuals vs. words; (2) four key factors for creating powerful visuals; and (3) what type of articles get 94% more views. This webinar will benefit fundraising and communication staff, especially staff making updates to websites and postings on social media. The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 12, 2019.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation.

Canadian Insider
We are pleased to announce the launch of the free GrantStation Canadian Insider newsletter. Published the third Tuesday of each month, the Canadian Insider will feature national, regional, and government funding opportunities for Canadian nonprofit and charity organizations. Subscribe today or tell a Canadian friend!

Funding Alerts
GrantStation shares database profiles of Local, National, Canadian, and International grantmakers with upcoming deadlines each week. Check out the current Funding Alerts for more grant opportunities!



GrantStation 20th Anniversary
GrantStation celebrates 20 years of service to the sector.

Celebrate With Us!
Twenty years ago GrantStation was born in a cabin in the wilderness. We are celebrating our anniversary with a special blog series, original content, and monthly Membership giveaways! Enter the contest for your chance to win a one-year Membership!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Pet Sheltering and Adoption Services

Organizations Protecting Basic Freedoms Funded

Grants Strive to Break the Poverty Cycle

K-12 Field Trips Supported Nationwide

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Arts Programs Within a Five-Hour Drive of New York City

Grants Promote Rural Development in Targeted States

Support for Organizations in Bank Communities

Charitable Efforts in Rocky Mountain States Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Supports Local Food Efforts

Funds Available to Help the Homeless