GrantStation Insider - May 25, 2017

Volume XVI | Issue 21

National | Regional | Federal | Partner Depot | Online Education | Announcements



National Funding

Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Organizations Addressing the Needs of the Underserved

Walmart Foundation State Giving Program

The Walmart Foundation State Giving Program awards grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico for programs that give individuals access to a better life. There are three funding cycles per year; the first two funding cycles are targeted to specific states. For the final funding cycle of the year, requests are accepted from organizations nationwide in the following categories: Hunger Relief supports programs such as food pantries, backpack programs, and SNAP outreach. Community Engagement supports other programs that focus on the unmet needs of underserved low-income populations. Examples of eligible programs include career opportunity, disaster preparedness, education programs, healthcare access, shelters, etc. Grants range from $25,000 to $250,000; the average grant size is $40,000. Applications for the final funding cycle will be accepted from August 7 through August 11, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the State Giving Program.

Programs Led by Women and Girls Funded

Open Meadows Foundation

The Open Meadows Foundation is dedicated to funding projects that are led by and benefit women and girls, particularly those from vulnerable communities in the U.S. and worldwide. The Foundation supports projects that are designed and implemented by women and girls, reflect the diversity of the community served by the project, promote building community power, and encourage racial, gender, and economic justice. Priority is given to organizations that have limited financial access or have encountered obstacles in their search for funding. The Foundation provides grants of up to $2,000 to nonprofit organizations with annual budgets of $75,000 or less. (The Foundation also administers several special funds that are targeted to specific groups or activities.) Proposals for all of the Foundation’s grant opportunities may be submitted between July 1 and August 15, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the application guidelines.

Grants Promote Youth Education

American Honda Foundation

The American Honda Foundation supports nonprofit organizations and educational institutions nationwide that address the areas of youth and scientific education. The Foundation's primary funding priority is youth education, specifically in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; the environment; job training; and literacy. Grants range from $20,000 to $75,000. The upcoming deadline for organizations that have never received funding from the Foundation is August 1, 2017.  Visit the Foundation’s website to take the required eligibility quiz and submit an online application.

Climbing Programs Supported Nationwide

American Alpine Club: Cornerstone Conservation Grants

The American Alpine Club’s Cornerstone Conservation Grants, funded by REI, create healthy climbing landscapes, promote respect for the places people climb, and empower local climbing communities. Grants ranging from $1,000 to $8,000 are provided for projects that improve land conservation and climber practices. Examples of funded projects include new trails and human-waste management systems. Nonprofit organizations, or organizations with nonprofit fiscal sponsors, are eligible to apply. Applications will be accepted from June 15 to August 15, 2017. Visit the American Alpine Club’s website to learn more about the grant guidelines and to download the application form.



Regional Funding

Opportunities for Specific Areas

Matching Funds for Conservation Projects in Selected States and Canadian Provinces

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation and Innovation

The ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation and Innovation program, a partnership between ConocoPhillips, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, provides matching grants for habitat restoration, water and biodiversity conservation, and innovative conservation projects in selected U.S. states and Canadian provinces. (Projects focused on water innovation are eligible throughout the U.S., Alberta, and British Columbia.) Approximately $1 million will be available in 2017, with grants ranging from $25,000 to $250,000. Nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, and Indian tribes are eligible to apply. The proposal deadline is June 29, 2017. Visit the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation website to review the 2017 Request for Proposals.

Grants Benefit Disadvantaged New Jersey Residents

Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation

The mission of the Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation is to support nonprofit organizations that enrich and improve the quality of life for individuals living in New Jersey. The focus is on encouraging programs that benefit children and adults who are physically, mentally, or economically disadvantaged. The Foundation concentrates on small nonprofit organizations and prefers programs that focus on preventing or solving problems, rather than meeting basic needs. Grants generally range from $1,000 to $15,000. The remaining application deadlines for 2017 are July 31 and October 27. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the application process.

Support for Quality of Life Programs in Oklahoma and Colorado Springs

Inasmuch Foundation

The Inasmuch Foundation is dedicated to the betterment of people, neighborhoods, and communities in Oklahoma. The Foundation primarily provides grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the state for programs that result in the greatest positive outcome for Oklahomans. (Support is also considered for nonprofit organizations that address the Foundation’s priorities in Colorado Springs, CO.) The Foundation's areas of interest include education, community enhancement, and health and human services. Projects that involve collaborative community efforts to avoid duplication of services are encouraged. The upcoming deadline for letters of inquiry is August 15, 2017. Visit the Foundation’s website to submit an online letter of inquiry.

Organizations Working to Strengthen Oregonians Funded

The Reser Family Foundation

The Reser Family Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in Oregon that benefit the residents of the state. Grants, ranging from $500 to $50,000, are provided to organizations that address one of the following four impact areas: education, health, the arts, and the environment. The Foundation offers two grant programs: the Fast Track Grant Program for requests under $12,500 and the Reser Family Foundation Grant Program for requests from $12,500 to $50,000. The final application deadline for 2017 is August 1. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more the targeted impact areas and the application process.



Federal Funding

Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Rural Schools Supported

Department of Education

The Small, Rural School Achievement Program provides support to local educational agencies to address the unique needs of rural school districts. The application deadline is June 30, 2017. 

Program Helps Reentry of Incarcerated Individuals 

Department of Justice

The Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Program provides support for reentry services and programs that will reduce recidivism by facilitating the successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals as they return to their communities. The application deadline is July 5, 2017.



Partner Depot

GrantStation Proudly Endorses These Special Offers

Elevate logoAre You Looking for Grantwriting Support in 2017?

Elevate works with effective and ambitious nonprofits of all sizes to make life easier for their leaders, improve their program outcomes, and build more sustainable organizations capable of doing the hard, day-to-day work of meaningful social change. Our team of writers and nonprofit strategists has extensive experience and strong track records with grantwriting, prospect identification, and funder cultivation. We offer a range of services – from three-month Grants Accelerator Projects designed to jumpstart new or smaller grants programs, to comprehensive grantwriting and strategy services – to meet organizations where they are. WE’D LOVE TO WORK WITH YOU!



Upcoming Online Education Trainings

Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,

are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Now Is the Time - Mobilize Your Board to Raise Funds

In today's highly competitive grantseeking economy, nonprofit organizations that fail to attract outside funding most often are those with boards who are unable or unwilling to engage in efforts aimed at contributing to their agency's financial security. Stated quite simply, nonprofit board members no longer have the option of saying "I don't raise funds." In this webinar, Judith Margolin addresses the change in perspective necessary to turn weak boards into powerful fundraising entities, beginning with a new and much broader definition of "fundraising". Topics covered include: who should and should not be on your board, how to address your board member's reluctance to raise funds, and what specific roles board members can and should play vis a vis your prospects and funders. The webinar concludes with advice on developing an action plan to more fully engage your board in fundraising. This presentation will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 2 pm EDT.

Grantwriting 101

If you are new to grantwriting, this webinar is for you! During this 90-minute webinar, Alice Ruhnke, founder and owner of the Grant Advantage, will teach you how to use a Program Planning Framework to plan through grant applications so they tell a strong, consistent story. As we go through the Framework, each section of a typical grant application will be highlighted with information on what funders are looking for and tips on how to write that section. By the time the webinar is over, you will (1) understand what funders are looking for in grant applications; (2) be able to decipher confusing grant-related terminology; (3) have a usable system to connect all the pieces of an application together; and (4) have strategies to infuse your organization's strengths in your proposal to make it strong and competitive. This webinar will be held on Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 2 pm EDT.

The Anatomy of a Business Plan for Social Enterprise: It's not brain surgery!

If your nonprofit's traditional funding sources are not as reliable as in the past, it might be time to invest in social enterprise to protect your vital programs and services. Many savvy nonprofits have successfully launched an earned income venture and are generating sustainable funds as a result. Is your organization ready to learn more? In this fast-paced webinar, Jean Block, a nonprofit trainer who has guided nearly 100 nonprofits from idea to business plan, will explain what social enterprise is - and isn't - and explore the critical steps required to develop a business plan for social enterprise. Writing a business plan for a social enterprise isn't difficult when it is based on thorough market research and feasibility studies. It's not brain surgery and it's not rocket science! Follow the necessary steps and your organization, too, can find sustainable funding. This webinar will be held Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 2 pm EDT.




What's New at GrantStation?

The New GrantStation is Here!

Balloon Logo

We are so excited to share our new website with you – please click here to see it and try it out.

We still have the same great content and the same high-quality listings of grantmakers, but there is a new look, new navigation, new search interfaces, and additional charitable database search criteria.

You can watch a video tour of GrantStation highlighting what's new.

We have added new search criteria:

  • We have fine-tuned our criteria in the Areas of Interest, Target Populations, and Types of Support, and have added new ones such as Charter Schools and Microfinance.
  • You can now filter by Type of Grantmaker, such as corporate giving programs and religious grantmakers.
  • You can look for global grantmakers giving to U.S. organizations.
  • You can find grantmakers by the state where they are located, not just by the states that are their giving focus.

What’s Coming in the Future

We will introduce new features throughout the year so that you can take your time learning how to use each one. Here are some of the resources we will roll out within the next six months:

  • Ability to save searches and reports
  • Your own personal dashboard with your saved results
  • Enhanced search interface for our Canadian Charitable Giving Database
  • New interactive tools for building funding strategies

Let us know what you think about what you see! All of our changes are driven by our conversations with our Members so we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be

posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman

Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Organizations Addressing the Needs of the Underserved

Programs Led by Women and Girls Funded

Grants Promote Youth Education

Climbing Programs Supported Nationwide

Regional Funding Opportunities

Matching Funds for Conservation Projects in Selected States and Canadian Provinces

Grants Benefit Disadvantaged New Jersey Residents

Support for Quality of Life Programs in Oklahoma and Colorado Springs

Organizations Working to Strengthen Oregonians Funded

Federal Funding

Rural Schools Supported

Program Helps Reentry of Incarcerated Individuals