GrantStation International Insider - November 2019

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Volume XI | Issue 9

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International Funding Opportunities

Program Preserves Modern Architectural Heritage
The Getty Foundation: Keeping It Modern

The Getty Foundation is committed to advancing the greater understanding and preservation of the visual arts in Los Angeles and throughout the world. Keeping It Modern is an international grant initiative that supports the conservation of modern architecture, with a focus on important buildings of the twentieth century. Two types of grants are available: Planning grants support research and planning projects for significant twentieth-century buildings that involve practitioners from multiple disciplines. IImplementation grants fund exceptional projects related to internationally recognized buildings that advance the conservation of modern architecture in significant ways and have the potential to serve as models for the conservation of other twentieth-century buildings. Nonprofit or charitable organizations from around the world are eligible to request support. Preliminary letters of inquiry must be submitted by December 2, 2019. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the grant guidelines.

Grants Aid Animals in Distress
International Fund for Animal Welfare: Disaster Response Grants

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) works to help people and animals thrive together, with emphasis on animal welfare through rescue and conservation. IFAW's Disaster Response Grants support efforts addressing any man-made or natural disaster impacting animals where physical or financial assistance is needed to support local response and recovery. Examples of man-made disasters include, but are not limited to, political conflict, financial crisis, and large-scale cruelty cases. Natural disasters may include, but are not limited to, extreme weather events, earthquakes, wildfires, and floods. Grant requests are accepted on a continuous basis. Visit the IFAW website to access the online inquiry form.

Trans-Led Groups Supported
International Trans Fund

The International Trans Fund (ITF) aims to increase the capacity of the trans movement to self-organize and advocate for trans people’s rights, self-determination, and well-being. The ITF provides support to trans-led groups worldwide working to benefit the trans community and contribute to movement building. Current priorities include funding a diversity of groups, including around regions, languages, gender identities, strategies, and issues; reaching trans communities facing greater levels of marginalization (e.g. racism, classism, ageism, ableism, and misogyny); and supporting trans groups whose work contributes to social justice, movement building, and the liberation of trans people. Eligible applicants include registered and unregistered groups with operating budgets under $150,000 USD from any region of the world. The deadline to apply is December 2, 2019. Visit the ITF website to download the application guidelines and forms in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, or Russian.

Funding Promotes Breast Health
The American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation

The American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation aims to improve the standard of care for breast disease patients. The Foundation awards grants for research projects and initiatives related to patient breast care and patient education. Grants ranging up to $5,000 support initiatives in the following funding categories: Education, Community Outreach, and Research. Applications may be submitted for projects in the U.S. or other countries. In addition, the Foundation offers the Humanism in Medicine Award of $1,000 to enable a resident of the U.S. or Canada to attend The American Society of Breast Surgeons Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV. The deadline to submit an application is December 13, 2019.  Visit the Foundation’s website to download the 2020 Call for Grant Proposals.



Regional Funding Opportunities

Support for Forest Restoration Initiatives in Selected Countries
World Wildlife Fund: Reforestation Grant Program

The mission of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. The Fund’s Reforestation Grant Program supports communities in selected countries in regaining ecological integrity and enhancing human well-being in deforested and degraded landscapes through forest restoration. Supported organizations should use this opportunity to connect corridors, create buffer zones, improve degraded lands, restore watersheds, and expand forest cover while also allowing local stakeholders to connect with nature and become a vested part of a larger conservation program. Proposed projects must also include an active learning, practical skill component, or field-based learning activity. Priority is given to local organizations that plant large numbers of trees (8,000+), conduct cost-effective native tree planting activities, and focus on wildlife and WWF priority species (including tigers, forest elephants, and sloths). Applications must be submitted online by November 25, 2019. Visit the WWF website to review the list of eligible countries.

Grants Improve Health, Nutrition, and the Environment in Developing Countries
Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation

The Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation seeks to protect natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and promote public health in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The Foundation provides grants that support research or improve the learning and generation of local solutions to complex problems. Funding is provided in the following fields of interest: Conservation grants help improve ecological and environmental conditions in low- and middle-income countries through support of field research and related research activities, training, and technical assistance efforts. Food grants help research-based efforts to improve food and nutrition security and improve natural resources and ecosystems. In the area of health, support is provided for public health programs that focus on populations rather than individuals, including disease prevention and health promotion. Most types of non-governmental organizations are eligible to apply. The annual concept application deadlines are January 1 and July 1; invited proposals are due March 1 and September 3 of each year. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the funding guidelines, which include a detailed explanation of its geographic focus.

Emergency Support for Guatemalan Human Rights Defenders
Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA: Human Rights Defenders Fund

The Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA (GHRC) is a nonprofit, grassroots, solidarity organization dedicated to promoting human rights in Guatemala and supporting communities and activists who face threats and violence. The Human Rights Defenders Fund provides emergency support for human rights defenders in Guatemala who have been threatened or attacked and need to relocate or take other steps to improve their security. Children of defenders who have been assassinated, or who remain under constant threat, are also eligible to receive education support funds. Applications may be submitted at any time. For more information about our Human Rights Defenders Fund, email

Funds Benefit Communities in the Global South
The International Foundation

The International Foundation supports U.S.-based nonprofit organizations that partner with communities in the developing world. Grants ranging up to $25,000 are provided in three key areas: public health, education, and incomes. Funding targets poor communities in the Global South, including Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia (including West, Central, and East Asia as well as Oceania). Online applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the focus areas and application process.



Government Funding Opportunities

Funding Fosters a Democratic and Inclusive Culture in European Schools
European Union

The Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO) program, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, has issued a call for proposals to fund projects promoting education for democratic citizenship and human rights education. A total of 500,000 euros will be awarded to projects in the following thematic areas: 1) competencies for democratic culture in education institutions; and 2) fostering democratic and inclusive culture in education institutions, with a particular focus on creating opportunities for migrants, refugees, and minorities. The application deadline is December 15, 2019.

Grants Combat Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
Inter-American Foundation

The Inter-American Foundation is an independent U.S. government agency that channels development assistance directly to the organized poor in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Foundation supports projects that propose innovative solutions to development problems, use the community’s resources creatively, involve a diverse array of community voices in project development and execution, engage beneficiaries, and involve partnerships with local government, the business community, and other civil society organizations. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Trends 2020: Results of the Second National Benchmark Survey of Family Foundations
Are you looking to keep up on the latest developments in family philanthropy? If so, you may want to check out a new report from the National Center for Family Philanthropy, entitled Trends 2020: Results of the Second National Benchmark Survey of Family Foundations. This report explores emerging trends in the field of family philanthropy, including issues of equity, place-based giving, transparency, the role of the donor, and the question of spend down versus perpetuity.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

The Best Story to Tell Before Year-End to Raise More Money (NEW)
What if there was one story you could tell that would help you raise more money before year-end? This is a webinar unlike any you’ve ever experienced. We’ll talk about your personal relationship with money and how it informs your fundraising outcomes. Examining our attitudes toward money—earning it, spending it, and giving it away—offers surprising insight into our lives and our values. Using concepts from the bestselling book The Soul of Money written by Lynne Twist, this session will inspire a paradigm shift for your money conversations both personally and for meeting your fundraising goals. Learning objectives include the following: What is the reason for money? Can we have enough money? Is there a way to talk about money with ease? How do we create mission-focused fundraising that raises MORE money? This webinar will benefit executive directors, fundraising and communication staff, and board members. The webinar will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2019.

Forecasting Revenue and Annual Projections
If you are the leader of a nonprofit organization, you have almost certainly been asked to predict the future revenue and expenses during the annual budget season. And if you’ve ever been in a cash crunch, you may have wished you’d planned a little more rigorously earlier in the year. At Elevate, we know this task can feel challenging at best, and near-impossible at worst—which is why we want to share our secrets behind the same forecasting and projection process we use to produce forecasting charts for our nonprofit clients. In this webinar, presented by Alayna Buckner, we’ll cover why forecasting is important; how often to go through the forecasting process; and how to create your own forecasting or projections chart for your organization. This training is ideal for development managers, directors of development, leaders of small nonprofit organizations, and other nonprofit and fundraising professionals who want a better understanding of the budgeting and forecasting process. It is also helpful for grantwriters looking to deepen their understanding of nonprofit budgets and finance practice. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2019.

2020 Payroll Changes and Tools to Save Time (FREE)
So here we are again, another year and more changes to payroll. How do you navigate these yearly changes and still wear all those hats at your nonprofit? Don’t worry, Giving Payroll and ADP are here to help you navigate the 2020 changes, and make sure you completed the 2019 changes, with some extra tips along the way. Whether you process payroll in-house or through a payroll provider, this webinar is for you. In this session we will cover the 2020 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes; the leap year extra pay period for some nonprofits; W4 review and discussion; 2020 payroll tax rate changes and 2019 changes (Are you playing catch up?); and how to work smarter—tips and tools to save time and stay compliant. This webinar is intended for executive directors, employees, bookkeepers, and volunteers who enter or process payroll for their organization. A handout will be provided to all attendees before the webinar for easy reference. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation.

How has your GrantStation Membership helped your organization?
Have you learned from the tutorials, found new funding opportunities, or kept abreast of current events? Please let us know!

2019 Grant Professionals Class of Distinguished Fellows Award Recipient
The Grant Professionals Association, Grant Professionals Certification Institute, and Grant Professionals Foundation are proud to announce the 2019 Grant Professionals Class of Distinguished Fellows. This year’s inductee is the late Michael King Wells of Portland, Oregon. The Grant Professionals Class of Distinguished Fellows includes individuals who have raised the level of awareness in the grant profession through their distinguished achievement and excellence or through their contributions to the grant profession in other fields of work.

Read more about the Award and the recipient here.

Funding Alerts
GrantStation shares database profiles of Local, National, Canadian, and International grantmakers with upcoming deadlines each week. Check out the current Funding Alerts for more grant opportunities!



GrantStation 20th Anniversary
GrantStation celebrates 20 years of service to the sector.

Celebrate With Us!
Twenty years ago GrantStation was born in a cabin in the wilderness. We are celebrating our anniversary with a special blog series, original content, and monthly Membership giveaways! Visit our anniversary page for recent cartoons and blog posts!


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Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

Global Funding Opportunities

Program Preserves Modern Architectural Heritage

Grants Aid Animals in Distress

Trans-Led Groups Supported

Funding Promotes Breast Health

Regional Funding Opportunities

Support for Forest Restoration Initiatives in Selected Countries

Grants Improve Health, Nutrition, and the Environment in Developing Countries

Emergency Support for Guatemalan Human Rights Defenders

Funds Benefit Communities in the Global South

Government Funding Opportunities

Funding Fosters a Democratic and Inclusive Culture in European Schools

Grants Combat Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean