GrantStation International Insider - December 2017

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Volume IX | Issue 10

International | Canadian | U.S. Govt. | Canadian Govt. | PathFinder | Online Education



International Funding Opportunities

Grants Safeguard Internet Freedom Worldwide

The Open Technology Fund

The Open Technology Fund supports Internet freedom projects that empower world citizens to have access to modern communication channels that are free of restrictions, and allow them to communicate without fear of repressive censorship or surveillance. Grants are available through the following programs: The Internet Freedom Fund supports open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom, and open societies, and that help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks. The Core Infrastructure Fund supports the ‘building block’ technologies, infrastructures, and communities relied upon by digital security and circumvention tools strengthening internet freedom, digital security, and the overall health of the Internet. The Rapid Response Fund offers technological services and financial support to organizations, activists, journalists, and other human rights defenders facing digital attacks and emergencies of various kinds. Applications for the Internet Freedom Fund and the Core Infrastructure Fund must be submitted by January 1, 2018. Rapid Response Fund applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Visit the Open Technology Fund website to review the funding guidelines for each program.

Funds for Grassroots LGBTI Initiatives

PlanetRomeo Foundation

PlanetRomeo Foundation seeks to contribute to the fight for equal rights and opportunities for LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex) people. The Foundation provides funding of up to €5,000 to grassroots, emerging LGBTI projects and initiatives, with a focus on achieving societal change in order to improve the position of LGBTI people throughout the world, and on mobilizing and activating the LGBTI community in those challenging contexts. Funding targets the following themes: Community Organizing, Shelter, and Sports & Culture. All geographical regions are eligible for support; however, the Foundation prioritizes countries outside the Global North and initiatives in rural or remote areas. The annual application deadlines are January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. Application guidelines are available on the Foundation’s website.

Food Security Initiatives Supported

European Commission (Horizon 2020): Sustainable Food Security 2018

Through the Horizon 2020 program, the European Commission has issued a call for proposals entitled Sustainable Food Security 2018 to support research and innovation in relation to food and nutrition security in Europe and beyond. This call advocates for food system approaches to tackle the inherent links between ecosystems, food production, the food chain, and consumer health and well-being. Support is provided for initiatives in topic areas including, but not limited to, climate-smart and resilient farming, biodiversity, healthy and sustainable food, urban biowaste, and management of soil quality and land resources. The upcoming application deadline is February 13, 2018. Visit the European Commission website to review the call summary and aims, and the list of topics which are open for applications.

Grants Target Europe and the MENAT Region

Karl Kahane Foundation

The Karl Kahane Foundation aims to help people create a dignified and peaceful living environment for themselves and their neighbors. For the current round of funding, the Foundation is accepting applications for projects located in Europe or the MENAT region (Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey) in the following focus areas: Accessibility, Social Mobility, and Migration/Integration. These projects should share the goal of offering all members of society a chance to be part of inclusive communities, fostering self-sufficiency and providing equal access to healthcare, education, and social welfare. The deadline for First-Step Applications is January 12, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to complete the online application form in English or German.

Funding Strengthens Civic Voice in Selected Countries

Commonwealth Foundation

The Commonwealth Foundation, an organization of the Commonwealth governments, aims to support civic voices to share their stories, learn, and act together, and influence the institutions that shape people’s lives. The Foundation supports projects in Commonwealth Foundation member countries that strengthen civic voice so that it is more effective in holding governance institutions to account, enhances involvement in policy processes, and shapes public discourse. Projects should address one or both of the following outcomes: 1) stronger civic voice engaging in policy processes to hold government to account, and 2) public discourse more reflective of less-heard voices. The cross-cutting theme of gender equality must be mainstreamed throughout supported projects. Registered nonprofit or civil society organizations based in a member country are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit a preliminary application form is January 3, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.

Support for Hearing Healthcare Services

Hear the World Foundation

The Hear the World Foundation is committed to improving the quality of life and promoting equal opportunities for people with hearing loss globally. The Foundation has a special focus on projects that support children in reaching their development milestones and realizing their full potential in life regardless of their hearing loss. Support is provided for hearing healthcare services with a focus on children (mainly in low-income countries), professional training, the prevention of hearing loss, and parents and families of children with hearing loss. The Foundation supports selected projects financially as well as through the provision of hearing aids, hearing aid batteries, FM-systems, audiological equipment, and professional expertise. The deadline to submit an application is January 31, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the funding priorities in English or German and submit an online application.

Grants Bolster Democracy and Civil Society Worldwide

United Nations Democracy Fund

The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) was created to support democratization efforts around the world. UNDEF funds projects that empower civil society, promote human rights, and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes. Grants ranging from $100,000 to $300,000 support initiatives in the areas of gender equality, community activism, rule of law and human rights, youth engagement, strengthening civil society interaction with government, media and freedom of information, tools for knowledge, and electoral processes. In the current call for proposals, open from 20 November 2017 to 20 December 2017, UNDEF particularly welcomes proposals in the areas of gender, rule of law, media, or electoral processes focusing on elections scheduled for 2020 at the earliest. The deadline to submit an online proposal is December 20, 2017. Visit the UNDEF website to review the FAQs. 

Conservation Initiatives Funded

Prince Bernhard Nature Fund

The Prince Bernhard Nature Fund (PBNF) envisions a biodiverse world with healthy ecosystems and a sustainable, wise use thereof. The PBNF provides grants of up to $15,000 for small, preferably local initiatives worldwide towards the conservation of endangered species (flora and fauna), or initiatives that in other ways promote the conservation and wise use of nature and the natural resources base, as long as the conservation urgency is high. Priority is given to projects in developing countries, with a special focus on the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Registered nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply; the PBNF favors smaller grassroots organizations over bigger international organizations. The next application deadline is February 1, 2018. Visit the PBNF website to start the application process by creating a page on the PIF world digital platform. 



Canadian Funding Opportunities

Funding Enhances the Vitality of Canada’s Official Languages

Farm Credit Canada: FCC Expression Fund

Farm Credit Canada’s FCC Expression Fund supports Canada's official languages and honors those communities where both languages thrive. Grants of $2,000 to $10,000 fund projects that contribute to the vitality of English and French minority communities and help residents express the cultural and linguistic diversity of their area. Examples of supported initiatives include community centers and artistic projects such as theatrical productions, art galleries, and concerts. Registered charities, nonprofit organizations, and public schools across Canada are eligible to apply. The application deadline is December 31, 2017. Visit the Farm Credit Canada website to review the FAQs.

Grants Encourage Reading in Canadian Elementary Schools

Indigo Love of Reading Foundation Literacy Fund

The Indigo Love of Reading Foundation is dedicated to putting books in the hands of Canadian children at high-needs elementary schools. Through the Literacy Fund, the Foundation grants $1.5 million in library support to high-needs schools across Canada each year. For three years, each grant recipient receives 10% of the grant in the form of cash to spend on special projects that they believe will further promote literacy at their school, such as visits by special guest speakers and other literacy-related events. The schools receive the remaining 90% of the grant in the form of an Indigo corporate account for the purchase of new books at Indigo, Chapters, and Coles, which are provided at a 30% discount. Publicly funded elementary schools serving students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade Eight are eligible to apply. Applications for the 2018 Literacy Fund grant will be accepted from December 4, 2017, to February 16, 2018. In early December, the application will be available here:

Support for Conservation and Environmental Education in British Columbia

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation seeks to improve the conservation outcomes of British Columbia's fish and wildlife, and the habitats in which they live. Funding is currently available through the following programs: GO Grants support field trips for BC K-12 classes and schools to help get students outdoors to learn about BC’s fish, wildlife, habitats, and biodiversity. Acquisition Grants fund projects that acquire land or interests in land to secure the value of these areas for conservation of fish and wildlife habitats and populations. The Public Conservation Assistance Fund (PCAF) provides small grants to organizations and individuals implementing conservation projects and public awareness initiatives. The annual application deadlines for GO Grants are February 15 and September 15. Acquisition Grant applications are due March 31, 2018, while the deadline for the PCAF is May 16, 2018. Details about each program are available on the Foundation’s website.

Funds Benefit Company Communities in the Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories Power Corporation Sponsorship and Community Investment Program

The Northwest Territories Power Corporation Sponsorship and Community Investment Program is committed to investing in the communities where the company operates in the Northwest Territories. The company’s areas of interest include education; sports and recreation; community, including activities to enrich community, cultural, and family life; environment, including energy; and health and wellness, including sports and recreation. Financial and in-kind donations and sponsorships are provided. Applications may be submitted at any time. Visit the company’s website to review the Community Investment Policy.



U.S. Government Funding Opportunities

Grants Bolster Disabled Persons Organizations in Southeast Asia

Department of State

The Strengthening the Organizational Capacity and Regional Network of Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs) in Southeast Asia program supports initiatives that increase and strengthen organizational capacities of DPOs working in the Southeast Asia region. The application deadline is January 8, 2018.

Education Projects in Syria Supported

Department of State

The Supporting Moderate Education in Syria program seeks to provide improved equitable access for Syrians to moderate, quality education services for children and youth. The deadline to apply is January 8, 2018.



Canadian Government Funding Opportunities

Travel Funding for Canadian Artists and Arts Organizations

Canada Council for the Arts

Arts Across Canada fosters meaningful relationships and exchanges between artists and the Canadian public. The Travel component of Arts Across Canada funds activities linked to Canadian presentation, exhibition, artistic collaboration, networking, and building market opportunities for Canadian artists, arts professionals, artistic groups, and arts organizations. Grants of up to $30,000 are provided to participate in significant events, build a national presence, and for festivals and presenters to conduct research for Canadian artistic programming. Applications may be submitted at any time before the departure date.

Capital Funds for Homeless Support Services in Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation

Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation (NLHC) is a crown corporation whose mandate is to develop and administer housing assistance policy and programs for the benefit of low to moderate income households throughout the province. NLHC’s Provincial Homelessness Fund assists registered nonprofit organizations by providing capital funding for the development or renovation of support services space from which onsite and outreach services are delivered. These services promote housing stability and greater self-reliance for those at risk of homelessness. Applications for this program are accepted throughout the year.



PathFinder: Featured Resource

A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Propel Logo10-Step Budgeting Checklist

As the year end approaches, you may be thinking about your organization’s budget for the coming year. But what exactly does a nonprofit budget consist of and how can you go about creating one? According to Propel Nonprofits, a budget is “a planning tool that reflects an organization’s programs, mission, and strategic plan.” Their 10-Step Budgeting Checklist helps guide nonprofit organizations through the budgeting process in ten easy steps, which are further broken down into manageable tasks.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings

Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,

are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

How to Track Restricted Grants in QuickBooks

Wouldn't it be great if at any point during a grant's life cycle you could simply push a button and see exactly how much and to which categories the grant dollars have been spent? Considered the country's foremost expert in using QuickBooks for nonprofits, Gregg S. Bossen, CPA, will demonstrate how to easily and accurately track restricted grants in QuickBooks. Participants will learn how to set up a restricted grant, enter the grant budget, mark checks and bills as being paid out of the grant, point payroll to the grant, and finally create a saved report to see how the dollars have been spent and compare the results to the grant budget. Gregg will be working in QuickBooks throughout the webinar. No PowerPoint slides here! There will also be plenty of time for questions. And one more thing: Gregg is really entertaining! This webinar will be held on Thursday, December 14, 2017.

Tracking In-Kind Contributions & Volunteers in QuickBooks (NEW)

Want to learn the ins and outs of in-kind contributions? Not sure what counts as in-kind and what doesn't? Join Gregg Bossen and David Webb for a QuickBooks Made Easy training on how to enter and track in-kind contributions and volunteer hours in QuickBooks. Topics covered include: what is an in-kind contribution; why in-kind contributions are important; which in-kind contributions should be included in your financial statements and tax returns; how to value in-kind contributions; what your responsibilities are for donor reporting; how to customize fields for tracking your volunteers in QuickBooks; and how to enter time for your volunteers based on type of work. There will be plenty of time for questions. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.

Is Your Organization Grant Ready? (NEW)

Almost all nonprofit organizations answer that question with a resounding, "Yes—we are ready to get grant money to support the important work of our organization!" However, while most organizations are ready to reap the benefits of grant awards, many have not developed the infrastructure necessary to be competitive in the application process. During this 90-minute webinar, Alice Ruhnke, founder and owner of The Grant Advantage, will guide you through a process so you will be able to: assess your organization's grant readiness through a comprehensive assessment tool that includes organizational structure, programs, finances, partnerships, evaluation, leadership, and more; develop strategies to enhance areas of weakness; and use your enhanced capacity to write competitive grants. There will be plenty of time for questions. This webinar will be held on Thursday, January 25, 2018.


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Editor: Diana Holder

Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

International Funding Opportunities

Grants Safeguard Internet Freedom Worldwide

Funds for Grassroots LGBTI Initiatives

Food Security Initiatives Supported

Grants Target Europe and the MENAT Region

Funding Strengthens Civic Voice in Selected Countries

Support for Hearing Healthcare Services

Grants Bolster Democracy and Civil Society Worldwide

Conservation Initiatives Funded

Canadian Funding Opportunities

Funding Enhances the Vitality of Canada’s Official Languages

Grants Encourage Reading in Canadian Elementary Schools

Support for Conservation and Environmental Education in British Columbia

Funds Benefit Company Communities in the Northwest Territories

Federal Funding

Grants Bolster Disabled Persons Organizations in Southeast Asia

Education Projects in Syria Supported

Canadian Government Funding

Travel Funding for Canadian Artists and Arts Organizations

Capital Funds for Homeless Support Services in Newfoundland and Labrador