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International Funding Opportunities
Award Honors Efforts to Promote Intercultural Understanding
The Intercultural Innovation Award
The Intercultural Innovation Award, a partnership between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the BMW Group, aims to support the most innovative grassroots projects that encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation around the world. Awards are made to nonprofit organizations managing projects focused on promoting intercultural understanding in fields such as combating xenophobia, education for global citizenship, interfaith dialogue, migration and integration, and the prevention of violent extremism, as well as initiatives addressing the needs of specific groups in promoting intercultural understanding (e.g. faith-based, youth, women, media, etc.). The Award will be given to ten organizations. Funding for awardees ranging from $2,500 to $40,000 will be provided, along with training, capacity building, mentoring, and customized support. The deadline for application submissions is May 31, 2017. Visit the Award website to download the application guidelines.
Police Initiatives in Selected European Countries Funded
Open Society Foundations: Open Society Initiative for Europe
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. The Open Society Initiative for Europe has issued a call for proposals entitled Improving Police/Public Relations and Police Diversity. This call supports projects or initiatives that seek to directly support the following: improving relationships between police officers and individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds; strengthening the presence of ethnic minority and female police officers; advancing the recruitment, retention, and progression of female officers and officers from ethnic minority backgrounds; and developing police forces that reflect the diverse populations that they serve. Eligible applicants include individuals and legally constituted associations or organizations based in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Spain; applications from other Western European countries will be considered where there are relevant, tangible benefits for the countries listed. Concept notes must be submitted by May 31, 2017. Visit the Open Society Foundations website to download the call for proposals in English or French.
Competition Promotes Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Postcode Lottery Green Challenge
The Postcode Lottery Green Challenge is one of the world's largest competitions in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship. The Challenge rewards products, services, and technologies that successfully combine sustainability, entrepreneurship, and creativity. Business plans should contribute to an eco-friendly lifestyle, directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and score highly on convenience, quality, and design. Cash prizes are awarded to the winner (€500,000) and the runner-up (€200,000) to bring their businesses to market. Entrepreneurs from around the world are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit a business plan is June 1, 2017. Visit the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge website to learn more about the competition and submit an online application.
Support for Grassroots Activism Worldwide
XminusY supports social movements, action groups, and changemakers who are fighting for a fair, democratic, sustainable, and tolerant world. Supported projects can take place on a broad variety of topics, provided that the people involved take action themselves to change their own society. Support is provided to grassroots organizations undertaking demonstrations, blockades, occupations, direct actions, revolts, revolutions, and other creative forms of confrontational action. XminusY prefers to support politically controversial projects that have difficulty finding financial aid elsewhere. The deadline to submit an online application is June 30, 2017. Visit the XminusY website to review the funding guidelines by geographical region.
Funding Expands Access to Healthcare in Company Communities
Baxter International Foundation: Community Grants Program
The Baxter International Foundation’s Community Grants Program seeks to address healthcare needs in company communities, including locations in North and South America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The Foundation supports programs in company communities that increase access to healthcare and that target a diverse population of underserved, underprivileged individuals. Grants average $72,000 over one to two years. The final application deadline for 2017 is June 11. Funding guidelines and the online application form are available on the Baxter website.
Achievements in Rule of Law Journalism Recognized
World Justice Project: Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism
The World Justice Project (WJP) is an independent, multidisciplinary organization working to advance the rule of law worldwide. WJP offers the Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism to acknowledge journalists from around the world who have contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the foundational importance of the rule of law. The Prize, which includes a $10,000 cash award, will be given to a currently working journalist (or a team of journalists working on an in-depth series) who has demonstrated excellence in rule of law reporting. Nominees can be from any country in the world, but entries must be in English or have been translated into English. The nomination deadline is May 28, 2017. (Self-nominations are accepted.) Visit the WJP website to review the Prize criteria and nomination guidelines.
Grants Promote Health Research in the Middle East and North Africa Region
International Development Research Centre
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) funds research in developing countries to create lasting change on a large scale. The IDRC has issued a call for proposals for implementation research proposals to contribute to national and regional efforts to improve health systems responsiveness in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Two thematic focus areas are considered under this call: health information systems and adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Proposals must focus on at least one of the following countries in the MENA region: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and the West Bank. Nonprofit organizations that are legally founded and registered in the country of operation are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit a proposal is May 23, 2017. Visit the IDRC website to download the call for proposals.
Youth Video Projects Honored
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations: Plural + Youth Video Festival
The PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival, a joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the International Organization for Migration, aims to recognize youth as agents of social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, and cultural and religious divisions. The Festival invites the world’s youth to submit original and creative videos focusing on the themes of migration, diversity, and social inclusion. Videos should show the applicants thoughts, experiences, opinions, questions, and suggestions on these topics. Prizes are awarded in the following categories: up to 12 years old, 13 to 17 years old, and 18 to 25 years old. Winners receive a $1,000 cash award as well as broad recognition and exposure through wide multi-platform distribution of their work, including broadcast, satellite, internet, film festivals, and possibly DVD. The application deadline is June 4, 2017. Visit the Plural + Youth Video Festival website to review the Rules and Regulations.
Canadian Funding Opportunities
Animal Welfare Initiatives in Canada and the U.S. Supported
PetSmart Charities
PetSmart Charities envisions a world in which every pet has a lifelong, loving home. PetSmart Charities provides support in Canada and the U.S. through a number of grant programs. The following programs are currently open: Keeping Pets and Families Together grants create resources for families facing homelessness, victims and survivors of domestic violence, and those on military leave that would enable them to keep their pet. Intake Diversion grants keep pets from entering shelters by making wellness services, as well as behavioral training and education, more accessible. The deadline to apply for these two programs is June 30, 2017.In addition, applications in the areas of Adoptions, Emergency Relief, Conferences and Training, and Enhancing the Quality of Life Through Pets are accepted throughout the year. (Applications for Spay/Neuter grants will be accepted from August 1 to August 31, 2017.) Visit the PetSmart Charities website to learn more about each grant program.
Funds for Environmental and Educational Initiatives in Company Communities
HSBC Bank Canada Corporate Giving Program
HSBC Bank Canada provides support in the communities across Canada served by the Bank, with a focus on education and the environment. Education grants fund initiatives supporting young people to achieve their potential by helping them gain access to education, develop life-skills and entrepreneurship, and improve language and cultural understanding. Environmental funding supports programs in the areas of climate change, freshwater, and biodiversity. Registered charities are eligible to apply. (The Bank also offers sponsorships for internationally-focused, industry-leading events and activities, with a focus on culture and sports.) Applications are accepted throughout the year. Visit the bank’s website to review the application guidelines.
Grants Target Individuals with Disabilities in British Columbia
BC Rehab Foundation
The mission of the BC Rehab Foundation is to support people with physical disabilities throughout British Columbia through education, research, arts, recreation, and wellness programs. The Foundation offers two types of grants: Individual Grants provide funding to people with physical disabilities for equipment and recreational therapy programs. Project Grants averaging between $2,000 and $5,000 support initiatives designed to benefit people with disabilities. The Foundation encourages projects that involve multiple community partners, promote universal access, have clearly defined objectives, and demonstrate community support. The upcoming application deadlines for both programs are May 19 and August 25, 2017. Funding guidelines and application forms are available on the Foundation’s website.
Ontario Art Galleries and Museums Funded
Ontario Arts Foundation: Elizabeth L. Gordon Art Program
The Ontario Arts Foundation seeks to encourage and facilitate private giving to the arts in Ontario. The Elizabeth L. Gordon Art Program aims to foster a broader appreciation of Canadian visual art and artists. Grants are offered through two funding streams: Development Grants support initiatives that increase the public’s knowledge of collecting or a gallery or museum’s permanent collection, help make a gallery or museum’s permanent collection more accessible to the public, aid curatorial research, and build stronger relationships with local and regional communities. Through the Acquisition Grants program, funds raised by eligible galleries and museums from private donors are matched for the acquisition of Canadian works of art. Public art galleries and museums in Ontario are eligible to apply. The 2017 application deadline is June 15. Visit the Ontario Arts Foundation website to download the program guidelines and application form.
U.S. Government Funding Opportunities
Funding Promotes Entrepreneurship in the MENA Region
Department of State
The Entrepreneurship in the MENA Region program supports initiatives that will foster and support entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa, advancing regional stability and prosperity. Applications for this program must be submitted by June 6, 2017.
Grants Aim to Improve Economic and Food Security in Syria
The Supporting Livelihoods in Syria program seeks to combine humanitarian assistance and development approaches to build resiliency at the household and community levels in Syria through strengthened food security and livelihood opportunities. The deadline to apply is July 10, 2017.
Canadian Government Funding Opportunities
Canadian History Initiatives Supported
Canadian Heritage
The Canada History Fund encourages Canadians to learn about Canada’s history, civic life, and public policy. The Fund supports the development of learning materials, the organization of learning and developmental experiences, and the creation of networks that give Canadians opportunities to enhance their understanding of Canada. Eligible applicants include post-secondary educational institutions as well as key national Canadian history and civic sector organizations. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Funding Available for Child Advocacy Centers
Canada Department of Justice
The Victims Fund – Child Advocacy Centres program supports the creation of new child advocacy centers. In addition, the program supports child advocacy centers that are under development or in the early phases of development, as well as enhancements to existing child advocacy centers or similar models of service. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
Partner Depot
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Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars
Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars, are 90 minutes in duration,
and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.
Writing Capacity Building Grants
Developing a capacity building grant request requires a specific approach, which is distinct from the application process for operating or program grant requests. During this presentation, Alice Ruhnke will walk participants through the introduction, needs statement, objectives, and evaluation components of capacity building grant requests, using "real life, real time" examples of what funders are looking for. The webinar is appropriate for individuals who have a basic understanding of grant fundamentals and would like to apply those concepts specifically to capacity building grants. Participants will receive the Power Point presentation and the notes upon completion of the webinar. This presentation will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 2 pm EDT.
Everything is Marketing and Marketing Is Everything (NEW)
Many people assume that marketing is just advertising, but it is so much more. In today's world, everything that you do is marketing, from answering the telephone, to signage, to written materials, to saying thank you. Marketing is imperative to the sustainability and growth of your organization. In this webinar taught by Pat Bohse, participants will: understand the importance of having a marketing plan and the elements of a marketing plan; develop a template to create a marketing plan for their organization; learn the six P's that are elements of every marketing plan (Place, Products, People, Price, Production, and Promotions); and explore a variety of marketing tools to help implement the plan. This webinar is relevant for anyone who works for a nonprofit and wants their organization to thrive. The webinar will held on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 2pm EDT.
Online Workshop: DashBoard Design from Start to Finish with MS Excel
Have you ever been tasked with reporting on key metrics? Do you need tips for presenting data effectively in dashboards? In this workshop, Ann Emery will spend the first 30 minutes explaining the step-by-step dashboard design process, which involves customizing dashboards for your audience, sketching graphs on paper and within a grid system, adding the right amount of white space, and establishing a visual hierarchy. The remaining 60 minutes will be spent creating two dashboards from scratch with Microsoft Excel. You'll learn to insert spark lines, data bars, and conditional formatting, and to adjust the dashboard so that it can be printed or saved as a PDF neatly on one page. Ann will provide datasets so that we are all working from the same file. This hands-on workshop will be held on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 2pm EDT.
GrantStation Announcements
If you are interested in learning more about career development in the grants arena, you should utilize our PathFinder website. This website is designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional. Our library provides profiles on top quality resources in the area of grant research, writing, and management, as well as strategic planning. To get started, you can browse our library, search our resources, or use our Find Your Path tool to get a customized curriculum for your learning plan.
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Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons
International Funding Opportunities
Award Honors Efforts to Promote Intercultural Understanding
Police Initiatives in Selected European Countries Funded
Competition Promotes Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Support for Grassroots Activism Worldwide
Funding Expands Access to Healthcare in Company Communities
Achievements in Rule of Law Journalism Recognized
Grants Promote Health Research in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Youth Video Projects Honored
Canadian Funding Opportunities
Animal Welfare Initiatives in Canada and the U.S. Supported
Funds for Environmental and Educational Initiatives in Company Communities
Grants Target Individuals with Disabilities in British Columbia
Ontario Art Galleries and Museums Funded
Federal Funding
Great Lakes Education Supported
Funding Promotes Entrepreneurship in the MENA Region
Grants Aim to Improve Economic and Food Security in Syria
Canadian Government Funding
Canadian History Initiatives Supported
Funding Available for Child Advocacy Centers