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Global Funding Opportunities
Opportunities available throughout the world
Internet Projects Supported
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): ICANN Grant Program
Application deadline: May 24, 2024
Grant amount: $50,000 to $500,000 (A total of $10 million is available for grants in the first cycle.)
Description: The mission of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), steward of the internet’s unique identifier systems, is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global internet. The ICANN Grant Program provides support for projects across the globe that are consistent with ICANN's mission to help ensure the stable and secure operation of the internet's unique identifier systems and that further ICANN's vision of a single, open, and globally interoperable internet. Funding is provided for initiatives that support the ICANN mission by benefitting the development, distribution, and evolution of the services and systems that support the internet's unique identifier systems; providing capacity development; advancing developments, innovation, and open standards for the benefit of the internet community; and contributing to diversity, participation, and inclusion across stakeholder communities and geographic regions.
Funding Program Promotes Equity in Breast Cancer Care
AstraZeneca: Powering Breast Cancer Progress
Application deadline: June 13, 2024
Grant amount: $50,000 to $250,000
Description: Powering Breast Cancer Progress is a global initiative funded by AstraZeneca and supported by the Charities Aid Foundation which aims to improve breast cancer care for patients regardless of who they are or where they live. This grant program has been initiated in recognition of the inequities in breast cancer care around the world and the significant barriers to optimal care that are contributing to avoidable breast cancer deaths. Funding is provided for innovative and inspiring projects that can help transform breast cancer care for underserved patient populations, ultimately improving patient outcomes. In 2024, its inaugural year, the grant program will focus on patient navigation, with the aim of improving the awareness, availability, and access to patient navigation programs for underserved patient populations and patients living in areas of low socioeconomic status. Financial and technical support will be provided. Applications are accepted from charitable and nonprofit organizations involved in the care and support of patients with breast cancer. Organizations must be registered as a charity or nonprofit in their country.
Awards Honor Contributions to Art, Science, Technology, and the Humanities
BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards
Application deadline: June 30, 2024
Grant amount: Eight awards of 400,000 euros are made.
Description: The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards aim to recognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities, and artistic creation. Awards of 400,000 euros are granted in eight categories: Basic Sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Information and Communications Technologies, Climate Change and Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Music and Opera, and Economics, Finance, and Management. Individuals or groups of any nationality may be nominated. The Awards are also open to scientific or cultural organizations that can be collectively credited with exceptional contributions to scientific knowledge, cultural creation, the fight against climate change, or the conservation of the natural environment. Any scientific or cultural organization or institution may submit a nomination. (Self-nominations are not accepted.)
Grants Support Open Access Book Production and Dissemination
Open Book Collective: Collective Development Fund
Application deadline: May 10, 2024, for optional project summaries, and May 31, 2024, for applications
Geographic scope: Global, with some emphasis on low- and middle-income countries
Grant amount: Up to £15,000
Description: The Open Book Collective (OBC) is a charity bringing together publishers, publishing service providers, and scholarly libraries to secure the diversity and financial futures of open access (OA) book production and dissemination. The Collective Development Fund seeks to support publishers, infrastructure providers, and other organizations to build capacity to increase the quantity, quality, and diversity of OA books. Grants will support work towards the publication of OA scholarly books; the creation and support of infrastructures for the distribution, cataloguing, and preservation of OA scholarly books; building and sustaining networks and advocacy for the support of OA scholarly books and infrastructure; and other projects building capacity for scholarly OA book publishing. This fund is open to applicants anywhere in the world, except for individuals or countries affected by U.K. sanctions or banking restrictions. For this call, at least 30% of funding will be awarded to applicants from or projects benefiting low- or middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank.
Regional Funding Opportunities
Opportunities for specific geographic areas
Funds Help Scale Humanitarian Solutions in Conflict Zones
Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge – Transition to Scale
Application deadline: None (Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.)
Geographic scope: Primarily conflict zones, including but not limited to, Central African Republic, Ethiopia (Tigray region), Iraq, Libya, Mali, Mozambique (Cabo Delgado and Nampula), Nigeria (northern regions), Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kivu region), and Yemen
Grant amount: $300,000 CAD to $1,500,000 CAD, plus a support program that runs for 12-24 months
Description: Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge aims to find and accelerate life-saving or life-improving innovations to help the most vulnerable and hardest-to-reach people impacted by humanitarian crises caused by conflict. The Transition to Scale program aims to support people who have been affected by conflict, with a particular focus on the hardest to reach, including non-displaced people (i.e. people in conflict zones), internally displaced persons, and refugees. Funding and technical support are provided to innovators who have achieved proof of concept for projects in the following areas of focus: access to energy, health supplies and services, life-saving information, and water, sanitation, and hygiene. Support is provided for innovations suitable for both camp and non-camp settings as well as those that strengthen local institutions, civil society organizations, and service suppliers. Registered nonprofit organizations, social enterprises, and for-profit companies are eligible to apply.
Support Fosters Youth Mental Health in 12 Countries
Being: Funding Bold Ideas for Youth Mental Health in 12 Countries
Application deadline: Seed and Transition-to-Scale funding: rolling deadline; Ecosystem Catalyst Funding: August 28, 2024
Geographic scope: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam
Grant amount: Up to $250,000 CAD for proof of concept solutions; between $300,000 and $1.5 million CAD (over 12-48 months) for transition to scale solutions; and between $200,000 and $300,000 CAD (over 24 months) for ecosystem catalyst projects
Description: Being is an international mental health initiative hosted by Grand Challenges Canada that envisions a world where young people feel well and thrive. Through the Funding Bold Ideas for Youth Mental Health in 12 Countries request for proposals, Being will fund bold prevention and promotion ideas that address the early drivers of mental health and well-being for the most underserved ten to 24-year-olds. Support will be provided to projects implemented in Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Funding is available for proof-of-concept and transition-to-scale solutions that address the context-specific drivers of young people’s mental health and well-being, as well as ecosystem catalyst projects that address the systemic barriers that prevent the sustainable implementation and integration of mental health and well-being promotion and prevention initiatives.
Funding Facilitates Knowledge Sharing in Asia
Toyota Foundation: International Grant Program
Application deadline: June 1, 2024
Geographic scope: Selected countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia
Grant amount: JPY 5,000,000 for one-year projects and JPY 10,000,000 for two-year projects
Description: The Toyota Foundation’s International Grant Program aims to deepen mutual understanding and knowledge sharing among people in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The 2024 call for proposals is focused on the theme, “Cultivating Empathy Through Learning from Our Neighbors: Practitioners’ Exchange on Common Issues in Asia.” This call seeks to expand the next generation’s possibilities by promoting mutual understanding and knowledge sharing among people on the ground in target countries working on common issues, through gaining deeper analysis and multi-faceted understanding about the issue. Supported projects must be transnational and cross-sector, incorporate activities to achieve mutual learning, and promote foresight into important issues that society will face in the future and the acquisition of new perspectives that will lead to future development. Visit the Foundation’s website to download the 2024 call, which includes a list of eligible countries. The project representative must have a contact address in Japan.
Grants Advance Food Security and Nutrition Education in Selected Countries
Fondation Carrefour (Carrefour Foundation)
Application deadline: None
Geographic scope: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Spain
Description: The Fondation Carrefour (Carrefour Foundation) works in France and around the world to promote accessibility to healthy and sustainable food for the most vulnerable people. Funding is provided in the areas of fighting food insecurity and promoting nutritional education. Projects must take place in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, or Spain. (Organizations interested in food donations may contact the store manager at their closest Carrefour store.)
Government Funding
Opportunities from government and intergovernmental entities
Funding Creates STEM Jobs for Women in the MENA Region
Department of State
Application deadline: June 21, 2024
Geographic scope: The Middle East and North Africa
Grant amount: $500,000 to $1,000,000
Description: The Catalyzing Job Creation for Women in Cybersecurity program aims to enhance the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region’s private sector cybersecurity capacity while increasing job opportunities for women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) who face logistical and societal constraints to employment.
Democracy Research Supported in Latin America and the Caribbean
Application deadline: May 30, 2024
Geographic scope: Latin America and the Caribbean region
Description: The Democracy Indicators Monitoring Survey 4 (DIMS4) program aims to support citizen-responsive governance and democratic development with rigorous public opinion research on democratic norms, attitudes, and experiences in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. This will be achieved through four primary objectives: 1) collecting statistically rigorous, cutting edge public opinion data surveys that are inclusive, related to key democratic attitudes and behaviors, contribute to long-term trend analysis, and are relevant for all stakeholders in informing policy and regulation decisions around democratic issues; 2) disseminating data, analysis, and research about democratic norms and attitudes in LAC; 3) innovating by supporting and developing topics and methodologies in public opinion research and analysis; and 4) localizing the local capacity of researchers and institutions on survey design, data collection, data analysis and reporting, and evidence based policy making.
PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources for nonprofit leaders and grant professionals
The Perfect Story: How to Tell Stories that Inform, Influence, and Inspire
Whatever your role at a nonprofit organization—grantwriter, fundraiser, social media manager, or executive director—your job likely involves a great deal of storytelling. Would you like to take your storytelling skills to the next level? If so, you may want to read The Perfect Story: How to Tell Stories that Inform, Influence, and Inspire. Written by Karen Eber, this book shares the science of storytelling to help readers take their stories and make them perfect.
Online Education
Upcoming live webinars
Increase Your Impact Through Nonprofit Partnerships
Webinar date: May 6, 2024, 2:00 to 2:45 PM Eastern Time
Description: Nonprofit organizations frequently forge partnerships to enhance their impact, pool resources, and more effectively meet their objectives. Collaborating with other nonprofits—from social service agencies and educational institutions to healthcare organizations and the media—can unlock powerful synergies, broadening the scope and reach of your efforts. During this TargetED, Alice Ruhnke will help you optimize nonprofit collaborations.
The Major Grants Starter Kit
Webinar date: May 9, 2024, 2:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Description: Major grants require more than a casual funder relationship or a well-written proposal. You need a roadmap that will lead you to deep foundation and corporate partnerships. During this webinar, Susan Schaefer of Resource Partners will help you plot the path from your nonprofit’s standard awards to your largest private grants to date. No matter the size of your largest private grants, this is a must-attend webinar.
Capital Campaigns: Assessing Feasibility and Needs
Webinar date: May 14, 2024, 2:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Description: Before you start to raise funds for a capital campaign, it is important to assess what your organization should build and what it can sustain. For most organizations, this means completing a needs assessment followed by a feasibility study. During this webinar, Kevin Wallace and Melissa Sais of will show how you can determine your current and future capacity and demand, the external factors that will impact both, and what you need to do to understand the financial capacity of your organization and its donor prospects. (This webinar is part of our Power of 3 series: Preparing for a Successful Capital Campaign.)
GrantStation Announcements
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GrantStation is looking to learn more about you, our international audience, so we can better serve you. Please take this brief survey. The results will be used to improve our newsletter and International Member tools. We will share the results with you in the August issue.
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GrantStation and the International Insider team
Information contained in the GrantStation Canadian Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.
Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons
Global Funding Opportunities
Internet Projects Supported
Funding Program Promotes Equity in Breast Cancer Care
Awards Honor Contributions to Art, Science, Technology, and the Humanities
Grants Support Open Access Book Production and Dissemination
Regional Funding Opportunities
Funds Help Scale Humanitarian Solutions in Conflict Zones
Support Fosters Youth Mental Health in 12 Countries
Funding Facilitates Knowledge Sharing in Asia
Grants Advance Food Security and Nutrition Education in Selected Countries
Government Funding Opportunities
Funding Creates STEM Jobs for Women in the MENA Region
Democracy Research Supported in Latin America and the Caribbean