GrantStation Insider - January 11, 2018

Volume XVII | Issue 1

National | Regional | Federal |

PathFinder | Online Education


National Funding

Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Employment Initiatives to Assist People with Disabilities

Kessler Foundation: Signature Employment Grants

The Kessler Foundation’s Signature Employment Grants provide support for non-traditional solutions that increase employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. Grants ranging from $100,000 to $250,000 per year for up to two years are awarded nationally to fund pilot initiatives, demonstration projects, or social ventures that lead to the generation of new ideas to solve the high unemployment and underemployment of people with disabilities (PWD). Preference is given to interventions that overcome specific employment barriers related to long-term dependence on public assistance or advance competitive employment in a cost-effective manner. For 2018 the Foundation has a special interest in transportation projects that focus on innovative solutions to help PWD seek, obtain, or retain employment, as well as innovative projects that improve employment opportunities and provide jobs for PWD that have been formerly incarcerated or encountered the criminal justice system. Nonprofit organizations, public or private schools, and public institutions, such as universities and government agencies based in the United States or any of its territories are eligible to apply. Online grant concepts are due February 18, 2018; invited proposals must be submitted by June 15, 2018. Visit the Kessler Foundation’s website to review the Signature Employment Grants guidelines.

Cardiovascular Health Programs Funded

AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation: Connections for Cardiovascular Health

The mission of the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation's program, Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM, is to improve cardiovascular health within the United States. Through the program, grants of $125,000 to $150,000 are awarded to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations for initiatives that address cardiovascular health issues, work to address unmet needs related to cardiovascular health in the community, respond to the urgency around cardiovascular health issues, and improve the lives of patients and non-professional caregivers in connection with the services provided. In addition, initiatives should be focused on measurable results and the recipient organizations must be able to demonstrate sustainability of their programs after the Foundation grant funds are expended. Applications will be accepted from February 5 through February 28, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the funding guidelines.

Grants Promote Economic Literacy Efforts

Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation

The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation is dedicated to the goal of increasing economic literacy throughout the United States. The Foundation provides grants to programs with national impact that address the following issues: raising the public’s participation in economic education and creating a demand for greater economic literacy; encouraging measurement of economic understanding; developing the application of new strategies for teaching economics, including online and web-based instruction; helping those working in social service agencies, particularly social workers, provide financial and economic understanding; and helping disenfranchised youth or young adults with children learn to participate in the economic system. Requests from nonprofit organizations and educational institutions are reviewed two times per year; the upcoming application deadline is February 15, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the application guidelines.

Local Green Space Projects Supported

Scotts Miracle-Gro: GRO1000 Grassroots Grants

Scotts Miracle-Gro's GRO1000 Grassroots Grants help foster the development of gardens and green spaces in the United States. Grants of up to $1,500 are awarded to local communities throughout the country to help bring pollinator habitats, edible gardens, and public green spaces to more neighborhoods. The focus is on garden and green space beautification projects that incorporate the involvement and engagement of neighborhood residents and foster a sense of community spirit. The majority of grants are in the amount of $500; a selection of the highest scoring applicants are awarded $1,500. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government entities. The application deadline is February 19, 2018. Visit the Scotts Miracle-Gro website to submit an online application.



Regional Funding

Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Economic Mobility Initiatives in Bank Communities

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

The Bank of America Charitable Foundation works to advance pathways to economic mobility in order to build thriving communities. Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations that serve specific states and regions. In 2018, the Foundation will issue two requests for proposals that address the following focus areas: The Economic Mobility Focused on the Needs of Individuals and Families category provides support for workforce development and education as well as addressing basic needs. Applications will be accepted from January 29 through February 23, 2018. The Economic Mobility and Social Progress Focused on the Needs of the Community category provides support for affordable housing, community revitalization, arts, and the environment. Applications will be accepted from June 4 through June 29, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the funding priorities and application procedures.

Grants Enhance Health Literacy Efforts in Florida

Florida Health Literacy Initiative

The Florida Health Literacy Initiative, sponsored by Florida Blue and managed by the Florida Literacy Coalition, aims to promote health literacy throughout the state by supporting nonprofit organizations and government agencies that offer ESOL or family literacy services. The objective of the initiative is to help students develop basic literacy and English language skills while gaining information to make informed choices regarding their health and nutrition. Program services must be delivered via classes, small groups, or one-to-one tutoring. At least 14 grants of $5,000 each will be provided in 2018. The deadline for submitting proposals is February 15, 2018. Visit the Florida Literacy Coalition’s website to download the proposal guidelines and application materials.

Support for Education Programs for the Underserved in Washington, DC

The Herb Block Foundation: Pathways Out of Poverty

The Herb Block Foundation is committed to defending the basic freedoms guaranteed all Americans, combating all forms of discrimination and prejudice, and improving the conditions of the poor and underprivileged. The Foundation’s Pathways Out of Poverty program is dedicated to helping needy young people and adults in the greater Washington, DC, region gain a quality education. For projects serving youth, the focus is on improving student achievement and healthy development of young people. Projects may include in-school and community-based educational programs, after-school activities, and mentoring programs. For projects serving adults, the Foundation’s focus is on literacy education, GED preparation, vocational training, and job placement. Grants range from $5,000 to $25,000. Letters of inquiry are due February 7, 2018; invited proposals must be submitted by April 18, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to submit an online letter of inquiry.

Children’s Health and Wellness Programs in New Hampshire Funded

HNH Foundation

The HNH Foundation is dedicated to improving the health and wellness of New Hampshire's population, especially the vulnerable and underserved. The Foundation's current funding priorities include increasing access to children's health and dental insurance coverage, promoting oral health prevention for children through age five, preventing childhood obesity with a focus on children through age five, reducing and preventing childhood trauma, and reducing food insecurity. Nonprofit organizations and government agencies throughout the state may apply for grants ranging from $10,000 to $30,000. Online letters of inquiry may be submitted from February 1 through February 15, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website to review the guidelines for each funding priority and to learn more about the application process.



Federal Funding

Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Program Seeks to Increase Organ Donation

Department of Health and Human Services

The Increasing Organ Donation Awareness program provides support to reduce the gap between the demand for organ transplants and the supply of organ donors. The application deadline is February 12, 2018. 

Environmental Careers for Youth and Veterans Supported

Fish and Wildlife Service

The Natural Resource Conservation Careers Program provides support to develop introductory educational experiences in natural resource careers for young people and veterans. The application deadline is February 15, 2018.



PathFinder: Featured Resource

A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.


Grantsmanship Training Program

As January gets into full swing, you may be pondering your professional development goals for 2018. If you are interested in developing your grantwriting skills, the Grantsmanship Training Program may be just what you are looking for. Offered by the Grantsmanship Center, this week-long, in-person training program provides a comprehensive, in-depth experience that gives participants a solid grasp on the world of grants. Topics covered include creating a strong grant application, using a proposal model, researching funders, outlining measurable outcomes, and more. Upcoming sessions will take place in Los Angeles, Baton Rouge, Phoenix, and St. Louis.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings

Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,

are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

FREE The State of Grantseeking: The Report

Learn what over 4,000 organizational leaders just told us!

For Organizations:

What is a reasonable level of grant support you can expect to receive for your organization? These reports reflect on median awards by organizational budget, location, and mission - all benchmarks you can really use to establish your own grantseeking goals.

For Foundations:

Is your foundation truly meeting the needs of those you serve? Are you aware of the challenges faced by nonprofit organizations? The State of Grantseeking can help guide your mission to greater efficacy and return on your investment in philanthropy.

For Businesses:

Are your products and services what the nonprofit sector is looking for? Does your business solve or alleviate the issue confronting today's organizations? The State of Grantseeking Reports takes the pulse of nonprofit organizations across the United States and the globe.

This webinar will assist you in planning for 2018 and in managing the expectations of your stakeholders - board members, donors, and the community at large. While the webinar is chock-full of data, it also covers trends and free resources. We hope to see you there! This webinar will be held on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.          

Tracking In-Kind Contributions & Volunteers in QuickBooks (NEW)

Want to learn the ins and outs of in-kind contributions? Not sure what counts as in-kind and what doesn't? Join Gregg Bossen and David Webb for a QuickBooks Made Easy training on how to enter and track in-kind contributions and volunteer hours in QuickBooks. Topics covered include: what is an in-kind contribution; why in-kind contributions are important; which in-kind contributions should be included in your financial statements and tax returns; how to value in-kind contributions; what your responsibilities are for donor reporting; how to customize fields for tracking your volunteers in QuickBooks; and how to enter time for your volunteers based on type of work. There will be plenty of time for questions. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.

Cultivate Your Individual Donors

You can propel your grant request to the top of the pile by demonstrating strong local and regional support of your work. One of the best ways to do that is to show a successful individual donors program. In this webinar, Judi Margolin will help you create or enhance that essential relationship between nonprofit organizations and their donors. Aspects of the donor/recipient bond will be examined as they relate to various categories of the individual donors; your prospects, casual givers, major supporters, board members, and lapsed donors. The full range of donor relations will be explored, with highly practical advice on establishing, retaining, and enhancing individual contributions to your organization. This webinar will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2018.


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be

posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman

Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Employment Initiatives to Assist People with Disabilities

Cardiovascular Health Programs Funded

Grants Promote Economic Literacy Efforts

Local Green Space Projects Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Economic Mobility Initiatives in Bank Communities

Grants Enhance Health Literacy Efforts in Florida

Support for Education Programs for the Underserved in Washington, DC

Children's Health and Wellness Programs in New Hampshire Funded

Federal Funding

Program Seeks to Increase Organ Donation

Environmental Careers for Youth and Veterans Supported