GrantStation Insider: April 30, 2020

Volume XIX | Issue 17

COVID-19 | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


COVID-19 Related Funding
Opportunities Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

NDN Collective: COVID-19 Response Project
The NDN Collective's COVID-19 Response Project provides rapid response funding to established, Indigenous-led, community-based organizations and tribes throughout the U.S. Grants are available to support the following services and relief efforts: medical supplies, food delivery, youth and elder care, educational access, shelter and housing, economic relief, social-emotional support, cultural and spirit-aligned support, and access to accurate information. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through May 29, 2020.

Women's Foundation of Oregon: COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund
The COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund provides support to direct service organizations in Oregon who have shown their commitment to serving women, girls, and their families and communities (including trans communities), and/or are working on issues of gender oppression, and that are unlikely to receive funding through other response funds or avenues of support. These grants of up to $5,000 are intended for any emergent need related to COVID-19: general operating, making payroll, making up for lost funds due to a cancelled fundraising event, increased client services, etc. Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Arc of Illinois: COVID-19 DD Relief Fund
Through the COVID-19 DD Relief Fund, the Arc of Illinois is accepting applications for time-limited demonstration projects to help providers in Illinois to fill gaps in services that people with developmental disabilities and families are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This opportunity is open to community-based organizations that provide support to people with developmental disabilities who have been affected by the statewide coronavirus response. There is a total of up to $150,000 available for mini-grants of up to $10,000 each. Applications will be accepted until normal services are resumed or funds are all allocated.

For more grant opportunities, visit our COVID-19 Related Funding page.



National Funding
Opportunities Throughout the U.S.

Support for Citizen Education and Voter Participation Efforts
The Herb Block Foundation: Encouraging Citizen Involvement

The Herb Block Foundation is committed to defending the basic freedoms guaranteed all Americans, combating all forms of discrimination and prejudice, and improving the conditions of the poor and underprivileged. Through the Encouraging Citizen Involvement grant program, the Foundation seeks to ensure a responsible, responsive democratic government. The focus is on projects that promote citizen education and greater voter participation in the electoral process. All projects must be nonpartisan and may not involve lobbying for specific legislation or candidates. Nonprofit organizations throughout the United States are eligible to apply. The deadline for letters of inquiry is June 4, 2020; invited proposals must be submitted by August 6, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the application procedure.

Programs Addressing Challenges for Service Members and Families Funded
Infinite Hero Foundation

The mission of the Infinite Hero Foundation is to combat the most difficult front-line issues—mental and physical—facing returning military heroes and their families. The Foundation provides grants of up to $100,000 to nonprofit organizations offering innovative and effective programs or treatments to active duty service members, veterans, and/or military families for service-related mental and physical injuries. Grants must be applied directly to program costs and cannot be used for fundraising or administrative overhead. Letters of interest are due July 1, 2020; invited grant applications must be submitted by September 15, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the grant program.

Grants Promote the Dissemination of Information on Children's Needs
American Legion Child Welfare Foundation

The mission of the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation is to provide nonprofit organizations with a means to educate the public about the needs of children across the United States. The Foundation supports organizations that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of children through the dissemination of information about new and innovative programs designed to benefit youth, or through the dissemination of information already possessed by well-established organizations. Grant requests should have the potential to help American children in a broad geographic area (more than one state). The application deadline is July 15, 2020. Grant application guidelines are available on the Foundation's website.

Initiatives Benefiting LGBTQ+ Youth Supported
WayOUT Grants

WayOUT seeks to change what it means to grow up as a gender or sexual minority in America. WayOUT Grants support nonprofit organizations whose mission is related to the safety and advocacy of LGBTQ+ youth within their communities. These grants, ranging from $5,000 to $75,000, are provided to organizations that address issues such as suicide prevention, transgender support and services, homelessness, LGBTQ+ competent healthcare and HIV/AIDS services, mentorship and continuing education, self-esteem building, promotion of healthy behaviors and emotional health supports, etc. Although applications from all across the country are encouraged, preference will be given to organizations in states with laws that impact access to safety and well-being for LGBTQ+ youth and where resources are not readily accessible. The application deadline is May 15, 2020. Visit the WayOUT website to download the information sheet and submit an online application.



Regional Funding
Opportunities for Specific Areas

Funds for Organizations Improving the Lives of Colorado's Seniors
NextFifty Initiative: General Funding Grants

NextFifty Initiative is dedicated to funding mission-driven, innovative programs that improve community services for those age 50 and older, including adults with disabilities, and their caretakers. General Funding grants are provided to nonprofit organizations and government agencies that are working to improve the lives of the current aging population and dedicated to crafting an exciting future for aging. (At least 80% of funded programs must directly serve the people of Colorado.) NextFifty Initiative is also interested in projects that target the most vulnerable in the aging sector, including low-income individuals, ethnic and racial minorities, the homeless, and LGBTQ communities. The upcoming General Funding grant cycle will be open from June 15 to July 31, 2020. (NextFifty is also currently offering support through the Census 2020 Outreach Fund and the COVID-19 Response Fund. Applications for both of these funds will be reviewed on a rolling basis.) Visit the NextFifty Initiative website to learn more about these three grant opportunities.

Grants Boost Legal Services and Redevelopment Initiatives for South Carolinians
South Carolina Bar Foundation

The South Carolina Bar Foundation is requesting proposals for a special grant program established as a result of a settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and Bank of America in a mortgage fraud suit. Grants will be provided to nonprofit organizations in South Carolina that offer legal services relating to foreclosure prevention and/or community redevelopment benefiting low-income South Carolina residents. All applicants must be nonprofit organizations and must either provide legal services or partner with an organization that provides such services. The application deadline is May 29, 2020. Visit the Foundation's website to download the request for proposals.

Support for Youth and Family Programs in Company Communities in 47 States
Big Lots Foundation

The Big Lots Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that improve the lives of families and children in the communities the company serves throughout the United States, with the exception of Alaska, Hawaii, and South Dakota. The Foundation's areas of interest include hunger, housing, healthcare, and education. Support is provided in the form of monetary gifts, gift cards, and merchandise in-kind. In addition, Big Lots associates volunteer thousands of hours in local communities. Requests are reviewed two times per year; the upcoming application deadline is July 1, 2020. Visit the company's website to review the funding guidelines and submit an online request.

Initiatives Improving the Quality of Life for Texans Funded
The Meadows Foundation

The Meadows Foundation is dedicated to helping the people and institutions of Texas improve the quality and circumstances of life for themselves and future generations. The Foundation provides grants throughout the state of Texas, but generally allocates between one-third and one-half of its grants to organizations helping those in the Dallas area. Grants are provided in the following five categories: arts and culture, civic and public affairs, education, health, and human services. The Foundation currently gives priority to three initiatives: improving public education, increasing access to mental health services, and protecting the natural environment. Grant applications may be submitted throughout the year. Visit the Foundation's website to review the grant strategy and application guidelines.



Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. Government

Program Helps Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets
Department of Justice

The Emergency Transitional Pet Shelter Housing and Assistance Grant Program supports shelter and transitional housing services to victims of domestic violence and their companion animals. The Program's objectives are to increase the number of shelter beds and transitional housing options to meet the needs of victims of domestic violence who need shelter or housing for them and their companion animals, and to provide training to local stakeholders on the link between domestic violence and the abuse and neglect of companion animals, the needs of victims of domestic violence, best practices for providing or referring support services to such victims, and best practices in designing and delivering services that protect victims' confidentiality. The application deadline is May 29, 2020.

Fire Prevention Efforts Supported
Department of Homeland Security

The Fire Prevention and Safety Grants program supports projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards. The primary goal is to reduce injury and prevent death among high-risk populations. Program categories include community risk reduction, wildfire risk reduction, code enforcement and awareness, fire and arson investigation, and national, state, and regional programs and studies. The application deadline is May 29, 2020.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Remote Staff: How to Develop a Highly Effective Nonprofit Staff by Promoting High Responsibility and High Freedom
Has your organization recently transitioned to an online work environment? If so, you may want to participate in CharityHowTo's upcoming webinar, "Remote Staff: How to Develop a Highly Effective Nonprofit Staff by Promoting High Responsibility and High Freedom." This webinar focuses on concrete actions to take in order to foster a successful remote nonprofit workforce for an organization. It will be held on Monday, May 18, and Thursday, May 28, 2020.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Building the "Total Value" Proposal Budget: A Step-by-Step Framework (NEW)
An A+ proposal budget provides an honest, complete, and clear picture of the total value of everything it takes to do our work successfully. It also stands as an invaluable management and evaluation tool when it comes to running the grant-funded program. So…how do we get there from here? That's the question Maryn Boess will explore in this down-to-earth, myth-busting session. Here is what you'll take away from this session: You'll understand the importance of taking a "total value" approach to budget-building, to clearly and compellingly show the value of everything it takes to do our work successfully. You'll learn why the form the grantmaker gives you is (almost always) the wrong tool for planning your budget—and what you can use instead. You'll have the chance to whip out your calculator and try your hand at thinking through some of the "total-value" challenges in our real-life scenario—some are pretty tricky! You'll get a behind-the-scenes view of how grantmakers evaluate your proposal budget and what your budget tells them about your organization. And we'll clear away the confusion around the value of volunteer time, accounting for "match," handling administrative/indirect costs, and other perennially perplexing budget issues. BONUS: In this session, you'll be introduced to GrantsMagic U's exclusive Master Budget Planning Checklist and Worksheet, a powerful planning tool to help you craft a budget that is comprehensive, realistic, and bullet-proof—and that will work for you, your organization, and your grantmaking partners. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2020.

Grant Reporting, and How to Set Up Your Next Ask (NEW)
The work doesn't stop once you've won a grant! Many funders require grantees to submit reports at regular intervals throughout the year. Not only does this mean more deadlines to keep track of, but submitting a good grant report also requires a solid strategy. Providing data isn't enough—and in this webinar, Alayna Buckner, CEO & Founder of Elevate, will show you how to plan for and put together a report that tells a compelling story and tees you up for your next ask. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a solid understanding of the anatomy of a solid grant report, including real examples; how to track and collect the stories and data you need, and who in your organization should be involved; what you are (and aren't) allowed to change from your original proposal, and what to do if things went off track; how to track reporting deadlines, and plan for reports throughout the year; and how reporting is different now in the era of coronavirus. This training is ideal for anyone new to fundraising and grantwriting for nonprofits. It's also helpful for grantwriting professionals looking for a refresher, volunteer grant reviewers, anyone interested in exploring a career in grantwriting, and those interested in learning a marketable fundraising skill. The webinar will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2020.

The Power of Visual Storytelling
In an age overflowing with technology and lives that move at 80 miles an hour throughout the day, what is it that will make your message stand out? Sharing stories. Research tells us that stories are remembered 22 times more often than facts alone. In this session, Lori L. Jacobwith will take you through the power of visual storytelling. You'll see examples of why sharing facts and stories is more powerful when combined with an image. You'll also learn what works and what doesn't when using visuals in your storytelling. During this presentation, you will learn (1) how much faster the brain processes visual vs. words; (2) four key factors for creating powerful visuals; and (3) what type of articles get 94% more views. This webinar will benefit fundraising and communication staff, especially staff making updates to websites and postings on social media. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, May 13, 2020.



GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation.

COVID-19 Related Funding
We understand the challenges being faced by nonprofits, educational organizations, and individuals across the globe. To help during this unprecedented time we have launched a COVID-19 Related Funding page. Plus, as a longstanding cloud company, we are fully resourced to serve our Members who may be focusing on grantseeking instead of event fundraising due to the growing needs in communities in the U.S. and abroad. As always, our staff is working diligently to provide you with high quality and accurate information about grantmakers across the globe.

Please know that GrantStation Members, as well as our partners and subscribers, are foremost in our minds.

The GS Team

Why is it so difficult to find the time to write and submit strong grant requests?
Do you prefer to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule? If so, GrantStation's Online Education option—the On Demand Course—is right for you! Our library of courses is growing all the time, and includes:

Have your priorities changed, or are you trying to acclimate to a work-from-home reality?

Try our FREE course: Creating Time. It's in the same format as our paid courses.

Funding Alerts
GrantStation shares database profiles of Local, National, Canadian, and International grantmakers with upcoming deadlines each week. Check out the current Funding Alerts for more grant opportunities!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Julie Kaufman
Copy Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

COVID-19 Related Funding

NDN Collective: COVID-19 Response Project

Women’s Foundation of Oregon: COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund

Arc of Illinois: COVID-19 DD Relief Fund

National Funding Opportunities

Support for Citizen Education and Voter Participation Efforts

Programs Addressing Challenges for Service Members and Families Funded

Grants Promote the Dissemination of Information on Children’s Needs 

Initiatives Benefiting LGBTQ+ Youth Supported

Regional Funding Opportunities

Funds for Organizations Improving the Lives of Colorado’s Seniors

Grants Boost Legal Services and Redevelopment Initiatives for South Carolinians

Support for Youth and Family Programs in Company Communities in 47 States

Initiatives Improving the Quality of Life for Texans Funded

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Helps Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets

Fire Prevention Efforts Supported