GrantStation International Insider - March 2020

International Insider
Volume XII | Issue 2

International | Regional | Government | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe



International Funding Opportunities

Outstanding Educators Honored
McGraw Prize in Education

The McGraw Prize in Education, administered by the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, celebrates innovation in education by recognizing outstanding individuals worldwide who have dedicated themselves to improving education and whose accomplishments are making a difference today. The Prize honors individuals and their efforts to elevate human potential in education in three categories: pre-K-12 education, higher education, and learning science research. All categories are open to both domestic (U.S.) and international nominations. Each honoree receives an award of $50,000 and a Prize sculpture. The nomination window closes on April 15, 2020. Visit the McGraw Prize in Education website to submit the 2020 Nomination Form.

Support for Storytelling on Tropical Rainforests
National Geographic Society: Stories of Tropical Rainforests

The National Geographic Society's Stories of Tropical Rainforests request for proposals supports storytelling projects that highlight ecosystem-scale stories and solutions-oriented attempts to mitigate or reverse human impacts around tropical rainforests. Potential story angles may include connected impacts in cities and farming communities, indigenous peoples and traditional community voices, and solutions and resilience. Eligible applicants consist of journalists and storytellers (photo, film, text, maps, data visualization); social media influencers and content creators looking to highlight traditional and indigenous knowledge on their channels; and indigenous youth aiming to expand their storytelling on YouTube and Instagram. Priority is given to projects led by journalists and storytellers from countries within the relevant regions (Amazon River basin, Congo River basin, and rainforests in southeast Asia). Letters of intent must be submitted online by April 15, 2020. Visit the National Geographic Society’s website to access the RFP in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or Bahasa Indonesia.

HIV-Related Initiatives Supported
ViiV Healthcare: Positive Action

ViiV Healthcare's Positive Action program works towards achieving healthy communities in a world free of AIDS. Funding is provided in the following categories: Positive Action Challenges, open to applicants worldwide, seek to find innovative solutions to a particular issue or challenge. The focus for 2020 is on designing or scaling up a community or peer-led initiative or program that aims to provide comprehensive, innovative, and accessible harm reduction services at the community level for people who inject drugs. Challenge applications will be accepted from March 16 through April 17, 2020. The Community Strategic Initiative has two types of grants. Innovator Grants fund novel or innovative interventions at the community level. The current focus is on addressing HIV self-stigma (global call) and HIV-related stigma in the Middle East and North Africa (limited to countries in MENA). Applications for Innovator Grants will be open from April 13 to May 24, 2020. Momentum Grants are focused on advancing existing, evidence-based interventions to enable sustainable scale up. This year’s theme is addressing HIV in teenage mothers and their children in selected African countries. The application period for Momentum Grants is from June 29 to August 9, 2020. Visit ViiV Healthcare’s website to learn more about each grant type.

Awards Recognize Individuals Solving Global Challenges
Rolex Awards for Enterprise

The Rolex Awards for Enterprise, part of Rolex's Perpetual Planet initiative, support individuals seeking solutions to humankind’s most pressing challenges. The Awards are open to anyone 18 and over, whose pioneering project expands knowledge of the world and improves the quality of life on the planet. Candidates can apply in five areas: science and health, applied technology, exploration, cultural heritage, and the environment. Applications must be submitted online by April 15, 2020. Visit to review the FAQs and to start the online application process by creating an account.



Regional Funding Opportunities

Travel Support Available to African Arts Professionals
Art Moves Africa

Art Moves Africa (AMA) is an international nonprofit organization which aims to facilitate cultural and artistic exchanges within the African continent. AMA offers travel funds to artists, arts professionals, and cultural operators living and working in Africa to travel within the African continent in order to engage in the exchange of information, the enhancement of skills, the development of informal networks, and the pursuit of cooperation. Supported artistic fields include theater, dance, storytelling, music, visual arts, film, literature, and multidisciplinary arts. Grantees receive a round-trip flight ticket to participate in the following types of projects and events: meetings, conferences, lectures, and symposia; workshops and master classes; residencies; research trips; creation or production of new works; small-scale performances and tours; exhibitions; and festivals, biennales, and art fairs. The remaining application deadlines for this year are May 1 and September 1, 2020. Visit the AMA website to download the application guidelines and form.

Challenge Addresses the Crisis in Venezuela and Neighboring Countries
JuntosEsMejor Challenge (BetterTogether Challenge)

The JuntosEsMejor Challenge (BetterTogether Challenge) is a global initiative of USAID and the Inter-American Development Bank that seeks to crowdsource, fund, and scale innovative solutions from Venezuelans, wherever they are, and innovators worldwide to support Venezuelans and host communities affected by the migration. The Challenge seeks solutions in the following focus areas: People, defined as solutions to help develop skills and networks, and promote social cohesion and peaceful community relationships; Services, with a focus on improving the delivery of services such as education, health, energy, connectivity, and others; Productivity, or solutions that build livelihoods and improve access to products essential to daily life; and Finance, defined as solutions that improve the access to, and transfer of, cash and capital. Solutions should be implemented in one or more of the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, or Venezuela. Support is provided in the form of grants, loans, or equity investments. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the Challenge website to download the Annual Program Statement and Fact Sheet and to complete the self-evaluation checklist.

Funds for Groups Promoting Gender Rights and Environmental Justice
Mama Cash

Mama Cash is an international fund that supports women’s, girls’, trans, and intersex people’s movements around the world, with the exception of the United States and Canada. For the 2020 grantmaking window, Mama Cash will support groups working on the nexus of women’s, girls’, trans, and intersex people’s rights and environmental justice. Examples include groups that address the exclusion of indigenous women from decision-making over their land and groups that fight for their right to water, food, and a clean, safe, and healthy environment. Mama Cash offers core support grants, which can also include support for specific programs, projects, or initiatives. Funding is provided to informal, unregistered groups of activists, or networks or coalitions of organizations that are self-led by the women, girls, trans people, and/or intersex communities that they serve, and that have an annual budget below €200,000. Letters of interest must be submitted by March 31, 2020. Learn more about the 2020 grantmaking window by visiting the Mama Cash website.

Award Recognizes Organizations Working in Latin America and the Caribbean
Inter-American Development Bank: JK VISIONARIES

The Inter-American Development Bank’s JK VISIONARIES award recognizes extraordinary organizations that are working in innovative and effective ways to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. The award is open to non-governmental organizations from member countries of the Bank that are leaders in improving lives, strengthening citizen participation, fostering equitable societies. and promoting social inclusion, with over five years on game-changing projects with proven results. The winning organization will receive $100,000 in recognition of its work and to encourage its initiative and ongoing efforts to change the lives of the region’s people for the better. A second prize of $50,000 and third and fourth prizes of $25,000 each will also be awarded. Submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2020. Visit the Bank’s website to review the call for proposals in English or Spanish.



Government Funding Opportunities

Funding Available to Improve Air Quality in Central Asia
Department of State

The Building Air Quality Management Capacity in Central Asia project intends to strengthen regulatory and monitoring capacity of government actors and expand awareness of air quality issues among decision-makers and the general public in at least one Central Asian country. Countries eligible for funding under this award include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The deadline to apply is April 20, 2020.

Grants Build the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions in Iraq
Department of State

The program entitled Support to American-Style Higher Education will provide multiple awards to support American-style higher education programs in Iraq. The objectives of these awards will be to build and increase the institutional capacity of institutions of higher education (IHE) in Iraq, and to enhance partnerships with U.S. and regional IHE for the purposes of research, exchange, and curriculum and pedagogic development, to include faculty exchanges. The closing date for applications is March 31, 2020.



PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional.

Generosity in Canada and the United States: The 2019 Generosity Index
If you are looking to keep up with the latest trends in individual giving, the report entitled Generosity in Canada and the United States: The 2019 Generosity Index may provide some insights. Published by the Fraser Institute, this report measures private monetary generosity using data from personal income tax returns in Canada and the United States.



Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Organization Evaluation (NEW)
Nonprofits need to focus on more than mission-specific activities to build a strong organization that can continue to serve over time. This webinar, presented by Mindy Muller, provides the opportunity for leaders to consider how to measure the health of their organizations and plan for long-term sustainability. Participants will complete Community Development Professional's Organization Evaluation Tool to get an assessment of the health of their nonprofit in the six areas of Legalities, Board Governance, Image Management, Resource Development, Strategic Planning, and Program Impact. This webinar then covers those six components and offers participants the opportunity to identify next steps to strengthen the health of their organization. Participants will leave this webinar with an understanding of their organization's key strengths and areas of weakness and be ready to take strategic actions to strengthen the organization. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.

LIVE Workshop: Powerful Presentations—Design and Deliver Presentations for Maximum Impact
"I am looking for tools and tricks for making complicated data and information look exciting and compelling for a range of audiences." "My biggest goal is to disseminate our findings more widely with staff, which means learning how to communicate data to folks who often don't consider themselves 'data people.'" "I am struggling with how to make my slides less text-driven." Does this sound familiar? If so, our Powerful Presentations online workshop may be for you. Do you need to communicate data in a variety of formats, from full-length reports, to one-pagers, to infographics, to live presentations with slides? In this 90-minute training, Ann K. Emery will go over a dozen techniques for delivering effective data presentations. You will learn how to avoid Death by PowerPoint, craft your presentation's takeaway points so that your key findings stick, include a variety of visuals to make your content more memorable, color-code your content so that your audience knows when a new segment is beginning, and storyboard your slides to hold your audience's attention. You'll also learn how to improve your presentation's accessibility. The webinar will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2020.

How to Build Relationships With New Donors (NEW)
Relationships are the life-blood of the charitable sector. It doesn't really matter what segment of the market you work in (individuals, foundations, corporate giving, or even online fundraising). A successful and long-lasting donor partnership almost always boils down to a few key ingredients: a basic alignment of interest, engagement with the right stakeholder, ongoing cultivation/stewardship, and—of course—a well-timed "ask." This webinar will show you how to develop your "prospect pipeline," bring new donors to the table, and enable repeat giving. Participants will learn how to assess the alignment of a prospect, develop an optimal outreach strategy for each prospect, engage effectively with their prospects over time, and recognize and steward donors to enable long-term giving. This webinar is targeted towards beginner to intermediate-level grantwriters, major gift officers, executive directors, board members, and prospect researchers. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.



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Funding Alerts
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Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

Global Funding Opportunities

Outstanding Educators Honored

Support for Storytelling on Tropical Rainforests

Funding Aims to Elevate the Status of LGBTI Communities

Awards Recognize Individuals Solving Global Challenges

Regional Funding Opportunities

Travel Support Available to African Arts Professionals

Challenge Addresses the Crisis in Venezuela and Neighboring Countries

Funds for Groups Promoting Gender Rights and Environmental Justice

Award Recognizes Organizations Working in Latin America and the Caribbean

Government Funding Opportunities

Funding Available to Improve Air Quality in Central Asia

Grants Build the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions in Iraq