GrantStation International Insider - September 2022

GrantStation international Insider
Volume XIII | Issue 7

Special Funding Opportunities | Global | Regional | Government | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe



Special Funding Opportunities


Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.


Global Funding Opportunities

Prize Facilitates the Development of Sustainable Food Systems Solutions
Food Planet Prize

The Food Planet Prize, handed out by the Curt Bergfors Foundation, awards initiatives that solve the dilemma of feeding a growing population while saving a planet in peril. Every year, two winners receive $2 million each to speed up and broaden the application of their ideas. The Prize welcomes a broad range of solutions from all over the world, as long as they can help shift to sustainable food systems within this decade. Nominated initiatives can be science-based or derived from practice, industrial or crafts-based, entrepreneurial or institutional, behavioral or high-tech. They can have a hyper-local or global application and everything in between. Eligible nominees include individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses fully committed to sustainable food or specific projects implemented by other companies and institutions. The Food Planet Prize accepts nominations all year round; however, for the 2023 award, nominations are encouraged to be submitted by September 30, 2022. Visit the Food Planet Prize website to nominate your own initiative or someone else's.

Reproductive Healthcare Initiatives Funded
The Lalor Foundation: Anna Lalor Burdick Program

The mission of the Lalor Foundation is to promote reproductive health through research and innovation. Through the Anna Lalor Burdick Program, the Foundation funds initiatives that bring women information and access to reproductive healthcare, contraception, and pregnancy termination in order to help broaden and enhance their options in life. Funded programs should have a comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health education that includes unbiased information on all options, include novel ideas or innovative methods of delivering information, and, if successful, be exemplars for replication and be economically sustainable. Priority is given to programs serving women who are disadvantaged by poverty, discrimination, geographic isolation, lack of comprehensive sex education, hostile public policy, or other factors leading to inadequate sexual and reproductive health. While projects may take place outside the U.S., funding is only available to nonprofit organizations based in the U.S. Concept papers are accepted twice a year; the upcoming deadline is November 1, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to review the application guidelines and access the online application when it opens one month prior to the deadline.

Fellowships Available to Journalists Covering Business and Economic Issues
Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Center for Business Journalism: McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism

The mission of the Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Center for Business Journalism at the City University of New York is to enhance the quality and depth of business and economic news coverage. The McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism provides experienced journalists with grants up to $15,000 and editorial support to produce deeply reported enterprise and investigative stories that delve into critical economic, financial, or business issues across a wide array of subjects. The Fellowship seeks projects that focus on important local or regional topics, as well as those that tackle compelling national or international stories or report on under-covered communities or issues. Proposals are accepted from both freelance and staff journalists in all forms of media, including text, audio, and short-form video, with priority given to proposals that combine formats to create a multimedia package. The Fellowship is open to anyone with at least five years of professional experience in journalism. International journalists, including both foreign and American journalists based abroad, may apply, as long as the supported work is of interest to U.S. readers and is published in English in a U.S.-based media outlet. The deadline to apply for Fall 2022 Fellowships is September 30, 2022. Additional Fellowship details are available on the McGraw Center for Business Journalism website.

Grants Aim to Reduce Mortality Resulting From Birth, Trauma, and Cardiac Arrest
Laerdal Foundation

The Laerdal Foundation funds practically oriented research to prevent needless deaths from sudden cardiac arrest and trauma, and during birth. The Foundation's 2022-2025 strategy areas consist of savings lives at birth; better reporting of data as a basis for improved care (Utstein Formula for Survival); promising hypothesis relating to updating of ILCOR guidelines for Emergency Cardiac Care and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; international and multicenter collaborations for improved education and implementation; implementation of the Global Resuscitation Alliance; and projects at or in collaboration with the SAFER simulation center in Stavanger. Two types of grants are currently available: Project Support grants fund practically oriented research projects within the Foundation's 2025 strategy. In the area of Saving Lives at Birth in Low-Resource Settings, funding supports practically oriented projects aimed at reducing maternal and newborn mortality. Priority is given to projects relating to interventions on the day of birth, including prevention of stillborn deaths, as well as innovative approaches to more efficient education and implementation, collaborative initiatives relating to scale-up of proven concepts, and projects taking place in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. The upcoming application deadline is October 1, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about both grant types.

Regional Funding Opportunities

Organizations Serving People with Type 1 Diabetes Funded
T1D Community Fund

The T1D Community Fund, an initiative of Panorama Global, supports community-based organizations working to improve the lives of people living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Grants of $25,000 to $40,000 per year for one to two years are awarded to community-based organizations supporting people living with T1D to gain access to high-quality treatment or other forms of medical, social, economic, or emotional care. The Fund provides 1) core support for direct-service organizations with a primary programmatic focus on T1D, or 2) program-specific support for T1D activities implemented by organizations with multiple programmatic focuses or a broader non-communicable disease strategy. Registered non-governmental organizations and charitable entities based in and serving an eligible LMIC are eligible to apply. Applications, including supporting materials, are due by September 23, 2022. The request for proposals may be downloaded from The T1D Community Fund webpage; the application may be completed online or in a downloadable form.

Grants Target Vulnerable Individuals in the U.K.
Leeds Building Society Foundation

The Leeds Building Society Foundation funds projects in the U.K. supporting those in need of a safe and secure home. Grants are provided for projects that fit within the following thematic areas: 1) sustainability, including fuel poverty, energy efficiency, and climate action; 2) health, including helping those with health needs with housing, adaptations, or advice; 3) financial stress, including help with bills or debt stress; 4) accessibility, including projects that reduce loneliness, provide supported living services, or adapt homes to make them safer for those with accessibility needs; 5) education and advice, including money management and advice services; and 6) security and refuge, including emergency accommodation. U.K. registered charities with a turnover of less than £1 million are eligible to apply. The upcoming application deadline is October 24, 2022. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the grant program.

Funds Aid Efforts to Document the War in Ukraine
Institute for Human Sciences: Documenting Ukraine

The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), an institute of advanced studies in the humanities and social sciences based in Austria, promotes intellectual exchange across disciplines, between academia and society, and among regions that now embrace the Global South and North. IWM's Documenting Ukraine program seeks to facilitate the work of creating a record of the war in Ukraine by supporting journalists, scholars, artists, public intellectuals, and archivists based in Ukraine as they work on documentation projects that establish and preserve a factual record, through reporting, gathering published source material, or collecting oral testimony, or bring meaning to events through artistic interpretation and intellectual reflection. One-time project grants of 5,000 euros will be awarded. The next round of grant applications will open at the beginning of September, with a deadline of September 30, 2022. Application guidelines, including examples of eligible activities, are available on the IWM website.

Awards Recognize Youth From Commonwealth Countries
Commonwealth Youth Awards

The Commonwealth Youth Awards aim to celebrate the contributions by young people from across the Commonwealth towards tackling global issues, improving lives, and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Young people aged 15 to 29 from the 56 Commonwealth countries can enter five regional categories: Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and Canada, and the Pacific. To be eligible, nominees must have been engaged in development work for at least 12 months as a professional or volunteer and show a strong track record of implementing impactful development work that contributes to one of the 17 SDGs. A small cash award is provided to the finalists (£1,000), regional award winners (a total of £3,000 each), and the Commonwealth Young Person of the Year (a total of £5,000). In addition, the Queen's Commonwealth Trust (QCT) has joined as a partner to offer to a selected applicant up to two years of funding of £20,000 a year, as well as coaching opportunities and organizational development support. To be eligible for the additional QCT prize, applicants must be aged 18 to 29 years old, and the founder or co-founder of a social enterprise. The deadline to submit an entry is October 17, 2022. Click on the links above to review the list of Commonwealth countries and SDGs, and visit The Commonwealth website to start the online entry process.

Government Funding Opportunities

Program Promotes Civic Engagement and Good Governance in Ethiopia

The purpose of the USAID/Ethiopia Civic Engagement Activity is to: 1) strengthen civic and community-based actors' capacity to engage in policy analysis, advocacy, dialogue, and collective action for peaceful, democratic change; and 2) foster multi-stakeholder civic partnerships in support of inclusive dialogue, respect for human rights, and advancing more effective, citizen-responsive, and accountable governance. Applications must be submitted by September 28, 2022.

Family Violence Prevention Efforts in Guyana Supported
UN Women

The UN Women Spotlight Initiative Guyana Call for Small Grants supports civil society and other nonprofit organizations in Guyana working on family violence and violence against women and girls. The Spotlight Initiative takes a comprehensive approach to addressing family violence through six pillars that focus on laws and policies, institutional strengthening, prevention, data, and the women's movement and civil society. Expressions of interest are currently being accepted for this call.


PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Ethical Storytelling for Nonprofits
Impactful storytelling is an essential component of any successful fundraising campaign. But how can nonprofit professionals share stories about those they serve in a respectful way? The article "Ethical Storytelling for Nonprofits" provides some helpful ideas. It discusses best practices for gathering and telling stories based on the author's experience of over six years of storytelling for nonprofits and being a documentary filmmaker.


Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

(FREE): The Quick-Start Guide to the One-Page Grant Proposal (NEW)
Have a good idea you'd love to turn into a great grant proposal, but not sure how? Join veteran grants pro and grantmaker Maryn Boess as she shares the ten simple, powerful "Magic Wand'' questions at the heart of every single grant proposal. These questions will transform your good ideas into clear, compelling, and fundable project plans—and jump-start your grants success. You'll be introduced to the simple but incredibly powerful one-page Magic Wand template that's won grants of $2,000, $30,000, $144,000, and much more for nonprofits like yours. The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022.

Image Management: Telling Your Story (NEW)
Storytelling is a powerful tool for nonprofit organizations. It can engage both the head and the heart of donors and volunteers, which means you can use it to build support for your organization. Your organization has many stories to tell. Whether it is about the people you serve, those doing the serving, or your mission, there are compelling, moving, inspirational, and call-to-action stories you need to share. Delivering these messages in a way that delivers consistent results can prove challenging. During this webinar, Mindy Muller will share tips on successful storytelling and explore how you can share the impact your organization has on your community and those you serve. You will learn surprising places to find compelling stories within your organization, a simple and effective formula for telling these stories, and how to deliver a call-to-action story that brings results. This session is perfect for anyone involved in communicating on behalf of their organization, including development staff, executive leadership, or board members who want to advance the work of their organization. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.

Build Capacity Through Strategic Planning (NEW)

Are you tired of the "spray and pray" approach to fundraising? Does your organization rely on the "throw it all out there and hope something sticks" method?
If your organization desires to consistently raise substantial funds, then you need a strategic plan. In this webinar, Marie Palacios, Lead Consultant at Funding for Good, will outline why every organization needs a well-crafted strategic plan and how to use it to leverage both dollars and donors. Marie will break down the top ways a strategic plan contributes to fundraising success and what donors are looking for in your written plan. You will walk away with actionable tips and tools to cover the cost of your next planning process.
In this webinar, you will learn why a well-crafted strategic plan is the greatest tool in an organization's fundraising toolkit, confirm why many donors request a copy of your strategic plan, discover what donors are looking for in your plan, explore strategic planning terms that increase your chances of funding, understand why many donors are willing to fund an organization's strategic planning process, learn how to leverage dollars to fund your next strategic planning process, and access a variety of free tools and templates to help your organization grow for good. The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022.


GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

An Introduction to Our Vice President of Operations, Juliet Vile

I joined GrantStation over six years ago, having previously worked for several education-focused nonprofits. In my time at GrantStation, I've been able to expand the types of nonprofits I work with and support organizations with amazing missions well outside of my experiences.

As Vice President of Operations, I manage two of our partner programs: the Membership Value Program (MVP) and the Premium Licensing Program (PLP). Our partner organizations participating in MVP are able to offer GrantStation to their members for a discounted rate, and our PLP partner organizations are able to include GrantStation database access as a member benefit. Both partner programs are designed to help increase the value and relevancy of an organization's membership.

In addition to the partner programs, I work to secure the legal and financial soundness of GrantStation and make sure GrantStation employees have a superior working environment. Our employees at GrantStation stay for a long time, something we are quite proud of. Please reach out anytime, especially if you want to talk about our partner programs.

Funding Alerts
Have you visited our homepage this week? Additional local, national, Canadian, and international funding opportunities are featured there weekly!


Information contained in the GrantStation International Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Ashlyn Simmons

National Funding Opportunities

Prize Facilitates the Development of Sustainable Food Systems Solutions

Reproductive Healthcare Initiatives Funded

Fellowships Available to Journalists Covering Business and Economic Issues

Grants Aim to Reduce Mortality Resulting From Birth, Trauma, and Cardiac Arrest

Regional Funding Opportunities 

Organizations Serving People with Type 1 Diabetes Funded

Grants Target Vulnerable Individuals in the U.K.

Funds Aid Efforts to Document the War in Ukraine

Awards Recognize Youth From Commonwealth Countries

Government Funding Opportunities

Program Promotes Civic Engagement and Good Governance in Ethiopia

Family Violence Prevention Efforts in Guyana Supported