2023 Winning Grant Proposal Scoring Rubric

2023 Winning Grant Proposal Rubric


Download the 2023 Scoring Guidelines





Needs Improvement


Organizational Description

The organization has a history of success in operating similar programs; The organization is strong and viable. The organization has operated similar programs with some success; The organization has adequate structure. The organization has operated similar programs with no evidence of success; The organization has weaknesses. The organization does not have a track record of operating similar programs; The organization has significant weaknesses.

Need/Problem Statement

The problem/need is clearly articulated with data that is local, relevant, and up-to-date; All sources of data are cited; The need is presented in a compelling manner. The problem/need is outlined with data that sufficiently identifies the problem; All sources of data are provided, but could be more up-to-date or better connected to the problem being addressed in the project. The problem/need is described with data, but not at a local level; Data sources are out-of-date or not relevant to the project; Not all sources are cited. The problem/need is not clearly articulated; Data sources are out-of-date and not relevant to the project; Sources are not cited.

Project Design/Approach

The plan is logical and will likely have a significant impact on the community/target population; The plan appears reasonable, scalable, and builds on other relevant work. The plan is likely to have an impact on the community/target population; The plan appears reasonable and scalable but does not build on other relevant work. The plan is likely to have a limited impact on the community/target population; The plan is not scalable nor does it build on other work. The plan is unlikely to have an impact on the community/target population; The plan does not have a logical approach or build on relevant work in the community.

Work Plan/Timeline

The project can be completed within the proposed timeline; The work plan is well detailed and developed.     The project can likely be completed within the proposed timeline; The work plan has sufficient information and details. It will be challenging to complete the project within the timeline; The work plan has gaps. It is unlikely that the project can be completed within the timeline; The work plan is nonexistent or not sufficiently detailed.


The partnerships create a unified vision; Collaboration, information, and resource sharing are maximized. The partnerships create a shared vision; Resources are shared. The partnerships create a limited shared vision or sharing of resources. The partnerships are not identified nor sufficient.

Project Goals and Objectives (AKA: Project Outcomes and Indicators)

The goals of the project are clearly described and visionary; The objectives are concrete and measurable; The goals and objectives will have a significant impact on the need/problem statement. The goals of the project are visionary; The objectives are concrete and measurable; The goals and objectives will have an impact on the need/problem statement. The goals are not visionary; The objectives are not concrete or measurable; The goals and objectives will have a limited impact  on the need/problem statement. The goals and objectives are nonexistent or unclear.

Evaluation/Assessment Plan

A practical, useful evaluation/assessment plan addressing the project's impact is described; Participant outcomes and planned activities will both be measured. An evaluation/assessment plan is provided but some components are unclear; Participant outcomes and planned activities will both be measured. An evaluation/assessment plan is only partially provided; Participant outcomes are not measured.  The evaluation/assessment plan is insufficient and unlikely to provide useful information on participant outcomes or planned activities.

Budget/Budget Narrative

The planned expenditures are clearly described in the plan; All costs are reasonable, covered,  and justified; Excellent use of resources. The planned expenditures logically support and are necessary for the planned actions. The planned expenditures might support the planned actions, but require more detail or justification The planned expenditures do not logically support the planned actions; Some costs are unnecessary. 


The proposal describes significant long-term impact beyond initial funding; There is a high likelihood of future implementation or impacts of the program. The proposal does describe sustainability of parts of the program.  The proposal provides a limited  or unclear sustainability plan.  The proposal does not discuss sustainability of the project.

Formatting and Writing Style

The writing is free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors; The style of writing facilitates understanding of the project; The narrative is compelling and engaging. The writing is largely free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors; The style of writing generally facilitates understanding of the project; The narrative is clear. The writing includes some grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that distract the reader; The style of writing is unclear; The narrative is confusing to follow. The writing contains numerous grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors; The style of writing does not facilitate understanding; The narrative is incoherent.



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